Bosma Murder Trial 03.31.16 - Day 28

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Adam Carter ‏@AdamCarterCBC 20s21 seconds ago
Millard's lawyer Nadir Sachak just qualified that using the word "brewski" means beer. #TimBosma #Bosma

I'm getting tired of Sachak acting like a frat-boy in court. This guy just thinks he's soo hip and cool with all his lingo and slang. Certainly "brewski" is not offensive, however many of his other quips are offensive to many groups. I would never hire this dufus (which describes his courtroom antics) if I needed a criminal defense lawyer.
This is also the very last thing I'd want to see when I'm at the vet's office with a sick animal. :(

I have to mention that many clients of veterinarians want the cremated remains of their pets. I have the cremated remains of my dog General who needed to be put down a few years ago and I would not have wanted him cremated in something like that and on site at the Vet's which was, at that time, directly across the road from my townhouse in a little stripmall.
Something I have been wanting to mention from prior discussions...

The issue surrounding the running of the hose for 10 hours.. JV said in his statement to police that DM wanted to see where/if the water 'pooled'. Correct me if I have missed something, but nowhere did I see where JV had made any mention of DM mentioning building a deck, or that he wanted to ensure water wouldn't pool where he intended on building a deck. From what I could gather, that deck was all the lawyer's concoction, and in fact when this was mentioned by Sachak to JV, he said a deck wouldn't have worked there anyway.

Then when I saw the video of the small shed which was apparently in the location where DM had asked for the hose to run for 10 hours, it is way far away from the residence, and more at the fence which is beside the street. Who would really want a deck to be located there, away from the unit and next to the noise, exhaust, pedestrians ? DM wanted these upgrades at Riverside because *he* was moving into one of the units, why would he want a deck placed where *any* of the units would have access to it?

Another half-baked attempt by DM's defence!
While I have already said the mobile Pet cremation idea is ridiculous, it also occurred that there is a warm up and cool down cycle. He could not just go vet to vet to vet. There would be some time needed for the cycles.

Heck! It's just a stupid idea for many reasons. MOO
Is $15,000 normal? Won't lie, my jaw kind of dropped but I know zip about aviation.
Guess I won't be parking my non-existent plane anywhere. :crazy:

NFW! Maybe for 787 Dreamliner, but not for the typical planes that use Waterloo airport.
can one of you great people answer a couple of minor questions for me?
1- what does MRO mean?
2 - I have seen the quote "gone, gone, gone" on a few occasions...what is the signifigance of that, if any?
I'm getting tired of Sachak acting like a frat-boy in court. This guy just thinks he's soo hip and cool with all his lingo and slang. Certainly "brewski" is not offensive, however many of his other quips are offensive to many groups. I would never hire this dufus (which describes his courtroom antics) if I needed a criminal defense lawyer.

I am totally on your side here. He also gives long drawn out cross examination which often paint a picture opposite of what he is trying to portrait. Each time he mentions things like how wealthy DM is he also shows how careless he is with money ie excavator. The way he throws money around it's without any income coming in its very believable to see he could be broke as the crown suggests. The picture that I see from the defense of DM is exactly like the attempted cover up. They've painted a guy who is very careless, reckless, sloppy and an extremely poor planner. Instead of the rich, nice, and multi business owner they are trying to make it sound like.

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can one of you great people answer a couple of minor questions for me?
1- what does MRO mean?
2 - I have seen the quote "gone, gone, gone" on a few occasions...what is the signifigance of that, if any?

1. Maintenance/Repair/Overhaul - It's an aviation term.
2. MS texted this phrase to MM about TB "[the truck owner] is gone, gone, gone" in context.
SS said that DM's vehicles only took up 2500 square feet of the 55,000 square foot hangar? Possibly if they were all neatly parked side by side a never worked on. My double garage is just over 400 square feet an with 2 vehicles in it there is barely any room to move around let alone take on the type of work and multiple projects these guys worked on. This sounds like a prepared statement for when the CRA comes knocking for past taxes owed on ineligible expenses and and tax deductions.
I'm getting tired of Sachak acting like a frat-boy in court. This guy just thinks he's soo hip and cool with all his lingo and slang. Certainly "brewski" is not offensive, however many of his other quips are offensive to many groups. I would never hire this dufus (which describes his courtroom antics) if I needed a criminal defense lawyer.

Ann Brocklehurst ‏@AnnB03 4h4 hours ago
@AdamCarterCBC well, they always go to great lengths in court to say what "LOL" and other text speak means ... Makes me LOL sometimes

I think he was "translating" one of the texts from English to English.

If I had 5 cents for every time that people posted a definition on a word on WS...

My goodness! We feel uncomfortable when the unmarked veterinary cremation services vehicle comes to our veterinary hospital to collect the frozen cadavers. But they are in and out quietly and quickly so as not to disturb our clients with this unhappy part of the business. Did DM seriously think a vet hospital would allow him to arrive on the property with the eliminator???

Hello Mr. Veterinarian, I'm here to sell my portable pet incineration service, which will save YOU money! All you have to do is carry the deceased pets out your back door to meet me out back and around the corner after hours, and I'll do it for $20 per carcass! Your neighbours and customers will never figure out what we're doing!
well it actually is a service if you google it..and there are businesses in Toronto. If you read the reviews on this one you can see that having it mobile would have actually been a good idea.

another one states..they will pick the animal up and then do the creamation at their farm

We provide pet cremation services to the direct public. You can call us direct for assistance or you can ask for our service at your pet’s clinic. We have the cremation unit fitted onto our truck, but because of local regulations, we are unable to extend the services at your residential location. Therefore cremation will be carried out at our farm.
While I have already said the mobile Pet cremation idea is ridiculous, it also occurred that there is a warm up and cool down cycle. He could not just go vet to vet to vet. There would be some time needed for the cycles.

Heck! It's just a stupid idea for many reasons. MOO

Since it wouldn't be feasible for the big BBQ to show up at the veterinarian doors, and since he'd have to have piles of pets to put in there all at once to be economically viable as a business, he would have to find a street corner somewhere and ask all of his vet clients to bring their dead and meet him after hours.. slip him a $20 bill for each pet? I would think that the having-to-do-that-on-a-street-corner thing would preclude him from earning much revenue. The vets all lined up in the dark, to save $20 that they pass on to their customers ANYway. Wow. What a moronic defence!
And I will bet it is 100% illegal to openly burn animal carcasses wherever the hell you want, especially ones that had a disease of some sort. And how long did it take for the incinerator to heat up enough to work? Hours? So is he firing this up in the morning and then driving vet to vet with this thing blazing out the back? Do the kids gather around the parking lot and watch Uncle Dell throw dead pets into the incinerator? This line of questioning is ridiculous and frankly, insulting to anyone with common sense. Let's not forget the jury is made up of people like all of us...they are not falling for this crap. MOO

There are such things as municipal bylaws in place. A rolling crematorium would not likely be permitted in most public places.
NFW! Maybe for 787 Dreamliner, but not for the typical planes that use Waterloo airport.
Just as a comparison- 3 years ago it cost approximately $1,600/month to keep a Piper Arrow (single engine) at the beautiful Jet Port Hangar in Hamilton. IMHO, SS may have been a bit misinformed- 1500 a month would be more believable. I would imagine Citations, Lear Jets and the like would fetch 5K a month. It's more related to the size of the aircraft- how many square feet of hangar space it's taking up. Not sure how much of the hangar was being used for office space. IMO, SS's numbers were a bit off. MOO
That's really nice for him, but most car dealerships won't let you buy a $25,000 car on a credit card.

(Unless this is different in Canada?)

And even still, why are they going through all this, why don't they just produce a bank statement? He obviously had SOME cash, since he withdrew $3000 the day he was arrested.

Maybe someone has already commented on this. We have seen that DM is asset rich and cash poor. MOO Just because $15k a month was being put on a credit card does not mean DM had the cash. perhaps he was usuing the line of credit to pay the credit card bill.
well it actually is a service if you google it..and there are businesses in Toronto. If you read the reviews on this one you can see that having it mobile would have actually been a good idea.

another one states..they will pick the animal up and then do the creamation at their farm

We provide pet cremation services to the direct public. You can call us direct for assistance or you can ask for our service at your pet’s clinic. We have the cremation unit fitted onto our truck, but because of local regulations, we are unable to extend the services at your residential location. Therefore cremation will be carried out at our farm.

The cremation equipment pictured on looks much more respectable, discrete, and overall much better suited for that type of business than THE ELIMINATOR. JMO. To see that thing drive up to your house or the vet would be rather ominous, would it not?
Dungey now has three days to prepare his zingers. :eek:ddsmiley:

So in order for me to follow what is happening in the courtroom, I have taken to only reading the tweets from the journalists on the first go round at the day's events. I catch up on posts later in the evening.
Today however, be it all the legal arguments or the dull pace of things I read each and every post as they came up and honestly, today was the day to have done that.
I laughed all the way through the cross by Sachak. Posters were all over his sorry @zz and snarky comments were flying from every angle. The wit, humour and sarcasm that are often here in a more subtle fashion came out of the closet in full force today !
Talk about "zingers", I heard them all this afternoon and if that was not enough,
Inspector North does a post with the 'odd smiley guy' and that finished me.
Perfect choice for a day like today.......this oddly proportioned cute/ugly face with the ridiculous grin really sums up everything about Sachak for me---what a weird and ridiculous performance he put on signifying what??? And for whom??? And with whose coaching????

So to everyone who posted this afternoon....a sincere thank made my day. I still have a silly smirk on my face and I will never listen to Sachak again without thinking of "odd smiley".
:eek:ddsmiley::eek:ddsmiley: Not to be forgotten.
Ann Brocklehurst ‏@AnnB03 4h4 hours ago
@AdamCarterCBC well, they always go to great lengths in court to say what "LOL" and other text speak means ... Makes me LOL sometimes

I think he was "translating" one of the texts from English to English.

If I had 5 cents for every time that people posted a definition on a word on WS...


Quotes like this from people in the court room verify my perception of Sachak being a real life Lionel Hutz.

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Mar 31 2016 2:43 PM
"He figured if he could do it and make some money off it, he would," Sachak says. "What Dellen told you is he wants to make money, his uncle is a vet, the incinerator is for deceased animals ... and that he thinks his uncle needs it to get rid of deceased animals." "Not he thinks," Schlatman said.

Mar 31 2016 2:44 PM
"He never said to you 'Listen Shane, me and my uncle, we had a meeting or a discussion. Me and my uncle are going to formulate a business together. He didn't say that, right?" Sachak says. "Not together, no,."

Mar 31 2016 2:44 PM
"There was never a suggestion from Dellen Millard that they were in business together to cremate animals," Sachak says.

Geez, I wonder if the story about pet cremation is what DM may have asked CN (in the letter) to tell the unnamed third party (SS ?) to change his story (from knowing the real reason, to it being for pet cremation). DM may have thought this is what would save him from getting life in the clink.
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