Bosma Murder Trial 04.27.16 - Day 41

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Noticing the orange binder or whatever. The orange colour seems to be a theme in this case. IMO "orange shirt, orange tarp, orange guy, orange duffle bag (AB "The file folder containing the incinerator paperwork was found in an orange duffel bag in the GMC Yukon driven by Dellen Millard at the time of his arrest"), "tall man in an orange prison jumpsuit", DM reading "a biography of Mahatma Gandhi and the prison memoir, Orange is the New Black"...

Well orange you clever!

Well, if I compare it to PB and KH, I would have to say MS is. It was after KH became involved that the murders started happening and, from what I remember, she was also the one who did the actual killing. JMO

Why did you all of a sudden do that? You referred to murders but walk away as if I went outside this case in this hypothetical comparison. You included them, and now changed the rules?

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about. You were the one who mentioned murder and you were the one who brought up PB and KH. All I said was that the other charges haven't seen court yet and we would have to wait and see what happens with those. KH's sister's trial is over. That's the difference I'm referring to. HTH

I didn't walk away, but the website doesn't work well for me any more. It stops loading all the time and says it can't load shockwave Flash.

ETA: Re-reading, are you referring to the fact that I used plural for "murders"? I was referring to the PB/KH "murders".
Do we think she'll be asked to identify MS and DM in the hanger video?
CN is not at all what I anticipated her to be like. <modsnip> Wow. Just wow. No words adequate to describe her behaviour and comments on the stand! Hope karma bites her in the *advertiser censored* at her own trial.

Hope her own mom was proud of her today,! No wonder she covered up her face so much. JMO and all that jazz.
So while I believe that MS likely introduced DM to MWJ, for what reason did DM and CN go visit MWJ on "a handful of occasions" without MS? Don't think they were always just hanging around watching videos. We know one visit was not the time DM met up with him for the gun purchase that we know about, since his texts for that show that he was alone.

Yeah, CN didn't know anything about what DM was up to. Seems to me the murders started when DM was no longer engaged to the ex and had CN staying with him 5-7 nights a week.

I feel uneasy saying this, but I actually feel a tinge of compassion for MS and MM. I feel zero compassion, and infinite contempt, for DM and CN.

I'm the same way, and I'm a person who CONSTANTLY analyzes my own intrinsic biases and reactions, especially in this case. I've generally felt like MS is a lowlife brute, and he clearly treated his teenage GF like crap. He was a wannabe gangster and rapper. None of this is impressive. But I also don't know that he would have hyped himself into murder if he didn't have DM taking advantage of his substance abuse issues and grooming him for bigger crimes.

And jeez, did CN make MM look like a saint (if perhaps someone who is still quite young, but also a "firecracker", in the good sense.)

MS has to do his time. He wanted to play, and even if he regretted it, now he gets to pay.

But at the end of the day, I feel like he and MM were human--they have reactions we can understand--and DM/CN are aliens.
I feel uneasy saying this, but I actually feel a tinge of compassion for MS and MM. I feel zero compassion, and infinite contempt, for DM and CN.
maybe only slightly for MM. There may be hope for her yet, i think if she ever has children we can only hope she now has a keen eye for trouble when she sees it. and in the mean time learns how to correct it
You remember it if it is one week before the murder date. the date your boyfriend is accused to be the murderer. Wouldn't you look back and think of every single thing that happened that you knew about?

edit: what i mean is May 10 when he is arrested you think back and recall things. It is unlikely you are going to forget that specific exercise of studying what you knew.

Yes, and for the next 2 yrs I'd be questioning the "weird" things she said he did.
So it appears that the consensus here is that DM and CN are the two who had the big plans for some thrill murders, even though CN is only charged with accessory after the fact. And MS, the actual co-accused, is still just the poor little gang banger wannabe who just got caught up in the wrong crowd. Okay................ I can go with that, as long as I ignore half the evidence that has been presented. JMO
I'm still curious why there is so much talk about the dog was in all of this. I'm almost expecting Pedo as a witness. I've heard so much mention of this dog.... Why????????

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I have no sympathy for any of them. They all knew DM was up to no good on do many levels and they all chose to protect him and themselves. Is this how that generation works?! F the law, the judicial system and everything that is right and proper in society?! To have no morals knowing an innocent, loving man's life was morbidly taken and his family is suffering. I wonder if the Bosmas had any hope there was at least one decent person in this circle who would do the right thing? What a disgusting bunch IMHO. I can't wait for Dungey to rip her apart. He is sitting in the courtroom listening to her avoid answering questions, minimizing her knowledge, playing dumb and having attitude, all the while laughing/giggling inappropriately. Dungey has had many years of experience in dealing with these sorts.

Adam Carter &#8207;@AdamCarterCBC 8h8 hours ago
Justice Goodman tells the jury that any witness in a trial in Canada can claim the protection of section 5 in the Canada Evidence Act

Adam Carter &#8207;@AdamCarterCBC 8h8 hours ago
That means she cannot refuse a question just because it could incriminate him or her

Adam Carter &#8207;@AdamCarterCBC 8h8 hours ago
-- but the act also says that answer can't be used in a subsequent criminal trial except over perjury or conflicting evidence.

Oh I so hope this is not the future of our youngsters! I thank my lucky stars every night I have 2 that stayed the straight and narrow. 1 a Bachelor of Science graduate and the other going into 2nd year Paramedic. But having said that...I know CN is also a University Graduate...sigh....What a world we live in.
All testimony up to today has indicated that DM, SS and AM were planning to go to Baja, Mexico...which technically is on the west coast. Not sure what CN was trying to pull today with the BC reference. Either that is what she was told by DM for some reason, and FWIW we know he rarely told any two people the same story, or she was lying, trying to cover that she even knew anything about why he wanted to steal the truck. She wouldn't even admit to knowing that he wanted to steal a truck or even the type. Between the two of them, how can anyone believe anything they say?


I had the same exact thoughts. IMO she was being invited to Baja (the last time they went, they spent some time in Southern California so west coast).

And isn't it curious how CN, who supposedly spent 5-7 nights a week at DM's and spent more time with DM than MS (who spent more time with DM than AM), knew nothing of DM's life outside of her? Nothing of his finances, nothing about his missions, nothing about the kind of truck he wanted to acquire (or the means of acquisition).

Yet MS, AM and even MM all knew about the plan to steal a diesel truck. Even LW2, who was on the periphery, was told how many days DM had spent trying to get a diesel truck. He also told her that someone at work was trying to set him up -- are we really to believe he didn't say anything to CN at all? Not even after the police visited him at the hangar? Sure Jan.
Instagram. Unless she changed some kind of privacy settings? I don't have an IG account. It was on the straw pic, right? Saw it earlier, gone for me now.
I'm usually an excellent sleuth. Why am I not seeing insta or Twitter?

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Do you remember what you were doing on April 29th of 2013? If there was nothing significant about the particular date to make it stick in her memory, why would she remember?

Not the 29th but I understand her birthday is the 26th of April. So maybe "around your 21st birthday?" Ah there we go, that is a pretty significant birthday to some.
So it appears that the consensus here is that DM and CN are the two who had the big plans for some thrill murders, even though CN is only charged with accessory after the fact. And MS, the actual co-accused, is still just the poor little gang banger wannabe who just got caught up in the wrong crowd. Okay................ I can go with that, as long as I ignore half the evidence that has been presented. JMO

yes, exactly..and by the looks of things tried to use Dexters or DM lil minions to try and plant all the evidence on MS, except theres evidence to prove otherwise. Dont get me wrong I believe MS is culpable.. for participating and being there. Dm and CN think its all so funny.. hopefully we will see the public has the last laugh as they go off to rot in prison for rest of their lives.
Susan Clairmont &#8207;... Leitch is a very talented, experienced lawyer. And he's just getting started.

SC just tweeted this in response to someone getting frustrated with feeling the Crown wasn't pushing CN enough today. SC also responded to someone that the Crown possibly has "days" left to go with CN on the stand.
Makes me hopeful that there is much more to come. I feel like those letters will be the "star witness" and she is just the vehicle for the Crown to use them as evidence. I think we will all we shocked at the things he wrote in the letters.


Thanks - this echo's my thoughts. SC's article from yesterday had warned that this might happen.

Crown knew a lot about CN before calling her as a witness. With confidence in the Crown, I believe that CN's testimony coupled with the letters found will nail DM's guilt coffin shut.
The Crown gambled that this narcissistic heartless wench would testify exactly as she is doing, and this hostility combined with TD's cross, will undoubtedly work to their benefit in securing a guilty verdict for DM.

After today, my initial thoughts were that CN's testimony could help MS being potentially found less culpable. TD took this case knowing things that we are just starting to get a taste of, and TD is playing to win.
The Crown will have to milk a lot more incriminating info from CN regarding MS in the coming day or two.

The question has come up as to whether CN helped to clean the incinerator at anytime.....and I recall having read something peculiar back in the early days of the trial. It was during the testimony of the forensic biologist, Sloot at the end of February. He was explaining about traces of DNA being found on black gloves.
I have copied his comments is his peculiar comment about the blood evidence on the glove---that It was like blood dust that you could see under high magnification. It caught my attention immediately but I could not explain it until DM's defense put up such a fuss in one of their very early objections having to do with the raking tool for the incinerator.
That fuss caused me to examine the different photos of the raking tool and I noticed the white powdery blotches on the handle not unlike the black gloves with white powdery stains as seen in the duffel bag in DM's Yukon. That's when I first put it together
that the raking tool was likely covered with similar 'blood dust' when someone had used it to clean out the incinerator (I am not even certain if I can post this tonight.... but we will soon find out if the mods snip it....damn and then DM's defense wins one.)

This is the testimony provided 02-29-2016 (Post #88) by forensic biologist Sloot.
Two male profiles and one female DNA profile were found on the gloves -- as was blood.
by Adam Carter 3:02 PM

"It was like blood dust that you could see under high magnification," Sloots says.
by Adam Carter 3:04 PM

One thing I learned today that I didn't know before was that after leaving MB's house, DM and CN went to the hangar first before going to the farm. I wonder if that is when DM grabbed the DVR (or should I say "stereo").

I am glad there is almost no one here defending CN or making excuses for her (regarding her behaviour on the stand). Reading today's tweets was aggravating enough.
I'm still curious why there is so much talk about the dog was in all of this. I'm almost expecting Pedo as a witness. I've heard so much mention of this dog.... Why????????

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Because dogs are somewhat innocent and mostly suffer due to their owners choices. I hate seeing that.
Pedo is another victim of DM, (albeit on an exponentially lesser scale than the human victims)
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