Bobbi Kristina Brown found unresponsive in bathtub. #4

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The nurse imposter who provided care to BKB has been arrested and charged with several misdemeanors and felonies. She is being held without bond.

Taiwo Sobamowo, 32, was booked into the Gwinnett County jail Sunday and charged with offenses including four counts of practicing registered nursing without a license, financial identity fraud, and false identification documents, PEOPLE confirms.

(lots of other sources for the charges, if you search under Taiwo Sobamowo, or BKB)

It is the forgery and identity theft that are the felonies, and that will (hopefully, IMO) finally earn this woman a lengthy prison sentence. Unfortunately, Georgia is one of the most lax states in terms of the statutory penalty for being a nurse imposter. In GA, it is only a misdemeanor-- which is horrendous, IMO. I'm hopeful that the GA legislature will use this high profile case to re-define the charges for impersonating a licensed nurse as felonies, as a lot of other states do.

Check out what this woman was able to do as a nurse imposter:

Police said Taiwo Sobamowo wasn't licensed to to work as a nurse and also had a criminal record, yet she had still managed to obtain jobs at multiple health care facilities in Georgia and beyond.

Sobamowo was hired September of 2014 by Homestead Hospice of Roswell, but police say Homestead failed to see red flags on her application and did not thoroughly vet her. She was earning a salary of $75,000 a year.

Homestead provides nurses to numerous facilities. During her time here, Sobamowo worked in Roswell, Alpharetta, Duluth, Cumming and Marietta, according to Forsyth County Sheriff Det. Jeffrey Roe.

Duluth Police Det. Fran Foster said Homestead should have pegged her as a phony from the start. Sobamowo signed several different names on the initial employment paperwork, she said.
Sobamowo, 32, followed a script used by many nurse impostors, stealing the license number of a legitimate nurse. She found the nursing license of a person with a similar first name but different last name, then told employers that was her maiden name, police said.

Homestead has said it performed a background check, but Foster said her investigation found that the employer did not complete a background check until almost a year after hiring Sobamowo. And that was only after a whistle-blower came forward, she said.

"All they had to do was Google her, and it would have been over," Foster said.

That's because Sobamowo had previously been caught posing as a nurse in Washington D.C. and Maryland. In Washington, she was caught in 2013 when a background check revealed convictions in Minnesota and a warrant for her arrest. The nursing board there issued a cease and desist, and a judge issued a warrant for her arrest. By then, she was gone.

At Peachtree Christian Hospice in Duluth, Sobamowo was directly responsible for Brown's care. She administered about 20 medications, including narcotics, intravenously into the comatose woman who had been found face-down in a bathtub. She also called in re-orders for medications.

Sobamowo counseled the family on her condition. And when Brown died at the age of 22 on July 26, Sobamowo called in the religious grief counselor, Foster said.

Authorities have not identified a link between Sobamowo's care and Brown's death. Their investigation continues.

Sobamowo's attitude raised concerns among her Duluth co-workers.

"She was mean to these women," Foster said. "They started to think there was something not right about her, something they couldn't get their heads around."

In July, a whistle-blower called the Forsyth police, which alerted Duluth police in October.
When Foster contacted Sobamowo and asked her to come in for questioning, Sobamowo fled to North Carolina. Foster discovered she had family there and alerted local police officials, who arrested her. She faces misdemeanor charges of practicing nursing without a license as well as felony charges of identity theft and forgery.


She wasn't just a case manager imposter, by the way-- she actually administered intravenous drugs to BKB. That should concern everyone in Georgia. They simply must bring forth bills to change the nurse practice act in GA to make this a felony. Public safety demands that level of protection, IMO. Hopefully, there are additional felony charges that can be brought forth.

About 80 cases have been reported over the past 15 months to the database operated by The National Council of State Boards of Nursing. In Georgia, the state nursing board has received only 11 complaints since 2011.

"It's not being reported," said Sue Tedford, executive director of the Arkansas Board of Nursing, who has lectured on the topic at multi-state seminars. Some facilities don't report out of fear of embarrassment or government scrutiny. "Every state is dealing with this. ... These people can kill patients."

While Bartlett believes the great majority of health care facilities properly vet nurse candidates, she suspects some places don't do their due diligence. When impostors have been discovered, some places simply sent them away.

"They would just flip from employer to employer," she said.
The nurse imposter who provided care to BKB has been arrested and charged with several misdemeanors and felonies. She is being held without bond.

(lots of other sources for the charges, if you search under Taiwo Sobamowo, or BKB)

It is the forgery and identity theft that are the felonies, and that will (hopefully, IMO) finally earn this woman a lengthy prison sentence. Unfortunately, Georgia is one of the most lax states in terms of the statutory penalty for being a nurse imposter. In GA, it is only a misdemeanor-- which is horrendous, IMO. I'm hopeful that the GA legislature will use this high profile case to re-define the charges for impersonating a licensed nurse as felonies, as a lot of other states do.

Check out what this woman was able to do as a nurse imposter:


She wasn't just a case manager imposter, by the way-- she actually administered intravenous drugs to BKB. That should concern everyone in Georgia. They simply must bring forth bills to change the nurse practice act in GA to make this a felony. Public safety demands that level of protection, IMO. Hopefully, there are additional felony charges that can be brought forth.

Well isn't that just great. I get all my heath care in Ga. :hills: Just enough to scare the crap out of me and hopefully the Ga legislature.
Get off your butts and get something done!
The nurse imposter who provided care to BKB has been arrested and charged with several misdemeanors and felonies. She is being held without bond.

(lots of other sources for the charges, if you search under Taiwo Sobamowo, or BKB)

It is the forgery and identity theft that are the felonies, and that will (hopefully, IMO) finally earn this woman a lengthy prison sentence. Unfortunately, Georgia is one of the most lax states in terms of the statutory penalty for being a nurse imposter. In GA, it is only a misdemeanor-- which is horrendous, IMO. I'm hopeful that the GA legislature will use this high profile case to re-define the charges for impersonating a licensed nurse as felonies, as a lot of other states do.

Check out what this woman was able to do as a nurse imposter:


She wasn't just a case manager imposter, by the way-- she actually administered intravenous drugs to BKB. That should concern everyone in Georgia. They simply must bring forth bills to change the nurse practice act in GA to make this a felony. Public safety demands that level of protection, IMO. Hopefully, there are additional felony charges that can be brought forth.

Just sick. HTH did she slip through the cracks? This is quite scary actually. How many more like her are out there. MOO.
From above link:

Friday, March 4, would have been Bobbi Kristina Brown's 23rd birthday.

I wonder if the autopsy report will be released tomorrow? RIP, Bobbi Kristina. :rose:
FOX 5 Atlanta ‏@FOX5Atlanta 40m40 minutes ago
#BREAKING: The Fulton County Medical Examiner lists Bobbi Kristina Brown's cause of death as Lobar pneumonia.

FOX 5 Atlanta ‏@FOX5Atlanta 39m39 minutes ago
#MORE: on Bobbi Kristina Brown's death. Per Medical Examiner: Due to: Immersion of face in water complicating mixed drug intoxication.

FOX 5 Atlanta ‏@FOX5Atlanta 33m33 minutes ago
#BREAKING: Medical examiner can't determine if #BobbiKristina's death was "intentional" or "accidental". Death classified as "undetermined"

Bobbi Kristina Brown's cause of death revealed

Bobbi Kristina Brown Died from Combination of Drugs and Drowning, Medical Examiner Says

Ahead of the full autopsy release, the Medical Examiner's Office in Atlanta said marijuana and alcohol were involved in the death, as well as sedative medications and drugs used to treat anxiety.

Drugs, water immersion led to Bobbi Kristina Brown's death
Thank, popsicle, for posting that FCME press release statement.

Sadly, no surprises at all in the report-- multi-substance intoxication, near-drowning, and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy-- exactly as expected. Frankly, it's pretty much a miracle her heart kept going as long as it did after she was resuscitated.

She never had a chance once she was immersed that long.

I wish her case could be a real wake up call for recreational drug users to stop using and get treatment. But celebrities seem to die from drug ODs pretty regularly, so the risk of death isn't much of a deterrent for anyone that uses.

Substance abuse (legal prescriptions, as well as illegal drugs) is a tremendous scourge on society, at every socioeconomic level. That's what I wish her family, especially Bobby Brown, would take up as a "cause" to speak publicly about. But denial, avoidance, blaming, and excuses run too deep.
From above link:

Friday, March 4, would have been Bobbi Kristina Brown's 23rd birthday.

I wonder if the autopsy report will be released tomorrow? RIP, Bobbi Kristina. :rose:

Wishing Bobbi Kristina happiness some place wonderful away from this sadness.
Will they also be releasing the ME's autopsy findings also? Sorry, not sure what you call the other paperwork that the ME fills out when doing an autopsy on someone. The paperwork which shows things such as stab wounds, gun shots, bruising kwim. MOO.
What was already released is the "Autopsy Findings" - what you are talking about is the actual full autopsy report. They may or may not release that. A lot depends on state law.
Bobby Brown Reacts to Bobbi Kristina Brown's Autopsy Release

by Francesca Bacardi Fri, Mar 4, 2016 10:06 AM

Bobbi Kristina Brown's cause of death was released Friday morning in a statement, but her father, Bobby Brown, isn't happy that it's out in the public.

"First and foremost, 23 years ago today, Bobbi Kristina was born. Krissy will always live in my heart and soul. I love my baby girl," Brown says in a statement obtained by E! News. "For news affiliates to seek and obtain my daughter's autopsy report, before anyone has been brought to justice for her death is mind blowing to me. Please pray for my family."

The Brown family has questioned Bobbi Kristina's boyfriend's involvement in her death, and her estate's conservator filed a $10 million civil lawsuit against Nick Gordon, claiming he abused her. The lawsuit also contains a wrongful death accusation...
Thanks, BDE. It is unfortunate that the autopsy findings were released on what would have been BK's 23rd birthday. I can really see where that is a painful situation for her loved ones, when they were most likely trying to focus on remembering during the more positive parts of her life.

I know the family (BB) is convinced that there was foul play that lead to her death. They desperately want to place blame on someone other than BK, IMO. I don't know how much I believe that NG, or anyone else, is "responsible" criminally or civilly, as I think there is pretty ample evidence that she, and her closest friends, and NG, used drugs for a long time before her death, and were partying the night of her OD/ drowning. That's not simply "blaming the victim", that is the reality of the myriad of issues involved with substance abuse.

Once someone goes down the substance abuse path, and there is an outcome like BKs, it's exceptionally difficult (if not impossible) to figure out how much drug use was voluntary, how much was cooperative/ consensual, and what might have been accidental, or coerced.

BB, IMO, wants to deny that BK had any responsibility for her substance abuse, or overdose and near drowning, and wants to pin all the blame on NG or someone else. He sees his daughter as an innocent victim of the malicious intent of others preying on her and exploiting her.

But he also is in denial, IMO, about his own history of substance abuse, and WH's substance abuse, and what effects that had on BK as their child, growing up. He may harbor extreme guilt about his own part in BK's exposure to that lifestyle, and eventual descent into her own substance abuse. I think his behavior over the 7 months after BK's overdose/ near drowning, demonstrate a lot of desperation and guilt. JMO.

Sad situation all around. But predictable, IMO.
Bobbi Kristina Brown's Autopsy Reveals She Was Covered in Bruises and Scars as Bobby Brown Responds to Medical Examiner's Report

By Elissa Rosen and Nick Maslow
03/04/2016 AT 11:40 AM EST

Bobbi Kristina Brown's body showed signs of acute injury at the time of her autopsy, a report released by the Fulton County Medical Examiner's office revealed Friday.

The document notes depressions in her skull and bruises – referred to as "ecchymosis," a medical term for the bluish discoloration of skin – on her arms and thighs, in addition to dozens of "well-healed scars on the head and neck, torso, and extremities."

At 95 lbs., Brown was considered "under-nourished," according to the report...
Bobbi Kristina Brown's Autopsy Reveals She Was Covered in Bruises and Scars as Bobby Brown Responds to Medical Examiner's Report

By Elissa Rosen and Nick Maslow
03/04/2016 AT 11:40 AM EST

Bobbi Kristina Brown's body showed signs of acute injury at the time of her autopsy, a report released by the Fulton County Medical Examiner's office revealed Friday.

The document notes depressions in her skull and bruises – referred to as "ecchymosis," a medical term for the bluish discoloration of skin – on her arms and thighs, in addition to dozens of "well-healed scars on the head and neck, torso, and extremities."

At 95 lbs., Brown was considered "under-nourished," according to the report...

There was nothing at all about this in the Medical Examiner's report.

I'm confused. The Judge ordered that the actual autopsy report be released. What happened with that. Only part of it was released. Where is the part that references all these alleged bruises and scars?
Bobbi Kristina Brown's Autopsy Reveals She Was Covered in Bruises and Scars as Bobby Brown Responds to Medical Examiner's Report

By Elissa Rosen and Nick Maslow
03/04/2016 AT 11:40 AM EST

Bobbi Kristina Brown's body showed signs of acute injury at the time of her autopsy, a report released by the Fulton County Medical Examiner's office revealed Friday.

The document notes depressions in her skull and bruises – referred to as "ecchymosis," a medical term for the bluish discoloration of skin – on her arms and thighs, in addition to dozens of "well-healed scars on the head and neck, torso, and extremities."

At 95 lbs., Brown was considered "under-nourished," according to the report...
Hi Bette!

This is the first time I heard this angle. Why would this not be followed up in terms a possible perp?

I wonder if they think one can get these injuries during all in shower. But wouldnt all that be visible on the body when they pulled her out of the tub??
Was it just not released?

Asr reading it , it seemed like this was "new" information. She has needed baths?

"Dozens" is pretty intense. It seems like we are again at "celebrity" -- if someone was beating her that frequently shame on staff for not stepping in.

Just like Whitney people around and just ignore someone killing themselves.
There was nothing at all about this in the Medical Examiner's report.

I'm confused. The Judge ordered that the actual autopsy report be released. What happened with that. Only part of it was released. Where is the part that references all these alleged bruises and scars?

You are not alone -- this is confusing me = trying to get the "order" (time) when this learned?
Thanks, BDE. It is unfortunate that the autopsy findings were released on what would have been BK's 23rd birthday. I can really see where that is a painful situation for her loved ones, when they were most likely trying to focus on remembering during the more positive parts of her life.

I know the family (BB) is convinced that there was foul play that lead to her death. They desperately want to place blame on someone other than BK, IMO. I don't know how much I believe that NG, or anyone else, is "responsible" criminally or civilly, as I think there is pretty ample evidence that she, and her closest friends, and NG, used drugs for a long time before her death, and were partying the night of her OD/ drowning. That's not simply "blaming the victim", that is the reality of the myriad of issues involved with substance abuse.

Once someone goes down the substance abuse path, and there is an outcome like BKs, it's exceptionally difficult (if not impossible) to figure out how much drug use was voluntary, how much was cooperative/ consensual, and what might have been accidental, or coerced.

BB, IMO, wants to deny that BK had any responsibility for her substance abuse, or overdose and near drowning, and wants to pin all the blame on NG or someone else. He sees his daughter as an innocent victim of the malicious intent of others preying on her and exploiting her.

But he also is in denial, IMO, about his own history of substance abuse, and WH's substance abuse, and what effects that had on BK as their child, growing up. He may harbor extreme guilt about his own part in BK's exposure to that lifestyle, and eventual descent into her own substance abuse. I think his behavior over the 7 months after BK's overdose/ near drowning, demonstrate a lot of desperation and guilt. JMO.

Sad situation all around. But predictable, IMO.

I don't think Bobby is in denial at all. (By the way, how can he be in denial AND be harboring guilt?). Maybe they really do believe there was foul play. Maybe this was murder? Wanting to get to the truth of your daughters death doesn't mean you are looking to place blame.
The similarities between BK and her mothers death are just a little too coincidental for my liking. Where was Nick when WH drowned face down in a bathtub?

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