Benjaman Kyle Statement from Owner of

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Whether a private forum is set up or not, I am no longer interested in who Benjaman Kyle is......

Also, the facts which have been uncovered regarding what we have learned have been shared to the best we are able. IMO, it is time to lock this thread and possibly open an area members can vent their frustrations in the PL.

If Mr Kyle would like to offer some kind of explaination, Tricia's email is listed in the signature line of each and every one of her posts. He'd have no problem finding her or making contact.

JMO but I personally am starting to see this thread go in the circles Tricia mentioned earlier this morning when she decided to re-open the thread.
<respectfully snipped>
... I want you to know from my heart I do what I feel is best for you and for the forum.

oh, we know that! Thanks, Mom. :blowkiss:
I just want to get a sense of what you are saying Voice and Zaha-

Are you saying that Tricia made this all up?

Because Voice is indicating that this self same conclusion was reached by her/him a long time ago. So I am not getting it.

WHAT???? Am I saying Tricia made all WHAT up???

I have stated VERY clearly that I believe the conclussion you have all come to.

I have also stated very clearly that I am interested in why the "90" (and more specifically you, Believe09) did a complete 180 degree turn in your support of BK over the past few months....not because I think anything was made up but because you were the one who scolded anyone for questioning anything about BK and his story.

Did that clear up your confusion? This is not a conspiracy theory. It appears you removed yourself from the BK forum rather abruptly and I was merely interested in how/who changed your mind, is all. :blowkiss:
Thank you Cubby!! Listen---you guys here have to make your own decision on this, I honestly do not think anyone here is telling you how to feel; we are sharing our own feelings and frustrations. Although there were alarms going on in the back of my head, I did not want to believe that this person would knowingly deceive so many people. I still do not want to believe it. BUT--some of you who do not come here often need to understand that people like Believe and Kent and Cubby have worked EXTENSIVELY on this case--they know all the ins and outs, and they have talked to BK, NB, FBI Bill, RHPD. I mean seriously-do you think that any of the above wanted it to turn out THIS way???

For those who state that he did not come to us for help, that it true, but he did participate in this forum, answering (some) questions; he fully knew what we were doing here. He knew we were trying to help him. He perpetuated the myths, not dispelled them.

Tricia--I would like to keep a thread open to investigate this further, even if it is private forum. One of two things are going to happen--what we know today will be proven wrong and BK will be found to be an innocent victim who has amnesia but in order to get publicity allowed some myths to remain, or we will have further proof that we were deceived. Let's get to work and really find out who this guy is. In the end we will either still help him or we will know the truth.

The 90/10 rule:

I find it interesting that a half dozen or so sleuths closely investigated and researched this case for the last 3 years or so. Now that this core group who spent 90 percent of the time on any and all research on this case have collectively come to the conclusion based on numerous inconsistencies which seemed to have been very recently pieced together no longer have confidence, trust or faith in this case those who spent little if any time on this case, are here demanding proof.

Why is that? Where was the interest when there was full faith in the case and Mr. Kyle had not lost his integrity after so many false statements were continously repeated throughout media interviews?

If anyone should clear this up, it should be Mr. Kyle himself. He is the one who has the facts, his medical records and any true reasons why Dr. Phil, GBI, RHPD and some of the first responders either no longer ( or never did) believe his story or their statement of events contradict the information BK and NB continue to put out there.

We have provided as much information as we were able to uncover......

Mr Kyles choice. He can either clear this up or not..... His story....
but personally, I no longer have enough faith in his story for his case to warrant any more of my time.

I'll look at reopening this thread a bit later on.
OK, I'm back.

Please let's not go around in circles. We don't need to get annoyed with each other.

I am looking to open something in the Parking Lot to those who want to continue to sleuth who Benjamin really is. My biggest concern is no innocent people are dragged into this. Meaning if we think we know who he is I don't want all his "relatives" information posted.

Also if we do have this thread in the Parking Lot it will be open to all members.

OK carry on.
WHAT???? Am I saying Tricia made all WHAT up???

I have stated VERY clearly that I believe the conclussion you have all come to.

I have also stated very clearly that I am interested in why the "90" (and more specifically you, Believe09) did a complete 180 degree turn in your support of BK over the past few months....not because I think anything was made up but because you were the one who scolded anyone for questioning anything about BK and his story.

Did that clear up your confusion? This is not a conspiracy theory. It appears you removed yourself from the BK forum rather abruptly and I was merely interested in how/who changed your mind, is all. :blowkiss:

:blowkiss: back atcha voice.

I can be unusually dense at times-the way I was reading your posts and Zaha's posts were that you were highly sceptical of the existence of the information that Tricia is privy to. My mistake. :)
Hi Everyone,

First, I like Roselvr's idea of a private forum for sleuthing BK but if we do this then BK can't come in and offer information. Not that he is doing that now.

Let me think on this over the weekend.

The documents I have seen have privacy issues attached to them. End of story. That is why I can't post them. I thought I could, found out I couldn't. My mistake for speaking too soon and I do apologize.
My friends I make mistakes sometimes but I want you to know from my heart I do what I feel is best for you and for the forum.

I do know that even if I posted the documents proving their was no injury to him whatsoever, even if I could prove to you he claimed the he had "traumatic cataracts" and that's why he needed surgery yet, we just proved he never had any traumatic injury, if I could prove to you he refuses to answer the simplest of questions even though the proof is right here on the forum, if I could prove to you that Dr. Phil no longer believes his story even though Dr. Phil refuses to take BK's calls any more, if I could give you in writing, notarized, gold plated documents proving all of this (even though it's all been proven) still some people would say I was wrong.

It's the collective evidence and for me it was finally and solidly proven when I discovered he had no trauma whatsoever.

Even the police officer who was on the scene told me this yesterday when I spoke to him.

You add up all the inconsistencies and then put this on top, then you have someone who is lying. Now, that is black and white in my book.

Starting from scratch - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community


I can respect that, Tricia, and want to make sure I am very clear in stating I agree with your decision and conclussion on BK. I know how difficult your job must be under such circumstances. Is there any way to tell us what the documents were that you received, instead of posting them? Not that I need proof (I have all that I need just from being involved in this process over the past 2 years) but just to satisfy my own curiosity. :angel:
Has anyone who was communicating "Powell" leads to Colleen Fitzpatrick notified her?
IDK what to think. If he is lying then he should be ashamed of himself for taking up the time spent helping him when we all could have been helping someone who really needed it. If he's not lying then I wish him the best and hope that he does find out who he really is.
Absolutley not... that is not what I am thinking at all.

There was a couple posts here recently that made me beleive that there were a few members aware of the situation way before the other sleuthers were told...

I would still like to know how long ago did the fire ants end up being scabies?

I just want to get a sense of what you are saying Voice and Zaha-

Are you saying that Tricia made this all up?

Because Voice is indicating that this self same conclusion was reached by her/him a long time ago. So I am not getting it.
Has anyone who was communicating "Powell" leads to Colleen Fitzpatrick notified her?

Any leads on Powells were posted here for Benjaman to review himself. It was more a we brought it to the table and was up to him to do something, if anything with the information.

I never knew of anyone passing along any Powell leads to Colleen, outside of the one post emailed regarding Clarence M Powell who I thought resembled BK. That was months and months ago and no one found any family ties to the Powell line thought to be distance relatives of BK.
Any leads on Powells were posted here for Benjaman to review himself. It was more a we brought it to the table and was up to him to do something, if anything with the information.

I never knew of anyone passing along any Powell leads to Colleen, outside of the one post emailed regarding Clarence M Powell who I thought resembled BK. That was months and months ago and no one found any family ties to the Powell line thought to be distance relatives of BK.

I saw you made mention in February of contacting her and passing along information on a "Herbert" Powell to her. Didn't know if you were going to contact her regarding this newfound info so she doesn't continue to travel around on his behalf spinning her wheels, too?

If not, I understand; I was just wondering. I would definitely want to know if I was as invested in it as she is.
Oh ya, forgot about that. He was on the indiana state site for unclaimed funds. Not exactly what I would call a lead other than a name for her to research if she was interested.

Is there something you are getting at with anyone having a tight relationship with Colleen? If so I honestly think you are more than stretching it and I do not appreciate the implication that I or Colleen have any big secrets that are not being shared here with WS.
It has only been recent (couple days) that they are now called "scabies"...anything I read prior they were ant bite, or far as I know..

The document I saw said scabies. The cop I talked to said scabies BUT he is certainly not an expert.

Please understand it is a privacy issue and I cannot comment any more than that.
The headline broadcast on websleuths twitter says:

"Benjamin Kyle does not have amnesia nor did he ever. Lying *advertiser censored*. Check out WS."

Anyway, just so you know, that's how I got here. For sure, there's a lot here for anyone new to get their brain around. I can only imagine how questions from latecomers could be annoying.

I do think, perhaps, with an announcement like that, folks might come here to see how we in fact know that BK doesn't and never did have amnesia. It's kinda scandalous, if you think about it.

Of course, I'm not here for the scandal. :angel:

When I read through all this heartfelt hard work, even I want to believe there's still a reason (amnesia) here for this group to keep pluggin' away and helping BK. Because that's how nice this forum is/was. I certainly respect & appreciate the core group's gut and perspective.

Actually, that might be why all the questions from relative strangers to this forum?

I did also tweeted an apology for calling BK this name. Certainly not one of my high points in my life. And I would like to extend a sincere apology to Mr. Kyle here on WS. That was very unprofessional of me.

The only explanation I have is I was so angry because of all the hard work everyone put into his case. People have lived and worked and breathed Benjamin Kyle for several years now. People have put their own lives on hold to help out and help search for his truth.

When I finally came to my conclusion I was really livid. When I get angry I cry. I hate doing that but I can't help it.

Rather than step away from the computer I Tweeted. Big mistake.

Again, my apologies.

ETA: Twitter only allows for a couple of sentences to send out. So if you have to put in a link PLUS explain it you don't have many spaces left. If I could do it over I would do everthing exactly the same except I would take out the "B" word.
Will try to address your questions to the best of my knowledge.

RK: 1. Haven't we always known that Benjaman didn't have any physical signs of being beaten or head injuries when he was found by the dumpster?

Originally, all we knew was what was being reported in the media, which is that Benjaman had been beaten, had 3 contusions to the head. This information was provided to various media by BK and/or NB repeatedly. Subsequent statements from two detectives with RHPD refuted this information. They state that BK had NO injuries to any part of his body, including his head, as a result of an assault or act of crime. RHPD also states this is reflected in EMT reports.

We found out LONG ago that BK didn't have any outward signs of being beaten. Even knowing that information some decided to stick with our research and in trying to find out who Benjaman actually was. There are a number of things that could be going on here and it's very possible that nobody here has all the answers.

1) It is possible that BK may have been in the Viet Nam War. I know that they ran his fingerprints through the database and nothing came up as a match. I also know that not all fingerprints are in the system. It is possible BK had some kind of break and it brought back memories of being beaten, etc. and he connected it to his current situation of being found by the dumpster. He might have actually thought he was beaten but because of the cataracts he could not see that he did not have any injuries. BK has said many times that he really doesn't recall what happened to him that day and nobody seemed happy with that response so who knows..maybe he made something up he thought people would be satisfied with...I dunno.

2) He might have signed up for the Viet Nam War but was denied for some reason. Possibly because of a mental illness??

RK-2. What we did know was that he was found naked, sunburned, had sores & was unresponsive next to a dumpster at Burger King.

According to RHPD detectives, BK was found naked but was not sunburned nor had sores. He was covered in scabies. RHPD states this is also reflected in EMT reports. RHPD also stated that BK was not "unresponsive". He was sleeping near the dumpster inside the corral when officers arrived on the scene but was easily aroused. The "unresponsive" description was in relation to his reluctance to answer any questions posed by officers, apart from complaining of back pain.

Was it the EMT's that diagnosed BK with scabies? Scabies is not an easy to diagnose infection. It would take more than a little look at the "sores/bumps" in order to know that it was scabies.

It should also be noted here that RHPD reports that there is a homeless camp less than 50 yds from the dumpster corral behind the Burger King, running by railroad tracks, that was (and still is) frequently visited by RHPD. On several occasions, officers have walked back to do a "well check" only to find unclothed males engaged in sexual activity. (As a local, this camp is common knowledge to the community as well)

Let me also clarify the information about a police report. There is no police report. There IS an incident report. Upon arriving at the scene, it was determined that a crime had NOT been committed, nor was suspected of having been committed. This call became a call for medical assistance and transport. HAD there been any evidence of a crime scene, a police report would have been filed and an investigation would have been opened. This was NOT the case.

There have been online allegations that RHPD botched this case by not documenting a crime in a police report, nor opening an investigation. RHPD is accused of "dropping the ball" to the detriment of BK.

However, once BK arrived at St Joseph and was examined by the ER doctor, had that doctor seen ANY evidence that a crime or assault had been committed upon BK, he would have been required BY LAW to contact LE in the jurisdiction where the alleged crime took place, Richmond Hill. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN.

So if RHPD "dropped the ball", did St Joe's drop it as well? Did BOTH agencies miss these obvious signs of assault? RHPD states they were never contacted by St Josephs in regards to this patient.

I am interested in whether Richmond Hills Police Department made any notatations in their incident report on whether BK smelled like liquor when they found him. Were there any alcohol bottles nearby?

RK-3. We also knew he was taken to the hospital where he spent several weeks.

BK was admitted to St Joseph's for treatment of scabies for two weeks (per NB), I am told he was then transferred to Georgia Regional Hospital (psych hospital) for a few days and then transferred to Memorial Hospital where he underwent a surgical procedure unrelated to his cataracts. He was discharged to the JC Lewis Health Center (part of Mission Union/United Way) for post surgical care and then transferred to Grace House, a men's residential shelter where he eventually underwent surgery on his eye for cataract. This information is provided on the Mission Union website.

RK-4. We knew that he didn't have any alcohol or drugs in his system and that his liver showed no signs of damage.

The above statement has been claimed by NB but due to HIPPA laws, has not been confirmed.

I guess we don't know then if BK suffered from delirium tremens while hospitalized? Did he have to be detoxed?
Oh ya, forgot about that. He was on the indiana state site for unclaimed funds. Not exactly what I would call a lead other than a name for her to research if she was interested.

Is there something you are getting at with anyone having a tight relationship with Colleen? If so I honestly think you are more than stretching it and I do not appreciate the implication that I or Colleen have any big secrets that are not being shared here with WS.

Ok, let's get one thing straight here...I do not imply. I don't think I could if I tried. I ask my questions straight out. Blunt. Obvious. Please DO NOT assume I am implying anything.

When I asked the questions a while ago I didn't know it was you. When you responded I took another look and did see it was you but a different "Powell". I HONESTLY am JUST asking if ANYONE is going to contact her. Aside from what I read TODAY I have no clue who this woman is and could care less if anyone has a tight relationship with her. What does that even mean? I would contact her myself, no problem....but I don't have her contact information. I am not stretching, implying, etc. I am asking a very direct question since at least someone here was in communication with her...maybe they might be courteous and let her in on this instead of waiting for her to discover it on her own at a later time. :banghead:

There are A LOT of people who are accussing, assuming and implying and etc., etc. NOT ME! I can see where you would be upset about this issue but I am not BK so PLEASE direct it elsewhere. :truce:
No one is going to contact Colleen. She is well aware of WS. She works closely with BK. I am sure he has likely advised her....... As far as I know Colleen is not a WS member, and I do not know if she reads here. Whatever information she gets regarding BKs case comes to her directly from BK or NB. She and I do not, nor have we ever corresponded on a regular basis regarding BK's case. I do not know what inside details, if any she knows which have never been revealed at WS.

We do not talk about that and I am polite enough not to ask her. I passed along the two possible avenues for her to research soley based on what I have read about her work outside of BK's case.

I talked to her briefly-via email- about two other non BK cases here at WS, which was no more than sending her a link letting her know this might be a case she might be interested in looking into. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Monica Libao's case, from the cold case forum is one that I suggested, the other we briefly discussed was some info on the Anna Waters case. That is the entirety of any WS stuff CF and I have discussed.

You can learn as much about Colleen as I did by reading her info at
Perhaps that will answer some additional questions you may have.
I copy and past from kentjbkent: post .. bolded by me

It should also be noted here that RHPD reports that there is a homeless camp less than 50 yds from the dumpster corral behind the Burger King, running by railroad tracks, that was (and still is) frequently visited by RHPD. On several occasions, officers have walked back to do a "well check" only to find unclothed males engaged in sexual activity. (As a local, this camp is common knowledge to the community as well)

Perhaps this is why BK does not want to admit his real identy? Maybe this is what he doesn't want to admit to.
But it still makes no sense that no one can put a name to his face.
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