Bobbi Kristina Brown found unresponsive in bathtub. #3

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BB needs to do some serious soul searching to ask himself if BKB would want to continue in this induced coma .... I think the answer is NO ..... she would rather go be with her mother, where ever that might be. I think it's cruel to leave her in this coma when, or if, she wakes up she'll more than likely be a vegetable .... as the poster above stated there are worse things than death.
You know today I was driving around and " I wanna dance with somebody" came on. That is the Whitney I try and remember. It is hard to stomach that someone who had everything, threw it all away for Drugs and what???

I hate when people say you can not choose who you love, because you can. You can have feelings for someone but be smart enough to walk away because they are not good for you. People do it every day.
I feel like Bobby and Whitney together were a horrible mix and that this little girl paid the price for it. That is what makes me angry about this. Yes, sometimes kids go wrong on their own, but when they grow up in this environment, they learn that that cruelty is normal. That abuse is what they deserve, That settling for people that love you instead of choosing someone you love that will love you back is better.

We know that house was ugly. I watched Bobby and he was all about BK never saw drugs and abuse.. But that is just impossible.

I don't know if the heroin story is true or not, But I know this girl has been in trouble at least since the day her mother died and probably way before that.
You know today I was driving around and " I wanna dance with somebody" came on. That is the Whitney I try and remember. It is hard to stomach that someone who had everything, threw it all away for Drugs and what???

I hate when people say you can not choose who you love, because you can. You can have feelings for someone but be smart enough to walk away because they are not good for you. People do it every day.
I feel like Bobby and Whitney together were a horrible mix and that this little girl paid the price for it. That is what makes me angry about this. Yes, sometimes kids go wrong on their own, but when they grow up in this environment, they learn that that cruelty is normal. That abuse is what they deserve, That settling for people that love you instead of choosing someone you love that will love you back is better.

We know that house was ugly. I watched Bobby and he was all about BK never saw drugs and abuse.. But that is just impossible.

I don't know if the heroin story is true or not, But I know this girl has been in trouble at least since the day her mother died and probably way before that.

Kids have intuition .... they know when their parents are acting weird = they're high .... she had to have seen this all her life. This girl learned at an early stage to use drugs as a crutch when she's angry, sad, wants to forget, hurting inside, partying etc. She was taught that and although BB did clean up his life after divorcing W he is as much to blame as W .... I'm sorry but I just cannot feel sorry for him in any capacity .... he brought this on himself since he permitted W to get him into hard drugs in the first place.
What will happen if he doctors try to wean BK off the medically induced coma and she seizures?
Will doctors keep her medically induced forever?
or will she pass?
IIRC the doctors were going to try (news a few days ago)
You know today I was driving around and " I wanna dance with somebody" came on. That is the Whitney I try and remember.

Post Respectfully Snipped.....

She was beautiful & ON FIRE in the 80s when she burst upon MTV.
I thought, that girl has it all...and don't get me started on Bodyguard. Wow.
She was on target right down to her tiny body, large voice & courage bones.
I wish she had listened to the sage women in her circle and kept away from BB.

JMO with much sadness. God be with the family.
Post Respectfully Snipped.....

She was beautiful & ON FIRE in the 80s when she burst upon MTV.
I thought, that girl has it all...and don't get me started on Bodyguard. Wow.
She was on target right down to her tiny body, large voice & courage bones.
I wish she had listened to the sage women in her circle and kept away from BB.

JMO with much sadness. God be with the family.

I don't remember the source,but it came out that WH was doing drugs before BB. However, the two together was a recipe for disaster,IMO
OT but this learning more about how dire the circumstances are when someone is resuccitated has really hit home for me. My family has been VERY lucky, and I'd realized that before but so much more now. When one of my sisters was 6 she suffered a massive grand mal seizure that left her unresponsive, no pulse and no breath sounds. My mom got her to the hospital and my father was actually working in the ER that day [he's a surgeon]. My father actually ran the code blue on my little sister and they managed to revive her. She's now in her late 20s and has a masters in Creative Writing from one of the top programs in the country for her field. The nurses on duty couldn't believe how calmly and effectively my dad ran the code. I remember the nurses telling me that it was the most well-run code they'd ever witnessed. I didn't really understand at the time as I was rather young but now, in retrospect, she was extremely lucky. We don't know how long she'd been without vitals but it was a relatively long interval as my mom and sisters had been swimming outside and it had been a while before they realized that she'd been gone too long.

My other sister had a birth trauma but also had a scary length of time without oxygen. My father's colleague was delivering another of my sisters and he was getting a bit old but they still trusted him. Well, my mom underwent an emergency section because of failure to progress. Well, for some reason, the doctor cut the cord to my sister prior to pulling her from the womb. Well, it ended up taking over 5 minutes before he managed to successfully retrieve her. With some coaxing, though, she recovered and has done well. [Although when she was 9 she required a bone marrow transplant for another issue entirely-- this July will be her 10-year transplanniversary!].

Finally, my first son's birth was quite harrowing. After 34 hours of induced labor whilst on magnesium sulfate, I finally delivered my little peanut. Except, the mag. sulfate had reached toxic level in him and he came out blue and limp, unresponsive. Apgar 0 and then 2. Thankfully, he was quickly resuscitated and rushed to the NICU. Today, he's an exceptionally bright young 6-year-old.

With our cases we did have youth on our side but I'm certain that these situations could have been quite tragic had we not been very lucky. Reading the statistics in situations like these, it's very daunting. Particularly my sister with the grand mal and the length of time she potentially spent without oxygen. In her case, she was finally released from the specialty PICU after she wrenched both IVs from her arm 3 days after the event.

Life is so precious and so scary at the same time. I feel even more blessed that the situations my family experienced had positive outcomes. It makes me so sad for those who, for whatever reason did not have this type of outcome. It's genuinely frightening understanding the absolute fragility of life.

My thoughts are with Bobbi Kristina and her family... also those who've not had the same type of outcome we were so lucky to have.

""To address the continued and never ending media requests for comment about Mr. Gordon's requests to visit Bobbi Kristina, let me be very clear, Mr. Gordon was offered an opportunity to potentially visit Bobbi Kristin and he declined to meet the terms of any possible visit," Bobby's lawyer Christopher Brown said in a statement to E! News Saturday evening. "We are only concerned with individuals that can help Bobbi Kristina and bring resolution to the investigation."
He added, "Obviously Mr. Gordon is not as desperate to visit Bobbi Kristina as he wants the world to believe."
Those are some pretty dismal statistics, K_Z.

I already knew that the stats on people who suffer cardiac arrest in the field were bad, particularly those in asystole, but hadn't really seen much on drownings.

Yeah, these stats are very hard to absorb, and pretty unequivocal. The main study I quoted is a Japanese longitudinal study that ultimately looked at over 60,000 drownings-- most of which were babies, toddlers, and children. I didn't do a very comprehensive lit review, and I still have about 5 other drowning studies that are similarly dismal that I didn't post, including a study and 2 opinion pieces that question the value of prolonged ER advanced resuscitation for drowning victims with cardiac arrest, since the neuro outcomes are are so very dismal. :(

As rapid EMS care, resuscitative medicine, and ICU care have become more sophisticated, both good and miraculous outcomes, and difficult vegetative outcomes have emerged. Scientist physicians and epidemiologists strive to research, assess, and evaluate the best methods to produce the best neurological outcomes. There is widespread concern and "discomfort" among physicians, health care providers, and scientists about employing aggressive methods for cases that produce cardiac resuscitation (a functional heartbeat and circulation), with profound and permanent neurological devastation. No one knows what the "right" amount of resuscitation and aggressive treatment is, and most people want to grasp onto the hope that their loved one will beat the odds and be the one in a million (or 1 or 2 in 10,000) miracle case.

Scientists and researchers are now, in the past 15 years or so, more closely concentrating attention not only on the question of how many people "survive" a situation (for example) of OHCA (out of hospital cardiac arrest), but to attempt to objectively quantify what kind of neurological outcome the survivors have. Rearchers strive to identify what kind of outcomes are statistically probable with various situations that produce OHCA, in order to better identify protocols to help the ones who can be helped to recover to some level of functioning. And yes, they also identify "medically futile" situations, in order to make THE BEST and MOST EFFECTIVE recommendations for resuscitation, once a patient is delivered to a trauma center or ER. Scientists, researchers, and physicians do actually understand and empathize with how bewildering, painful, and confusing it is to place the decision for continued care that is at best uncertain, and at most, futile, in the hands of grieving loved ones.

And this is where "consensus conferences" and consensus opinions of highly specialized researchers and scientists, and professional organizations come into play. As data is researched and established to define what kind of outcomes occur with various treatments, recommendations emerge. An example is the newer recommendations that for children with cardiac arrest after non-hypothermic submersion, CPR and ACLS resuscitation efforts should be terminated after 30 minutes of cardiac arrest.

Here is an example of an evaluation scale that has been developed (2011) for Cerebral Performance Categories. Category 1 and 2 is considered a "favorable outcome" after out of hospital cardiac arrest. Categories 3, 4, and 5 are "unfavorable". While these are not "death panel" recommendations, or even binding in any way, they are guidelines intended to help physicians evaluate options, and explain to families the outcomes that are most likely, given the circumstances of the person's cardiac arrest. (I hope that makes sense.) (Because of the way this tool is developed and utilized, it is not subject to copyright the way MSM articles are, and I can copy here in its entirety. For that same reason, I can only post abstracts of some articles I quote, even though I have access to full text, due to copyright, as well as my use of certain databases I have access to.)

Cerebral Performance Category

Neurol outcome after cardiac arrest

Good cerebral performance (normal life).
Details: Conscious, alert, able to work and lead a normal life. May have minor psychological or neurologic deficits (mild dysphasia, nonincapacitating hemiparesis, or minor cranial nerve abnormalities).

Moderate cerebral disability (disabled but independent).
Details: Conscious. Sufficient cerebral function for part-time work in sheltered environment or independent activities of daily life (dress, travel by public transportation, food preparation). May have hemiplegia, seizures, ataxia, dysarthria, dysphasia, or permanent memory or mental changes.

Severe cerebral disability (conscious but disabled and dependent).
Details: Conscious; dependent on others for daily support (in an institution or at home with exceptional family effort). Has at least limited cognition. This category includes a wide range of cerebral abnormalities, from patients who are ambulatory but have severe memory disturbances or dementia precluding independent existence to those who are paralyzed and can communicate only with their eyes, as in the locked-in syndrome.

Coma or vegetative state (unconscious).
Details: Unconscious, unaware of surroundings, no cognition. No verbal or psychologic interaction with environment.

Brain death
Details: Certified brain dead or dead by traditional criteria.

Ajam K, Gold LS, Beck SS, Damon S, Phelps R, Rea TD. Reliability of the Cerebral Performance Category to classify neurological status among survivors of ventricular fibrillation arrest: a cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2011; 19:38.!

""To address the continued and never ending media requests for comment about Mr. Gordon's requests to visit Bobbi Kristina, let me be very clear, Mr. Gordon was offered an opportunity to potentially visit Bobbi Kristin and he declined to meet the terms of any possible visit," Bobby's lawyer Christopher Brown said in a statement to E! News Saturday evening. "We are only concerned with individuals that can help Bobbi Kristina and bring resolution to the investigation."
He added, "Obviously Mr. Gordon is not as desperate to visit Bobbi Kristina as he wants the world to believe."


What terms?

(btw, the misspellings and grammar mistakes in the lawyer's press statements to date are noteworthy, to me at least)

Why was this release apparently published (first?) on E! News? A second alternative perhaps not entertained was to say nothing at all.

This whole matter has become nothing more than tabloid fodder, and I feel very sad about that, for Bobbi Kristina.

One can only wonder about the 'TERMSgiven to NG to see BK. IMO so many 'hot heads' NG included, that 1 term would be no fighting, yelling and upsetting in the ICU???? Perhaps family feels he will take photos? Weasel in as 'the' husband and talk to the press about what is really going on inside the ICU room.
I wonder if a term for NG to see BKB would have been for NG to voluntarily talk with LE giving a full account of what happened leading up to BKB ending up in the bathtub? Reports make it sound as if that hasn't happened yet.

What terms?

(btw, the misspellings and grammar mistakes in the lawyer's press statements to date are noteworthy, to me at least)

Why was this release apparently published (first?) on E! News? A second alternative perhaps not entertained was to say nothing at all.

This whole matter has become nothing more than tabloid fodder, and I feel very sad about that, for Bobbi Kristina.


Exactly. If anything needs to be said It doesn't need to be announced to E News! It's despicable. No one is putting her or her needs first by making media announcements. Your child is at deaths door. The rest of the world should cease to exist, imo.
I wonder if a term for NG to see BKB would have been for NG to voluntarily talk with LE giving a full account of what happened leading up to BKB ending up in the bathtub? Reports make it sound as if that hasn't happened yet.

That makes sense......forgot about that. IMO I bet the lawyer talks to 'E' news BECAUSE that is what NG and friends read! All along I have thought BB lawyer is talking to the witnesses and NG.........not us.
"Let me in the hospital to see my girl and let her hear my voice," he tweeted Saturday. "If she hears my voice, let me massage her, play her favorite music I believe it will help." NG has said on social media

We are only concerned with individuals that can help Bobbi Kristina and bring resolution to this investigation.

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I wonder if a term for NG to see BKB would have been for NG to voluntarily talk with LE giving a full account of what happened leading up to BKB ending up in the bathtub? Reports make it sound as if that hasn't happened yet.

This, and probably a guarantee that Nick would not discuss BK's condition with the media. Good luck with that :rolleyes:
NG tweet..............
Healing just fine like my baby
7:15 PM - 21 Feb 2015
At this point I can almost guarantee the professionals are telling them that Bobbie Kristina has no chance for a "meaningful" is critical for a family to pay attention to that important. Because of the in-fighting between families here can't even imagine the ensuing arguments about the care which is 24/7 and normally beyond the ability of the family so means facility. The longer this goes on the more difficult it is to shut down the machines as you are not only dealing with breathing but usually feeding tubes etc. Families usually make this decision thinking that things will get better despite what the doctors are telling you...barring a full out miracle things usually go as doctors say and it is hell for everyone and with the machines BK can go for many years. I speak from the perspective of someone who did not listen to the doctors and question that decision. I do realize when the patient is young it is even more difficult but hope the family gets the strength to really listen to the doctors. My guess is at this point not all family members are of one mind but assume it is Bobby Brown who is the legally authorized person to make the decisions.

This is my experience. I'm not trying to equate cats & humans but same scenario. We had a cat with leukemia & spent a few thousand in the beginning od his illness. The vet assured us that he would tell us when the time to let go was right. I don't quite know the right words but essentially it came down to us not being "selfish" because we wanted him around for as long as we wanted but to do what was right for him. Don't know if that makes since.
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