Bosma Murder Trial 03.08.16 - Day 21

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
Court benches uncomfortable. #Bosma family/friends bringing purple cushions made by friend, Purple was Sharlene & Tim's wedding colour.
But there was a window in the way?

The window could have been rolled down if the door was closed - or - perhaps the shooter hopped out of the truck and fired at TB with the driver's side door open.

All MOO.
Thanks for these! IMO The headrest is too high/wide to support a shooting from the back. MS being a small man (in more ways than one lol moo) would be compromised in moving forward and reaching to point a firearm at close range. All IMO MOO

Just jumping off your post...

Picture of the interior of a 2006 Dodge Ram 3500 to look at the angles


But as we are seeing in court...they are not qualified in court. Im not personally saying they are not qualifed, the courts have stated this and so have they themselves. How often have we heard from witnesses "I'm not a bolistics expert"?

Mar 8 2016 10:55 AM

Dungey asking questions about how the gun being held might influence the GSR. Gerard says he's not qualified to answer that, but a firearms expert could.

Once that I can find. He isn't saying that the firearms expert (ballistics expert) could say where the shooter was, merely how holding the gun could influence GSR. We will have to agree to disagree and see what happens as the Crown unfolds their case. MOO
At the courthouse, there are some really heavy duty metal doors down the hallway where the prisoners enter the courtroom. I sat near the door where they come in, and I heard the clangy, rumbly boom of these metal doors echoing down the hall. Shortly after, MS and DM were brought into the courtroom. It was comforting to know that this is their life now.

Also, given where they sit at their table, MS always enters the room before DM, and leaves the room after DM. And they both have their own entourage of police officers with them at all times.
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
Agrees statement of facts: Dellen Millard's fingerprints taken by @HamiltonPolice May 11, 2013 and those fingerprints uploaded by Lys.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 2m2 minutes ago
We are looking at a photo of Dellen #Millard finger prints, which were taken by police & put into database. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
And we're back. In her investigation, Lys examined prints of Dellen Millard (uploaded to AFIS after taken by @HamiltonPolice May 11, 2013).

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 37s38 seconds ago
Seeing photo of comparison between unknown photo and AFIS 20 possible matches. #Bosma She did not know what case photo related to.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 26s27 seconds ago
When doing a comparison, Lys says AFIS sends back 20 possible match candidates (using a matching algorithm). #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 25s26 seconds ago
Database gives 20 potential matches to a finger print & expert makes final comparisons #Bosma
Mar 8 2016 11:52 AM
Now back in court. Jury being recalled.

Mar 8 2016 11:54 AM
Moodie now reading out an agreed statement of facts -- that Millard's prints were taken and that Lys examined them alongside the photo.

Mar 8 2016 11:56 AM
So the RCMP AFIS software uses a kind of matching algorithm and returns a list of 20 possible matches.

Mar 8 2016 11:57 AM
An examiner then compares each one until a match is found.

Mar 8 2016 11:58 AM
Court now seeing photos of Millard's fingerprint and the finger in the photo.
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3s3 seconds ago
Now seeing comparison of photo vs. Millard print.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 10s10 seconds ago
Lys walking us through her points of comparison. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 18s19 seconds ago
The photo of the finger with the gun, inverted & input to database, came back with #Millard's as one print that could match #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 48s48 seconds ago
Expert says he's never seen so many gunshot particles inside a vehicle "speaks to me that the firearm was discharged in the vehicle." #Bosma

He's never seen any other case where someone has done something so unspeakably foolish.
Mar 8 2016 11:59 AM
Lys now listing the comparisons between the two.

Mar 8 2016 12:02 PM
In the photo, the finger is angled, so the comparison was done focusing on one part of the print.

Mar 8 2016 12:03 PM
Lys says multiple points of comparison on the photo of the person holding the gun matched Millard's fingerprint.

Mar 8 2016 12:05 PM
"There is sufficient quantity and quality of ridge detail in agreement to conclude that the digital image has been identified to the left index finger of Dellen Millard," Lys' presentation says.

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 8s8 seconds ago
The photo of the hand holding the Walther PPK was taken by police from Dellen Millard's computer

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 5s5 seconds ago
Six points of comparison.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 22s22 seconds ago
Seeing two photos--the 'found' photo of the print, and a 'known' print--that Lys compared. 6 shared features are flagged in photos #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 11s11 seconds ago
Seeing another slide of same photos with many more (17 total) points of comparison between the two. #Bosma
I'm about to fall over the fence but my pant leg is stuck lol. I think they did plan it. Completely intended harm but didn't know exactly what would happen and what to do about all of it which explains the sloppiness to me.

I'm thinking more of the sloppiness beforehand. Millard is 6'4 or something and already stands out before the man purse, tattoos and use of his middle name. That stuff would all have likely been okay if police were only investigating a truck theft, even an audacious one. But murder? There's risk taking and then there's a wildly inadequate sense of self preservation. The cell phone evidence is important to this point I think. They clearly demonstrate an awareness of not leaving a trail - the burner phone was shut off immediately after it's last use, for example, and Tim's is shut off presumably right after his death. But their personal phones were carted to a planned murder? And MS decides to switch his off only after they commit the murder? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. What makes more sense to me is not knowing they were going to be killers, and then each of them having a different reaction. Smich to turn his off, Millard maybe deciding that in a bad situation with no good options he is better to leave the phone on and at least be able to have a half-assed argument of no cognizance of guilt. The sloppiness after was probably mostly little planning, inexperience, a little bad luck and running out of time.
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 27s27 seconds ago
Next slide we see has 17 points of comparison. All matched.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 33s34 seconds ago
The digital image marked R1 has been identified to the left index finger of Dellen Millard. #Bosma
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 49s50 seconds ago
Her conclusion was peer reviewed. He concurred with Lys' conclusion. #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 44s45 seconds ago
Lys says it's her opinion that the finger in the photo is the left index finger of Dellen Millard based on a comparison with prints on file

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
the fingerprint in the photo was identified to the left index finger of Dellen Millard. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
Lys conclusively ID'd the gun photo as showing the left index finger of Dellen #Millard. #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 41s41 seconds ago
Crown is finished, no cross examination from Millard's lawyers

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 50s51 seconds ago
No cross examination by PIllay. #Bosma
The window could have been rolled down if the door was closed - or - perhaps the shooter hopped out of the truck and fired at TB with the driver's side door open.

All MOO.

But evidence photo shows a shattered upper portion of that window. The window wasn't all the was down. Looks like only 1/4 of the window remained.
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 14s14 seconds ago
Dungey asks Lys about photo of finger which she said appears to be holding a weapon.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 10s10 seconds ago
Crown done. Nothing from Pillay. Dungey on his feet for Smich. Back to original gun photo. Going over writing on gun. Now done. #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 20s20 seconds ago
Mark Smich's lawyer Thomas Dungey is asking Lys to read what it says on the gun in the photo "Walther PPK cal. 9mm 380 ACP"
Mar 8 2016 12:07 PM
Pillay doesn't cross examine. Dungey asks Lys if the photo reads "Walther PPK Cal. 9mm Kurz/380 ACP." She says it "appears that way."

Mar 8 2016 12:08 PM
During cross examination of the last witness, Dungey gave "hypothetical" that this was the type of gun that was fired in the truck.

Mar 8 2016 12:08 PM
Now taking a brief recess for the Crown to set up a presentation.

Are they simply establishing that DM had a gun in his possession and available to him? Without the gun being found, it seems like this is simply proving he had a gun and took a photo with it. Nothing really ties the gun in the photo to the actual shooting, despite the shell casing matching. MOO
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 52s52 seconds ago
Jury sent out briefly while Crown Tony Leitch prepares for next witness. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 46s46 seconds ago
Dungey: Writing on it says Walther? PPK? Cal9mm? kurz/380ACP?
Lys: It appears that way, yes. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 25s25 seconds ago
That's it for Lys. Taking a quick break for set up before next witness. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 55s56 seconds ago
#Smich lawyer Dungey asks expert to read markings on gun in photo. Walther PPK. Kurtz/380ACF
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