Bobbi Kristina Brown found unresponsive in bathtub. #4

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She may not be on a ventilator. As we predicted, she had to leave the rehab facility since she can't actively participate in rehab. She is, essentially, going home to die though she may last years before that happens. She is likely still on a feeding tube and other essential support.

I seriously doubt she is "improving".
O/T...........when is the new baby arriving for Bobby and wife?
Can he keep going back and forth from CA to GA plus work?
Who will guard and care for BK? safe guard her from photos etc.
Keep Gordan away? Townhouse safe?
Bobbi Kristina Brown Is "Not Going Home to Die"

Zach Johnson, eonline
2 hours ago

Bobbi Kristina Brown is "not going home to die," her father's legal counsel said Friday. On behalf of Bobby Brown, Christopher Brown of Brown & Rosen LLC issued a statement to E! News to address "numerous false reports and sensationalism regarding Bobbi Kristina over the last two weeks."

The lawyer cleared up other rumors regarding Bobby, saying, "Furthermore, let me be clear, Bobby Brown has not made any comments to TMZ or any reporting agency, despite the TMZ article reporting that he is feuding/angry with his sister Leolah Brown. Bobby Brown never gave an interview to TMZ." ...
Is she going home?

If she is going home and there is no hope for recovery and its in God's hands..... Then... It is somewhat correct to suggest she is going home and home is where she will eventually die.

So.... Sensational,yes, but maybe still truthful..
She may not be on a ventilator. As we predicted, she had to leave the rehab facility since she can't actively participate in rehab. She is, essentially, going home to die though she may last years before that happens. She is likely still on a feeding tube and other essential support.

I seriously doubt she is "improving".

I still don't understand the negativity on this thread and the need to disbelieve any shred of hope.

Isn't it at all possible that BK is NOT on life support and improving? Perhaps she is in such bad shape with mental disabilities that the family doesn't want the details released to the media? Is that so far fetched and hard to believe? Is it easier to believe that this young girl is basically "deceased"?

ETA: Yes, I am aware of the medical improbabilities given what we know. But I also know this: If she was never declared brain dead, there is a SHRED of hope for at least some recovery. Miracles can and do happen.
I still don't understand the negativity on this thread and the need to disbelieve any shred of hope.

Isn't it at all possible that BK is NOT on life support and improving? Perhaps she is in such bad shape with mental disabilities that the family doesn't want the details released to the media? Is that so far fetched and hard to believe? Is it easier to believe that this young girl is basically "deceased"?

ETA: Yes, I am aware of the medical improbabilities given what we know. But I also know this: If she was never declared brain dead, there is a SHRED of hope for at least some recovery. Miracles can and do happen.

It's not negativity. K_Z has explained this in medical terms. It's medical facts. And please correct me if I am wrong. Hugs to all members who are feeling pain over this decision. :(
Let's pray for a miracle SFC. I believe in them.
It's not negativity. K_Z has explained this in medical terms. It's medical facts. And please correct me if I am wrong. Hugs to all members who are feeling pain over this decision. :(
Let's pray for a miracle SFC. I believe in them.

With all due respect, K_Z is NOT family of BK and to my knowledge has no direct access to BK's medical records. Yes, K_Z has explained medical terms according to his/her understanding of what took place and what TYPICALLY happens in these situations. My problem is that these statements are in direct contradiction with what the family has said, yet everyone still jumps on it as if it is truth.

I will reiterate what I have said from the beginning. WE DO NOT KNOW. There is no way any of us can know for sure BK's medical state because we are not there and because privacy laws prevent us from having access to her condition. It is all speculation and as long as it is, I plan to keep my speculation positive.
With all due respect, K_Z is NOT family of BK and to my knowledge has no direct access to BK's medical records. Yes, K_Z has explained medical terms according to his/her understanding of what took place and what TYPICALLY happens in these situations. My problem is that these statements are in direct contradiction with what the family has said, yet everyone still jumps on it as if it is truth.

I will reiterate what I have said from the beginning. WE DO NOT KNOW. There is no way any of us can know for sure BK's medical state because we are not there and because privacy laws prevent us from having access to her condition. It is all speculation and as long as it is, I plan to keep my speculation positive.

Families can go to extremes at times to deny medical reality. Case in point: Jahi McMath.

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I still don't understand the negativity on this thread and the need to disbelieve any shred of hope.

Isn't it at all possible that BK is NOT on life support and improving? Perhaps she is in such bad shape with mental disabilities that the family doesn't want the details released to the media? Is that so far fetched and hard to believe? Is it easier to believe that this young girl is basically "deceased"?

ETA: Yes, I am aware of the medical improbabilities given what we know. But I also know this: If she was never declared brain dead, there is a SHRED of hope for at least some recovery. Miracles can and do happen.

Many people don't seem to believe in miracles. I'm with you on this one.
Many people don't seem to believe in miracles. I'm with you on this one.

I think you have to realize that the opinions expressed by KZ, though not treating BC personally, are pretty darn accurate medically speaking. Medical treatment is based on what is presented, what is expected, and treatment protocols are instituted based on previous cases and outcomes.

I have prayed for miracles many times for many patients over 33 years, and I have indeed seen a few. But not in this scenario, unfortunately :(
Cissy Houston stated there is no hope. Bk isn't getting better and it's in God's hands (meaning nothing else for men to do).

We discussed this already. I don't know where in the thread it is.
I still don't understand the negativity on this thread and the need to disbelieve any shred of hope.

Isn't it at all possible that BK is NOT on life support and improving? Perhaps she is in such bad shape with mental disabilities that the family doesn't want the details released to the media? Is that so far fetched and hard to believe? Is it easier to believe that this young girl is basically "deceased"?

ETA: Yes, I am aware of the medical improbabilities given what we know. But I also know this: If she was never declared brain dead, there is a SHRED of hope for at least some recovery. Miracles can and do happen.

Video #1 Cissy Houston: March 2015: "not a great deal of hope"
I think you have to realize that the opinions expressed by KZ, though not treating BC personally, are pretty darn accurate medically speaking. Medical treatment is based on what is presented, what is expected, and treatment protocols are instituted based on previous cases and outcomes.

I have prayed for miracles many times for many patients over 33 years, and I have indeed seen a few. But not in this scenario, unfortunately :(

But I think what the poster was trying to say was that we don't know what has been presented. There has been conflicting reports throughout this entire ordeal. JMO
I still don't understand the negativity on this thread and the need to disbelieve any shred of hope.

Isn't it at all possible that BK is NOT on life support and improving? Perhaps she is in such bad shape with mental disabilities that the family doesn't want the details released to the media? Is that so far fetched and hard to believe? Is it easier to believe that this young girl is basically "deceased"?

ETA: Yes, I am aware of the medical improbabilities given what we know. But I also know this: If she was never declared brain dead, there is a SHRED of hope for at least some recovery. Miracles can and do happen.
I believe her grandmother over everyone in this case. If she says Bobbi Kristina is not improving and there is nothing more they can do for her...I trust she knows exactly what she is talking about because I believe without any doubt she loves her granddaughter. If there was ANY sign of hope, it would come from her because she would give anything and everything for even the tiniest glimmer, imo.

Not saying a miracle cannot happen, but it will stand out as worthy of a Sainthood canonization type of occurrence if it does. Let me clarify that by stating it would have to be beyond all the powers of natural science to explain and the rarity of such is already known.
Jive said it before but curious as to what people think given the updates - when watching the reality show after WH died (which was disgusting and the family should've known better than to allow cameras in when this girl obviously needed help and intervention), BK said herself that she wasn't close with her grandmother and actually would go out of her way to avoid her! Every scene with them it was like BK was forced to sit with Cissy and it was always just so awkward.

So with that being said, I don't think the grandmother should be as involved as she has been, suddenly caring IYKWIM? That's the way it comes across to me anyway.

But I have my own theory about why everyone is suddenly acting like they cared so much about BK and I'm sure many of you WSers have the same thoughts! jMo

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I look at Cissy's tone and demeanor on the videos and I believe she is truthful about the situation. She is also a senior and has seen more life and death than younger folks and I think that gives her perspective.

Cissy knows BK is not going to be healed. Yes, she would love a happy ending, but its not going to happen and God is going to take BK on his timetable. Nothing they can do.

BK, IMO, was a difficult child. She grew up seeing and experiencing things that were not age appropriate and evidently had more money and freedom than wisdom and experience. Cissy was likely warning her about they lifestyle BK was living and BK didn't want to hear it and therefore "wasnt close" to her grandmother.


And speaking of miracles: every minute of every day families in desperate situations are praying for miracles. They use the same language: "God use (insert name) to prove to everyone your greatness and to show that nothing is impossible with you. Move that mountain!"

My sister told me of a 45 year old doctor with 6 kids who needs a miracle as he was diagnosed with stage IV bile duct cancer. He can't even get to salvage chemo he is so sick. He and his family dont even want a happliy ever after; they just want several more years for him to see his kids grow up. He is going to die.

Do certain people deserve miracles more than others? Because honestly I think this guy deserves one more than she does.
Jive said it before but curious as to what people think given the updates - when watching the reality show after WH died (which was disgusting and the family should've known better than to allow cameras in when this girl obviously needed help and intervention), BK said herself that she wasn't close with her grandmother and actually would go out of her way to avoid her! Every scene with them it was like BK was forced to sit with Cissy and it was always just so awkward.

So with that being said, I don't think the grandmother should be as involved as she has been, suddenly caring IYKWIM? That's the way it comes across to me anyway.

But I have my own theory about why everyone is suddenly acting like they cared so much about BK and I'm sure many of you WSers have the same thoughts! jMo

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We sometimes push away the ones we love the most when we are doing things we shouldn't be doing because of guilt and a whole slew of other emotions. Cissy and BK were both suffering a horrific loss when Whitney died. I didn't watch the show, but I do know life well enough to understand during emotional upheavals that families clash. The more Cissy probably tried to help BK through the mourning of her mother, the more BK would rebel against anyone trying to help her. I don't believe Cissy and BK ever stopped loving one another or caring for each other in any way. BK just wanted total freedom away from people who may have disagreed with her life choices and tried to talk some sense into her grandmother would and should have done. They were still close, in my opinion.
Don't you think if BK was really improving that both families would be shouting it from the rooftops? BB and Cissy plus all the wanna be's in the families would have the media going crazy with the announcement.

As it is, they are trying to move as quietly as possible without a lot of attention. I believe BB has at long last accepted BK's condition and is moving forward on recommendations from her doctors. If true that she is being moved back into her townhome, it is in a residential neighborhood where security will need to be heavy yet not impose on the people living there. IMO.
My cynical view, considering the past behavior of these families, is BK is being moved back to the townhouse which will be less expensive than institutional care and where they will have more control over her care and more privacy and security. I suspect the families reached a financial agreement that will satisfy both families or BB plans to wait out her 30th birthday. That the Brown family is deeply religious and devoted to her well being I cannot swallow. I too believe the grandmother is the only relative who truly loved her granddaughter and prays for God's will for her.

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