Bobbi Kristina Brown found unresponsive in bathtub. #4

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K_Z , if she was addicted to opiates when she was first admitted, how would they deal with that? Would they continue to administer her pain meds or to wean her off?

Addiction is completely different than physiological "tolerance", which is called "tachyphylaxis".

That said, it's extraordinarily unlikely she was on any kind of opiates long term. They are not indicated in cases of catastrophic neurological devastation. There are other classes of medications that are used to suppress seizure activity. GABA receptor agonists like Propofol, fospropofol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, dexmeditomidine, anticonvulsants, etc. They would have been withdrawn gradually.
My beautiful 33yo Nephew collapsed in the bathroom on Jan 31st also. He was not breathing. Ambulance responded and they revived him, got a slight pulse and rushed him to hospital. His eyes were slightly open, filmy and his eyes were moving. Two hours later his eyes were wide open and clear and he was looking straight up and his eyes did not move anymore. The nurse put drops in his eyes and closed them and put a cloth over each eye and were taped. He was on a breathing machine. His Dr came in and said he was brain dead and if he lived he would be in a nursing home on a machine in a vegetated state for the rest of his life. The Dr knew this just by looking at his eyes. He knew right away. The dr was going to move him upstairs for testing but his body started shutting down and he passed away shortly after. We just got a call just an hour ago from the Coroner saying it was a heroine overdose. No needles were found in the bathroom but my sister saw a small glassine bag in the toilet.

I send you much love -
Thank you for honoring us with your personal account of such a devastating loss.
I am deeply sorry :heartluv: :tears:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My beautiful 33yo Nephew collapsed in the bathroom on Jan 31st also. He was not breathing. Ambulance responded and they revived him, got a slight pulse and rushed him to hospital. His eyes were slightly open, filmy and his eyes were moving. Two hours later his eyes were wide open and clear and he was looking straight up and his eyes did not move anymore. The nurse put drops in his eyes and closed them and put a cloth over each eye and were taped. He was on a breathing machine. His Dr came in and said he was brain dead and if he lived he would be in a nursing home on a machine in a vegetated state for the rest of his life. The Dr knew this just by looking at his eyes. He knew right away. The dr was going to move him upstairs for testing but his body started shutting down and he passed away shortly after. We just got a call just an hour ago from the Coroner saying it was a heroine overdose. No needles were found in the bathroom but my sister saw a small glassine bag in the toilet.

My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family at this most difficult time.
So she is now breathing on her own, without the vent? That is a major improvement, right? wow

Terry Schiavo could breath on her own. That just means lower brain is still functioning.
Eyes open but still no one home?

Is BB keeping her alive waiting for next estate payout? At age ?25?

Is this a passive aggressive strategy of sticking it to the Hs and depleting the estate? AKA if he can't have the/some money, nobody can?

Considering BK's condition, long term care will exhaust her estate. Depending on how long she lives, it may not be enough money to cover her care.
Considering BK's condition, long term care will exhaust her estate. Depending on how long she lives, it may not be enough money to cover her care.

I wonder how Bobby Brown would proceed if he had to finance BK's custodial care? He has a wife and young family to consider.
My beautiful 33yo Nephew collapsed in the bathroom on Jan 31st also. He was not breathing. Ambulance responded and they revived him, got a slight pulse and rushed him to hospital. His eyes were slightly open, filmy and his eyes were moving. Two hours later his eyes were wide open and clear and he was looking straight up and his eyes did not move anymore. The nurse put drops in his eyes and closed them and put a cloth over each eye and were taped. He was on a breathing machine. His Dr came in and said he was brain dead and if he lived he would be in a nursing home on a machine in a vegetated state for the rest of his life. The Dr knew this just by looking at his eyes. He knew right away. The dr was going to move him upstairs for testing but his body started shutting down and he passed away shortly after. We just got a call just an hour ago from the Coroner saying it was a heroine overdose. No needles were found in the bathroom but my sister saw a small glassine bag in the toilet.

Trigger, I'm so very sorry for your loss. What a sad end to a young life. You and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Karen Quinlan comes to mind...........that is not living IMOO, just veg state, someone has to do everything to keep you alive..............
never to eat, drink, talk, walk....................really? Wasting slowly away.........
Bless her heart, I wouldn't want that for myself or anyone ever.
What about so called NG, does he even have remorse? investigation?
Karen Quinlan comes to mind...........that is not living IMOO, just veg state, someone has to do everything to keep you alive..............
never to eat, drink, talk, walk....................really? Wasting slowly away.........
Bless her heart, I wouldn't want that for myself or anyone ever.
What about so called NG, does he even have remorse? investigation?

KQ was on a vent, and her parents spent years fighting to have life support removed (I think her case might have paved the way for the way things are now), and when they finally were granted "permission" to turn off the vent she lived, I think, for another 10 years.


Sometimes my memory IS good!
Bobbi Kristina Brown Update: Doctors Gives Facts On Her Medical Condition

According to Cissy Houston, Bobbi Kristina’s maternal grandmother, the reality star has sustained “global and irreversible brain damage.” Although most people understand that this condition is detrimental, Dr. Ramesh explains the injury in more detail, stating that although Bobbi Kristina may be awake, as indicated by her father, Bobby Brown’s, surprising announcement at his Dallas, Texas concert, it doesn’t mean that she is aware of her surroundings.

While Bobbi Kristina may be able to open her eyes, global brain damage suggests that her motor movement is gone, meaning she can’t move her eyes, use her voice, or use her muscles. Per Dr. Ramish, once a patient has brain damage that cannot be reversed, the chances of a substantial recovery are extremely slim.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that Bobbi Kristina will not make it. It does mean, however, that she will more than likely never be the same person as she once was. Dr. Ramish explains that artificial life support has saved lives that otherwise wouldn’t have been saved only 30 years ago. Yet, there is no medicine that undo irreversible brain damage.

Another point of confusion came from the status of Bobbi Kristina’s coma. Whereas Cissy Houston indicated that Bobbi was no longer in a “medically-induced coma,” it doesn’t mean that she’s emerged and is and is recovering. Removal from a medically-induced coma simply means that she was taken off sedative medication.

Bobbi Kristina continues to remain unresponsive, according to her grandmother. Dr. Ramish suggests that this probably means that the 22-year-old is in a vegetative state.

Though drugs are said play a factor in her condition, Georgia’s Roswell Police Department continue to treat the situation as a criminal case, and Nick Gordon, Bobbi Kristina’s boyfriend, remains under investigation.

Read more at http://www.**************/2035274/b...on-her-medical-condition/#kd4hXFb9edffpEWy.99


The Facts About Bobbi Kristina Brown's Medical Condition

To bring clarity to Brown's case, PEOPLE spoke to Dr. Subhashini Ramesh, an assistant professor of neurology at Georgia Regents University. Dr. Ramesh, who has not treated Brown, is a neuro-critical care specialist. With each passing day, Brown's chances of making a "meaningful" recovery diminish, says Dr. Ramesh. "If she has irreversible brain damage, it's unlikely she will ever live an independent life and have some ability to care for herself."

What does "global and irreversible" mean in regard to brain damage?

Global refers to motor function, eye movement, vocal response, all of that. Usually the longer the patient remains in this type of state, it's less likely they're going to make any meaningful recovery. That's what it all boils down to: If [Bobbi Kristina] has irreversible brain damage, it's unlikely she will make a meaningful recovery.

What type of brain injury might she have sustained?

It's possible she suffered cardio-pulmonary arrest with what's called hypoxic ischemic brain injury. It's a lack of blood supply and oxygen to the brain. Even just for a few seconds, that lack of supply can be very devastating. It usually results from either cardiac arrest, poisoning or sometimes head trauma.

More at link:
Perhaps BB has plans to eventually move BK into his family home and hire staff/nurses for her day to day care. Is that a possibility? MOO.
Perhaps BB has plans to eventually move BK into his family home and hire staff/nurses for her day to day care. Is that a possibility? MOO.

It is definitely possible, if this is what BB wants to do. There is at least $20 million available to care for her. Managed properly, the $$ could last many years-- maybe even outlast BK's life.

It would require a bit of planning-- both identifying and modifying physical space in the home, hiring reliable and qualified staff 24/7/365, arranging for needed medical equipment and ongoing supplies, and cross country specialized private air ambulance transportation to CA.

So, if BB wants to keep her close, he could do that. And have pretty much complete control of the situation. But that said, full time custodial care in a private home, in perpetuity, for a completely dependent patient with PVS is a very daunting task to undertake. It is a task without respite, and without end. And exquisitely costly. But do-able, with the right kind of mindset, motivation, and money.

Most people choose a skilled nursing facility known for their excellence in caring for these kinds of patients, long term. But a private home placement is a real possibility for this very wealthy celebrity family, if they want to do that. IMO.
thinking of BK, imagine being her! If she ever does wake up.................having someone wipe my butt, not being able to eat food, drink? itchng my nose, can't talk or me that is worse than abuse. I'm so sorry but I wish she was in heaven with a beautiful new life. JMOO This is sadder than anything.
Perhaps BB has plans to eventually move BK into his family home and hire staff/nurses for her day to day care. Is that a possibility? MOO.

If Bobbi Kristina were cared for in her father's house, it would certainly impact the rest of the family. I believe there are young children and another on the way. I realize that many families make temporary arrangements in their homes to provide hospice care for a terminally ill patient, but that is generally short-term (6 months or less). BK's long-term care could last for many years. While I'm certain the Browns can afford in-home custodial care for their loved one, the overall welfare of the entire family should be taken into consideration. :moo:
Nick Gordon is back on Twitter.

@nickdgordon: Back like I left something
[h=1]Bobbi Kristina estate: Brown files for guardianship[/h]
This is a family matter involving sensitive information. We hope to resolve this in a manner that is respectful of Bobbi Kristina's sensitive health information. The Houston family has always looked out for the best interest of Bobbi Kristina Brown. The family has done so all of her life and will continue to do so. We trust that others have the same objective.
Thank you, popsicle.

This is one of the first positive signs that BB is beginning the long road to acceptance of the reality of BKs situation.

Letting go of denial isn't easy. He needs support to do the right things.
Nick Gordon Out of Rehab, Cuts a Plea Deal in Reckless Driving Case

Natalie Finn, eonline
9 hours ago

Nick Gordon continues to take it day by day.

The boyfriend of Bobbi Kristina Brown has checked out of rehab, E! News confirms. He entered treatment for alcohol abuse following an emotional sit-down on Dr. Phil. His mother, Michelle Gordon, had told Dr. Phil McGraw that she feared for her son's life in the wake of what happened to Bobbi Kristina.

A source told us early this month that Gordon was "doing extremely good in rehab," and roughly two weeks after the he was still said to be "doing very well." ...

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