Black plastic car & body found in

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I went back to reread the docs. We are actually both right. It first says the police officer was handed a black garbage bag with the following items, doll, backpack, dinner knife, blue crate, etc. I take this to mean these items were in the trunk and not contained so they put them in a black bag. Then they also found a white trash bag with blue handles in which they put into a brown paper bag.

I am not sure why the police would put all the other items in the trunk into a black trash bag when they normally use brown paper bags. But then again if the black trash bag was in the trunk with the items inside of it they would have put it in a brown trash bag so they could get finger prints off the bag. I don't think they would be carrying it around.
Since it was known that Cindy washed the knife she found in the car, I think there are 2 knives or it would have been noted the knife had been cleaned prior to them obtaining it. (It would have no forensic value after being washed, imo.) I am not certain they ever took the one Cindy washed leaving only one tagged as evidence.

Maybe the seration marks on the knife compared to the marks on tape??:confused:
This dawned on me last night and I have to say it gave me great hope that they have evidence that will bring about her conviction. Don't forget, the CSI pulled three items out of July's evidence stash...the bag, the pull-ups from the backpack, and the knife. Evidently he feels the pull-ups and the knife have evidentiary value, too. I can see the value in the pull-ups; if they match one found at the crime scene that's a direct link to KC. But, I haven't figured out what he is thinking with the knife. What may he be matching this to?

Does the knife at the crime scene match over silverware in the Anthony home?
The Anthonys might have put everything they removed from the car in a black plastic bag, handed it over to the police when they went to collect the car - that would make it evidence.

Obviously, at least one end of the duct tape could be matched to a serrated dinner knife. If one end was, then there would be sawing motions on the end, instead of a clean cut you would get with scissors.
I went back to reread the docs. We are actually both right. It first says the police officer was handed a black garbage bag with the following items, doll, backpack, dinner knife, blue crate, etc. I take this to mean these items were in the trunk and not contained so they put them in a black bag. Then they also found a white trash bag with blue handles in which they put into a brown paper bag.

I am not sure why the police would put all the other items in the trunk into a black trash bag when they normally use brown paper bags. But then again if the black trash bag was in the trunk with the items inside of it they would have put it in a brown trash bag so they could get finger prints off the bag. I don't think they would be carrying it around.

What I suspect happened is that when GA picked up the car there was a bunch of stuff in the cabin (not trunk) such as boots, jeans, backpack, knife, purse, baby seat, etc. Later, CA removed this stuff (and washed the jeans) and brought it into the house. LE later asks for all the items removed from the car. When CA gives it to them, all of this stuff is inside a black trash bag with yellow pulls.
Well most dinnerware knives do have at least part of the edge serrated.
I'm curious about the "cloth bag", laundry bag, as I'm hearing it referred to being white, inside the garbage bag. If so, and the garbage obviously broke due to the scattered remains, doesn't this fall in line with the MR's first sighting in Aug of "something white"?
Something "round and white" could have been the pullups sticking up out of the water - if the pullups had been dragged from the bag by a critter, that might explain why the LEO didn't see a bag - the pullups would have easily moved by water or something else, where the bag would have been weighted down by the bones.
Bringing this over from the kitchen knife thread....

Let me try to clarify the misconception that there are two kitchen knives.

On July 16 the Pontiac was sealed and transported to the Forensics garage. When it arrived Det. Beasley provided the CSI II a plastic bag containing:
Child's tooth brush
Black leather bag
Various papers
Dinner knife
Blue plastic crate
Plastic clothes hangers
The above are articles 3 - 10 in Item # H-51975.

On Dec 16., Melich and Edwards visit the CSI-II and collect the following items from Item # H-51975:
Black plastic bag with yellow pull handles
Pull-ups "with flower design" collected from back pack "Adorable"
Stainless steel knife.
Note that the items requested on Dec. 16 were recovered from the Pontiac on July 16. :eek:

So what is going on? Simple...

  1. The garbage bag was requested to see if it matches up with the one found with the body.
  2. The pull-ups were requested to see if they match one found with the remains.
  3. The knife was requested to see if it was used to cut the duct tape.

Well done!! :clap:
<Snipped.> ... But, I haven't figured out what he is thinking with the knife. What may he be matching this to?

Maybe it was part of a matching set of knives and the rest of the set is in the Anthony home. Now, how would ZFG have access to it if the knife in the bag was part of a set at the house?
Something "round and white" could have been the pullups sticking up out of the water - if the pullups had been dragged from the bag by a critter, that might explain why the LEO didn't see a bag - the pullups would have easily moved by water or something else, where the bag would have been weighted down by the bones.

Why propose that the "round white something" was pull-ups? Why not propose that it was the white shirt or white shorts? Those were found at the crime scene, but the pull-ups are not mentioned at all.
The Anthonys might have put everything they removed from the car in a black plastic bag, handed it over to the police when they went to collect the car - that would make it evidence.

Obviously, at least one end of the duct tape could be matched to a serrated dinner knife. If one end was, then there would be sawing motions on the end, instead of a clean cut you would get with scissors.

If you're right Bev, then the garbage bag they gave that day more than likely came from the same roll used for disposal of the body, which still makes it great evidence.
Certainly the round white something could be something else. However, among the items redeemed from the evidence locker on Dec 16th was a pair of pullups. I would imagine they would want to compare lot numbers. The shorts and the shirt were in the bag, the pullups aren't mentioned as being in the bag with the body.

p.s. Ironic as hell, isn't it, Black magic woman? That could well be her downfall.
Since it was known that Cindy washed the knife she found in the car, I think there are 2 knives or it would have been noted the knife had been cleaned prior to them obtaining it. (It would have no forensic value after being washed, imo.) I am not certain they ever took the one Cindy washed leaving only one tagged as evidence.
Hi SS. I agree. I know she washed the knife in the car,I doubt they took it.
Maybe it was part of a matching set of knives and the rest of the set is in the Anthony home. Now, how would ZFG have access to it if the knife in the bag was part of a set at the house?

Because in one of the jail visits between Cindy and Casey the conversation went something like this...
Cindy: "Has somebody been in our house?"
Casey: " I told you before Mom, she has a key."

They will both confer that the ficticious ZG had a key to the A home and was therefore able to frame Casey.
OK I went back an what I'm seeing is that the black bag was included in the id list but not numbered. Where did you see #s 1 and 2? I'm only seeing items 3-10 listed seperately but maybe I'm missing something?

on page 42 it says: " from the EVIDENCE mentioned above I collected the following items:
Black plastic bag with yellow pull handles
stainless steel knife

on page 2 it says: Detective Beasley provided me with the following pieces of evidence:
Black plastic bag containing inside:
and then lists art #3-10

It seems that the bag is actual evidence but I'm not sure.

You're correct. Inside plastic bag are articles #3 through #10. I'll see if I can find Articles #1 and 2.

Article #1 is mentioned on page Page 3214 of County Forensics Report-Part 2

"Tuesday December 16,2008
At approximately 1511 hours I arrived at the Evidence Section and had a meeting with Detectives Melich and Edwards regarding the inspection of the following piece of evidence:

Article #1, Item H-51975 (Sealed Box)
From the evidence mentioned above I collected the following items:
* Black plastic bag with yellow pull handles
* Pull-ups "with flowers design" collected from back pack "Adorable"
* Stainless Steel knife"

It appears there was only one knife and one garbage bag (the one CA gave to Det. Beasley). The way they are listed in the Forensics report is confusing (to me, at least)

I wonder if evidence found at the crime scene prompted CSI Bloise to revisit items found in KC's car.

Haven't found Article #2 of H-51925 yet, will continue to look.....if I don't go blind before I find it.
Well, there were two knives. One removed from the car by Cindy (and later given, washed to LE). And one in the bag. So they could be checking to see if the knives come from the same set, or both come from sets in the Anthony household, etc. Is the only thing we know about them that they are "kitchen" knives? Do we have a further description of them (butter or table knives? paring knives? that sort of thing?) Depending on the kind of knife, we could have a weapon. Or, we could have a tape-cutting tool. Or, given the way this case twists and turns in the most demented ways, something else altogether.

The search warrant documents released yesterday call the knife found in the car a "dinner knife." I would assume they mean what we always called a butter knife from a silverware set. As I recall, the other knife was just called a stainless steel knife, which could be either a butter knife or a sharp knife.

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