Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

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Google: " jodi arias twitter" and find multiple folks reading his book and tweeting about it.

He apparently wrote that he never believed she killed him in self defense close to the line is he going? WTH is he doing? Sorry, but I'm increasingly finding this not only repulsive but ODD.

Hmm, could he be setting up something for appeals by saying all these things? Not only would he be making money, but helping her????? Surely not :thinking: but I do question his motives, and WHY did her appeals attorneys not file a motion to put his book on hold like they did Juan's. Screw him and his blabber, he is lower than low either way.
It sure sounds like it, doesn't it!!

But I still believe he is trying to let the masses know that he did not want that job, couldn't stand Arias and was not as taken in by her modus operandi as people thought. He's trying to save face at this stage, to mend his reputation as a "good" and "knowledgeable" defense attorney. He may need to do that to survive, for one thing.
He'll apparently tell of the worst of Arias -
and obviously ignore the worst of himself -
(because it's his book) but whether his motivation is career-centric, personal vendetta, preservation of self image, or any combination thereof, is primarily his own concern. I can't deny it may shed some light on Arias as a subject of study.
Remember when she represented herself in 2011??? That is when she got copies of Travis Journal entries and starting making her copies. She used her legal status to get the copies out to Matt to electronically copy and send to Defense Team. Why didn't the 3x5 cards come into evidence??? Because Juan didn't want the letters introduced? Even The National Enquirer didn't believe they were the real article.

Everyone needs to go back and listen to Sandy Arias read her letter to Judge Stevens at sentencing. I believe CMJA wrote that letter for her mother. It sounds like her not her uneducated mother. Listen carefully how she brags about how wonderful CMJA is and how she was wrongfully incarcerated for this crime. Remember the 48 hour interview when she was talking to Maureen Mauer, she told her she "wouldn't be the first person wrongfully arrested for murder and wrongfully convicted even sentenced to death." These are words from CMJA not Sandy Arias.

Yeah that was all Jodi. I think we all knew it when by the end of her first sentence. A total difference from her speech in the interview, and also, I think Jodi scripted the begamercial they did on youtube.

That was a hard day for all of us. Never in our wildest dreams did we think we'd hear her say what she did. Nurmi better be careful she's gonna come back and bite him on the butt. I'm sure her side will be that he touched and intimidated her, would breath down her neck and look down her jumpsuit.

I always appauld when JSS says life forever no parole.


BBM I agree with you. IMHO it's odd for a mother to describe her child's birth as "kicking and screaming"??

I wonder....what Nurmi is doing seems to border on career suicide. Professional ethical defense attys don't write books trashing their ex-clients, especially on such a personal level (she went unbathed for days?? WTH is that about).

Consider the timing of his book. Before JM's, yes, and after the COA gave JM the go-ahead, yes, but also after it would have been known to him that there is a MAJOR investigation going on by the AG's fraud division that requires access to sealed trial records.

Hmm. Maybe a proactive strike before genuine dirty secrets are revealed about a member (s) of the DT?

I wonder....what Nurmi is doing seems to border on career suicide. Professional ethical defense attys don't write books trashing their ex-clients, especially on such a personal level (she went unbathed for days?? WTH is that about).

Consider the timing of his book. Before JM's, yes, and after the COA gave JM the go-ahead, yes, but also after it would have been known to him that there is a MAJOR investigation going on by the AG's fraud division that requires access to sealed trial records.

Hmm. Maybe a proactive strike before genuine dirty secrets are revealed about a member (s) of the DT?

I've long thought that nothing concerning the Arias trial would surprise me (after all we've seen and heard) but I agree, Nurmi seems to be begging for his license to be revoked and bounced out of the big boy legal club.
He writes mockingly about the stupidity of the ninja lie, and of speaking to her about it??

That really does seem like it crosses the line into a violation of attorney- client privilege. Minor? Batcall to AZL?

He does despise her, right? And he despises her more than he wants to dirty up JM, right? And he despises her more than he'd love to be proven a wunderlawyer by winning her a new trial because of the unprecedented publicity which deprived her of a fair trial and which is evidenced still by the vehement reaction to his book. Right?

Actually, the twit psychologist mentioned this IIRC. Samuels. He said he and JA's attorney convinced JA to drop the ninja story, since it was obviously not true. Samuels used this as an example of PTSD: she was in denial about what had really happened and only gradually came around to the reality and/or could admit what she'd done. Barf.

I wonder....what Nurmi is doing seems to border on career suicide. Professional ethical defense attys don't write books trashing their ex-clients, especially on such a personal level (she went unbathed for days?? WTH is that about).

Consider the timing of his book. Before JM's, yes, and after the COA gave JM the go-ahead, yes, but also after it would have been known to him that there is a MAJOR investigation going on by the AG's fraud division that requires access to sealed trial records.

Hmm. Maybe a proactive strike before genuine dirty secrets are revealed about a member (s) of the DT?

Nurmi is a defense attorney, and therefore professional, but you lost me at ethical, that's why his motivation is hard to fathom.

But he isn't stupid, nor I assume suicidal career-wise. If he has any knowledge of the AG investigation, which is likely, he would, imo, have the skill to skirt any issues in what he publishes. This may be why it's in three parts; to publish what he can, when he can.

I wonder....what Nurmi is doing seems to border on career suicide. Professional ethical defense attys don't write books trashing their ex-clients, especially on such a personal level (she went unbathed for days?? WTH is that about).

Consider the timing of his book. Before JM's, yes, and after the COA gave JM the go-ahead, yes, but also after it would have been known to him that there is a MAJOR investigation going on by the AG's fraud division that requires access to sealed trial records.

Hmm. Maybe a proactive strike before genuine dirty secrets are revealed about a member (s) of the DT?

Nurmi might not care about a future income stream. He has enough to retire very nicely. The only thing is, he might have astronomical doctor bills from all the stress he was under: he might, actually and with reason, have been afraid of JA and/or her minions. Constant fear can seriously traumatize a person; it wouldn't surprise me at all if he needs a lot of professional support. Furthermore, I think we should be open to the possibility that a therapist has encouraged him to write his story as part of the healing process.
Perhaps Juan didn't use as there is a two hour gap between 2.38 pm and 4.38 pm. Best not to give the killer a chance to use this. Also, he didn't need it. The jurors dismissed Arias' lies.

Right. His cross of her on this was a masterpiece of lawyering, IMO, though it sure didn't seem like it watching for the first time. First time I couldn't understand why he kept hammering away about the car exchange, or about what time she said she went over to T's house that day.

She refused to answer about a concrete time, over and over. When he was finished with making his point that she was lying about the time (using her own reticence against her,) he moved on the cars.

Really worth a listen and a look. She knew he was trying to trap her and she dodged and dodged and tried to evade, gave conflicting answers, and finally gave up and claimed she just didn't remember.

She looked and sounded like an evasive liar. He won that round without ever giving her the opportunity to fill in that 2 hour window.
Nurmi might not care about a future income stream. He has enough to retire very nicely. The only thing is, he might have astronomical doctor bills from all the stress he was under: he might, actually and with reason, have been afraid of JA and/or her minions. Constant fear can seriously traumatize a person; it wouldn't surprise me at all if he needs a lot of professional support. Furthermore, I think we should be open to the possibility that a therapist has encouraged him to write his story as part of the healing process.
Considering the environment in which he thrives, I think he has thicker skin than that. If what you say is true, he wouldn't be inciting the very elements you speculate 'traumatized' him with his book.
BBM I agree with you. IMHO it's odd for a mother to describe her child's birth as "kicking and screaming"??

I don't think I'd seen that tape of the sentencing. I had two favorite parts. One, that JSS tossed in an aggravating factor all on her own, the one that addresses Jodi's flagrant attempts to cause the Alexanders emotional distress. The other is that life sentence. But actually, my favorite part of the life sentence was what JSS put in writing, namely that Jodi wasn't to be released for any reason for the rest of her life.

I think JSS would have loved to let loose on Jodi: she is really working at being restrained and is sticking carefully to her script.
Considering the environment in which he thrives, I think he has thicker skin than that. If what you say is true, he wouldn't be inciting the very elements you speculate 'traumatized' him in his book.

I think Jodi traumatized him, no one else.
Actually, the twit psychologist mentioned this IIRC. Samuels. He said he and JA's attorney convinced JA to drop the ninja story, since it was obviously not true. Samuels used this as an example of PTSD: she was in denial about what had really happened and only gradually came around to the reality and/or could admit what she'd done. Barf.

The problem isn't that he says he thought the Ninja story stupid, but that he references saying that to HER. What he said to her and she to him is shielded by attorney client privilege.
Nurmi is a defense attorney, and therefore professional, but you lost me at ethical, that's why his motivation is hard to fathom.

But he isn't stupid, nor I assume suicidal career-wise. If he has any knowledge of the AG investigation, which is likely, he would, imo, have the skill to skirt any issues in what he publishes. This may be why it's in three parts; to publish what he can, when he can.

My speculation, put more bluntly, is that perhaps he knows that what the investigation might reveal will so taint him directly or indirectly that he's rushing to get his digs in and his excuses known before the axe falls.
I think Jodi traumatized him, no one else.
You also mentioned her minions, and if there was to be any palpable threat it would have to come from them, not her, because she was and is safely in custody. So if he was actually traumatized by her, the last thing he would do is release a book like this, because she would still theoretically be able to get to him through them.
My speculation, put more bluntly, is that perhaps he knows that what the investigation might reveal will so taint him directly or indirectly that he's rushing to get his digs in and his excuses known before the axe falls.
I don't think being 'tainted' bothers him much, and if he's in legal trouble there's no remedy in writing a book.
In December 2007, JA texts TA saying she is cleaning house for some guy. TA asks her if he is paying less to her than he he is. JA twists it, and TA asks why can't answer a simple question.

Then she says "he's paying me the same". OMG she would drive me crazy too. Total manipulation.
I don't think being 'tainted' bothers him much, and if he's in legal trouble there's no remedy in writing a book.

I agree that if he's in legal trouble he can't really turn this book in stapled to a brief. But I do think he is bothered by the "taint" in the court of public opinion. I was surprised by his tweets about being a victim of fat shaming and internet bullying. I have to admit that "what a wiener" popped into my head when I read his victim comments.
I agree that if he's in legal trouble he can't really turn this book in stapled to a brief. But I do think he is bothered by the "taint" in the court of public opinion. I was surprised by his tweets about being a victim of fat shaming and internet bullying. I have to admit that "what a wiener" popped into my head when I read his victim comments.
Agree. He probably does what he can to see himself in a good light. It just happens to leave most of us scratching our head.
I don't think I'd seen that tape of the sentencing. I had two favorite parts. One, that JSS tossed in an aggravating factor all on her own, the one that addresses Jodi's flagrant attempts to cause the Alexanders emotional distress. The other is that life sentence. But actually, my favorite part of the life sentence was what JSS put in writing, namely that Jodi wasn't to be released for any reason for the rest of her life.

I think JSS would have loved to let loose on Jodi: she is really working at being restrained and is sticking carefully to her script.

My favorite part is the 2 second pause by JSS after Jen finished babbling about her client's remorse that the killer herself didn't bother to lie about, as she had been so thoroughly occupied gathering herself up, tongue flicking like a snake about to strike, to smite Samantha with her words that oh yes, Travis was alive and aware right before I slit his throat, JSS allowing herself one slow blink as she heard that, silent while everyone else in the courtroom gasped, her own moment to strike coming later, after those brief seconds after Jenny, asking- is there any legal reason why I can't just go ahead and rule right now? Two no's later, she sped through her lists and only minutes later, after 7 agonizingly long years, her ruling of life until you die in prison said with what could have been mistaken for indifference, but I think instead expressed exquisite contempt...go, be gone, you don't deserve a single additional second of my time.
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