Belize - Gregory Faull, 52, shot to death, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, 11 Nov 2012

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I am really confused as to how revealing his previous disguises, in all their "creative" glory furthers his wish to

A) remain on the lamb


B) get the rest of the world to take his "plight" seriously

This all seems a lark to him. If he truly fears for his safety going to an american embassy or returning to the US would seem more prudent than taunting the very authorities he claims want him dead.
Things just get stranger and stranger - this is part of his latest post where he describes his latest "disguise".

He then goes on to describe how he sold wooden carvings to passers while using one disguise, and tamales etc. using yet another one.

Oh right, draw attention to yourself by not only wearing weird disguises outside your own home, but interact with people (including the police!) while not only disguised, but using different accents, including German!

JMO he is having fun with his stories about his disguises. I am doubting he shoved a whole tampon deep into his nostril. Ugh. His history with bath salts and his 'quest' to alter ingredients to make some super drug, well, I think the salts have eaten too much of his brain. Sounds like he is going mad, and it's substance-abuse driven.

Never used McAfee on any of my computers.

JMO he probably did kill the person he is accused of killing. Bath salts are wicked and have been responsible for many murders and also ppl killed by LE when they are acting insane. Like that guy who ate the homeless guy and police caught him red handed and he kept on eating and they had to shoot him to get him off the guy. The crazed guy died IIRC. The victim lived but is horribly disfigured. His face eaten off. Yuck- this is what we are seeing w/ McAffee, totally OFF behavior.

One of the reasons I was interested in this case, was because I had read an article by Jeff Wise who wrote about John McAfee BEFORE Greg Faull was killed. It was apparently written before the raid in the Spring of this year.

Jeff paints a picture of a very disturbed man, and makes reference to him being a compulsive liar (or possible psychopath).

I'd known John personally for five years, having first met him when I traveled to his ranch in rural New Mexico, an adventure-sports reporter who found him to be a genuinely charismatic entrepreneur and thrill-seeker. By now, though, I'd become convinced he was a compulsive liar if not an outright psychopath, albeit one whose life as a thrill-seeking serial entrepreneur was as entertaining for me to follow as it was amusing for him to perform.

Even before the murder, he thought everyone was out to kill him

McAfee was proudest of the way he'd responded to his would-be killers: He hired them. "Everyone who has tried to rob me, kill me, works for me now," he declared

According to Jeff Wise, he also lied about the financial crisis having almost wiped him out, because he was faced with a 5M law suit.

Towards the end of his visit, Jeff was so disturbed by JM’s actions, that he feared for his life. When JM requested another one-on-one meeting, he waited until he was safely back in the US before contacting him.

A moment later he paused and said, "I'm going to tell you the truth, for once." Then he seemed to get distracted, and made a phone call. The next day, he sent an e-mail inviting me to come back for another visit: He'd forgotten that he'd wanted to tell me that very important, he wrote, which he was only willing to impart in person. I had an eerie, inexplicable feeling that the thing he wanted to tell me was that he'd ordered my murder. I waited to call him until I was back in the States, and when he heard that I was already home, his tone was brusque: "I'm really not interested in chatting over the phone about things that are dear to my heart," he said.

Here is the full article – it makes for a fascinating read, in view of recent events…
It’s hard to separate fact from fiction in the whole account, but one thing is clear — seldom has there been more detailed coverage of someone on the lam since O.J. Simpson led police on a low-speed chase in 1994, and much of that detail is being provided by McAfee himself.

The Internet-savvy former tech-company founder has talked about his case with reporters via email, on cell phone calls from undisclosed locations, and now in his blog, ‘‘Who is McAfee? The official blog of John McAfee,’’ whose creation he announced Saturday in an interview with the AP.

‘‘Anyone who would like to read the blog and check out the references, will understand my reluctance to turn myself in,’’ he said, referring to his distrust of the Belizean government and particularly its Gang Suppression Unit, a quasi-military police squad. McAfee also described life on the run as ‘‘very fearful’’ and said it has ‘‘not been comfortable.’’

But in a blog post Monday, he described it in almost fanciful terms, describing how he donned a far-fetched disguise and watched as police searched his house and reporters gathered.
I have to admit, I felt a little sad when I read the following article. Generally, I haven’t had much sympathy for McAfee, but for a 65 year old man to be scaling balconies 20 feet off the ground, because he was (having hallucinations?) supposedly under attack! I think despite JM’s protestations, it does appear that drugs may be playing a part in all of this craziness, after all. But he must have genuinely felt threatened to take such action.

At 5:30 that morning, Chris Allnatt woke up to watch a soccer match and was astounded to find McAfee on his balcony. He opened the glass door and noticed that McAfee was lying in a pool of his own urine. His clothes were soaked. “What the *** are you doing here, John?” Allnatt said.

<snipped for brevity>

Allnatt returned to clean the urine off his balcony and discovered a small plastic bag of a gray powder hidden behind a pot near where McAfee was lying. Allnatt was sure it was drugs, which surprised him. McAfee has insisted that he has been sober since 1983 and has waged his own war on drugs in the small Belizean village of Carmelita.
btw, Chris A is a long time real estate agent who actually sold JM his house.

The following picture of McAfee with two gun toting goons, (same article as above, page 1), almost looks laughable, if it were not for the fact that a man has lost his life, and probably because he had the misfortune to live next door to gun loving gangsters, out of control dogs and a dangerously irrational man. He didn't deserve to die. I don’t know who killed Greg Faulls, but IMO I don’t think they have to look further than next door.
John McAfee's personal blog where he has been blogging live while on the run has just now posted an update...the blog is administered by the cartoonist Chad Essely who is writing John's biography for him, they are long time close friends.

I have had the pleasure of meeting and knowing John for some years now and this whole thing saddens me. I am afraid I know what has happened here and if any of you have followed this case closely enough you may see it also. It is best summed up by this comment, the poster is anonymous but seems to know and see things much in the same way I know and see how things are and have unfolded for John since his move to Belize...

Hi John,

I have been reading about your plight and asked Karen if I could get your email address to try to give you my point of view. I lived in Belize for 12 years, full time, with no other gringos around, and built a resort on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean without much help, so maybe you should listen to some of my advice for you. First of all, you are misinterpreting Belize. Nobody wants to kill you. You are worth more to everyone alive than dead. Belizean politicians are all money hungry and that is what they want. You made a huge mistake when you came to Belize by not laying low and being very low key. You gave away a bunch of money to the Coast Guard, bought police supplies, etc. and that is translated into their language as a guilty person, probably a narcotrafficker, trying to buy them off. It would have been perfect if you were a narcotrafficker and they would have let you keep doing that if you were and they would even have helped you in any way that they could. But you confused the issue by NOT giving to the party in power and then opening up your lab in the jungle and hiring gangsters to give you security. That sent very conflicting signals to them. They saw you as a narcotrafficker who was setting up shop right in front of their eyes and who did not want to play by the rules. They had to nail you at that point because you had paid them off before but were no longer paying them off, and you were definitely looking very suspicious to them.

Belizeans do not understand the concept of innocence. We are all guilty of something and they are less hypocritical about things than you are. They go straight to the heart of the matter and get down to business. If it walks like a duck and quacks like one, then it must be one. So you got the reputation right off the bat and then tried to pull a fast one in their mind by not paying off properly. In the US you had to pay off the IRS and lots of lawyers all the time just to stay safe. In Belize you will have to pay off two or three high ranking politicians and you can bargain with them. That is the beauty of Belize. If you come into the scene with lots of money and act rich, they will make you pay. What you actually should have done when you got to Belize is tell them that you wanted a bunch of government land titled over to you and also that you were going to be setting up a drug lab and that you needed protection. THEN hand over the money to them for their Coast Guard and police AFTER they give you something, Right off the bat they took you for a pendejo because you did not ask for anything in return. Then they figured that you got ballsy with them by setting things up on your own and not asking them for help and not paying them. That is the psychology of Belize, my friend.

The other thing that I would like to point out is that 30-40% of Belizean males smoke marijuana regularly and possibly 5-10% smoke rock cocaine regularly. The system is in place so that the marijuana grows down in Punta Gorda area and comes in imported from Peten, Guatemala and the coke comes from Colombian boats passing product through Belize to Mexico. This system benefits the country tremendously because it brings lots of cash to the country that would otherwise not be there. The drugs corridor of Belize is untouchable by both political parties and big players work and live in Belize and are full blooded Belizeans. In a way, they are the folk heroes of Belize, who every Belizean looks up to and wants to be like. How could you have confused everything out of all proportion by going against the entire culture? You are a guest in their country, John, and you must be brought to your senses. They are not going to get a paycheck from you to not sell drugs or to not do shady deals all their lives. You will come and go like the wind, but the drugs corridor has been paying off for almost 40 years now. Stop acting like a deranged republican and get with the program.

Lastly, your ways out are few now. I think your girlfriend hit the other gringo or, most likely, one of your bodyguards who was a gang banger probably did it thinking it would impress you and get you to pay him extra. That happened to me once out on the caye when we were building the resort. I had gotten into an argument with one of the workers and demoted him and he was going behind my back saying stupid things. So, while I was not on island, another worker decided to kill him, chop up his body with a machete, and burn the body to ashes. When I got back, I was told that he had gotten rid of the problem and I was showed the ashes. The dead worker was definitely dead and I was in a big problem because this guy was trying to extort me, saying that I had wanted it done. I got rid of him and kept to the shadows for a while and he eventually had to take off back to Honduras when the heat fell on him, but I will never forget his thought process and how much it resembles what may be happening to you.

But to get to the point, your two ways out that I can see are: 1. I have a friend with an ultralight who would fly it to a bush runway for you and he might let you take off to Guatemala in it if you wished and if he were properly reimbursed (reasonable, nothing extravagent). 2. I have another friend who is the brother to the current Minister of National Security and who can talk to his brother about terms for you to surrender. They will want money and so will the prime minister but as long as it was done properly, they would put you under their protection and make sure that no harm came to you. Then it would just be a matter of getting you a good lawyer (I would recommend Barrow&#8217;s ex-wife who takes all the high profile cases) and you would be out fairly quickly. I do not know how much the main players want. It probably depends on if you set up offshore trusts in Belize or some offshore accounts there that could be traced back to you. If you did that, then you can be sure that Barrow knows about them and how much you have and that number will be the upper limit where they start their negotiations from. You can bargain from there, but they have all the advantages over you in that process.

So, if you need any more advice or you actually do need some help in resolving your issues, feel free to contact me. I am not in any way associated with the Belizean government and I could not care less if they are all after you. It is a pirate&#8217;s game and you are in check right now and about to be checkmated. If you want to save your queen, then you need to shift your strategy. Reread The Art Of War and put things into the context of your current position. I do not mind being an ally in this, but I will want some publishing rights or something of that nature in the future if things work out for you in the future.

It is worth noting that the MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL LOS ZETAS has a DRUG ROUTE CORRIDOR that RUNS DIRECTLY PAST JOHNS 2 estates in Belize and John has spoken out loudly against them and their connections to high ranking Belizian politicians including the PM. Not long after John went public with his complaints, his troubles started, coming to a head with the murder of his next door neighbor 2 weeks ago after John's dogs were found poisoned. John claims he is being framed, that he is innocent and has been on the run since the day after. Several months before the murder Johns estates were both raided by the military arm of the Belize police and although they FOUND NOTHING AT ALL and filed no charges against him, his life has been hell since that day and it all started when John began to speak out about corruption, crime and politics in Belize.


Here is todays update from John's personal blog, if you are interested in HIS SIDE OF THIS STORY go to the FIRST POST in this blog called INTRODUCTION and start reading all of the posts through today, I think there are about 30 posts total and it is a short and easy read but one will quickly get the idea that John is not a whacked out crazy guy but is in fact a very well spoken and intelligent man who is being GANG STALKED and FRAMED because he has decided to go against the very corrupt and criminal enterprise known as the government of Belize.

Todays latest Blog update from


Date: December 1, 2012 at 6:57 pm- by News- Posted in McAfee Files- Comment(s): 40
We have received an unconfirmed report that John McAfee has been captured at the border of Belize and Mexico.

More information as it is received.

Posted by Chad Essely

I just received an anonymous phone call saying John was captured, and the person calling, with a Hispanic sounding accent said he himself barely escaped. Will comment if I hear anything more.

BTW those who may be confused about John setting up a LAB in the jungle, he did indeed do that, they confused it for him making drugs there, they said it was METH but the raid showed no drugs and John and the chemist and dr who worked for him said they were simply studying medicinal jungle plants and they had found a way to create a anti bacterial spray that would cut down in the spread of infection, John was also interested in trying to find the female version of Viagra, but keep in mind he was NOT making, selling or using illegal drugs in any way, shape or form, John has been sober and drug and booze free for 18 years, he doesnt even drink and he had donated large amounts of money and time to the local PD to help clean up crime in the community which is largely what got the attention of some powerful people, themselves criminals and narcotraffikers and that is when his life took a turn for the worse, coming to a head with these latest events.
I thought this was a nice insightful look at the real John McAfee, the man that I met and came to know over many years working for a law firm he employed at one time, this is the real Mr McAfee, as those close to him know him, smart, witty, insightful and always rebellious. John was and is and will always remain, just a regular guy, he is more like a 12 year old than a man nearing 70, young at heart and fresh in spirit:

SALEM, Va.-John D. McAfee, the founder of McAfee, Inc. which developed the world's first computer virus scanner, was the keynote speaker at Roanoke College's commencement ceremony where a record 421 graduates received degrees.

Following is a transcript of McAfee's speech.

Thank you, Dr. Maxey, for that optimistic description of myself.

Congratulations, Class of 2008. Congratulations, Jake. Congratulations, Megan.

I watched your faces as you walked in and you were 100 percent glowing with anticipation, relief. I saw a few doubts, and maybe some of you did not finish your term paper, and you're afraid they may find out before you actually get up here, but beyond that, this is a marvelous time in your life.

I came prepared with an address. I thought it was marvelous, and yesterday I tore it up. I tore it up because my good friend Richard Cornett listened to me as I read it to him. I was convinced that 100 years from now they would be circulating this address as the premier example of the perfect public address. Richard's comment was, "well &#8230; impersonal, abstract and boring." And indeed it was. He told me that I needed to relate it to my own experience. And that's quite true. I knew that &#8230; any good public speaker knows that.

Yet my personal experience, from a standpoint of giving direction to a college graduating class, seemed like a radical guideline to me.

We could begin with my work ethic. Work has never appealed to me, and the bulk of my career was spent avoiding it. My rhythm was working until I had saved enough money to travel the world for a year or two. Then I would quit and travel the world. Wherever I ended up, when I ran out of money, I would get another job. As a consequence, the longest I ever held a position was three years, and that was while I was at McAfee. And my average position lasted about 18 months.

It would be nice to say that after I achieved a degree of financial success, that my habits changed, but that was not the case. After three years at McAfee, I had had enough. I hired an executive to replace me, resigned, spent two years on the road, and never went back.

Later I become frustrated with e-mail's lack of flexibility so I developed instant messaging. Tribal Voice was the result. Two years later, I sold that company and hit the road yet one more time.

So, my work ethic is not something a sane person could use as a sound basis for advice.

My persona as it relates to the business world fares no better. Today, for the first time in 23 years, I am wearing a suit. I am doing this not so I can fit in but so that I do not cause embarrassment to my host. Since I graduated from this school 41 years ago, I can count on my fingers the number of times I have worn a suit.

My business attire is a T-shirt and blue jeans. If I am in warmer climates, it's tank tops and shorts. I favor sandals for footwear. I am tattooed from my shoulder to my waist and down both of my arms-and it's not the happy Mom-type of tattoos. I have, more than once, been denied entrance by security people to affairs at which I was the keynote speaker. Had Dr. Maxey known this prior to my invitation, someone else might be speaking to you today.

So I would have difficulty finding some aspect of my business persona that might in any way benefit you. And my business methodology is, sadly to say, nothing to recommend. I have never developed a business plan. I have never created a sales forecast, a competitive analysis, a marketing analysis or a product development schedule. It's not that I don't know how to do these things; it's just that they seem to me to be superfluous to the process of building a product and making money from it. I never had a staff meeting or formed a committee. In my companies' structures, I have never had a marketing division or a sales division, or a single marketing or sales employee.

When I left McAfee, the company was valued at half a billion dollars, and it didn't have a single salesman or marketeer or a secretary for that matter. I have a number of times spoken to Stanford's business school students, and while the students seemed somewhat interested in my ramblings, the professors generally appeared to be in shock. So I suspect that my business methodology is something that I should not advise you to follow. But if I am honest, I do have to say the following.

The success of my anti-virus venture rested solely on my abandoning the norms of the accepted business practices of the time. If any of you have studied the history of software development, you will have discovered that in the mid-1980s every software company was obsessed with how to prevent users from copying their software and using it without paying for it.

That seemed like an absurd occupation to me. So I came up with a new idea and decided to distribute my software for free. And even added a headline in the opening page that read: Please, steal this software.

The software became a world standard overnight. The money came by charging for upgrades to an existing user base of 30 million, who paid nothing to become users, but who paid yearly fees ever after to remain users. This distribution practice was later called freeware, and it became an integral part of the software world's business model.

My other ventures all shared some departure from the norm. This doesn't mean that if you develop a cavalier attitude toward work, tattoo yourself from head-to-toe and abandon all accepted business practices, you will be successful in business or in any other aspect of your life. I would not, in fact, recommend any of the above.

But, questioning the authority of accepted ideas is not always a bad thing-whether these ideas relate to business, culture, relationships or even religious beliefs. I might go further and say that questioning all authority might not be a bad thing. You may not be aware that you submit to authority, but you do. You submit to the authority of fashion, the authority of your cultural icons and the authority of your religion. The authority of your own knowledge-an authority, by the way, that has been greatly increased during these past few years-is probably your greatest authority.

Even if you are a rebel, and I hope, by the way, there are many of you that meet that classification, see that your rebellion is merely a quest for a new authority. The old authority has lost its ability to compel your obedience, so you seek one that can. And please, I'm not suggesting you run out and thumb your noses at the police. Authority that is accompanied by physical force should, in most circumstances, be meticulously obeyed.

But the remaining authorities, the truly important authorities, only have the power that you choose to give them. I ask you to question your authorities because there is a burdensome cost to authority. The authority of the ideal, for example, creates conflict between yourself and the imperfect world around you, and it causes a struggle between who you are and who you believe you should be. The authority of tradition restricts your ability to think and act freely in changing circumstances. And the authority of your value system may cause you to shun priceless gems of experience.

So if you make an authority of this knowledge that you have spent the last few years cultivating, then you create a flawed master for yourself-flawed because personal knowledge is memory, and memory responds with predictability. So there is no freedom in it.

The knowledge that composes memories' contents is likewise flawed. Historical knowledge is a mere shadow of a past reality. Scientific knowledge is obliterated or transformed with each new discovery. So it is ephemeral, transitory, fleeting. It is merely the anticipation of what might come next. All types of knowledge are similarly flawed. And in spite of its flaws, the authority that accompanies knowledge has an inherent arrogance-a sense of conceit that is truly incongruous with its limitations. It is the entity that makes you right and others wrong.

Knowing the precepts of your own religion, for example, allows you to see the errors in the religions of others. And it allows you to stroll blindly down paths that it has no real power to illuminate. As such, I would suggest that authority of knowledge is the source of absurdity. And lest I be forcibly removed from the stage, I'm not suggesting that you abandon knowledge, merely its authority.

You will want to solve problems as you go out into the world and encounter its tragedies and cruelties. But no problem can be addressed until it is first seen in its purest form. And if you see the world through an authority which, at best, is a coarse approximation of reality, then how will you see the pure form of anything? Many of you are yearning for truth, for what's really happening. This is a natural expression of a youthful and inquisitive mind, which I hope you all have. And you may wonder how truth is possible without authority.

But authority is finite, rigid and narrow. Truth is the actuality of what is happening. It is infinite. It is too grand to be contained within authority.

So, question every idea that begs to be obeyed. Resist accepted patterns. Be skeptical of the majority. Meet every event fresh, unencumbered by presuppositions. And see that if we all walk the same road, there could be no discoveries, no mysteries, no new things. So make your own path.

Strike out in the heart of the wilderness and claim everything that presents itself as your own-no matter how contradictory or strange it may seem to the rest of the world. And don't be afraid. The least trodden path is always the sweetest.

Thank you.

No, thank you, John, you have been an inspiration for me, and undoubtedly thousands of others, for many, many years, and as I sit here tonight as a free man thinking of you locked in that cell, I can only hope you once again regain your freedom and good name and remain safe and happy for the rest of your well, John, many of us are praying for you tonight.
The victim in this case, is the neighbour who was shot in the back of the head, namely, Greg Faull NOT John McAfee.

Here is a good article from todays New York Times

What an article. Obviously, the guy is both brilliant and troubled, a combination seen a lot in bipolar folks.

In any case, certainly, Greg Faull is a victim here; who he was a victim OF is still an open question.

I have an open mind. It could be McAfee or might not be. Just because McAfee is crazy doesn't necessarily mean he's guilty of this murder. It really is pretty murky down there in the hinterland. On the other hand, he could be totally guilty and is using his flight from justice to shine the spotlight on some VERY troubling things in Belize that need to come to light. No matter how crazy, addicted, inappropriate the man might be, he does have some wickedly clever intelligence in him.
Oh, and one more thing, in the article linked above, the funniest comment was the suggestion that Belize should publicly name McAfee a person of NO interest in this case. That would bring him rushing back into the spotlight faster than anything. :floorlaugh:
The victim in this case, is the neighbour who was shot in the back of the head, namely, Greg Faull NOT John McAfee.

Here is a good article from todays New York Times

Well a person who is potentially being framed for a murder is as much of a victim as the person murdered and I do believe Mr McAfee is being framed, but I understand that is open for debate and a matter of opinion, I certainly respect those who disagree, I have my feelings about the case and the man and it is based on personal knowledge and actual research and not sensationalized news media reports.

Mr McAfee is very eccentric and with that comes a bit of strangeness and a way of living and thinking that is misunderstood by a lot of people.

One of the worlds last honest news publications, THE LONDON FINANCIAL TIMES, sent one of their best men to interview McAfee last week in Belize while he was on the run, he is going to publish his interview/article sometime this week, he said dec 3rd or 4th, and according to Mr McAfee he believes the reporter is going to be fair and not sensationalize any of it, just the facts from a fair and objective POV, so I am very much looking forward to that, I cant recall the guys name but watch the LONDON FINANCIAL TIMES this week for it, that publication is widely known throughout the world as one of the last true and honest and objective news publications, the folks over there are real professional journalists who take their objectivity seriously, a rare breed of animal these days, in fact extinct.
They SHOULD have removed the entire bodies.........and tested for poison, etc. Chain of custody, evidence gathering protocol, etc. You only get one crack at it fool-proof. JMO.

You're funnin' right? This happened in Belize.

Does the term "Not in Kansas anymore" ring a bell?

He never should have chosen that place. Sheesh, I understand he needed a country that did not abide by U.S. Court decisions but there are plenty of those! Lawless h*ll holes run by a mob of crazies are not the right choice!
Well a person who is potentially being framed for a murder is as much of a victim as the person murdered and I do believe Mr McAfee is being framed, but I understand that is open for debate and a matter of opinion, I certainly respect those who disagree, I have my feelings about the case and the man and it is based on personal knowledge and actual research and not sensationalized news media reports.

Mr McAfee is very eccentric and with that comes a bit of strangeness and a way of living and thinking that is misunderstood by a lot of people.

One of the worlds last honest news publications, THE LONDON FINANCIAL TIMES, sent one of their best men to interview McAfee last week in Belize while he was on the run, he is going to publish his interview/article sometime this week, he said dec 3rd or 4th, and according to Mr McAfee he believes the reporter is going to be fair and not sensationalize any of it, just the facts from a fair and objective POV, so I am very much looking forward to that, I cant recall the guys name but watch the LONDON FINANCIAL TIMES this week for it, that publication is widely known throughout the world as one of the last true and honest and objective news publications, the folks over there are real professional journalists who take their objectivity seriously, a rare breed of animal these days, in fact extinct.

PAXIMUS - I appreciate your insight and contributions to this thread.
I too will reserve judgement.
Mr. McAfee seems like a fascinating, brilliant and possibly misunderstood person.
Though he may be very unusual, I hope he is not a criminal responsible for this murder. I do think the comment you posted from another site makes alot of sense and could explain much of the mystery here.
Now apparently in Guatemala. Or so he says. "Apparently." No, really. "Really."

John McAfee confirms he is in Guatemala after all, and is planning a press conference tomorrow ()
Now apparently in Guatemala. Or so he says. "Apparently." No, really. "Really."

John McAfee confirms he is in Guatemala after all, and is planning a press conference tomorrow ()

Yep, true to his modus operandi on the web. Figures.

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