Bosma Murder Trial 04.19.16 - Day 37

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They also showed the tweet about the cans of paint, so I think there will be more revealed about both.IMO

The hose and the paint, I believe we've heard the last of them. Cops can't prove what they were thinking, but given the circumstances of what was going on with Millard at that point in time, it is pretty easy for the jury to figure out what was going on. I believe they were going to spray the truck white prior to delivering it to the paint shop, and Millard was flooding his parking lot to remove evidence from where he washed down his truck or where he dumped ashes from the incinerator. Is the jury actually going to believe that after being involved in a murder, Millard was worried about a deck? Bottom line, both acts were likely something nefarious.
Hahaha- you are mega channeling now!! In the PB/KH, I think the professional opinion is that KH is a psychopath as well. Isn't that what PB's been crying about all these years- that they let the bigger of the psycho's go? I think PB/KH fed each other sexually- which leads me to wonder about CN's nickname "Kinks". Interesting handle. IMO, when MS was running around saying he f'd up, I think he was confessing to being involved in the murder of an innocent man and now with the big guy arrested, he knew it was only a matter of time they got him. Funny enough that just a week prior he was excited about running the mission- the fireworks- the whole tamale. Then when DM gets arrested, he turns into some babbling fool worried about his own little rear end. IMHO, he was there- I don't care how far under DM's spell he was- the fact is he was there and could have stopped it if he wanted to. Anyone who can be such a mindless follower participating in murders of innocent people are truly deserving of the punishment. The guy who follows is just as bad as the guy leading. MOO

Personally I feel the f--ked up comment relates to Smich being hung over on Sunday and cancelling the IT mission. Their downfall was the recognition of the ambition tattoo and it was Smich's stupidity that allowed for that. I can only imagine how furious Millard would have been when the press started publicizing that tattoo. I'm sure he got an ear full and thus, the I f--ked up comment.
I think I'm probably splitting hairs, because as far as I know there's not really anyone left who's willing to give MS any real pass on his behavior, manipulated or not. I just think on some level he was "fronting" about being a gangster. But as Vonnegut said, we become what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. MS fronted past the point of no return.
I have always told kids playing with a toy gun or their "finger gun" if they point it at me the get a non playing face and I say don't point that at me, i don't like/play that game.
Good morning

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont
Big day at Tim #Bosma murder trial. Marlena Meneses, girlfriend of accused killer Mark Smich, takes the stand as star Crown witness.
Fireworks is used as an idiom for an exciting event in general. That's likely the case here.

You can find alternate explanations for just about anything. In this case however we have a pretty good idea of what was going on in their lives during those days. Did the talk about even one exciting event, with the exception of the May 1st barbecue? None of then mentioned anything. We know Smich and Millard returned from the unsuccessful Sunday mission and just hung out. Do you remember any fireworks? Cause I don't either.
Lets take odds on what time MM will actually take the stand and how long she will remain there before being adjourned for legal arguments.
Lets take odds on what time MM will actually take the stand and how long she will remain there before being adjourned for legal arguments.

They had an entire day of legal arguments yesterday to sort this out, though.
Maybe she spoke with him on the phone. Maybe he dropped by her BF's house to get the keys from her.

If she was home, why didn't she realize there was a big honking trailer in her driveway? She doesn't send messages about that until the next day.

Does it seem likely to you she wouldn't have realized it was there? And if she were home drinking wine and watching TV, not bothered to go look at the driveway, would she ask her son why he was in a hurry? She'd be more likely to say, "Sorry I couldn't tear myself away from Downton Abbey but it was the season finale."

As Claroon says, a light means nothing. Maybe it was turned it on when the trailer droppers went to grab a snack from the fridge.

People here have been complaining about how assumptions become fact and blaming the MSM. This is a pretty good example that it's not always the MSM to blame. The article you linked does not actually say MB was home.

I'm not on either side of the fence on this, but here is the evidence -- as I know it -- involving Ms. Burns and her house in this case:

Morning of May 9
  • Between 7am to 10:30am, Millard's phone pings back and forth between Etobicoke and Vaughn/Kleinburg area.
  • Around 8am, Millard receives a text from Rabbit, "hi Dellen...what's new? Mutty".

Evening of May 9
  • Just before 11pm, Millard arrives at his mom's house to drop off the trailer. Noudga's phone is still pinging in that area by 11:30pm.
  • At 11:34pm, Millard gets a text from Rabbit, "Dellen... what is happening??? You got me concerned..."
  • Just after midnight, Millard receives a phone call from Rabbit.

May 10
  • At 9:58am Millard receives a phone call from Rabbit.
  • Shortly after, Millard receives a text from Rabbit, "Call me please....." Millard texts back, "I'm too busy right now."
  • At 11:02am, Millard receives a text from Rabbit, "Why is your trailer here??? Is it usually in the hangar??? Whats up? Why the hurry last night?"
  • At 1:08pm, Millard receives the texts, "Hi Lam ... Winnie the poo's got his bum stuck in my warren ... lol should I be looking for antlers to decorate??? Is it gonna be here 'forever'? hahaha."
For those questioning a certain starred out word, the answer is ... WS is based in the US, where that particular term can be interpreted as racist. Although it does not seem to have the same connotation in Canada, we do go by WS rules, so please don't spell it out in another fashion to circumvent WS filters.

That's rather interesting. Even though I live in Canada I'm American and I've never associated that word with racism or heard it used that way. It just means a criminal lifestyle. But I guess that may also be a regional thing. Maybe in different parts of the US its used as a racist word? Just found that curious, since I've never heard this before.
They had an entire day of legal arguments yesterday to sort this out, though.

AP said that at least part of the day was taken up by arguments about CN's testimony. But who knows. The woman makes a ridiculous number of mistakes. Yesterday's highlight in talking about a player in the case: "or whatever his name is...". She is not a serious journslist and it seems she didn't even bother staying in the courtroom all day yesterday. I think it's her role to provide some on-air bling rather than build a complete and accurate narrative. So anyway, take it for what it is worth that according to AP the arguments were not exclusive to MM yesterday, so we shouldn't assume they had all day.
I'm not on other side of the fence on this, but here is the evidence -- as I know it -- involving Ms. Burns and her house in this case:

Morning of May 9
  • Between 7am to 10:30am, Millard's phone pings back and forth between Etobicoke and Vaughn/Kleinburg area.
  • Around 8am, Millard receives a text from Rabbit, "hi Dellen...what's new? Mutty".

Evening of May 9
  • Just before 11pm, Millard arrives at his mom's house to drop off the trailer. Noudga's phone is still pinging in that area by 11:30pm.
  • At 11:34pm, Millard gets a text from Rabbit, "Dellen... what is happening??? You got me concerned..."
  • Just after midnight, Millard receives a phone call from Rabbit.

May 10
  • At 9:58am Millard receives a phone call from Rabbit.
  • Shortly after, Millard receives a text from Rabbit, "Call me please....." Millard texts back, "I'm too busy right now."
  • At 11:02am, Millard receives a text from Rabbit, "Why is your trailer here??? Is it usually in the hangar??? Whats up? Why the hurry last night?"
  • At 1:08pm, Millard receives the texts, "Hi Lam ... Winnie the poo's got his bum stuck in my warren ... lol should I be looking for antlers to decorate??? Is it gonna be here 'forever'? hahaha."

Seeing all the texts in a timeline, it seems obvious that MB saw DM on the evening of the 9th. The "Dellen... what is happening??? You got me concerned..." text that he received immediately after he left tells me they saw each other and something was not right. She may not have known the trailer was in the driveway at that point but she certainly did the following morning.
The hose and the paint, I believe we've heard the last of them. Cops can't prove what they were thinking, but given the circumstances of what was going on with Millard at that point in time, it is pretty easy for the jury to figure out what was going on. I believe they were going to spray the truck white prior to delivering it to the paint shop, and Millard was flooding his parking lot to remove evidence from where he washed down his truck or where he dumped ashes from the incinerator. Is the jury actually going to believe that after being involved in a murder, Millard was worried about a deck? Bottom line, both acts were likely something nefarious.

About those odd things like the hoses, and the paint. The thought occurred to me the other day that even while all this planning of stealing the truck & covering up the crime after the fact, DM was engaged in all sorts of other activities that had absolutely nothing to do with his crime against Tim Bosma. He was involved in real estate issues, business/hangar issues, juggling 3 women at the same time (the pig) and who knows what all else. It's like killing a man, stealing his truck, burning him and disposing of evidence was just another on the to-do list for that week. I know it sounds horrific (and it is) but it's like DM never skipped a beat. So while everything DM did in those few days may seem suspect, it's possible some of his weird text conversations and strange actions like having the hoses run for 10 hours or asking for paint may have had nothing at all to do with his crimes.

For those questioning a certain starred out word, the answer is ... WS is based in the US, where that particular term can be interpreted as racist. Although it does not seem to have the same connotation in Canada, we do go by WS rules, so please don't spell it out in another fashion to circumvent WS filters.

Very interesting. I've never heard that before and after a search I didn't see any indication that the word was ever derogatory. The only possible racist meaning I could find was this...

T(word), proper noun, a member of the former Indian cult T(word)gee

T(word)gee or tuggee (Hindi: Nepali ठग्गी ṭhagī; Urdu: ٹھگ‎; Sanskrit: sthaga; Sindhi: ٺوڳي، ٺڳ‎; Kannada: ಠಕ್ಕ thakka) refers to the acts of T(word)s, an organised gang of professional robbers and murderers. ****s travelled in groups across South Asia for six hundred years

Is this the reason for the word being censored?
About those odd things like the hoses, and the paint. The thought occurred to me the other day that even while all this planning of stealing the truck & covering up the crime after the fact, DM was engaged in all sorts of other activities that had absolutely nothing to do with his crime against Tim Bosma. He was involved in real estate issues, business/hangar issues, juggling 3 women at the same time (the pig) and who knows what all else. It's like killing a man, stealing his truck, burning him and disposing of evidence was just another on the to-do list for that week. I know it sounds horrific (and it is) but it's like DM never skipped a beat. So while everything DM did in those few days may seem suspect, it's possible some of his weird text conversations and strange actions like having the hoses run for 10 hours or asking for paint may have had nothing at all to do with his crimes.


I disagree. Yes Millard was doing other things, but only things that concerned his financial situation. Anything that did not involve the crime or his finances was blown off. The women were actually the aggressors and we didn't see that Millard was actually jumping at those opportunities.
I'm not on other side of the fence on this, but here is the evidence -- as I know it -- involving Ms. Burns and her house in this case:

Morning of May 9
  • Between 7am to 10:30am, Millard's phone pings back and forth between Etobicoke and Vaughn/Kleinburg area.
  • Around 8am, Millard receives a text from Rabbit, "hi Dellen...what's new? Mutty".

Evening of May 9
  • Just before 11pm, Millard arrives at his mom's house to drop off the trailer. Noudga's phone is still pinging in that area by 11:30pm.
  • At 11:34pm, Millard gets a text from Rabbit, "Dellen... what is happening??? You got me concerned..."
  • Just after midnight, Millard receives a phone call from Rabbit.

May 10
  • At 9:58am Millard receives a phone call from Rabbit.
  • Shortly after, Millard receives a text from Rabbit, "Call me please....." Millard texts back, "I'm too busy right now."
    [*]At 11:02am, Millard receives a text from Rabbit, "Why is your trailer here??? Is it usually in the hangar??? Whats up? Why the hurry last night?"
  • At 1:08pm, Millard receives the texts, "Hi Lam ... Winnie the poo's got his bum stuck in my warren ... lol should I be looking for antlers to decorate??? Is it gonna be here 'forever'? hahaha."

When I first read "why the hurry last night" I thought she must have been home when DM dropped the trailer off and he gave her no explanation as to why he was leaving it there, especially after her 11:30 text asking DM what was going on, and that he has her concerned. Then she calls him again at midnight, then at 10am the next day, then texts him, then texts him again wanting to know why the trailer is there. Sounds to me like it was drop the trailer off, no explanation, DM says he's in a hurry, and she wants some answers.

No one has said that she actually was there but this makes the most sense to me. At any rate, she DID know his trailer was there even before he was arrested in connection with Tim Bosma and his truck being missing.
So I wonder if MM will heed MS plea of "don't tell them anything babe". IMO she will tell all she knows.
I watch alot of CNN . They consider the word we are discussing racist.
Thank you Bill for the timeline of MB activity.

Almost everyone involved with DM seem to be very slow at linking DM to TB. Even after he was arrested, and all of them knew something different with DM occurred around that time.

LW_2 - text messages about being set up an employee
SS - Truck in the hanger on the 8th - Text messages about the family
AM - prior knowledge of the theft mission, and which vehicles were selected for test drive
MB - Trailer parked in her driveway
MM - ???
CN -?????

Only AJ was quick on his feet to put 2+2 together.

Were they all slow at linking, or were they protecting DM? MOO
Enough of the discussion about THE word please.

Thank you Bill for the timeline of MB activity.

Almost everyone involved with DM seem to be very slow at linking DM to TB. Even after he was arrested, and all of them knew something different with DM occurred around that time.

LW_2 - text messages about being set up an employee
SS - Truck in the hanger on the 8th - Text messages about the family
AM - prior knowledge of the theft mission, and which vehicles were selected for test drive
MB - Trailer parked in her driveway
MM - ???
CN -?????

Only AJ was quick on his feet to put 2+2 together.

Were they all slow at linking, or were they protecting DM?

I think its pretty obvious that all these people were protecting themselves. All of them were involved in some sort of shady dealings so the turned a blind eye rather than calling the cops. Maybe things would have been different if any of them actually thought TB was still alive, but I don't thing thats the case. I think every one of Millards posse knew by the 7th that TB was dead. By helping and calling LE they wouldn't be helping TB, they'd just be putting their pal DM in jail, losing their own livelihoods, and bringing unwanted scrutiny on their own actions. I find it sickening that not one of them came forward but I also understand why they didn't.
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