Benjaman Kyle Statement from Owner of

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He received a surgical procedure at Memorial Hospital before he had the cataract surgery? I know that perhaps you cannot publicly advise what that procedure is, but would that surgery have anything to do with why he was found at the dumpster, or a previous injury that he had when younger that needed attention? I was unfamiliar that he had other surgery than the cataract surgery. Is that surgery at all pertinant to his "amnesia" situation or possible homeless situation?

Will try to address your questions to the best of my knowledge.

BK was admitted to St Joseph's for treatment of scabies for two weeks (per NB), I am told he was then transferred to Georgia Regional Hospital (psych hospital) for a few days and then transferred to Memorial Hospital where he underwent a surgical procedure unrelated to his cataracts. He was discharged to the JC Lewis Health Center (part of Mission Union/United Way) for post surgical care and then transferred to Grace House, a men's residential shelter where he eventually underwent surgery on his eye for cataract. This information is provided on the Mission Union website.


Benjamin has made great strides in the process to piecing his life back together. When Benjamin was referred to Union Mission’s Grace House from Memorial Medical Center, it appeared he was functionally blind, suffering from memory loss, and just barely beginning his recovery from a recent surgery. Because of the seriousness of his condition, Benjamin was transferred from Grace House to the J. C. Lewis Health Center for respite care.

While at J. C. Lewis Health Center, Benjamin underwent more surgery to help correct his vision problems. Union Mission collaborated with the Knights Templar Eye Foundation to assist with funding the procedures necessary to restore his vision. Staying at the J. C. Lewis Health Center for the duration of his post-operative care ensured the success of his recovery. As soon as he was able, Benjamin began to read anything that he could; for so long he had been unable to see the basic things that most people take for granted.

Benjamin moved on to be the resident manager of the J. C. Lewis Health Center. He gained this position by assisting staff members with small duties and was eventually hired as one of the center’s live in managers. Benjamin continues to give accolades to Union Mission staff for helping restore his health so he could begin his new life.
You know what tipped me off about BK? When he said "Wine drinkers are snobs"! NEVER trust a person who doesn't like wine! :crazy:
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree! And the comment about ski towns too, particularly Aspen. Anyone who has been to Aspen knows that you have the rich and famous that go there, and then the regular folks that want awesome skiing. The first time I went there, I had two dimes to rub together after college but had a ball!

You know what tipped me off about BK? When he said "Wine drinkers are snobs"! NEVER trust a person who doesn't like wine! :crazy:
Thanks Tricia. I was one of many and we made a great little team!
Dear Julessleuther,

Thank you so much for your support and kind words.
I know this was not the outcome you wanted. Julessleuther you worked so hard for BK and I am so sorry it has come to this.

To those people who are new to this forum I would ask you to please be respectful of those who know this case inside and out. If you want to disagree fine. That's what we do here but there is no need to be coarse about it.
Thank you! So both surgeries were vision procedures.

He received a surgical procedure at Memorial Hospital before he had the cataract surgery? I know that perhaps you cannot publicly advise what that procedure is, but would that surgery have anything to do with why he was found at the dumpster, or a previous injury that he had when younger that needed attention? I was unfamiliar that he had other surgery than the cataract surgery. Is that surgery at all pertinant to his "amnesia" situation or possible homeless situation?


Benjamin has made great strides in the process to piecing his life back together. When Benjamin was referred to Union Mission’s Grace House from Memorial Medical Center, it appeared he was functionally blind, suffering from memory loss, and just barely beginning his recovery from a recent surgery. Because of the seriousness of his condition, Benjamin was transferred from Grace House to the J. C. Lewis Health Center for respite care.

While at J. C. Lewis Health Center, Benjamin underwent more surgery to help correct his vision problems. Union Mission collaborated with the Knights Templar Eye Foundation to assist with funding the procedures necessary to restore his vision. Staying at the J. C. Lewis Health Center for the duration of his post-operative care ensured the success of his recovery. As soon as he was able, Benjamin began to read anything that he could; for so long he had been unable to see the basic things that most people take for granted.

Benjamin moved on to be the resident manager of the J. C. Lewis Health Center. He gained this position by assisting staff members with small duties and was eventually hired as one of the center’s live in managers. Benjamin continues to give accolades to Union Mission staff for helping restore his health so he could begin his new life.
In another forum, if I had spoken my opinion as I did here, I would have gotten a time out, or maybe even banned. (sorry but some forum moderators have been too uptight). And I expected a time out for my comment, thank you Tricia, for responding and being fair.

Peace...carrying on.

Tricia, sorry I did not see your apology, even though I refreshed the page several times today. But thank you.

I make mistakes also, and will also own up to them.

Thank you Tricia for this website and all you do and all you have to go through.

I apologized on Twitter and on this thread. If you are still disgusted then I don't know what to tell you.

I make mistakes and I own up to them.

There is no need to repost this. We saw it the first time.
I am not quite sure what you are trying to imply in the above underlined quote, but I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that we have TOS on this forum that include prohibiting the attack of any member and it is my opinion that you are walking a very fine line with this posting.

Please do not misunderstand. I do not believe that any member here is trying to convince you to accept their suspicions, but are instead, sharing their opinions of what has transpired on the forum over the last couple of years, and the recent discovery of certain documents and statements from parties involved in the events involving BK.

WS has always encouraged and supported ALL points of view and opinions of all cases and completely supports your desire of continuing sleuthing into the true identity of Benjaman Kyle, but we will not support any attack of another member for their opposing view.

We look forward to your continuing contribution to this thread!

(Bolded by me) I hope that is the case and will continue to be the case. I retreated from commenting in the BK forum because I saw several people (including myself) treated less than encouraging and being less than supported due to our doubts about BK and our different opinion (the very same opinions most people now hold to be true.) I hope everyone is able to take something away from this experience and learn something positive. And I hope every member, no matter how few posts they have or how popular their opinion may be, has a place here and a voice. It definitely takes all sorts of opinions and ideas to make the world go around!

Thank you for allowing me to voice that using your above quote! I do really respect your posts and your contribution! :blowkiss:
Thank you! So both surgeries were vision procedures.

I read that to mean the surgical procedures were done at two different hospitals/facilities and neither were related. One was for the cataracts which were apparently so bad it is not logical to think they were possibly caused by sun exposer after being unconscious with his eyes open in the sun.

(Bolded by me) I hope that is the case and will continue to be the case. I retreated from commenting in the BK forum because I saw several people (including myself) treated less than encouraging and being less than supported due to our doubts about BK and our different opinion (the very same opinions most people now hold to be true.) I hope everyone is able to take something away from this experience and learn something positive. And I hope every member, no matter how few posts they have or how popular their opinion may be, has a place here and a voice. It definitely takes all sorts of opinions and ideas to make the world go around!

Thank you for allowing me to voice that using your above quote! I do really respect your posts and your contribution! :blowkiss:

Thank you for posting this Voice'. I think it has and will. If I can respectfully say so some of the replies may have been interpreted by yourself and others newer to the case as a direct result of BK participating here and our having our ' we need to be sensitive to the victim ' hats on. Maybe overcautiously in some circumstances with info presented from new eyes like yourself.

I know this group pretty well and I can be honest saying at one time or another each one of us had had some very strong differences of opinions on idea's or avenues of research. We expressed them at times and a few days later all was good and back to normal. It might also have been intepreted by a newer member as unreceptive or unresponsive because sometimes we might be so caught up in the area we'd been focusing on we may have ended up with a bit too much tunnel vision. I can at least say that for myself with regards to this case and how I see it in hindsight. It is good to be aware of though.....
LOL.. I read that to mean there was 2 surgeries done at 2 different hospitals. One hospital did one surgical procedure and the other hospital did the eyes...

I read that to mean the surgical procedures were done at two different hospitals/facilities and neither were related. One was for the cataracts which were apparently so bad it is not logical to think they were possibly caused by sun exposer after being unconscious with his eyes open in the sun.

Never have I posted on this topic, but I have followed it. I was interested in this story, just didn't have anything to offer. I am just kinda an outsider looking in and see where both sides are coming from. Yes, some people in this particular discussion do come off as having "attitudes" right now. I do not blame any of you, you were taken advantage of and poured so much heart and effort into this. Have an attitude all you want, you are entitled to it. You are angry and hurt.
I do not blame those who want to see the proof of this and I understand why we can't. I, quite frankly, would like to as well because I can't belive someone would do something to such a kind hearted group of people. There could be an explanation for this, but I trust Tricia's word on this. How could he do this to all of you who tirelessly tried to give him his name back. I think a few others might feel the same way, just disbelief that this could happen.
My questions are, if anyone can help me out, do you now know his real identitiy? Just a yes or no, no names. And why? Why did he let this go on for so long? is it that he didn't want his ID known? If so, why did BK keep going along with this? Why did he do this? I just do not understand.
No, we do not know his real identity.

Why he chose to do this? I can't say..... and I won't attempt to. My reasons for participating currently are in support of my fellow WS'rs.
I have casually followed this case but never posted. I think the work you all did was great, and I hope you aren't too discouraged. There are "con" men and women all over the place. Last year I recall 2 different situations on WS where the cases ended up being frauds and a lot of people were upset. Apparently the posters wanted ATTENTION. It's a powerful drug. Who knows why BK did what he did.

Many years ago I had a friend and through a lot of sleuthing we found out her husband was having an affair, all his over night work was really a lie and he had just been hanging out with this other woman. We confronted him and his girlfriend at a bar. He called me every name in the book and told me to stay far away from him and quit interfering with his family. She told me a divorce was imminent.

A week later she called and said her husband had amnesia after receiving nitrous gas at the dentist. He didn't know her, their kids, or his parents, and she was going to dedicate herself to creating their new life, since he had no one but her now. I "met" him weeks later and he shook my hand. Incredible what people will do when they want to start over, isn't it?
Don't know if this is the right place for this, but I have been reading up on scabies and have found some interesting facts.
According to

  • Scabies can only live of the host body for 24-36 hours under most conditions.
  • Transmission involves close person-to-person contact of the skin-to-skin variety.
  • It is nearly impossible to contract scabies by shaking hands, sharing coats, or bedclothes etc.
  • Sexual contact is the most common form of transmission, but close physical contact, such as hugging, can spread scabies as well.
  • Norwegian scabies is a particularly severe form of scabies, causing crusting of the skin, and is often caused by sexual contact, and in fact, this type is considered a sexually transmitted disease. Crusted or Norwegian scabies most frequently affects the elderly, people with compromised immune systems such as those with AIDS, lymphoma, and other conditions that affect the immune response. This type of scabies is wide spread over the skin, but there is minimal itching. One of the dangers with this type of scabies is secondary infection, such as staph infection.
  • Regular" scabies produces small bumps and blisters between fingers, on the wrists, back of elbows, etc.
So what happens from here? Is he still in need of help? Is he actually a missing or unidentified person? Is anyone still going to help him? I just don't understand any of this.
No, we do not know his real identity.

Why he chose to do this? I can't say..... and I won't attempt to. My reasons for participating currently are in support of my fellow WS'rs.
Can't say as in you don't know or that you just aren't at liberty to say? I am just baffled by all of this!
Thank you for posting this Voice'. I think it has and will. If I can respectfully say so some of the replies may have been interpreted by yourself and others newer to the case as a direct result of BK participating here and our having our ' we need to be sensitive to the victim ' hats on. Maybe overcautiously in some circumstances with info presented from new eyes like yourself.

I know this group pretty well and I can be honest saying at one time or another each one of us had had some very strong differences of opinions on idea's or avenues of research. We expressed them at times and a few days later all was good and back to normal. It might also have been intepreted by a newer member as unreceptive or unresponsive because sometimes we might be so caught up in the area we'd been focusing on we may have ended up with a bit too much tunnel vision. I can at least say that for myself with regards to this case and how I see it in hindsight. It is good to be aware of though.....

I very much respect your insight and all you did to help BK. I can't even begin to imagine the emotions you are feeling right now. Thank you for taking the time here to help the rest of us understand and to answer our questions!
We really don't know. If he has an open case and is listed with Doenetwork etc. we would do what we usually do, await LE confirmation of an ID and then follow their lead if they released a name or not. That is pretty standard procedure here when making official id's.

Thank you for letting us know about this. You are a straight-shooter, and I'm glad for that.

I am very disappointed in BK - especially since he hasn't made a statement here, whether it be an assertion that he really is an amnesiac, or an apology.
Hope no one gets mad at me but I am going to close this thread down for the night.

Mod's if you get up in the morning and want to open it before I do feel free.

Thanks everyone. More on Saturday.

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