bill stanton~independent investigator hired by anonymous man and woman benefactors

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Just bringing this article to this thread because it mentions BS previous work. Just in case anyone is interested. <shrugs>

Stanton, a former New York police officer known as "Wild Bill," has appeared frequently on network television to talk about high-profile crime cases. A profile of him in New York magazine said he worked on "explosive, sensitive, headline-producing cases" such as the divorce of business mogul Carl and Liba Icahn.
BS asking for a broader seach and for volunteers - Good luck with that B after a month -- people don't feel motivated to search when the parents make it quite clear they'd be looking for a needle in a haystack at this point. Casey all over.
BS asking for a broader seach and for volunteers - Good luck with that B after a month -- people don't feel motivated to search when the parents make it quite clear they'd be looking for a needle in a haystack at this point. Casey all over.

I agree. If the facts weren't so cryptic, then there might be a ton more people out there looking. Especially after CS said:

I don't know Mr. Stanton, he is irrelevent as far as I'm concerned

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I didn't take much away from Stanton tonight...just more cryptic talk with very little substance.


googling and found this on (why they talk) and found bill. He follows susan smith at the 2 minute mark.

[ame=""]Why do killers speak out - YouTube[/ame]
Stanton said he has not spoken to the boys about what they may have heard or seen the night their sister went missing. He said their parents have not either indepth because they did not want to be seen as coaching the boys or tampering with the investigation.

"I did not want to get in the way of the investigation," he said.

Stanton reiterated that he has faith in the FBI and Kansas City Police Department. He also said he believes Lisa is still alive and reiterated that he believes her parents had nothing to do with her disappearance.

"I choose to believe that the baby is alive," he said.

I like his optimism but this doesn't sound like he's doing any actual investigating. He says he chooses to believe Lisa is alive which is different from being convinced by the evidence or his perception of the sincerity of the parents and sounds like it could be just wishful thinking.

I wonder why a spokesman is needed when JT is perfectly capable of making statements.

I like his optimism but this doesn't sound like he's doing any actual investigating. He says he chooses to believe Lisa is alive which is different from being convinced by the evidence or his perception of the sincerity of the parents and sounds like it could be just wishful thinking.

I wonder why a spokesman is needed when JT is perfectly capable of making statements.
Private investigators perform a valuable service in cases. They also bill a lower hourly than attorneys. No one except the perp knows whether the child is alive or dead. Believing she is alive is a motivator
Why is BS giving us details about what the neighbor did that night? Is he 'spinning' things? We haven't heard much about the drinking buddy at all in MSM. Last night on HLN, there were some details that I originally heard on Dr. Drew that he received from a 'source'. To do with the neighbors and some vague 'animosity'. Now BS is on TV and throws us a tidbit of info: the neighbor went it at 11:30? And the lights were still off when she went in? Like people were saying, it was a beautiful night out and maybe she kept drinking out there. She couldn't have seen a person go in next door and take the baby if that is true. The witnesses saw the man walking with a baby not too far away at 12:10-12:15. So I really don't think they saw Baby Lisa in this guy's arms. JMO

I don't think that's inconsistent with the timeline
We have known the neighbor saw lights off at 11;30. The call was at 11:57. The neighbors saw a man with baby about 12:15 am. Makes sense to me.
I saw BS on some news show yesterday and continue to be unimpressed with his insights on the case. Seriously, this guy spends so much time as a talking head, I don't see how he's had an opportunity to investigate anything but the refreshment table in the ABC green room. :rolleyes:

I am so not impressed with this guy either, Velouria. He talks in circles and incomplete sentences, IMO, and cannot keep his thoughts straight. He has never made sense to me.


I like his optimism but this doesn't sound like he's doing any actual investigating. He says he chooses to believe Lisa is alive which is different from being convinced by the evidence or his perception of the sincerity of the parents and sounds like it could be just wishful thinking.

I wonder why a spokesman is needed when JT is perfectly capable of making statements.

This! Thank you Donjeta. If one chooses to believe Baby Lisa is still alive then one would be frantic to find her immediately! And yet there seems to be more stalling and blocking going on by family and team than cooperation. Heck, there should be more than just cooperation, there should be endless contribution!

No one knows what Baby Lisa might be having to endure at this very moment!!
Post by Exp Unicorns-
Thank you Donjeta. If one chooses to believe Baby Lisa is still alive then one would be frantic to find her immediately! And yet there seems to be more stalling and blocking going on by family and team than cooperation.

Most definitely. One more reason why DB and JI's seemingly lax outward concern bothers so many. IMO
After all this time with BS's help, I would expect to start believing Baby Lisa was taken from her home and alive waiting to be found. Sadly, today, Lisa's 1st Birthday, I still have the feeling the parents are hiding and stalling. I thought all BS wanted was the truth, and I bet he already knows the truth. The spin is getting old. Get your name out there, BS, but better ask yourself what you really believe in.
After all this time with BS's help, I would expect to start believing Baby Lisa was taken from her home and alive waiting to be found. Sadly, today, Lisa's 1st Birthday, I still have the feeling the parents are hiding and stalling. I thought all BS wanted was the truth, and I bet he already knows the truth. The spin is getting old. Get your name out there, BS, but better ask yourself what you really believe in.

You and me both CM, you and me both.
I still can't figure out why the benefactor chose to give to this fund instead of any other. I suppose it the ML connection...

She gives a lot. She's from my hometown - she gives tons to children's causes.
I still can't figure out why the benefactor chose to give to this fund instead of any other. I suppose it the ML connection...
Do we know that she hasn't helped in other cases?

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