Benjaman Kyle Statement from Owner of

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No one is going to contact Colleen. She is well aware of WS. She works closely with BK. I am sure he has likely advised her....... As far as I know Colleen is not a WS member, and I do not know if she reads here. Whatever information she gets regarding BKs case comes to her directly from BK or NB. She and I do not, nor have we ever corresponded on a regular basis regarding BK's case. I do not know what inside details, if any she knows which have never been revealed at WS.

We do not talk about that and I am polite enough not to ask her. I passed along the two possible avenues for her to research soley based on what I have read about her work outside of BK's case.

I talked to her briefly-via email- about two other non BK cases here at WS, which was no more than sending her a link letting her know this might be a case she might be interested in looking into. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Monica Libao's case, from the cold case forum is one that I suggested, the other we briefly discussed was some info on the Anna Waters case. That is the entirety of any WS stuff CF and I have discussed.

You can learn as much about Colleen as I did by reading her info at
Perhaps that will answer some additional questions you may have.

So the answer to my question is "no". Thank you.
RKnowley, going back over many of the media reports, the wiki page and even BK's doe network page they all state the false report that BK was beaten.. and most if not all NB was interviewed. She is listed as a source for these 'facts'/information; all over the place. IMO, she is a medical professional who worked with Mr. Kyle for a long long time. She should, as a medical professional, have the knowledge to understand and interpret the facts in his case and clearly specify which of her statements are facts and which are her 'theory'. She is more than welcome to her theories are any of us, however when she and BK present those theories as fact and they are believed based on NB's medical knowledge I have problems with the credibility of this story. Because facts have been falsely reported for so many years now without any attempts at correction from BK or NB, I have some concerns with my continuing to sleuth this case.

I really can't say more, because it would be pure speculation. BK, and NB are fully aware of the real facts in this case... why they chose to present it the way they did only they know.... They are too old for me to make excuses for. We could ponder the reasons all day and night. BK has spent a few HOURS here since this thread was reopened yesterday and not one peep. Not even a peep saying "I hear you, I would like to address any misunderstandings, but give me a day to put some information to gether when I can clear my thoughts" That to me speaks volumes.

I have read ALL of the Benjaman threads. No I don't have an "attitude".(maybe you do) I have followed this case on here since his story was aired on Dr. Phil. No, I didn't post, doesn't mean I wasn't interested in the case, and I have checked everyday on his forum on here, hoping for an update, and have read everything.

I am not good at sleuthing, but so very interested in all those that do on this website.

How nice of you and weird of to check out my posts.

Just because I don't post, you assume I know nothing of this case? Check out what *advertiser censored* u me means.

I respect this board, every forum of it very much, and appreciate so very much that so many people do so much for people they don't know.

But I don't appreciate someone telling me I know nothing of the case, just because I don't post.

Even though I respect this board very much, I was disgusted to read Tricia's post on Twitter. She can post something like that so vile, but she acts so respectable on here? Double standards on her part! Slam me if you want, but why was it OK for her to post that on her Twitter account, and act differently on here?

And btw Jules, use paragraphs please, it makes for much easier reading. :)

Respectfully Concerned, have you read through all the posts here on the BK thread? All the research that has been done? I am trying to be respectful here, but I feel you have a bit of an "attitude" and I am perplexed. Please take the time to read through everything (it will take you awhile) and perhaps then you will understand. In "sleuthing" your posts, I noticed that you had not posted in this thread before today, so I am assuming you are not very familiar with this case. Some of the people who have worked on this case are some of the most respected amateur sleuthes you will EVER meet (I do not presume to fall in that category, but hey, a girl can dream...) Tricia is a highly respected webmaster in the sleuthing community. She has kept a amateur sleuthing board of intregrity, honor, and of the finest people. When Tricia says something I trust her. She knows her stuff. You have to know that those of us who have worked on this are hurt, frustrated, and angry. This is NOT what we expected.

The issue is that BK has not refuted public comments, newspaper articles etc that have stated that he was found beaten. He has been interviewed and has not refuted the claims. His own facebook pages allude to it. It is not just a matter of not knowing--he does know what has been written and has made no attempt to correct the information being published. I understand your confusion and your questions (to a certain extent) but please take the time to see the work that has been done here and you will understand how this decision has been made. We do not take this lightly!!!
My apologies Voice. I should have just answered your question, No, no one is going to contact her and her contact info is in many of the media articles regarding BK's story. In fact I think it is in almost all since the DNA stuff was started.
He received a surgical procedure at Memorial Hospital before he had the cataract surgery? I know that perhaps you cannot publicly advise what that procedure is, but would that surgery have anything to do with why he was found at the dumpster, or a previous injury that he had when younger that needed attention? I was unfamiliar that he had other surgery than the cataract surgery. Is that surgery at all pertinant to his "amnesia" situation or possible homeless situation?

Will try to address your questions to the best of my knowledge.

BK was admitted to St Joseph's for treatment of scabies for two weeks (per NB), I am told he was then transferred to Georgia Regional Hospital (psych hospital) for a few days and then transferred to Memorial Hospital where he underwent a surgical procedure unrelated to his cataracts. He was discharged to the JC Lewis Health Center (part of Mission Union/United Way) for post surgical care and then transferred to Grace House, a men's residential shelter where he eventually underwent surgery on his eye for cataract. This information is provided on the Mission Union website.
I haven't posted here in a while but a friend sent me a link to this thread and I feel compelled to write a post.

I, too, have followed this case for a while now, and would be interested in seeing the proof that this man does not have amnesia. Internet slander/libel lawsuits are being litigated far and wide these days and I'd hate to see anyone at WS become the target of such a lawsuit. This site has done so much good, it would be a shame if legal problems got in the way of the good works being carried out here.

On a more personal note, I also think it is always important to remember that this man has been examined by doctors who state he has amnesia. How that happened may be up for grabs, but the end result is that he seems to not know who he is.

That much said, bring on the proof.

May I ask if you have a link to such proof? I have yet to see anything that includes a statement from any medical professional that states that BK has been diagnosed as suffering from amnesia? I have heard alzheimers, but not amnesia?
Oh yeah....I must have missed it but where did the scabies come in? For years it was "fire ant bites"....I guess I need to go back and read what I missed in the past few months....

THe scabies come in from the EMT report (as reported by RHPD) as well as by statements made by RHPD. I also had a conversation with a nurse from St Joe's who stated such.

The "fire ant bites" was the interpretation made by NB on the Wiki website as well as various media sources.
I have read ALL of the Benjaman threads. No I don't have an "attitude".(maybe you do) I have followed this case on here since his story was aired on Dr. Phil. No, I didn't post, doesn't mean I wasn't interested in the case, and I have checked everyday on his forum on here, hoping for an update, and have read everything.

I am not good at sleuthing, but so very interested in all those that do on this website.

How nice of you and weird of to check out my posts.

Just because I don't post, you assume I know nothing of this case? Check out what *advertiser censored* u me means.

I respect this board, every forum of it very much, and appreciate so very much that so many people do so much for people they don't know.

But I don't appreciate someone telling me I know nothing of the case, just because I don't post.

Even though I respect this board very much, I was disgusted to read Tricia's post on Twitter. She can post something like that so vile, but she acts so respectable on here? Double standards on her part! Slam me if you want, but why was it OK for her to post that on her Twitter account, and act differently on here?

And btw Jules, use paragraphs please, it makes for much easier reading. :)

I apologized on Twitter and on this thread. If you are still disgusted then I don't know what to tell you.

I make mistakes and I own up to them.

There is no need to repost this. We saw it the first time.
THe scabies come in from the EMT report (as reported by RHPD) as well as by statements made by RHPD. I also had a conversation with a nurse from St Joe's who stated such.

The "fire ant bites" was the interpretation made by NB on the Wiki website as well as various media sources.

The thing I am finding out is every single thing I thought to be the truth in this case came from either BK or Nurse Betty.

We do not know if he had alcohol or drugs in his system do we? Who told us he didn't. They did.

I could go on and on but you get the point.
Sorry, I am in no way trying ot be rude...but..

There are many posts on here of some sleuthers talking about fire ants...why weren't we corrected by those who knew they were scabies?

THe scabies come in from the EMT report (as reported by RHPD) as well as by statements made by RHPD. I also had a conversation with a nurse from St Joe's who stated such.

The "fire ant bites" was the interpretation made by NB on the Wiki website as well as various media sources.
Will try to address your questions to the best of my knowledge.

RK: 1. Haven't we always known that Benjaman didn't have any physical signs of being beaten or head injuries when he was found by the dumpster?

I do not believe so. It has been mentioned several times on this forum, as well in the media, that BK was beaten, so apparently was not known to everyone that reports refute this fact.

Originally, all we knew was what was being reported in the media, which is that Benjaman had been beaten, had 3 contusions to the head. This information was provided to various media by BK and/or NB repeatedly. Subsequent statements from two detectives with RHPD refuted this information. They state that BK had NO injuries to any part of his body, including his head, as a result of an assault or act of crime. RHPD also states this is reflected in EMT reports.

We found out LONG ago that BK didn't have any outward signs of being beaten. Even knowing that information some decided to stick with our research and in trying to find out who Benjaman actually was. There are a number of things that could be going on here and it's very possible that nobody here has all the answers.

1) It is possible that BK may have been in the Viet Nam War. I know that they ran his fingerprints through the database and nothing came up as a match. I also know that not all fingerprints are in the system. It is possible BK had some kind of break and it brought back memories of being beaten, etc. and he connected it to his current situation of being found by the dumpster. He might have actually thought he was beaten but because of the cataracts he could not see that he did not have any injuries. BK has said many times that he really doesn't recall what happened to him that day and nobody seemed happy with that response so who knows..maybe he made something up he thought people would be satisfied with...I dunno.

2) He might have signed up for the Viet Nam War but was denied for some reason. Possibly because of a mental illness??

It certainly is a possibility that BK was a Viet Nam Vet....I guess it could also be possible that he was a Gulf War vet....or a baker, boxer, or candlestick maker

RK-2. What we did know was that he was found naked, sunburned, had sores & was unresponsive next to a dumpster at Burger King.

According to RHPD detectives, BK was found naked but was not sunburned nor had sores. He was covered in scabies. RHPD states this is also reflected in EMT reports. RHPD also stated that BK was not "unresponsive". He was sleeping near the dumpster inside the corral when officers arrived on the scene but was easily aroused. The "unresponsive" description was in relation to his reluctance to answer any questions posed by officers, apart from complaining of back pain.

Was it the EMT's that diagnosed BK with scabies?

Yes, followed by ER doctors

Scabies is not an easy to diagnose infection. It would take more than a little look at the "sores/bumps" in order to know that it was scabies.

It should also be noted here that RHPD reports that there is a homeless camp less than 50 yds from the dumpster corral behind the Burger King, running by railroad tracks, that was (and still is) frequently visited by RHPD. On several occasions, officers have walked back to do a "well check" only to find unclothed males engaged in sexual activity. (As a local, this camp is common knowledge to the community as well)

Let me also clarify the information about a police report. There is no police report. There IS an incident report. Upon arriving at the scene, it was determined that a crime had NOT been committed, nor was suspected of having been committed. This call became a call for medical assistance and transport. HAD there been any evidence of a crime scene, a police report would have been filed and an investigation would have been opened. This was NOT the case.

There have been online allegations that RHPD botched this case by not documenting a crime in a police report, nor opening an investigation. RHPD is accused of "dropping the ball" to the detriment of BK.

However, once BK arrived at St Joseph and was examined by the ER doctor, had that doctor seen ANY evidence that a crime or assault had been committed upon BK, he would have been required BY LAW to contact LE in the jurisdiction where the alleged crime took place, Richmond Hill. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN.

So if RHPD "dropped the ball", did St Joe's drop it as well? Did BOTH agencies miss these obvious signs of assault? RHPD states they were never contacted by St Josephs in regards to this patient.

I am interested in whether Richmond Hills Police Department made any notatations in their incident report on whether BK smelled like liquor when they found him. Were there any alcohol bottles nearby?

There are no notations from my memory of the incident report that remarked whether BK smelled like liquor. Per my conversation with RHPD, there were NO liquor bottles found with BK, nor any clothing of BKs in the dumpster as originally reported by Nurse Betty.

RK-3. We also knew he was taken to the hospital where he spent several weeks.

BK was admitted to St Joseph's for treatment of scabies for two weeks (per NB), I am told he was then transferred to Georgia Regional Hospital (psych hospital) for a few days and then transferred to Memorial Hospital where he underwent a surgical procedure unrelated to his cataracts. He was discharged to the JC Lewis Health Center (part of Mission Union/United Way) for post surgical care and then transferred to Grace House, a men's residential shelter where he eventually underwent surgery on his eye for cataract. This information is provided on the Mission Union website.

RK-4. We knew that he didn't have any alcohol or drugs in his system and that his liver showed no signs of damage.

The above statement has been claimed by NB but due to HIPPA laws, has not been confirmed.

I guess we don't know then if BK suffered from delirium tremens while hospitalized? Did he have to be detoxed?

We are not aware of this as this issue would be covered under HIPPA.

(other comments in bold above)
Sorry, I am in no way trying ot be rude...but..

There are many posts on here of some sleuthers talking about fire ants...why weren't we corrected by those who knew they were scabies?

I can't speak for everyone but this information is fairly recent. Also, there might have been privacy issues at the time.
Tricia, sorry I did not see your apology, even though I refreshed the page several times today. But thank you.

I make mistakes also, and will also own up to them.

Thank you Tricia for this website and all you do and all you have to go through.

I apologized on Twitter and on this thread. If you are still disgusted then I don't know what to tell you.

I make mistakes and I own up to them.

There is no need to repost this. We saw it the first time.
Can we all just be supportive of the genuine hurt that some of the sleuthers must be feeling right now?

Can we do that? Awesome!

BTW, I haven't posted, nor even read about BK's case in a long, long time precisely because of what some others have mentioned about suspicions and red flags and odd feelings.

So many have mentioned it and I thought it's worthwhile to say that too often we human beings ignore our initial gut instincts once we start getting overwhelmed with details and timelines and histories and evidence and on & on. I know I do and often.

Poor instinct - always getting ignored ... (-;

Have a great night everyone (and be kind to each other) 'cause everyone here only wants to help and should be commended for that.
Kentjbkent said:

It certainly is a possibility that BK was a Viet Nam Vet....I guess it could also be possible that he was a Gulf War vet....or a baker, boxer, or candlestick maker

Yes, I suppose he could have been any one of those. BUT I think he did have a greater chance of being in the Viet Nam War as he was most likely at the right age to have been drafted. IF he was born in 1948 he would have had a relatively low draft number and would have likely been called. But HEY, I bet after that, the candlestick maker was the next best thing to guess he might have been.
Frankly, I did not know if you had read the posts, and that is why I asked that if you hadn't, to please do so, as a suggestion. I tried to be respectful to you in my post, and in turn you attack me personally?

You came here, after not posting here at all, and your first posts were veiled attacks and have remained so. Believe me, I did not assume! When one comes here with a "tone", there is no assuming necessary. You have made yourself crystal clear.

You are entitled to your opinion, as am I. The difference is that I have taken an active, positive approach with this case. It is hard for me to attack anyone here because I know how hard they have worked and respect them immensely. I may not always agree with everyone, but we respect each other, as professionals should do.

You say that you respect this board and then attack Tricia (and myself) personally? Ok. That is your perogative, but not a great way to build relationships and work together with people here.

As far as my grammar... I can only demure that I am tired at the end of the day, when most of my work is posted, or in the morning before coffee. (I know-excuses, excuses!) I have had a full day (most days) of working on my degree in English Literature/Education, teaching in a classroom, and helping to start a new school. I realize this is no excuse. I am typing on a web board, amongst people I have become comfortable with, so am alittle more casual in my writing style. I apologize to all of you for my horrible grammar and spelling. I have been shamed.

In RL, I am a respected English/Creative Writing teacher, as well as a published writer, so do know all the grammatical rules, but thank you for reminding me!

I realize that I do not have to answer to you about my grammar. Noone has ever complained before. I think we are adult enough to look past those little indiscretions. I know my education, my background and the work I have done, but thought I would mention it as an aside. :angel:

I have read ALL of the Benjaman threads. No I don't have an "attitude".(maybe you do) I have followed this case on here since his story was aired on Dr. Phil. No, I didn't post, doesn't mean I wasn't interested in the case, and I have checked everyday on his forum on here, hoping for an update, and have read everything.

I am not good at sleuthing, but so very interested in all those that do on this website.

How nice of you and weird of to check out my posts.

Just because I don't post, you assume I know nothing of this case? Check out what *advertiser censored* u me means.

I respect this board, every forum of it very much, and appreciate so very much that so many people do so much for people they don't know.

But I don't appreciate someone telling me I know nothing of the case, just because I don't post.

Even though I respect this board very much, I was disgusted to read Tricia's post on Twitter. She can post something like that so vile, but she acts so respectable on here? Double standards on her part! Slam me if you want, but why was it OK for her to post that on her Twitter account, and act differently on here?

And btw Jules, use paragraphs please, it makes for much easier reading. :)
I can't speak for everyone but this information is fairly recent. Also, there might have been privacy issues at the time.

The information is new to me...... I only recently found out the ant bites were also contradictory to the information provided by the first responders... as has been posted previously.

there is the post I wanted to add with the quote. whoops...
I really do not think anyone knew until this week that they were scabies. I do not know that they were scabies, and I believe I asked a question about the fire ants two weeks ago and noone indicated that they were scabies at that time.

Sorry, I am in no way trying ot be rude...but..

There are many posts on here of some sleuthers talking about fire ants...why weren't we corrected by those who knew they were scabies?
I have read ALL of the Benjaman threads. No I don't have an "attitude".(maybe you do) I have followed this case on here since his story was aired on Dr. Phil. No, I didn't post, doesn't mean I wasn't interested in the case, and I have checked everyday on his forum on here, hoping for an update, and have read everything.

I am not good at sleuthing, but so very interested in all those that do on this website.

How nice of you and weird of to check out my posts.

Just because I don't post, you assume I know nothing of this case? Check out what *advertiser censored* u me means.
I respect this board, every forum of it very much, and appreciate so very much that so many people do so much for people they don't know.

But I don't appreciate someone telling me I know nothing of the case, just because I don't post.

Even though I respect this board very much, I was disgusted to read Tricia's post on Twitter. She can post something like that so vile, but she acts so respectable on here? Double standards on her part! Slam me if you want, but why was it OK for her to post that on her Twitter account, and act differently on here?

And btw Jules, use paragraphs please, it makes for much easier reading. :)

I am not quite sure what you are trying to imply in the above underlined quote, but I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that we have TOS on this forum that include prohibiting the attack of any member and it is my opinion that you are walking a very fine line with this posting.

Please do not misunderstand. I do not believe that any member here is trying to convince you to accept their suspicions, but are instead, sharing their opinions of what has transpired on the forum over the last couple of years, and the recent discovery of certain documents and statements from parties involved in the events involving BK.

WS has always encouraged and supported ALL points of view and opinions of all cases and completely supports your desire of continuing sleuthing into the true identity of Benjaman Kyle, but we will not support any attack of another member for their opposing view.

We look forward to your continuing contribution to this thread!
Respectfully Concerned, have you read through all the posts here on the BK thread? All the research that has been done? I am trying to be respectful here, but I feel you have a bit of an "attitude" and I am perplexed. Please take the time to read through everything (it will take you awhile) and perhaps then you will understand. In "sleuthing" your posts, I noticed that you had not posted in this thread before today, so I am assuming you are not very familiar with this case. Some of the people who have worked on this case are some of the most respected amateur sleuthes you will EVER meet (I do not presume to fall in that category, but hey, a girl can dream...) Tricia is a highly respected webmaster in the sleuthing community. She has kept a amateur sleuthing board of intregrity, honor, and of the finest people. When Tricia says something I trust her. She knows her stuff. You have to know that those of us who have worked on this are hurt, frustrated, and angry. This is NOT what we expected.

The issue is that BK has not refuted public comments, newspaper articles etc that have stated that he was found beaten. He has been interviewed and has not refuted the claims. His own facebook pages allude to it. It is not just a matter of not knowing--he does know what has been written and has made no attempt to correct the information being published. I understand your confusion and your questions (to a certain extent) but please take the time to see the work that has been done here and you will understand how this decision has been made. We do not take this lightly!!!

Dear Julessleuther,

Thank you so much for your support and kind words.
I know this was not the outcome you wanted. Julessleuther you worked so hard for BK and I am so sorry it has come to this.

To those people who are new to this forum I would ask you to please be respectful of those who know this case inside and out. If you want to disagree fine. That's what we do here but there is no need to be coarse about it.
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