Bosma Murder Trial 04.04.16 - Day 29

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molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 41s42 seconds ago
Dungey asks about next day when he shows up & truck is gone. "Hey ding a ling, ding a ling, time to call police. The truck's gone," he says

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 29s30 seconds ago
"Maybe I didn't do everything exactly the way I should have," says Schlatman. "You didn't to anything," bellows Dungey.

I love that quote "Hey ding a ling, ding a ling, time to call police. The truck's gone" . Thank you TD. MOO
I've been on the fence - and still am - about MS's involvement in TB's murder, but as I've said all along, he is fortunate to have TD defending him. With TD, IMO, MS has a far greater chance of an acquittal or a lesser charge than DM. DM is already done for, IMO.

All MOO.

I've never thought MS actually shot Tim, but do believe he was there, knew ahead of time what was going to go down (at least the theft of the truck), and never took the opportunity to call 911 at any time, or walk into a local PD and tell police he needed to report something. I was about to say that was his biggest mistake, but the bigger mistake was ever thinking DM was his friend to begin with.

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 58s58 seconds ago
The family has a very strong sense of kinship and community that helps buoy their spirits in a trial that's at times gruesome and sinister.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
Schlatman and jury back. #Bosma
Court back in session. Dungey asking about Friday May 10. At that point, the truck isn't in the hangar.
by Adam Carter 12:12 PM

The night before, Schlatman talked with his father in law for about an hour about it. "Yet you go in in the morning and the truck is gone -- and you're saying that you and Art don't get together and discuss where the truck is?"
by Adam Carter 12:14 PM

"It's like Bosma doesn't exist in your mind at that point," Dungey said.
by Adam Carter 12:14 PM

"I was just thinking the Dell I know wouldn't be involved in something like this, so there must be an investigation," Schlatman says.
by Adam Carter 12:14 PM
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 4m4 minutes ago
We are back. Dungey going now to fri may 10. #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 4m4 minutes ago
Jury coming back. Dungey still cross examining Schlatman over his inaction after #TimBosma' disappearance.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 4m4 minutes ago
Trucks not there. DM is there. You have a conversation w DM? Dungey asks. Later on in the aft, Schlatman says. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3m3 minutes ago
May 10, 2013. #Bosma truck gone from hangar.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
You had the discussion the night before w your wife&Art Jennings? Then you go in the next day and the trucks gone. Did you discuss with Art?

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
Schlatman says he did not talk to Art that day. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3m3 minutes ago
Night before, May 9, long discussion with Jennings, Schlatman and family about #Bosma truck being in hangar.
I'm sick. I have a horrible cold. I can't tell you how much better hearing about SS getting creamed on the stand makes me feel.

Edited for clarity.
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
You're telling us you and art don't get together and discuss where this truck is? Dungey asks. No, Schlatman says. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
"So work as Bosma doesn't exist," Dungey says. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
"The Dell I know wouldn't be involved in something like this," he says. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
"Bosma doesn't exist in your mind at that point," says Dungey. "Dell I know would not be involved in something like that," says Schlatman.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
But you had info, Dungey says. Schlatman says I guess so, I don't know. Dungey says you don't know? He says he hadn't talked to DM #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Says he first talked to DM after police left that aft. #Bosma
On Friday, Millard and Schlatman had a "heated discussion," about the truck, Schlatman says. "He was really ticked off, wasn't he?" Dungey says. Schlatman says he was.
by Adam Carter 12:16 PM

"I concluded he had purchased a stolen truck," Schlatman says. "He said he had bought the truck, so I assumed he had bought a stolen truck, not that he had a connection to Mr. Bosma."
by Adam Carter 12:17 PM
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
After police leave hangar May 10 he talks to Dell. Dell is angry. What was the discussion about? "His involvement with the truck."

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 1m1 minute ago
Jury back. Dungey asking SS again why no urgency. How could he not know.Voice rising as SS says his friend Del wouldn't do that. @AM900CHML

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Dungey presses him about a 'heated discussion' he had with DM that day. It was about the truck, SS says. His involvement. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 59s59 seconds ago
"I concluded he had purchased a stolen truck...He told me he had done nothing wrong."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 31s31 seconds ago
I concluded he purchased a stolen truck, SS says. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 38s38 seconds ago
Millard looking at Smich in the courtroom..."I thought he had bought a stolen truck," says Schlatman. "My brain was all over the place."

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 26s26 seconds ago
Dungey is trying to get Schlatman to describe his convo with #Millard about #Bosma truck. He is vague & evasive.
On Friday, Millard and Schlatman had a "heated discussion," about the truck, Schlatman says. "He was really ticked off, wasn't he?" Dungey says. Schlatman says he was.
by Adam Carter 12:16 PM

"I concluded he had purchased a stolen truck," Schlatman says. "He said he had bought the truck, so I assumed he had bought a stolen truck, not that he had a connection to Mr. Bosma."
by Adam Carter 12:17 PM
Wait a minute- didn't SS say he didn't remember ever saying DM bought the truck?
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 27s28 seconds ago
Dungey: did you say to him: Dellen, the VIN is Bosma's truck?
SS: no I did not. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 26s27 seconds ago
"I should have asked more questions or different questions."

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 25s26 seconds ago
Schlatman now saying Millard was "ticked off" after police visited the hangar looking for the #Bosma truck. #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 24s25 seconds ago
Dungey asks then why was it heated. He says DM was upset bc police had been at the hangar. #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 23s24 seconds ago
May 10th SS gets in heated chat w DM. SS says he doesn't remember it. His brain was "all over the place".. @AM900CHML #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 23s24 seconds ago
"It was a very hectic crazy day I don't remember exactly," SS says. #Bosma
Dungey is a terrific artist, and he is in the process of painting a masterpiece. Wasn't a good idea to let TD have a weekend to prepare.
Dungey keeps pressing Schlatman about the subject of that conversation. "He's put off because Art Jennings ratted him out, right?" Dungey says. Schlatman says he got that in a "roundabout way."
by Adam Carter 12:20 PM

"I can't recall the exact words of that discussion," Schlatman keeps saying.
by Adam Carter 12:20 PM

Schlatman is getting redder in the witness box, and his voice is now rising. He keeps saying that he doesn't know exactly what he discussed with Millard that day.
by Adam Carter 12:21 PM
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 6s7 seconds ago
"If I knew what I said sir, I'd tell you," Schlatman raises his voice at Dungey.

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 24s24 seconds ago
Dungey not buying SS and that he didn't ask questions of his boss. @AM900CHML #TimBosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 23s23 seconds ago
Schlatman claiming "everything was crazy" hectic and he can't remember the heated discussion. #TimBosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
"If I knew what I said sir, I'd tell you," Schlatman raises his voice at Dungey.

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 2m2 minutes ago
Dungey not buying SS and that he didn't ask questions of his boss. @AM900CHML #TimBosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Schlatman claiming "everything was crazy" hectic and he can't remember the heated discussion. #TimBosma
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
He was upset about Art Jennings, wasn't he. Dungey says. SS says yes. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
Dungey suggests Millard mad at Schlatman for brining Jennings into hangar and then Jennings "rats him out" to police about #Bosma truck.

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Dungey: Art Jennings ratted Dellen out and now he's mad at you isn't he?
Schlatman: I wouldn't put it that way

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
"You brought Art Jennings into the shop and now Art Jennings has ratted him out so he's mad at you," Dungey suggests. #Bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Now Schlatman agrees Millard was angry with him

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 2m2 minutes ago
My memory was in a blur, he says
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 38s38 seconds ago
Millard looking at Smich in the courtroom..."I thought he had bought a stolen truck," says Schlatman. "My brain was all over the place."

Seems to be a pattern when things are looking really bad for DM for him to stare down MS. It's not working DM.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Schlatman says his brain was in a blur that day. Says I think so. Dungey says what do you mean you think so. Schlatman says ok I know #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
"I cannot recall all the emotions of that day," Says Schlatman. "My memory's in a blur."

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 1m1 minute ago
SS saying over and over he doesn't know. He doesn't remember chat he had w DM after cops left hangar. @AM900CHML #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Dungey: You know the VIN is a match. The interior is gone. He wants to change the colour of it. The windshield removed. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
Insists he didn't know for certain it was #Bosma truck, even though Jennings learned from Crimestoppers the VIN matched.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
"My brain is in a blur," Schlatman says. Can't recall conversations (unless asked specific questions about topics) #Bosma
I guess if stolen things are still being investigated, SS may still be on the hook?
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Dungey: you've got all these facts...police come don't talk to Dellen. You don't think it's urgent enough to go to Dellen...

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
"In my mind Dell wouldn't be involved in something like this," Schlatman says. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
He says he was going to talk to DM but he was in a mtg and then police showed up. "No urgency eh?" Dungey says. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
Dungey asks why he didn't think this was urgent and he should talk to Dell? "There's no urgency, eh?" says Dungey.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Schlatman says he made mistakes and he'll make them again. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 26s26 seconds ago
Schlatman:"possible stolen truck." Dungey: "Possible stolen truck of person who is missing...Your loyalty is so great, the hell with Bosma!"
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