Bosma Murder Trial 03.03.16 - Day 19

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Absolutely. Let's say, for the sake of argument, both accused are acquitted of murder in this case. If that happened, CN could not be convicted as an accessory to a murder that a jury had found her accomplices did not commit. In that case, charges would be dropped.

Now, as for testimony in this current case, CN would be expected to testify truthfully to what she knows. The Charter of Rights guarantees that whatever she says in sworn testimony cannot be used against her in a different trial (for example, her own trial for being an accessory).

That would not mean that she could not go to trial as an accessory, but that the Crown would have to prove the case against her without reference to anything she said in this case. And I suspect there will be a publication ban on her testimony (or there could be) lest it taint the likelihood of her receiving a fair trial herself.


IF - then ----->:tantrum: <----- (me) and also ----->:banghead: !!
Yeah, I know! Weird! Maybe Pillay can use that as a defence too! DM's man-bags had been exposed to ferrets...

One thought besides: I could imagine MS on scateboard, joint in hands, ferret on shoulder - he is the type IMO.
I've thought about this, too. But I also wondered whether, if they had a storage location near the airport, the pings would reveal whether or not they stopped there to pick up the incinerator, and towed it to the hangar from there. I'm guessing, not. But I don't know.

They could have stopped by the farm to dump the seats, or for some other reason (picking up fuel?). In lieu of the actual seats they could have substituted something else, like an oil barrel or bale of hay. It would be around the right height to sit on, if a little itchy.

Did they release the exhibit of the storage unit documents that were in the files? There are actually quite a few storage places in Brantford and one on Paris rd. Can't remember if they pinged anywhere near this location or not.!1sAf5ktVofdZKreYgTyoGIcQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

but there are quite a few others as well,1870&tbm=lcl&tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:2&rlfi=hd:;si:
it might have been done outside the hangar? Not sure what the whole hangar looks like but I wonder if they have a wash bay area for airplanes?
Don't know if this has been answered or not. Aside for office area, the hangar would be one vast space- walls/obstructions are not favourable for aircraft, so there wouldn't be an actual "wash bay". Equipment etc is rolled out to the individual aircraft if needed. IIRC This hangar was built for two 757's at a time and serviced by a trench drain running the full width of the hangar. MOO
No idea. But it's not my contention that the incinerator was stored in the barn. Near it possibly.

I posted the pic to show that the trailer was dirty and rusted and therefore it may have been stored outside.

Even though the previous owners had used the barn for hogs, IMO, this is a decommissioned dairy barn. The lower part of the main barn has stone/concrete walls, concrete floor and probably pens and stanchions- the upper levels where you see some missing barn boards are for hay storage. We don't have a pic of the rear of the barn, but there is most certainly a barn hill and a set of barn doors on that side of the barn allowing entry into the second level (1st level of hay storage area)

This second level can support a tremendous amount of weight- after all, it was built to hold hundreds of bales of hay. Hay is often stacked around the parameter of this area off the wagons that are pulled right into the barn thru these doors, so if it's big enough and strong enough to hold equipment, I don't have any problem thinking that the incinerator would be stored there. (ours was big enough for the combine, baler, and 4 hay wagons) It would have been easy enough to pull it in with a truck and drive the truck out). As far as rust/debris on it? IMO, DM didn't know how to keep anything in good condition.

Hay lofts are pretty dusty places- lots of birds hanging around and that barn was missing some barn boards, so I can see how it would be covered in dust, debris and even rust. He may have had a padlock or chain across the rear barn doors if he was worried someone was going to steal his incinerator. MOO
Susan Clairmont &#8207;@susanclairmont 15 Std.Vor 15 Stunden
Seeing rear seats flipped up, storage underneath. #Bosma

I want to post this although I haven't read the thread yet, sorry, to somehow mark the point.

That storage underneath the rear seats was 2013 here on WS mentioned as perhaps being a reason to steal exact this truck by a drug gang (framing DM/MS) which had possibly posession of the truck before Tim and knew of the storage.
.... and now I will continue with twitter and thread "day 19" ......

the storage under the fold up seats is put there by Dodge. A jack for changing tires and the necessary tools are stored there.
I am unable to blow up the pic of the board, but to me, it looks like a tire tread in the bottom pooling area. moo

I am not trying to connect my above post to this one, btw. just an observation about the board.
Would explain a lot, wouldn't it ?!?!

(Re possible drug binge.)

Respectfully, but are you folks suggesting the only reason DM and MS abducted and murdered a guy for his truck is because they were on a coke binge? Or do you mean the sloppiness that followed in the days afterwards?

I realize no one has explicitly claimed this, but I can't figure out where else the drift of drug talk is leading.

If you mean the late/sleepless nights cleaning up, I suspect a lot of that was adrenaline.
Even though the previous owners had used the barn for hogs, IMO, this is a decommissioned dairy barn. The lower part of the main barn has stone/concrete walls, concrete floor and probably pens and stanchions- the upper levels where you see some missing barn boards are for hay storage. We don't have a pic of the rear of the barn, but there is most certainly a barn hill and a set of barn doors on that side of the barn allowing entry into the second level (1st level of hay storage area)

This second level can support a tremendous amount of weight- after all, it was built to hold hundreds of bales of hay. Hay is often stacked around the parameter of this area off the wagons that are pulled right into the barn thru these doors, so if it's big enough and strong enough to hold equipment, I don't have any problem thinking that the incinerator would be stored there. (ours was big enough for the combine, baler, and 4 hay wagons) It would have been easy enough to pull it in with a truck and drive the truck out). As far as rust/debris on it? IMO, DM didn't know how to keep anything in good condition.

Hay lofts are pretty dusty places- lots of birds hanging around and that barn was missing some barn boards, so I can see how it would be covered in dust, debris and even rust. He may have had a padlock or chain across the rear barn doors if he was worried someone was going to steal his incinerator. MOO

Completely agree. Also you can get locks for trailer towing mount. They are a tow ball that fits in the trailer hook up and you can put a padlock on it. That way, other than cutting the lock off, you simply cannot hook up to the trailer.
I am unable to blow up the pic of the board, but to me, it looks like a tire tread in the bottom pooling area. moo

I am not trying to connect my above post to this one, btw. just an observation about the board.

You are correct .... looks like a tire tread and the stain is likely from doing an oil change .... they likely set the old filter on the board and some ran down around the tire ..... I have seen hundreds of ramps and floors just like that .

We beat the plank issue to death 3 years ago but some people will not let it die .... Police had covered the end with a paper bag so that is where the evidence was .... the stain has nothing to do with anything .... besides , it was Toronto police doing a search for LB evidence and they say they found nothing and I take it to include the plank too.

And interestingly, they stored the stolen stuff at the hangar, not on the DM's rural property, probably for the exact reasons Palisadesk raises. Then why store the eliminator there? I also think the eliminator stayed at the hanger(or nearby) for a long while before being moved to the pseudo-farm.

Presumably there was a purpose for the eliminator at the hanger. DM would simply not be able sneak that under his father's nose. I think its reasonable to assume that it was purchased under the premiss of using it to burn the company's garbage, rather than paying to have it hauled away. Nonetheless, it was delivered to the hanger and from various photos taken at the hanger, it seems like it was kept there for a period of time. Sometime, presumably after WM's death, the charade was dropped and the Eliminator was moved to the farm where Dellen had always wanted it.

I think our legal system sucks in that DM doesn't have to take the stand. Wouldn't it be helpful to find out exactly what he was thinking when he purchased that thing and what was his reasoning for moving it to his non-working farm? I believe you should be obligated to take the stand in your own defence, and if you choose not to, you have to live with the consequences.
(Re possible drug binge.)

Respectfully, but are you folks suggesting the only reason DM and MS abducted and murdered a guy for his truck is because they were on a coke binge? Or do you mean the sloppiness that followed in the days afterwards?

I realize no one has explicitly claimed this, but I can't figure out where else the drift of drug talk is leading.

If you mean the late/sleepless nights cleaning up, I suspect a lot of that was adrenaline.
Definitely with you on that AE. IMHO, this whole group were a demented bunch, and with a well funded DM as their leader, they were not only capable of murder, but of elaborately covering their tracks. Guns and drugs were just a natural fit. MOO
Presumably there was a purpose for the eliminator at the hanger. DM would simply not be able sneak that under his father's nose. I think its reasonable to assume that it was purchased under the premiss of using it to burn the company's garbage, rather than paying to have it hauled away. Nonetheless, it was delivered to the hanger and from various photos taken at the hanger, it seems like it was kept there for a period of time. Sometime, presumably after WM's death, the charade was dropped and the Eliminator was moved to the farm where Dellen had always wanted it.

I think our legal system sucks in that DM doesn't have to take the stand. Wouldn't it be helpful to find out exactly what he was thinking when he purchased that thing and what was his reasoning for moving it to his non-working farm? I believe you should be obligated to take the stand in your own defence, and if you choose not to, you have to live with the consequences.
I for one would love to see DM take the stand!!! Hey, we're talking DM here- the guy who gave the jail house interview without his lawyers blessing- so once the Crown is finished presenting their case, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if DM decided that he better point out the inconsistencies, all the stuff that has been so obvious but overlooked. Perhaps he'll want to tell us the story behind all of this- the one DP eluded to when DM was first arrested and the one that was going to become obvious to us when LE apprehended the other suspects. MOO
Going through the slides, a few things stood out to me. Image on the right mentions "occurrence time: 9:15pm" I suspect this was speculation based on all the other evidence they have - surveillance videos, Bullard's testimony, phone pings, etc. In the last column (this is a picture folder) he had a file with the name of the woman who accused him of theft. I'd sure love to know what the images were in that folder.

EDIT: (forgot to add) the whole idea of backing up your phone on someone else's computer still boggles my mind.
At 6:46 here [video=youtube;cfO7B9rgltE][/video]


Backing up your phone is done for 1 reason only: to have access to those files in case you need them. You back it up on a pc you have full, unrestricted access to, in case you need it. You don't back it up on someone else's computer (unless you don't have one of your own, I guess?) and it doesn't automatically back up if you just plug it in to charge - you have to run the back up. I suppose it's possible the owner of this phone either didn't have a pc himself & used DM's to back up his phone, or DM backed it up without the owner's knowledge? The latter certainly wouldn't surprise me in the least.
(Re possible drug binge.)

Respectfully, but are you folks suggesting the only reason DM and MS abducted and murdered a guy for his truck is because they were on a coke binge? Or do you mean the sloppiness that followed in the days afterwards?

No, not murdered because of drugs. Just the crazy and seemingly coke fuelled frantic back and forth activity after the murder. Take the right amount of cocaine and it will make you feel invincible, your thinking will become clearer and faster(but if you are dumb to begin with, it won't help in that department), and you will have seemingly boundless energy and not feel the need for sleep. Think of the movie Wolf of Wall Street. It's really Wall Street's drug of choice for a good reason.
No, not murdered because of drugs. Just the crazy and seemingly coke fuelled frantic back and forth activity after the murder. Take the right amount of cocaine and it will make you feel invincible, your thinking will become clearer and faster(but if you are dumb to begin with, it won't help in that department), and you will have seemingly boundless energy and not feel the need for sleep. Think of the movie Wolf of Wall Street. It's really Wall Street's drug of choice for a good reason.

BBM - I think DM already felt that way after WM and LB.

I think the rest of it was adrenaline.

I am absolutely onboard with your last paragraph....that is exactly what I had worked out. So glad you have the mind to figure out and match all the pings...makes me crazy.

Paragraph...gees, I thought CN spent the entire evening with DM and they did a circuit together....ditch the toolbox ...then ditch the trailer (which I presumed was sitting at the hangar) and then go home ????

( Agree to leave commuter guy out...but because he was commuting, I trust that he was sure of time...that routine is like milking those damned cows every morning.)

Interesting exercise...thanks

do you think the locked toolbox in question is the one they pointed out yesterday from the video? The yellow toolbox? otherwise why point out the yellow toolbox. I also wonder why they would show that girl for all the court to see if she had nothing to do with the case? Is she going to be presented later as someone important?
slide # 69
Can people charge their iphone on a laptop and have the files transfer over to the laptop automatically?
Can people charge their iphone on a laptop and have the files transfer over to the laptop automatically?

Yes...depending on how you have it set-up. My iPhone and iPad are set to sync and back-up every time I plug them into the computer. I typically charge them through a wall plug so it is not every day that I plug into the when I do, it transfers all the data from the phone onto the computer and makes a back up. You can also set it so that it doesn't automatically back can manage that process manually if you choose.
Do you remember when Smich had his first court appearance? I think it was reported that he had the appearance of a drug addict - coming down from a high. It's reported now that he has gained weight and appears healthier. Maybe he was an addict.
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