Bobbi Kristina Brown found unresponsive in bathtub. #3

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This is a little off topic, but some of you might know the answer. I was very familiar with WH's music as well as her decline and she supposedly was broke when she passed. The money now in the trust was made from her songs selling after her death. I never followed BB's career. Is he still popular or is he in bad financial shape? My reason for asking is if BK is moved into a facility who pays for that? Does he have that kind of money? Or does the executor make the decision since BK was left money? I just assume the medical bills will be astronomical.

BB was touring with New Edition up until at least last year and also is part of another spin off group called "Heads of State" with 2 other New Edition band members. Add in royalties from multiple albums and I would say he is doing fairly well as long as he isn't living the same extravagant lifestyle as he did when married to WH.
He also has his own food line now believe it or not. Not to mention I am sure he will get a hefty sum when he writes his autobiography.
BB was touring with New Edition up until at least last year and also is part of another spin off group called "Heads of State" with 2 other New Edition band members. Add in royalties from multiple albums and I would say he is doing fairly well as long as he isn't living the same extravagant lifestyle as he did when married to WH.
He also has his own food line now believe it or not. Not to mention I am sure he will get a hefty sum when he writes his autobiography.

Thank you, CoolJ. I read in a recent article that his net worth is just $2M. Who knows if that's even accurate.

Anyway, here's his sauce, etc (yum!):

anyone watch forensic files? a lady drowned face down in a bat tub.......watching now

Forensic Files is all OVER my TV, especially late at night, and it actually takes-over news channels in the early morning hours. :-/ It is re-run on many channels, not just HLN. Where I live using Directv, HLN HD is Ch 204, fwiw. Each locality/service uses different numbers, of course.

There are plenty of Forensic Files epis on youtube as well. If you could give another keyword or two, the episode you watched might be available. (I tried searching but turned-up too many.) What was the gist, and is it relevant to BK's sad case?


Respectfully snipped to address:

I do not agree with the way it was done (starved to death), but grateful that decision was made to let her RIP.

I understand your feelings. Is removing a breathing apparatus a kinder way to let someone go in a similar state?

Unfortunately, TS's case was fraught with issues which ranged far beyond concerns for her comfort IMO. And in the end, when her life support was totally withdrawn, the event did indeed present a sad picture. :-(

Respectfully snipped to address:

I understand your feelings. Is removing a breathing apparatus a kinder way to let someone go in a similar state?

Unfortunately, TS's case was fraught with issues which ranged far beyond concerns for her comfort IMO. And in the end, when her life support was totally withdrawn, the event did indeed present a sad picture. :-(


BBM - IMO absolutely not. There are medications which can be administered to end someone's life. From what I understand, many states have the "Rights to Die" law. I am in Canada and we just got this right passed earlier this month. MOO.
BBM - IMO absolutely not. There are medications which can be administered to end someone's life. From what I understand, many states have the "Rights to Die" law. I am in Canada and we just got this right passed earlier this month. MOO.
Actually, many states do not have Right to Die laws.
Only four do - Montana, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. Further, all of these states require that the patient be of sound mind, and concious, when requesting this option... it would not apply to somebody comatose or otherwise compromised mentally and physically. Somebody in a PVS would also not be able to consent. As I understand it, they have to be able to "assist" with the decision and process all the way up to the very moment the meds are given.
Do EMT's insert the vent on spot or do they take you to the hospital to do it?
Why I am asking is somewhere I saw a photo in the BK images of her? being
taken to the ambulance from her TH with nothing in her mouth...........
that would be more time without oxygen?
Forensic Files is all OVER my TV, especially late at night, and it actually takes-over news channels in the early morning hours. :-/ It is re-run on many channels, not just HLN. Where I live using Directv, HLN HD is Ch 204, fwiw. Each locality/service uses different numbers, of course.

There are plenty of Forensic Files epis on youtube as well. If you could give another keyword or two, the episode you watched might be available. (I tried searching but turned-up too many.) What was the gist, and is it relevant to BK's sad case?



I was amazed of the found 'face down in the bath tub'. Lady was murdered by drowning by husband. I didn't even get to watch to much because I received a phone call. I didn't even get her name. She had bruises connection to BK..................just some same coincidence of circumstances
CNN on Tv is reporting on BK condition.
same old news about trach with vent
NG tattoo shown
Do EMT's insert the vent on spot or do they take you to the hospital to do it?
Why I am asking is somewhere I saw a photo in the BK images of her? being
taken to the ambulance from her TH with nothing in her mouth...........
that would be more time without oxygen?

They intubate on the spot. Instead of connecting the airway or ET tube to a ventilator, they attach a football shaped apparatus, and proceed to manually "bag" the patient.

At least that's how they used to do it. Maybe now they have some kind of portable ventilators in the ambulances.
If the family is preparing for long-term care for Bobbi Kristina, where is this likely to be? Will her father and his wife take her to CA so they can oversee her care, or will the Houstons want BK to be closer to them? It probably won't be an easy decision.
Im guessing reality will hit hard when she is moved to wherever she will go next, after the hospital. If she is kept with family in a family home, they will have to learn everything-- how to change trach tube, how to suction, emergency procedures, how to clean stomas, etc.

Came here looking for some real information from a medically sound point of view and found K.Z.'s posts...excellent and as someone who has experienced a very similar situation I too noticed the very late procedure to put in me indicates the hopeless situation is not really being dealt with by the family and they fully intend to keep this going...and they can...trach and g tube for nutrition and she can go for years in some cases. If they continue on this path I have to wonder about their cannot pray away massive brain damage just can't do it.
If the family is preparing for long-term care for Bobbi Kristina, where is this likely to be? Will her father and his wife take her to CA so they can oversee her care, or will the Houstons want BK to be closer to them? It probably won't be an easy decision.

At this point I can almost guarantee the professionals are telling them that Bobbie Kristina has no chance for a "meaningful" is critical for a family to pay attention to that important. Because of the in-fighting between families here can't even imagine the ensuing arguments about the care which is 24/7 and normally beyond the ability of the family so means facility. The longer this goes on the more difficult it is to shut down the machines as you are not only dealing with breathing but usually feeding tubes etc. Families usually make this decision thinking that things will get better despite what the doctors are telling you...barring a full out miracle things usually go as doctors say and it is hell for everyone and with the machines BK can go for many years. I speak from the perspective of someone who did not listen to the doctors and question that decision. I do realize when the patient is young it is even more difficult but hope the family gets the strength to really listen to the doctors. My guess is at this point not all family members are of one mind but assume it is Bobby Brown who is the legally authorized person to make the decisions.
Isn't there a difference in the "right to die law" and giving meds to keep one comfortable who has chosen to stop treatment and die? The second method was chosen in a state that was not a right to die state and presented no problems.

If BK is moved to a long term facility, does it then become a problem if BB agrees to remove the life support after a period?
CNN on Tv is reporting on BK condition.
same old news about trach with vent
NG tattoo shown

IIRC Don Lemon reported in the first couple days after BK was found that he and PH had lunch just the week before the incident happened. I believe he and PH became friends during and after WH's death and funeral when he was covering for CNN. He was "invited" to the going home ceremony etc. I'm sure he knows much more as to what is happening with her care and situation. He is not saying due to conflict of interest and respect to the family. The immediate family has made it VERY clear they do not want BK's medical situation revealed or discussed in the media. And there are HIPPA laws to that end.

With Sanjay Gupta being an Assistant Professor at Emory College I would think that he could see BK's actual medical files and x-rays etc. But will only talk in very general terms and not discuss any actual medical "news" of her particular case. Much due to the same reasons listed above. Dr. Gupta is one of the most respected nero physicians and surgeons in the country. When the time comes for any real "news" regarding BK I will trust his reporting long before any tabloid reporting.

Isn't there a difference in the "right to die law" and giving meds to keep one comfortable who has chosen to stop treatment and die? The second method was chosen in a state that was not a right to die state and presented no problems.

You are correct. Any patient of sound mind can refuse medications or treatments, even if doing so will cause or hasten their death. If the patient is not of sound mind, then their next of kin or designated representative if they have a POA for healthcare can make that same decision. Yes, that is different than being able to legally acquire drugs which are going to be taken with the express intention that they will cause death (think Brittany Maynard).

If BK is moved to a long term facility, does it then become a problem if BB agrees to remove the life support after a period?

BB can decide to cease treatment at any time. But the longer someone is on life support, the harder it is to make that decision and actually act on it. Even harder if BK is able to be weaned from the vent and breathe on her own. Then the only thing to withhold is medication, nutrition, and hydration. That's very hard for relatives to do.
With Sanjay Gupta being an Assistant Professor at Emory College I would think that he could see BK's actual medical files and x-rays etc. But will only talk in very general terms and not discuss any actual medical "news" of her particular case.

That is false. Sanjay Gupta is not entitled to view BK's medical records simply because he works at Emory College. The only people allowed to view her records are staff who are directly involved in her care and hospitalization. Or who have been given permission to do so by her next of kin or legal representative.
Isn't there a difference in the "right to die law" and giving meds to keep one comfortable who has chosen to stop treatment and die? The second method was chosen in a state that was not a right to die state and presented no problems.

The difference is that in Oregon, a terminal patient can chose to stop treatment and not have to wait and suffer until they reach death's door. They can choose when and how they will make their exit, and on their time and terms. The two things people fear most about death are dying in pain and dying alone. If there is no more hope for treatment, cure, reversal, [eta] or even meaningful palliative care, then a dying person in Oregon has the right to actively end their own life rather than suffering to an end where even morphine etc. can't touch the pain.
That is false. Sanjay Gupta is not entitled to view BK's medical records simply because he works at Emory College. The only people allowed to view her records are staff who are directly involved in her care and hospitalization. Or who have been given permission to do so by her next of kin or legal representative.

I know this to be correct from my paralegal work experience researching HIPAA laws.

But it did make for a chuckle moment as I pictured Dr. Gupta as a digital-age medical Sherlock Holmes.

I know this to be correct from my paralegal work experience researching HIPAA laws.

But it did make for a chuckle moment as I pictured Dr. Gupta as a digital-age medical Sherlock Holmes.


this may be common knowledge here but People is reporting quite an assortment of drugs in her body at time of the event...has anyone seen recent photos of was obvious to anyone that she was on a serious downward spiral and needed intervention. In the recent weeks BB has spent more time with his unresponsive daughter than he even spent in her lifetime...very the time of her mother's death she so needed someone other than Gordon...but if so many people around her reported the drug use prior to the event and family did not intervene lots of quilt at that bedside and this could play a part in the inability to realize she is gone...of course I am a total outsider and not privy to any info but some things are sort of obvious.
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