Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

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I couldn't watch it, so i was mad. The verdict made me mad. I was one disgruntled Travis supporter. I did watch Nu-ALV. That woman! What was her name? If you listen and dont look at her, she sounded JUST like Alyce! None of the watching and researching makes Travis return to life. I think that's what I really want, and it won't happen.

Fonseca, must have gone to the same school as LaV, her days on the stand were very trying to get through!

I know how you feel. :(
"Putting MM on the stand would have meant putting her one step closer to death row."

"Some friends described her as being highly she was in heat.". LOL.

FWIW, the two tweeters I'm reading both think that Nurmi is relatively gentle on JM, tho takes jabs, that his number 1 target is absolutely the killer.

One suggested that he knows what's most important to her is money and her reputation; he's torching her reputation and maybe hoping to deprive her of $$ by telling fans she's lying to them, scamming them, and enjoying herself as she does.

I like it. :)
REALLY interesting. Says the killer went pro per the 1st time so she could question Heather, a podmate who had taken responsibility for the coded magazines. Tweeter says Nurmi wrote that JM destroyed Heather in cross.

Nurmi also said the killer seemed to relish having Heather on the stand lying for her.

To all you KN book readers out there:

So far the tweets paint a rather vindictive narrative. Is that fair? Or are folks just tweeting the juiciest, KN-hates-JA excerpts?
Tweeter: Nurmi says what bothered her most about his visit to Yreka and her family wasn't that they didn't seem to care about her, but that Nurmi didn't pet her cat Luna..

She actually called him during his visit to grandparents, to "try to control the conversation." While she was on the phone she ordered him to pet Luna and he refused. She got very upset while still on phone."


Her brother C-- was important to case but couldn't be used because he didn't show up for his deposition.

Visits to her in jail that should have been as short as 30 min ended up being 2 hours because she required/demanded that much attention.

Her brother never bothered to show up for deposition?

Her mother was annoyed at having to miss work to meet with Nurmi, and let that be known?

I can't help but feel that there was some sense of relief circulating in that family, that they were rid her.

And there sat Jodi, ordering Nurmi to pet her cat from her prison cell.

I don't blame them.
One tweeter says Nurmi concludes by saying the murder was "1/2 premeditated and 1/2 rage" and that his strategy was to connect with a single juror to prevent her from getting the DP.

And if I'm understanding the tweet, he singled out #13, Bill the foreman. (easy to claim that after the fact, but whatever).
Kids who molest? So who did she molest? Or in Nurmi -reality she was molested but didn't molest because......

That's what I say........Nurmi does a Freudian slip and inadvertently reveals something we aren't supposed to know. From Nurmi's words, one would gather JA's a sexual predator.
One tweeter says Nurmi concludes by saying the murder was "1/2 premeditated and 1/2 rage" and that his strategy was to connect with a single juror to prevent her from getting the DP.

And if I'm understanding the tweet, he singled out #13, Bill the foreman. (easy to claim that after the fact, but whatever).
How do you 1/2 premeditate a murder? I guess Nurmis legal mind is too profound for the common man.

Snipped from excerpt:

"Well, it's apparent that during the break, the dream team decided that they needed a second swipe at Rachel, Arias' only female friend, and Travis. This will be the third time we've heard this story.

Nurmi says, “Miss Arias, before we delve too far into the text messages, I neglected to ask when you were, you were talking about your friendship with Rachel Blainey and her suggestion that she, that you go to the bishop...did you have a conversation with Travis about her suggestion?”. Does Nurmi not realize that any suggestion Rachel Blainey would have made to Arias would have been after Travis was dead? Does Nurmi not realize that Rachel Blainey urged Arias to ease the Alexander family's suffering and tell them why she killed Travis? Does Nurmi not realize that he is invoking the name of a Yreka detective who assisted Esteban Flores in the interrogation of Jodi Arias. He is looking more incompetent by the day. Do you get it? Rachel Blainey is a homicide detective. Nurmi gets paid $200 an hour to make these kind of embarrassing mistakes.

Arias answers, “Yes. And just for the record, it's Rachel Bennett”. Will the jury even be given a hint as to who Rachel Blainey is and why she is on Nurmi's mind? Nope.
Nurmi continues, “Sorry”. Judge Arias graciously pardons him: “That's okay”. She pauses for a moment and then in a barely audible voice adds, “It WAS Rachel Bennett”. Then she makes a nasty little face. Nurmi asks, “What's that?”. Arias, quite pleased with the fact that she has an opportunity to gossip about a woman who told her to find her own place to live, says, “It was. I think she's divorced”.
Does Arias not realize that this type of useless disclosure makes her look like a vindictive ***** instead of a woman with a steel trap of a brain who remembers minute details?"

For anyone who has "Kindle Unlimited", you can read the book for free. :blushing:
What a great post!!! You've summed up succinctly why I hate ALV so much more than Fonseca. Besides the desire to slap her, I wanted to yell back at her, "You're the one who needs a time-out witch!!!" She gives feminists a bad name.:clap::clap::clap::goodpost:

Thanks....I'm more and more paying attention to how much alike ALV and Jodi are. ALV is doing the chameleon thing with Jodi (getting Jodi's thoughts to come out of ALV's mouth), just as Jodi does it with anyone else she wants to merge with. That whole time on the stand, ALV was trying to channel Jodi. She even kept looking her way for clues. No way, ALV was trying to channel KN: she hates men!Nor was she channeling JW. JW is everything ALV hates about conventional women, i.e. the girlie getup with the high heels, makeup, etc., because it doesn't go along with radical feminism. But Jodi was in the power position and dependent on ALV: perfect combination.

ALV's contempt for smart people is in every moment of her testimony. Not just smarminess, contempt. Smirks, laughing at was being asked of her... Just like Jodi.

Distorting the truth for gain is my idea of evil.

I would have loved to see the behind-the-scenes tangles between ALV and JSS. I'll bet there were several. I'll bet if we had, this might have been JSS at her finest: covertly withering push-backs that would have ALV in way over her head. I'll bet JSS was smacking her down every other sentence and ALV couldn't make headway with her.

Snipped from excerpt:

"Well, it's apparent that during the break, the dream team decided that they needed a second swipe at Rachel, Arias' only female friend, and Travis. This will be the third time we've heard this story.

Nurmi says, “Miss Arias, before we delve too far into the text messages, I neglected to ask when you were, you were talking about your friendship with Rachel Blainey and her suggestion that she, that you go to the bishop...did you have a conversation with Travis about her suggestion?”. Does Nurmi not realize that any suggestion Rachel Blainey would have made to Arias would have been after Travis was dead? Does Nurmi not realize that Rachel Blainey urged Arias to ease the Alexander family's suffering and tell them why she killed Travis? Does Nurmi not realize that he is invoking the name of a Yreka detective who assisted Esteban Flores in the interrogation of Jodi Arias. He is looking more incompetent by the day. Do you get it? Rachel Blainey is a homicide detective. Nurmi gets paid $200 an hour to make these kind of embarrassing mistakes.

Arias answers, “Yes. And just for the record, it's Rachel Bennett”. Will the jury even be given a hint as to who Rachel Blainey is and why she is on Nurmi's mind? Nope.
Nurmi continues, “Sorry”. Judge Arias graciously pardons him: “That's okay”. She pauses for a moment and then in a barely audible voice adds, “It WAS Rachel Bennett”. Then she makes a nasty little face. Nurmi asks, “What's that?”. Arias, quite pleased with the fact that she has an opportunity to gossip about a woman who told her to find her own place to live, says, “It was. I think she's divorced”.
Does Arias not realize that this type of useless disclosure makes her look like a vindictive ***** instead of a woman with a steel trap of a brain who remembers minute details?"

For anyone who has "Kindle Unlimited", you can read the book for free. :blushing:

I'm confused. If she was a homicide detective, she wasn't a female friend, let alone her only one. What about Donoman, and uh, that other girl who backed out of testifying at the last minute? She may have befriended her, but that's different. Did Jodi truly consider her, in her desperation, a true friend? And why did the dream team want to take a swipe at her? I don't get it.
Thanks for all the snippets and analyses of KN's 1/3 book. For me, it's not worth the investment in even a kindle version. I'm saving my allowance to order JM's hardcover so it can join the rank and file in my true mystery portion of my personal library.

Martinez (as did John Ashton) sought a ghost writer who worked with him to keep his book honest and professional. It's not a negative thing at all. Juan has the ideas, the facts; in effect, the rough draft. A ghost writer also smooths out and corrects timelines and so on. He or she is a super-editor.

Plus, Martinez wouldn't have any time to write the book himself: he works so many hours that Arizona taxpayers, per Nurmi, are getting a really good deal. And he was already juggling at least one other case?
How do you 1/2 premeditate a murder? I guess Nurmis legal mind is too profound for the common man.

Stumped me too. Doesn't help to be reading secondhand what was unintelligible in the original.

Maybe he means that she went there prepared to kill him but could have changed her mind had Travis not pissed her off again.

Others have said that, including here. That if he'd agreed to take her to Cancun she wouldn't have killed him. That day, anyway.

IMO, once she was in his house there is nothing he could have said or done to stay alive. The only person who could convince me otherwise at this point is JM. I'm very sure he has the best informed opinion about what happened that day.
I'm confused. If she was a homicide detective, she wasn't a female friend, let alone her only one. What about Donoman, and uh, that other girl who backed out of testifying at the last minute? She may have befriended her, but that's different. Did Jodi truly consider her, in her desperation, a true friend? And why did the dream team want to take a swipe at her? I don't get it.

Nurmi got the last name wrong. Wrong Rachel. One was a roomie in Mesa, the other, a police detective.
Thanks....I'm more and more paying attention to how much alike ALV and Jodi are. ALV is doing the chameleon thing with Jodi (getting Jodi's thoughts to come out of ALV's mouth), just as Jodi does it with anyone else she wants to merge with. That whole time on the stand, ALV was trying to channel Jodi. She even kept looking her way for clues. No way, ALV was trying to channel KN: she hates men!Nor was she channeling JW. JW is everything ALV hates about conventional women, i.e. the girlie getup with the high heels, makeup, etc., because it doesn't go along with radical feminism. But Jodi was in the power position and dependent on ALV: perfect combination.

ALV's contempt for smart people is in every moment of her testimony. Not just smarminess, contempt. Smirks, laughing at was being asked of her... Just like Jodi.

Distorting the truth for gain is my idea of evil.

I would have loved to see the behind-the-scenes tangles between ALV and JSS. I'll bet there were several. I'll bet if we had, this might have been JSS at her finest: covertly withering push-backs that would have ALV in way over her head. I'll bet JSS was smacking her down every other sentence and ALV couldn't make headway with her.

JSS probably intimidated ALV. A truly powerful, independent, capable, modern woman, that didn't need to hide behind ALV's phony passive-aggressive eternal victimization rap in order to feel powerful. She was the real deal, and didn't need any of what ALV was selling.
We had a few more "by in larges" thrown in for good measure, and he said he picked JW as co-counsel off some county approved list because he knew she would not "go rouge". Yes, he said rouge, not rogue.

The funny thing is, JW did try to go "rouge" on occasion. That was one of her favorite colors (=red): a red suit is the conventional power outfit for women. Of course, JW had no power, but her suit of choice no doubt reassured her that she was in charge.
How do you 1/2 premeditate a murder? I guess Nurmis legal mind is too profound for the common man.

I don't know, maybe he meant she just did a half-*advertiser censored**ed job when she planned the murder.

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Stumped me too. Doesn't help to be reading secondhand what was unintelligible in the original.

Maybe he means that she went there prepared to kill him but could have changed her mind had Travis not pissed her off again.

Others have said that, including here. That if he'd agreed to take her to Cancun she wouldn't have killed him. That day, anyway.

IMO, once she was in his house there is nothing he could have said or done to stay alive. The only person who could convince me otherwise at this point is JM. I'm very sure he has the best informed opinion about what happened that day.
Ridiculous argument (I realize it's only your interpretation) if she went there to kill him you can't say it wasn't really premeditation because she might have changed her mind.

Nurmis really not recommending himself with this book.
Thank you so much for sharing qthe snippets. Have you come across Nurmi's written use of "three whole wonder" yet? Sort of like the "by in large" usage.

The most recent "three whole wonder" is KN's 3 volume book series. The "dirty little secret" is KN's pathetic attempt to tell all and accuse the world of beating him up.
Given that Nurmi's regurgitation of her lies gives them a facade of believability she never achieved on her own, and given that his book is giving her lies voice when at long fricking last she's been silenced, I'm thinking she may well have waived AC privilege....may have been willing to risk Nurm's badmouthing her in exchange for another chance to inflict pain and to be spoken about...

In fact, she luuurved KN not liking her "nine days out of ten." She even laughs as though indulgently. So, I'm sure she has no problem with him hating on her in a book.
I don't know, maybe he just did a half-*advertiser censored**ed job when she planned the murder.

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You have your choice of anything in the second row.
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