Bobbi Kristina Brown found unresponsive in bathtub. #4

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Bobbi Kristina Brown Health Update: "She's Not Progressing at All," Grandmother Cissy Houston Says

Corinne Heller, eonline
Seconds ago

Cissy Houston, Bobbi Kristina Brown 's grandmother, has offered a bleak outlook about the health of the 22-year-old, who has been fighting for her life in a medical center since she was found unconscious at her home more than three months ago.

The 22-year-old daughter of Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston was discovered face down in a filled bathtub in her Georgia home on Jan. 31. She was taken to a hospital placed in a medically induced coma . In March, she was transferred from the hospital to a rehabilitation facility , two weeks after her birthday.

"She's the same, she's not progressing at all," Cissy, 81, told Entertainment Tonight on Saturday. "She's not gone yet, but you know, whatever the Lord decides, I'm ready for her...I have nothing to do with that. That's His job. It's His territory, you know? And I understand it." ...

Grandma Cissy's comments seem to be coming soon after the announcement of the guardianship appointment :waitasec:
I was the administrator and head R.N. for a home health company which provided 24 hour a day critical care in the home. I'd like to tell you all a bit about what we did, and what we saw, and how I will never forget those people and those years of my life. Bobbi Kristina Brown may well go into a family member's home and receive one on one around the clock ICU R.N. care if she is lucky enough for her family to choose this type of care for her.
Most of our patients were youngsters to young adults whose families had received huge financial settlements for the incident in which the child was rendered chronically critically ill and in many cases, quadriplegic. We also had some under- 65 year old adults who had State Farm long term care Insurance policies which covered 24 hour a day R.N. care. ( There were a few other insurance companies with this type of policy but State Farm is or was the largest provider of intensive in- home RN continuous care).

What I saw in many cases was that a portion of the house was remodeled to be the care rooms for the patient and nurses. ( 1 nurse at a time, each working 12 hour shifts).
When a house was modified by professionals, the other family members never even had to know there was a chronically ill person in the house if they didn't want to deal with it ( and a few didn't want to).
The only signs that anyone would notice would be a change of cars every 12 hours, possibly a nurse entering the door to the patient area, and the presence of an emergency generator in case there were long electricity outages ( the mechanical vent. requires a power source other than battery after a few hours). Also, frequent deliveries of supplies and medications to the home by area suppliers of such.

I've seen it all, from little babies and family pets placed up close to the person's face and neck if they were aware, to a total disconnect or the spouse or a parent from the person, whether aware or not. One mother abandoned her beautiful baby because the baby was born with a brain tumor and required immediate surgery. It took the child 6 years with her grandmother's constant love and care and a ton of Occupational, Physical, Speech and play therapy to regain movement, to learn to walk and be actively mobile, and to finally be weaned from her trach. and have it removed and the stoma closed. She ended up with a very good quality of life, and the state funded programs paid for all her care.
I remember her especially because she was the ONLY one of my patients from my years with that company whom I ever heard speak to me. It's bittersweet... but having loved and provided intensive one on one care to those totally dependent people in different stages of living and dying causes me to see the issue of providing long term care vs. withdrawing support as a gray area if the person has awareness and responsiveness which can change in surprising ways sometimes, especially in young clients.

Sometimes, the extremely injured or ill person was SO loved by their family that I often felt we were keeping them alive, warm, comfortable, hair done and nails painted, pretty nightgowns, the whole picture mostly for the benefit of the family.
It never was a Jahi-type forced situation where the family was in denial. I made sure that the family knew exactly what was keeping their loved one alive and that despite our best care, these were the most fragile adults and children possible. That death could come at any time because of the extent of injury or illness that started before we took the cases. Family support and teaching was as important as the actual hands on nursing care in most cases. We had to prepare the family for a death, regardless of socioeconomic status.
My nurses either bonded extremely well with the families and patients or they were seeking other employment. The care required total dedication to every possible need of the patient and the family, too. Most families were SO present and involved and we came to love the person they told us their loved one had been, and we came to know and love most of the genuinely caring, loving family and friends. We were not hired to cure, we were hired to provide care that we knew, if we made personal judgments, was likely to end in a slow death or expiration of funds and transfer to an ECF with vent. care. I know the outcome for Bobbi Kristina is terminal, but until functional support is withdrawn by family consent, or she dies naturally, she is still a person in need of a high level of care. This is always a tragic situation.
Thank you, Seeking Jana, for sharing with all of us, that personal aspect of your career. You are a perfect example of a dedicated, ethical, professional, doing a really hard job. This kind of care, for months and years on end, with little hope of change or improvement, is so incredibly difficult for everyone involved. And yet, demands the utmost care, respect, and dedication for the family, as well as the patient.

BKB is exceptionally fortunate to have a cushion of $$. There are many options for her perpetual care. My instinct is that BB may decide to bring her to his private home, with the necessary modifications and staff hirings ahead of time. IDK.

There is certainly enough $$ available to place her wherever the family desires. From the news media, it sounds like BB is finally coming to terms with the fact that she will not ever substantially improve. I don't wish to see him publicly broken over that acceptance-- but I am more content that things appear to moving in a more appropriate and realistic direction for him, and for BKB.

I'm kind of glad Whitney Houston isn't alive to bear witness to any of this. She certainly had her demons, but I believe she deeply and completely loved her daughter.
Thank you, Seeking Jana, for sharing with all of us, that personal aspect of your career. You are a perfect example of a dedicated, ethical, professional, doing a really hard job. This kind of care, for months and years on end, with little hope of change or improvement, is so incredibly difficult for everyone involved. And yet, demands the utmost care, respect, and dedication for the family, as well as the patient.

BKB is exceptionally fortunate to have a cushion of $$. There are many options for her perpetual care. My instinct is that BB may decide to bring her to his private home, with the necessary modifications and staff hirings ahead of time. IDK.

There is certainly enough $$ available to place her wherever the family desires. From the news media, it sounds like BB is finally coming to terms with the fact that she will not ever substantially improve. I don't wish to see him publicly broken over that acceptance-- but I am more content that things appear to moving in a more appropriate and realistic direction for him, and for BKB.

I'm kind of glad Whitney Houston isn't alive to bear witness to any of this. She certainly had her demons, but I believe she deeply and completely loved her daughter.

Thank you for your contributions to the healing arts in a most precise and demanding area of care. Thank you also for your kind words.
Mostly, I get a bit sad and it hurts when the collective " we" of the world discuss a famous person's dire illness/ injury and the person themselves and the people who truly DO love them get lost in the words along the way.
I wish people lived private lives, but the genie was let out of the bottle with " social media" years ago, and likely will only get larger, not smaller.

I read many non- USA newspapers online and I am reminded often of the love that Michael Schumacher's family and tons of Formula racing fans around the world have for him as the rehab. team in his home struggles to help him regain some functioning.
All the money in the world can't put a brain back together again, can it, my friend?

I share your intuitive belief that Bobby or a close relative of mature age and who truly loves Bobbi Kristina will take her into his home if his new family allows it, or into another home with love and excellent caregivers. There are many factors to consider and I hope that the best is done for her, for her sake, and for the love Whitney had for her only child. Whitney was an awesome young teen model and singer, which is when I first started hunting her recorded material, as she wasn't an overnight success like people remember. :) That girl could SING!

Both mother and daughter would be alive and well if not for addictions and bad choices of partners. I hope their similar tragedies help others in their struggles to stay clean and sober and live a life that has meaning for the individual. Not for the world, but for the person doing the living.
I'm sure that together you, the other health care professionals, ( WS has a large membership of nurses ) and others, and I have seen so many irretrievably shattered bodies in our careers, and they do touch us and we do remember them long after their passing. I try to see it as a gift, otherwise I couldn't live with the grief.

When you have time. K_Z, would you mind reading about my fellow nurse and dear friend, Clo Stoner? Her case link is in my signature. Clo taught me a lot about ministering to families when little could be done for a patient. She changed my life, was a sister of my soul, and she was murdered just over a year ago now.
Day 100: What's next for Bobbi Kristina Brown?

By Dr. Drew staff

updated11:09 PM EDT, Mon May 11, 2015

•Bobbi Kristina, 22, was found unresponsive in a bathtub on January 31
•Grandmother Cissy Houston: 'She's not progressing at all'

It has been one hundred days since Bobbi Kristina Brown was found face down in a bathtub.

Bobby Brown and Pat Houston have been appointed co-guardians of the 22-year-old. "Both Mr. Brown and Ms. Houston are jointly responsible for decisions related to Krissi’s care and medical needs," their attorneys said in a statement, according to Us Weekly.

In a recent interview with "Entertainment Tonight's" Kevin Frazier, Bobbi Kristina's grandmother, Cissy Houston, says "she's not progressing at all." Dr. Drew talks to Frazier about the interview... (Video)
The question, then, is what the future holds for Bobbi Kristina. As the Inquisitr reported, some sources said that Pat Houston plans to bring Bobbi Kristina home and away from the sterile environment of the long-term care facility where she currently resides.

At this point, the 22-year-old’s prognosis remains grim. She still needs a feeding tube for nutrition and requires constant care for medical apparatus such as a breathing tube. But Whitney’s family thinks that surrounding her with a familiar environment might help reach through to the unconscious girl.

“They are planning to keep her in Georgia and possibly bring her back to the townhouse,” said an insider.

Bobbi Kristina’s aunt Pat and uncle Gary Houston are redoing the home to make it comfortable and cozy for their beloved niece.


On Sunday, The Inquisitr reported on behalf of EXTRA that the 22-year-old will finally be leaving the hospital, but not because she is recovering.

After being transferred to different hospital, it looks like the family is allegedly choosing to move her back to the townhouse she used to share with her boyfriend, Nick Gordon, so that the family can say their goodbyes.

The family reportedly wants her out of the hospital setting and in a place that is more "comfortable."

Bobbi Kristina Brown may be moved from a rehabilitation facility in Atlanta to her home in suburban Roswell, Ga., where she was found unresponsive on Jan. 31, a source told Radar Online.

Though it has not been officially confirmed, an insider revealed that Bobbi Kristina's family wants her to be in a familiar environment, one in which she can be closer to pictures of her late mother, Whitney Houston, reported.

"That was her home and her mom's home, and if they can bring her back it would be great. If she's alive, let her be home and surrounded by beautiful photos of her mom. It's as good as it gets in such a bad situation," the source said.

The 22-year-old was moved to the DeKalb Medical facility in mid-March after spending a few weeks at Emory University Hospital, according to IB Times.

Bobbi Kristina Brown's health is not improving at all, but her family is considering moving her back to the Georgia townhouse she lived in before her coma. Bobbi Kristina's family reportedly wants her to be surrounded by photos of her late mom, Whitney Houston, and to rest peacefully in a homey environment instead of a sterile hospital room.

“They are planning to keep Bobbi Kristina in Georgia and possibly bring her back to the townhouse,” a source told Radar. “That was her home and her mom’s home and if they can bring her back it would be great. If she’s alive, let her be home and surrounded by beautiful photos of her mom. It’s as good as it gets in such a bad situation.”
I can't believe they wont just let her go.

I'm not surprised at all. This family has never showed any signs that they would consider withdrawing support, which isn't at all surprising.

She has been at the DeKalb acute care rehab hospital for 8 weeks or so now. I'm sure there is a coordinated staff approach now to getting the family to move her to a definitive location for custodial care. As I posted upthread, these kind of acute care rehab hospitals are not set up for long term custodial care-- they are intensely rehab focused for a relatively short period of 4 weeks, or a bit longer when the patient is making sure progress.

BK's admission to DeKalb was never meant to be a permanent placement, despite how the media presents it as a "long term care facility". IDK how much her family (father) understood that, or not. It was an optimistic move to place her at DeKalb-- but she's so young, I can see why they took a chance. I think there was very optimistic hope she could possibly come off the ventilator, even if remaining in lifelong PVS with her trach and feeding tube. But that seems to be, very sadly, impossible.

This is just a long, slow, wrenchingly sad goodbye, IMO. As SeekingJana described above.
K_Z thank you for all your thoughts regarding this case. I sure have learned a lot from you, in this case and in others. Since BK is breathing on her own, would the only viable option to let her go be to remove her from the feeding tube? If that's what Bobby Brown and family are facing, I don't think I blame them. I don't agree with machines for doing someone's breathing if all hope is lost, but I couldn't starve my child to death. Intellectually, I might know she's already gone, but I couldn't withhold food. TIA
Nick Gordon Publicly Asks Bobbi Kristina Brown's Family to See Her

Rebecca Macatee, eonline
Seconds ago

Nick Gordon is publicly pleading with Bobbi Kristina Brown 's family for permission to visit her.

Randall M. Kessler and Joe S. Habachy, Gordon's legal counsel, issued the following statement Monday on his behalf: "Despite his strong desire to see Bobbi Kristina, Nick has respected the families' wishes for over three months and has refrained from visiting or from pursuing access to her through the courts. He has asked through counsel many times privately and now asks both the Browns and the Houstons, please let him see her. " ...
Bobbi Kristina Brown Update: Jerod Brown Prays For Sister, Praises Bobby Brown’s Efforts To Save Daughter

By Suman Varandani @suman09  on June 02 2015 7:11 AM EDT

Jerod Brown, cousin of Bobbi Kristina Brown, posted a message on his Facebook account urging his fans to pray for his sister who remains unresponsive, more than four months since she was hospitalized in January. Jerod also praised his uncle Bobby Brown for his constant fight to save his 22-year-old daughter.

“I'm asking the world, every nation, every culture, every race, every human being to continue to speak life on my uncles daughter Bobbi Kristina and also send out a special prayer request for my uncle Bobby... PLEASE,” Jerod wrote. “As you all know, my uncle B has overcomed some of the toughest obstacles in his life and now to see him fight to save his youngest daughter, me as a nephew tremendously hurts...

Bobbi Kristina, the daughter of Bobby Brown and the late Whitney Houston, was found unconscious in a bathtub in her Atlanta home on Jan. 31. The aspiring actress is currently at the DeKalb Medical facility in Atlanta where she was moved after spending weeks at Emory University Hospital...

If this June 2 article is accurate, BK is still at the rehab facility in Atlanta.
On my local news teaser............KDKA
new book out .............. by who? about BK?
Bobbi Kristina Brown Update: Drug Addiction Began At Age 14 Says New Book Titled 'Whitney & Bobbi Kristina: The Deadly Price of Fame'

By Suman Varandani @suman09  on June 08 2015 5:09 AM EDT

Bobbi Kristina Brown was addicted to drugs at the age of 14, a new book titled, "Whitney & Bobbi Kristina: The Deadly Price of Fame," claims, according to reports. The book, authored by investigative journalist Ian Halperin, comes just four months after the late Whitney Houston's daughter was hospitalized after being found unresponsive at her home on Jan. 31.

The book reportedly portrays Bobbi Kristina as a “wild child” who used to have suicidal thoughts when she was a teenager,while her mother was consumed by her own drug addiction. The author claims that Bobbi Kristina was only 12 when she first accompanied Whitney to a rehab facility in Antigua in 2005, according to the Daily Mail. And, before the age of 15, Bobbi Kristina was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for observation after she tried to stab her mother before harming herself by slashing her own wrists, the book reportedly says, citing a source...
Bobbi Kristina's Family Will Move Her Home to Die: Report

By Charlotte Libov | Monday, 15 Jun 2015 11:08 AM

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s family is reportedly planning to move her back to her townhouse so she can die peacefully, although her father continues to refuse to give up hope for her daughter’s recovery.

Brown would be taken from the long-term facility where remains on life support to her mother’s townhouse so she could pass away in peace, according to a report in the Mirror online...
Bobbi Kristina 'being taken home to die peacefully' four months after being found unresponsive in bath

21:03, 14 June 2015
By Rebecca Pocklington

Bobbi Kristina is being moved home to pass away peacefully, according to reports.

Whitney Houston's daughter has been fighting for her life in hospital since January, when she was found unresponsive in her bath.

Her father Bobby Brown and other family members have remained by her bed side, praying for her to recover, but she still remains on life support now in a rehab centre.

An insider told Radar Online: “They are planning to keep her in Georgia and possibly bring her back to the townhouse...
Neither article mentions whether or not Bobbi Kristina would be removed from life support. I wonder if this is the case?
Bobbi Kristina Brown's Aunt Leolah Claims Pat Houston Allegedly Told Bobby Brown, "It's Costing Too Much to Keep Her Alive"

Celebrity News
Jun. 16, 2015 AT 6:00PM By Esther Lee

Amidst speculation that Bobbi Kristina Brown will soon be taken off life support, her aunt Leolah Brown debunked the rumors in a very long, new Facebook message on Tuesday, June 16. In the update, Leolah ripped Bobbi's joint legal guardian Pat Houston, alleging that she told Bobby Brown that it was "costing too much money" to keep Bobbi Kristina alive.

"The BIG lie has been told again that my niece Bobbi Kristina is going to be brought home..only to leave us," Leolah wrote, telling fans to be certain of the following facts. "BOBBI KRISTINA BROWN IS 'NOT' ON LIFE SUPPORT ANYMORE … AND WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON HER! HELL NO! NOT ONE BROWN!" she wrote...
Bobbi Kristina Brown Was Not Brought Home to Die, Says Aunt Leolah

By Drew Mackie
@drewgmackie 06/16/2015 AT 08:45 PM EDT

Bobby Brown's sister, Leolah Brown, took to Facebook on Tuesday to counter claims that her niece Bobbi Kristina Brown had been taken off life support and brought home to die.

"Know for certain," Leolah wrote, "Bobbi Kristina Brown is not on life support anymore … and is continuing today to improve. And we will never give up on her. Hell no! Not one Brown!"
Per articles above: According to Aunt Leolah Brown, Bobbi Kristina is no longer on life support.

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