Bosma Murder Trial 03.23.16 - Day 26

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Sorry, I really know nothing about tax stuff. So JV didn't file his taxes for his workers. Maybe he didn't know he had to file for his workers as this was suppose to be done by DM? Do we even know if the workers filed theirs and claimed their earnings (like a waitress claims their T4 for tips but they have to claim as an income)? It sounds like JV and DM were suppose to be business partners but DM took over both the reins, making JV just an employee. So that makes DM responsible for getting the T4's to the workers. To me it looks like JV found out differently and filed those taxes in 2015.

Jumping off your post with an essay, lol! :) I'm so miffed about how DM's defense team tries to screw over every witness, IMO.

DM knew JV and his family crew could easily be taken advantage of, IMO. If anyone was using someone, it was DM using JV, IMO.

The vehicle(s) JV used, including insurance, maintenance and gas should have been an expense of the company “Villada Homes” that DM deceived JV into thinking was a legitimate enterprise with promise for the future. That blank invoice for the VH company found on DM’s personal computer, IMO, is evidence that it was precisely what he told JV he would do – register and handle the business end, taxes, payroll etc. DM should have had JV on payroll otherwise, or hired him as an independent sub-contractor, (then JV would have had to run his own business in every respect), but JV obviously had no clue about his obligations as a business owner or co-owner and his ignorance played right into the diabolical DM’s hands, IMO. It does not surprise me in the least that JV trusted DM to handle the paperwork for the business as he is clearly not educated on that aspect of running a business and was in his mind only expected to do perform the building, renovations, construction and various labour duties that DM directed him to do to fulfill his part of the bargain, IMO.

IMO, DM got JV in his hooks by apparently being so nice to give JV access to his vehicles without having to maintain or insure them, loaning him cash for a trip, giving him rental accommodations etc., but DM did everything using the technique of intermittent reinforcement, IMO, which is a very powerful psychological tool. It’s unlikely JV would look his proverbial gift horse, DM in the face and complain, IMO.

DM knew JV had language barriers, was not equipped to run the paperwork end of a business, was not paying him well or paying him inconsistently for working long hours, and DM thought he could exploit JV who likely wouldn’t cause too many problems when JV's paycheques were late, his wages cut, or his rent was hiked, IMO. DM had JV exactly where he wanted him, IMO, completely dependent upon DM to do his bidding with little risk of resistance on JV’s part.

If JV ever decided in future that he didn’t like things how they were, DM had a lot of threats he could make to keep JV in line. For instance, he could fire him without warning; evict him from his home; take back possession of his vehicle; and put JV and his family in a very precarious position, IMO. I think JV would have been okay eventually, but when someone’s livelihood, home and family are in jeopardy, I can understand how insecure JV may have felt. While he may not have liked many situations that DM foist upon him, he likely felt he had few options and was also likely brainwashed by DM to feel a strong sense of obligation to DM.

In any case, I think it speaks volumes about JV’s good character that JV spoke to LE and gave his statement to them on May 13[SUP]th[/SUP] and that he never again worked for DM again after DM’s arrest. And even though DM’s defense is trying to make him look bad, he is enduring the cross-examination and telling truth despite the DM lawyer’s negative spin.

All MOO.
JVs finances aren't adding up though. He says he's paying $450 for the truck and up to $1700 for rent, then whatever he's paying on the $9k loan. At $22 per hour, that's a lot of hours.

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JVs finances aren't adding up though. He says he's paying $450 for the truck and up to $1700 for rent, then whatever he's paying on the $9k loan. At $22 per hour, that's a lot of hours.

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Sounds like indentured servitude. I see it with Filipino nannies in my neighbourhood all the time.

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It's pretty clear where Sachak is going with V now. DM's text messages to LW where DM said he thinks he's been set up by someone he works with. Sachak is going to try and pin the truck theft and TB's murder on V. MOO.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes Mar 22
She asks if he's going to be ok. At 4:55pm he says "looks bad, I think someone I work with has set me up. I'm not sure why."

ie DM will claim he never switched the Yukon, so it must have been JV and his buddies who kidnapped Bosma? And they had friends who impersonated DM and MS at the Bosma home. And DM and MS somehow arrived at the hangar unobserved at 1 am to find the truck they'd ordered, and they decided it was a good time to burn some of that garbage DM had been stockpiling.
My first thought was to let water run all day to wash away blood or evidence or something ..... but on the other hand sometimes contractors are known to water down substrates before pouring concrete basements driveways etc .... so there could be a plausible explanation because DM was planning a new driveway.

AHAAA!!!! .... good point .

I understand the driveway was on Maple Gate? But the hose was running on Riverside Dr.
Moreover the worker (JV or his brothers) would know by himself if to water the driveway for 10 hours or not, I think. DM isn't an expert in that metier.
ie DM will claim he never switched the Yukon, so it must have been JV and his buddies who kidnapped Bosma? And they had friends who impersonated DM and MS at the Bosma home. And DM and MS somehow arrived at the hangar unobserved at 1 am to find the truck they'd ordered, and they decided it was a good time to burn some of that garbage DM had been stockpiling.

;) Exactly.
When did DM purchase the Riverside property? If you check out the Google Streetview from August 2011, there's someone working in the front yard. Kinda looks like DM but also kinda doesn't. What do you think?

Also notable is that there's a pile of bricks on the lawn by the driveway. Didn't we hear about a pile of bricks during the testimony today? There's almost two years between Aug 2011 and May 2013. If these are the same bricks, they would have been sitting there for quite a while.

Was TB'S truck not moved early in the day from hanger? Then it showed up through the night at his mom's? So That gave DM time to bring truck to Riverside and it hose down, leavin water on to drown the ground where he washed the truck.

AJ,SS and others saw the truck before it left. The cleaning had to occur before the morning of the 8th. Otherwise this becomes very weird with all witnesses who saw the truck in the hanger not seeing blood. Especially SS, since he removed parts and put them in the truck bed.
This is why Im wondering if this was done when the truck an trailer was moved from the hanger. At that point DM would have had the power washer in his possession. The truck and trailer was moved from the hanger in the morning (the 9th? As per business neighbor camera and testmony) then brought to the mothers that night (neighbors video) so there was a full day that the truck and trailer whereabouts are unknown?

Could whatever water usage at Riverside have been done by....CN??? There is no cell pings shown for her....she could have visited the hanger at anytime.... To pick up stuff ect. Maybe that material would be covered in her trial???
When did DM purchase the Riverside property? If you check out the Google Streetview from August 2011, there's someone working in the front yard. Kinda looks like DM but also kinda doesn't. What do you think?

Also notable is that there's a pile of bricks on the lawn by the driveway. Didn't we hear about a pile of bricks during the testimony today? There's almost two years between Aug 2011 and May 2013. If these are the same bricks, they would have been sitting there for quite a while.


It doesn't look like DM to me. I saw two views, one is a young man standing with a shovel and the other one the same young man bending down. Perhaps this is one of JV's relatives?

All MOO.
I hope this works, trying to quote post #286...

JV received a biweekly pay of $900 for a total of $1800 monthly. This was to then be split with four crew when necessary...

JV then rented an apartment from DM for at least $900, and then also rented a vehicle for $450. This leaves him at best $450 for himself and to distribute to crew. Obviously, a person has to pay rent but this is pretty close to market rate. Consider that many property owners let the super/maintenance person live in a unit for free. Also, when someone is an owner or co-owner of a business, as JV was led to believe he was, he would not lease a used car at market rates from the co-owner.

Then DM lent him money and docked various amounts for 4 years +...

It becomes pretty clear that DM was basically clawing back almost every dime he gave this guy, which he did under the table. JV cannot be blamed solely for that. DM also set up the company, had the invoice letterhead on his own computer, and paid no payroll taxes, overtime, etc for years.

JV has now paid his back taxes. He took responsibility for that and followed through.
I'd say DM is the one looking extremely dishonest and unethical. Actually this sounds like both labour exploitation and fraud on his part.
Sorry, I really know nothing about tax stuff. So JV didn't file his taxes for his workers. Maybe he didn't know he had to file for his workers as this was suppose to be done by DM? Do we even know if the workers filed theirs and claimed their earnings (like a waitress claims their T4 for tips but they have to claim as an income)? It sounds like JV and DM were suppose to be business partners but DM took over both the reins, making JV just an employee. So that makes DM responsible for getting the T4's to the workers. To me it looks like JV found out differently and filed those taxes in 2015.

It was DM's company and DM should have been taking the necessary deductions from V's income or whoever was responsible for handling the books so to speak. Plus the four BILs should have been on payroll paying them individually instead of giving V cash or cheques and then letting V divvy out earned wages to his BILs. It would have been up to DM or his bookkeeper or account to produce T4s for all employees on this company's payroll. Looks like DM was a frugal and crooked as they come running the businesses. There is no way CRA hasn't fully investigated ALL of DM's financial affairs. Boy he sure wasn't as bright as many believed hahaha. By the time everything gets/got sorted out and paid back, I have a hunch there is/was nothing left. And WM's estate...anyone who thought they'd get a piece of that pie, wishful thinking on their part. It's amazing what money will do to people. Just disgusting. I hope all these people who were scheming, wheeling and dealing with DM are ashamed of themselves and get nailed big time IMHO.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6h6 hours ago
Villata Homes was a company started by Dellen Millard. They were going to do construction/renovations. Flip houses, basically.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6h6 hours ago
Dellen Millard controlled finances of the company, filed documents. Doesn't know if it was incorporated or not.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6h6 hours ago
Villata was paid hourly--$27 then $22 because he "had to go down a little." His 4 brothers (+in-laws) also worked for the company.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6h6 hours ago
Millard was very punctual with pay in the beginning. Then it became every 3 weeks or every month. Every 2 weeks was the agreement.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6h6 hours ago
He was paid both in cash and by cheque. He then paid the other employees when he cashed the cheque.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6h6 hours ago
Dellen was supposed to be paying the taxes but Villata received a statement from govt saying he owed money.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 6h6 hours ago
He discussed this with Dellen "many times." Villata says Dellen said he was going to pay it. But he ended up fixing it himself.
Hi Everyone.

Just started following along, and making one of my first comment/question.

Has it been determined when the Yukon had the carpet removed? I would have thought the question would have been put to JV, since he had the Yukon just before the 6th.
I'm in total disbelief that DM appears to be going to try and pin this crime on JV, who he obviously exploited unmercifully.

I wonder who he's going to say killed LB and WM....
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 7m7 minutes ago
Exhibit 642-3. A swab from a garden hose seized from Riverside Drive in Toronto. #Bosma

The Continuity Officer will be back on the stand next week. Some evidence has been got from that hose. Maybe CN DNA?

I have a feeling that CN is going to be able to fill us in on what the deal is with the hose and what went on there.
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 7m7 minutes ago
Exhibit 642-3. A swab from a garden hose seized from Riverside Drive in Toronto. #Bosma

The Continuity Officer will be back on the stand next week. Some evidence has been got from that hose. Maybe CN DNA?

I have a feeling that CN is going to be able to fill us in on what the deal is with the hose and what went on there.

If it was used at some location for the spraying down of TB's truck it could have detectable amounts of TB's DNA splashed back on the outside of it as well.
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