Bosma Murder Trial 03.23.16 - Day 26

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Sorry, haven't been able to pay much attention today. In what way are they trying to pin it on JV, can anyone sum up for me?

I don't think it's at all clear what the defense strategy is, and therefore WS'ers have begun to speculate.
Sorry guys what day was the water running at riverside?

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This whole arrangement between DM and JV is clearly an under the table arrangement , not all of it illegal either.

The rents received by DM (Millard properties) are taxable ... if JV lives there in exchange for wages it saves DM some income taxes , and saves JV having to first pay tax on his income and then pay rent.

I say not nessesarily illegal because technically DM could let anyone live there for free if he wanted , no business of the tax man.

Another possibility is covering for running water down an inside drain for many hours. Running water outside all day would be cover for any records of a spike in water usage in that period. Total speculation.

As best I know, water is not metered like electricity. There are no time of day meters on water, so covering for a spike is not necessary. But WTHDIK.
But why JV? I only caught the first part of his testimony, but so far he just sounds another poor schmuck who got manipulated by DM. Did defense ask any questions that made it sound like they were implying it was him?

Is "are you nervous right now" supposed to be the code for the ones defense is going to accuse?

Here's an example of the cross-examination:
Susan Clairmont &#8207;@susanclairmont 47s47 seconds ago
Sachak berating Javier, wanted to know how old he was when he got the loan and why he doesn't know how much he owed and when.

It seems completely absurd.
But why JV? I only caught the first part of his testimony, but so far he just sounds another poor schmuck who got manipulated by DM. Did defense ask any questions that made it sound like they were implying it was him?

Is "are you nervous right now" supposed to be the code for the ones defense is going to accuse?

Just goes to show DM knew he was done for, caught red handed and it was only a matter of time. Once he caught word AJ had phoned CS, DM set in motion to try and frame someone else and perhaps prior to AJ's call. Who else better than someone who did all his grudge work for peanuts, had been to all the place where evidence was found. V had been to the hangar doing construction, he rented an apartment on Riverside where I am assuming TB's truck was hosed down the night of his murder (V's fingerprints/DNA on hose), sending texts to people, SS and LW, implying he's been set up by someone who works for him.

Sachak questioning about the apartment under renos which V had a key to, DM was supposedly going to move into and made mention of the bathroom, did DM and MS shower in that apartment and TB's blood found in the drain? V was given access to the Yukon and red Dodge, those involved in TB's murder. DM wanted to cause confusion for investigators as to who was driving what on which day. And V would leave evidence/DNA in the Yukon and red Dodge. And why not throw the four BILs into the mix also to say V had accomplices. So yes, it's looking like DM was in planning mod to frame V. No wonder Sachak needs a couple more hours to question him. It's all about reasonable doubt now. Do I think the jurors are going to buy it...absolutely not! DM is the lowest form of evil IMO. The $3k in cash DM had on him when arrested, I doubt it was to pay V. I think someone might have been preparing to run. ALL MOO.
[h=1]Tim Bosma Murder Trial: Videos from Dellen Millard’s roommates | EXHIBIT #112[/h]
I think there is plenty of evidence to place MS with DM when TB was murdered and none to implicate JV or anyone else, IMO. Remember the cell phone evidence related to MS, but as to what MS's role was, I do wonder. Was he an unwitting pawn in the deadly game DM devised or an active and willing participant? I'm not sure.

Hopefully the Crown will present more evidence to answer those questions as the trial continues. So far, it seems to me everything is pointing to DM as being by far and away more culpable, but I may be wrong. Sometimes I forget some of the compelling evidence we've already heard and it's hard for me to keep track and put it all together, so I may have forgotten about more damning evidence the Crown has against MS, IMO.

All MOO.

Just for reference, we have seen a cell phone that the Crown CLAIMS to be owned by MS, but we actually haven't seen any evidence to suggest that this particular cell phone was 100% owned by MS.
As best I know, water is not metered like electricity. There are no time of day meters on water, so covering for a spike is not necessary. But WTHDIK.

It was just random speculation. I didn't mean a spike for the day but a spike for the billing period. I guess we would need to know how much of a blip 10 straight hours of running water would actually be against normal use, and what normal use was for that time. Were the units occupied etc. Anyway, there are probably many, many more likely scenarios than my suggestion.
[h=1]Tim Bosma Murder Trial: Videos from Dellen Millard&#8217;s roommates | EXHIBIT #112[/h]

Boys are weird! :p
Oh absolutely! I have no doubts it was DM who showed up in TB's driveway that night. I was responding to Satchie's post. HTH and MOO.

I don't think that there's any possibility of it being successfully pinned on someone else, the most compelling evidence IMO is how the Bates phone and DM's phone were always in the same location for several days, including right up the Bosma's driveway.
Don't forget the mobile Pet Cremation business!! :facepalm:

So was he going to build a bunch of houses and a grand estate at the farm or was he going to turn that barn into a home??? How on earth did DM keep all these different stories straight? MOO
So if DM was leasing the red Dodge to Javier, and he was planning on switching VIN plates with TB's stolen truck....was he setting up Javier?
I think DM's defense likes to control the pace and tenor of this trial and uses every opportunity to do so. Just before another long break, they say they need another 2 hours of cross-examining JV. IMO, the cross next week will take a lot less time and I suspect they're just trying to psych JV out over the next week to hopefully have him ultra nervous and feeling vulnerable when he returns to the stand, IMO. They want him feeling off-balance.

If JV got the feeling today that DM and his lawyers are trying to make him the scapegoat for this horrific crime, I think he'd be feeling rightfully nervous and also very angry that he is being put in such a position, IMO.

I hope he knows there are many people who believe his testimony and don't buy into DM's defense tactics, IMO.

All MOO.
Just for reference, we have seen a cell phone that the Crown CLAIMS to be owned by MS, but we actually haven't seen any evidence to suggest that this particular cell phone was 100% owned by MS.

It is interesting how all the testimony is from DM's friends/associates so far - I think they will focus on MS later. I think MM will testify that was the phone number she used to keep in touch with MS.

That also makes me think, maybe the witnesses yesterday were primarily called so LE could prove beyond a doubt that it was indeed DM's own phone that was pinging off the locations associated with the Crown's murder scenario, and he had it in his possession constantly - ie no one else could have been moving around with it.
So it DM was leasing the red Dodge to Javier, and he was planning on switching VIN plates with TB's stolen truck....was he setting up Javier?

IMO, I don't think so. He was planning on getting his diesel toy, and the red truck was the key. That is why he was searching for a diesel dodge 3500.

It is very difficult to follow this case without a giant white board to correlate timelines, cell pings, text messages, and witness events. Missing one piece changes the whole thing, and creates questions that are answered by lining up all the known information.
Sorry, I really know nothing about tax stuff. So JV didn't file his taxes for his workers. Maybe he didn't know he had to file for his workers as this was suppose to be done by DM? Do we even know if the workers filed theirs and claimed their earnings (like a waitress claims their T4 for tips but they have to claim as an income)? It sounds like JV and DM were suppose to be business partners but DM took over both the reins, making JV just an employee. So that makes DM responsible for getting the T4's to the workers. To me it looks like JV found out differently and filed those taxes in 2015.

It's in the best interest of a low income employee to file their taxes on time if they intend to apply for the Child Tax Benefit and HST credits, which are significant.

But, what do you do when your boss doesn't issue a T-4? If you claim the income anyway, then your boss gets investigated by CRA about why there were no T-4s issued. It makes a very awkward employer-employee relationship.

If the witness eventually filed his taxes, then there may have been a payroll paper trail. Did MB figure it out and complete the missing paperwork? There would be some whopping fines to pay! Hopefully the guys were able to collect EI when DM was carted away.
Just for reference, we have seen a cell phone that the Crown CLAIMS to be owned by MS, but we actually haven't seen any evidence to suggest that this particular cell phone was 100% owned by MS.

MS defence team didn't contest the fact that it was MS' phone.
Was TB'S truck not moved early in the day from hanger? Then it showed up through the night at his mom's? So That gave DM time to bring truck to Riverside and it hose down, leavin water on to drown the ground where he washed the truck.

AJ,SS and others saw the truck before it left. The cleaning had to occur before the morning of the 8th. Otherwise this becomes very weird with all witnesses who saw the truck in the hanger not seeing blood. Especially SS, since he removed parts and put them in the truck bed.

From Google Earth you can see that the backyard has been paved to be a parking lot and is pretty secluded from anyone other than a resident of the house, due to a treeline out back. Was probably about the most private area to do something to the truck that these guys had in the GTA.
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