BIG HOLES in the defense theory

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Who was Casey speaking to on the phone when she said " They havent even found her clothes yet?" that supports a swmming accident. It was said in the first days (08)
It's more like four or five different ideas got meshed together.

It's almost as if the DT spent the last 3 years pouring over websites such this one looking for the most outrageous conspiracy stories they could find and threw them all together into one opening statement.
One thing I do believe. When JB says that GA yelled at KC that her mother would never forgive her and that she was going to spend the rest of her life in jail for child neglect. Except it wasn't GA telling her that, it was her own mind telling her that would happen if she told the truth.
The title is so open ended I don't even know where to start. Not all the holes will be able to be addressed or filled during trial but I can tell you that as an intelligent person....the holes for me, are more like voids.

The "bombshell".....Caylee was never missing.

This is a vast canyon of a statement....because with it MORE questions arise than can be answered.

If to be believed.....

Why was TES allowed to come in and exhaust all their financial resources?

Why did the family accept donations?

Why did the family bash LE for not following up on random "tips"?

Why did the family set up a personal tipline apart from LE?

Why did the family employ psychics and their own investigators?

Why did JB state publically that there was a nanny?

WHy did the DT employ Terry Lenamon to pen a memorandum to Judge Strickland regarding OD of a sedative?

Why did the DT allow AL and TM to funnel massive amounts of cash into the DT.

Why did the DT harass and stalk TES searchers??

Why did the DT turn down the opportunity to plea to a lesser charge of improper disposal of a body?

Why did JB single handedly fight a gag order?

Why did the DT fight all discovery EXCEPT the jail letters??

Next hole shortly.
That KC lived in such fear of Cindy is a huge hole. All they need to do is play the clips of the way she speaks to her mother during the jail house visits. Cindy lives in fear of KC.
Have not read the entire thread yet, but i`m positive if George found caylee`s body floating in a pool. He`d call 911 immediately.

Heck, his shed gets broken into, and he filed an immediate police report.
George is a law abiding citizen. His daughter- is a murderer.
any abuse allegations should come up in M I T I G A T I O N.. but no.. ica and her "team" drag George into the guilt phase?



The circumstantial case speaks for itself!


I was going to say that JB basically did a closing argument in his opening statement............:banghead::loser::floorlaugh: And all that stuff.

I was with my mouth open most of the time.

I had to step away and regroup. NOW- I go back and watch again and try to absorb the day- THEN I go back and watch the video from Universal. I need to hear it again.........The insanity is mindboggling. I want YURI and JOHN A. reaction to today's events!!! :waitasec:
That KC lived in such fear of Cindy is a huge hole. All they need to do is play the clips of the way she speaks to her mother during the jail house visits. Cindy lives in fear of KC.

Exactly!!! "I don't f---in' know where she is, alright?"
This was his opening statment and I dont think he just said things that he will not be able to supporrt.
I am interested in wht witness he will have to testify to possible sex abuse, since we know it wont be Casey ,who will it be?

I know people on the east coast , not flordia who own tow companies and it is not their policy to empty gas tanks. If it was leaking from a car maybe they might but having had my cars towed and picked them up from impound and picked up car after accidents or for scrap , none have been emptied.

I think George looked very bad on the stand. He didnt want to answer. He tried to lead away from direct questions. I didnt think he was telling the truth and If I was on the jury I dont know what my opionon of him would be
But he did. Baez told the jury he couldn't support his opening statement every time he said, 'We'll never know.'

My opinion.
The biggest hole JB has to cover up is why would KC sit in jail for nearly 3 years to protect the man that abused her?
The difference between the States opening statement and the DT is the State was all fact and the DT was all speculation.

Speculation? They didn't speculate, they just went with outright fantasy.
Yeah I'd say she's past the point of forgiveness now. I could not BELIEVE ICA shaking her head during his testimony.

I actually thought her head shaking and looking at the attorney next to her in "surprise" like "can you believe this?" was pretty funny. Here is a person who did nothing but lie for years and she wants to come across as some poor innocent thing that can't believe someone is sitting on the stand lying. Like lying is some sort of shocking concept for her.

If ICA is okay with spilling all the deep dark secrets now.....
WHY DID SHE WAIT 3 YEARS in jail to do so???? :banghead:

I have no doubt whatsoever that if JB's fabrication were true Casey would have ratted out George the second the cuffs came out. Period.
One of the biggest holes I see is that George did not fall on his sword. :great:
Who was Casey speaking to on the phone when she said " They havent even found her clothes yet?" that supports a swmming accident. It was said in the first days (08)
OK. How?

I'm interested in hearing other theories.
I think its a hole that computer searches were done about chloroform, household weapons, neck breaking etc.... but none were done about molestation, incest, sexual abuse.
Oh good grief .... I read the title of this thread as "Black holes in the defense theory", and thought wow there are lots of black holes, where to begin. In outer or cyberspace would be good.
Since there is no JVM thread I have to laugh here. LBK basically said that because the DTs story was so ridiculous that it must be true, that no one would make up something so unbelievable. At least that is how I took what she said.
Isn't Natural Born Killers one of ICA's favorite movies? Wasn't it ICA who told police that one of the two people she told that Caylee was "kidnapped by the Nanny" a woman by the name of Juliette Lewis (incidentally the name of the actress in Natural Born Killers?)?

Does this sound familiar?

hate from a father toward his daughter
sexual desires of a father for his daughter
vile talk of a son discovering he is the son of his sister by his father
talk of "Daddy touching me"
molestation of daughter by her father...

Does it? Because it is what happened to the main character of Natural Born Killers? Mallory was the character's name? So ICA doesn't make stuff up? Really. Someone should forward this to the SA's office.
It's almost as if the DT spent the last 3 years pouring over websites such this one looking for the most outrageous conspiracy stories they could find and threw them all together into one opening statement.
One thing I do believe. When JB says that GA yelled at KC that her mother would never forgive her and that she was going to spend the rest of her life in jail for child neglect. Except it wasn't GA telling her that, it was her own mind telling her that would happen if she told the truth.

Ding, ding, ding. Yeah. IF there was an accident and today I decided there wasn't, but if there was, this is why KC sat in jail for three years and never came clean. Mommie would never forgive her.

However, daddies, especially ex police daddies who dote on their granddaughters, call 911 when there are accidental drownings, hoping against hope to save their precious children. They don't go from zero to coverup without a call to the paramedics to make sure the horrible tragedy can't be somehow reversed.
So the DT is ADMITTING to the child's death, but they are fighting the decomp and death hair in the car trunk. ???????

That's what I just posted in the Kronk thread. They should never had said he took the body. That's just ludicrous. And the smell and the hair and the air samples..if the jury believes that..they'll know Baez's theory is not true. They should have just said it was an accident and she freaked out and put her in the trunk.
Since there is no JVM thread I have to laugh here. LBK basically said that because the DTs story was so ridiculous that it must be true, that no one would make up something so unbelievable. At least that is how I took what she said.

I guess next time my 4 year old breaks something and gives me some wild tale of what happened, I should go with it.

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