bill stanton~independent investigator hired by anonymous man and woman benefactors

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Stanton was asked whether he thought Lisa's mother had anything to do with the baby's disappearance.
"She wants to be looked at," Stanton said. "She wants to be vetted, and then once everyone feels she's not a suspect, let's move on and get the bad guy. In my opinion, she understands, look at me, question me, let's get this done."
Stanton said the Irwin family was expected to speak with the media on Friday morning. It was not known if Lisa's parents, Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley, would attend the news conference or if they would speak.

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interview with BS at this link
Yup - I hear the music too! :waiting:

(Sarcastic Voice) All we need now is Rachel Uchitel (now a private investigator) to join in and help "Wild Bill". :crazy:


I cant wait to see who BS has on the team. It might be quite telling. Hopefully they will have presser before i have to leave. On Rachael U I dont think she will be involved on case. Her specialty is probally cheating spouses. lol and moo
BS-called her a suspect..I would think LE would have ruled her out by now-its been 11 days and he makes it sounds like they are not looking at anyone else..Am I reading this right-cause I don't want to start any rumors..If this is wrong please delete Mods
I think we may be hearing about some of the people from this organization, owned by a wealthy person in Houston.

Bill Stanton is on the board of directors.

This is a non-profit organization. Is there a reason why you believe there's more to it than Stanton being on the advisory board? Are you sure it's the same Bill Stanton?

From link: "Friday Stanton is expected to talk with reporters about the next stage of his investigation and perhaps we may also hear from the baby's parents, who have not talked with local reporters in about a week."

I just can't wrap my head around why it's been so long since the parents have spoken to local reporters. What advantage, in their minds, is there for them to take this approach? If all they want is for baby Lisa to be returned safely, then what is their choice doing to help that cause? I just don't get it. I have to think that if my child had been kidnapped, I would be screaming from the rooftops! And if I didn't want to work with local reporters, release a statement or something...anything!

Edited to add: Who the heck edited that copy? "Friday Stanton" makes it sound like his first name is Friday. I do have a friend whose name is Wednesday, though. Really, I do.
I cant wait to see who BS has on the team. It might be quite telling. Hopefully they will have presser before i have to leave. On Rachael U I dont think she will be involved on case. Her specialty is probally cheating spouses. lol and moo

LOL I know she won't be on the case, I was just being silly & facetious! :giggle:
She won't be on the case. BUT...she did say this,

"I'm more interested in cases that haven't made it on [CNN's] Nancy Grace or Jane Velez-Mitchell, but are just as important. Missing people, cold cases . . . and sure, a few liars out there who need to be exposed. I want to solve cases for the underdog, for people who don't have a voice."

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LOL I know she won't be on the case, I was just being silly facetious! :giggle: She won't be on the case. BUT...she did say this,

"I'm more interested in cases that haven't made it on [CNN's] Nancy Grace or Jane Velez-Mitchell, but are just as important. Missing people, cold cases . . . and sure, a few liars out there who need to be exposed. I want to solve cases for the underdog, for people who don't have a voice."

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I knew u were joking. :great:.
I think we may be hearing about some of the people from this organization, owned by a wealthy person in Houston.

Bill Stanton is on the board of directors.

At K9s4Cops, we provide an answer for this crisis. As a 501(c)(3) charitable, non-profit organization, our aim is to raise funds for Houston and cities nationwide urgently requiring additional K-9s. Police work is dangerous work. A K-9’s job is to step in front of danger. Our mission is to ensure that every law enforcement officer in need of a K-9 has one at his side, well trained and ready for action.
Maybe it's just me but when I hear that the family won't talk to local media, it feels like a superiority thing like they're ~above~ it. It's like; We're such celebrities, and celebrities don't talk to some KCMO newspaper.
This is going the way of the Caylee Anthony case it seems and it makes me sick to see people "profiting" off a missing, at risk or possibly dead child. As I am careful to say...this is my opinion only, I think these parents know what the H - E double hockey sticks HAPPENED. NO there isn't any proof....yet! But I pray justice is served for this little girl and she isn't abused all over again by the media circus and the rest of the "gang". This country is so sick. I'm.angry about this poor you can see. JMO god I hope they find her alive and the guilty are SUCCESSFULLY prosecuted. MOO
so in the PC he said that the wealthy benefactor was a woman and i believe he said a man, and that if their names were released people would think they were in it for notoriety. they wealthy benefactor is putting up the 100k reward. he will have a respected independent person verify that there is an actual benefactor.

so in the PC he said that the wealthy benefactor was a woman and i believe he said a man, and that if their names were released people would think they were in it for notoriety. they wealthy benefactor is putting up the 100k reward. he will have a respected independent person verify that there is an actual benefactor.


Listening again to the press conference, he started out saying it is a woman, and then he said she and he, so it sounds like two people are involved, perhaps husband and wife.
Originally Posted by tiredblondy [c/p from 10/14 Presser Thread]
I think BS has picked this case carefully. The parents haven't hired a lawyer and are not worldly( I'm not sure that's the right descriptive word?) Why didn't he go help with Aliayah's case?Think about it? I really think this is just another step on his climb and I pray that he's not trying to get a reality show out of it or another?

He did not come across well and I myself am offended. As someone said earlier this is not our first rodeo and as Patty said too many I's.

That conference was a waste of time. In my opinion he is just like Nancy Grace, Dr. Drew ,Geraldo or the News Reporters, only he had a different background. He's just an outsider reporting on the case. The family would be wise to back off from him.

This is me I'm talking about here-but- if I had been on that grocery store video and there had been inuendos about me I would have walked right out and addressed it to the media myself!

And for anyone who tells me I'm pretending what I would do that I can't possibly know I've got news for them- I've lived 60yrs on this earth and been through all kinds of experiences and I know exactly what I would do!

Hiya tiredblondy! I am in agreement with you about BS(<-and just how appropriate are Bill's initials?..:D) and his circus he has brought to town!! I am saddened that my gut intuition did infact come to fruition today with BS confirming my greatest fears and suspicions of the entire BS, Attys, and handlers that have arrived on the scene.. Just wanted to bring over my post from yesterday where I laid out in no certain terms exactly what it was that I feared was about to occur.. Sadly this is one time I wish I were not spot on with my intuition of what was coming around the corner.. Here's my post from yesterday:
Originally Posted by SmoothOperator 10/13/11
I understand and share your concern tlcox.. While I would desperately feel the need to have an ATTY helping me to navigate through this difficult process of finding my child, as well as how to approach the situation of the same officers heading up the search for my child are telling me that it is I, her mother that has murdered her.. But my fear in this particular situation is that the parents, specifically mom is grasping for the much needed help being offered her without knowing(and I'm certain at this time not caring either) what are the motives here for this generosity "seeming" to be bestowed on her.. KWIM??

Because while I'm not certain what is your opinion on this anonymous backer, it's Attys, and handlers that come along with them but I have a very sick in the pit of my stomach feeling that slugs and leeches have found a new, not only "money maker", but just as important if not more a new "fame maker" by latching on to desperate parents at a time when they will look to anyone or anything to help them find their child, or to help them finagle their way out of being found guilty(if we're talking Casey Anthony type cases).. Either way their are very desperate people that are being latched onto and it's not for the reasons of finding their missing child, Lisa in this case.. That's the last on their list of priorities is finding the child.. Their priorities are exploit, create an even more sensational circus atmosphere, building the case up to extraordinary proportions media wise, all the while continuing to feed the pariah that are fueling the fame/money-maker scheme.. All with precious Lisa and her loved one's are left in the wake of destruction and are just one of the multitude of casualties that will be sacrificed, deserted, and forgotten along the way..

And Lord have mercy if one of these very type individuals himself, Mr. Leonard Padilla is calling this spade a spade.. Well he'd certainly be someone who knows..

I pray I'm wrong and their is some kind hearted, giving soul that's good pure motives of Lisa's well being as their priority and motive for becoming involved.. Sadly I know all too well their few and far between and with what's transformed from these missing children cases into million dollar businesses I'm just very leery of whats behind the money, Attys, and handlers here for Lisa..

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