Bosma Murder Trial 04.27.16 - Day 41

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Remember there was an item that was taken from Noudga's room that LE was not allowed to mention in court or have as an exhibit earlier in this trial? Wonder what that was all about.
Thank you. sorry for being ugly. been a bad day seeing all this. I really hoped she was going to take the stand and be helpful. what a 360.. shes ruining her life and not helping the |Bosmas lives.. at same time, its making me mad. giggling, laughing.. burned my *advertiser censored*.
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 16m[video=twitter;725489734663938049][/video]
Susan Clairmont Retweeted Mohamed Momtaz
Leitch is a very talented, experienced lawyer. And he's just getting started.

SC just tweeted this in response to someone getting frustrated with feeling the Crown wasn't pushing CN enough today. SC also responded to someone that the Crown possibly has "days" left to go with CN on the stand.

Makes me hopeful that there is much more to come. I feel like those letters will be the "star witness" and she is just the vehicle for the Crown to use them as evidence. I think we will all we shocked at the things he wrote in the letters.

Right, and I wish it explicitly mentioned whether the blood was Tim's.

Hepfner's tweet above seems pretty unequivocal, weird that it never gotten written up clearly in articles. Maybe it'll come up again in the trial.

(Sorry guys, not trying to be pedantic/stubborn, I'm just extremely picky about information "hygiene"--side effect of having worked in the media.)

Edit: saw Snooper's post. So all THREE had DNA on one glove, and CN's was inside the glove too. Weird, so DM wears it, but doesn't throw it away or burn it, and then CN wears it later. (Although still not a MSM source.)

I'm a little picky about that type of thing too. There are so many things stated that aren't quite what was actually reported - it often seems to start from someone's opinion or misunderstanding and morphs into some kind of "fact". (Probably because there can be pages of posts before something gets corrected and then it just gets missed JMO. No one's fault, can happen to any of us.) In any event, maybe this will help. It appears that this article is referring to only one glove.

A DNA comparison of two blood drops on a metal ledge below the loading door of the incinerator police found on Millard’s farm suggests it was Bosma’s blood, the jury was told.

Similar results were obtained from DNA comparisons of blood found on the outside of a glove, while testing of DNA found inside one of the two gloves was compatible with Millard’s DNA profile and from inside the other with that of Millard’s girlfriend, Christina Noudga, the jury heard.

So if I'm reading that correctly - TB's DNA on the outside of the glove, DM & CN's on the inside of the glove.

Depending where they grabbed the gloves from when they moved the incinerator, it could very well mean nothing more.

I agree with "intelligent" .... I will even go so far as to say she will be acquitted on accessory charges if she sticks to the same story(s) ....

--- it is plausible for her to think the DVR was a stereo
--- it is plausible for her to help DM check the locks on the trailer (thus fingerprints or whatever)
--- it is plausible for her (and even MB) to believe DM had a "mothers day present" in the trailer .... thus a bit of "secrecy" .... DM had even mentioned in a letter he wanted to buy MB a Tesla Car
--- it is plausible she would put on gloves to help move industrial equipment (incinerator)
--- it is plausible she would accept DM moved the incinerator because of the creaky second story wooden floors in the barn
--- it is plausible DM would try to conceal the incinerator in the trees to prevent somebody from stealing it (aah the irony)

Whether she is telling the truth or not is beside the point ..... between the crown and CN ... CN wins this round !!!!

Only thing I can think of if she obeyed DM's letters and tried to influence witnesses it could be construed as helping DM get away with murder .... however I doubt that too .... because her charge was in regard to what she did on May 9th when the trailer was moved

I see what you are saying..those things are possible. for CN winning today, I don't agree.

I think the jury has to be feeling like a great many of us are. Tired, anxious for the verdict, disappointed in her. While I think her attorney did what a good attorney should do and prep'd her well so as not to potentially open her up to anything more, her memory only returning May 6 really is in fact a pack of lies. It was mentioned in another post that perhaps she was doing it to inflict poor credibility on herself so nothing she has said in statements etc will be believed either, but I had the opposite reaction. my first instinct is to fully believe all that has been said about her involvement BECAUSE of her amnesia and very very poor presence on the stand. I mean honestly giggling about the digestion mission as if she was reminiscing of happy times. IMO her persona came across too bold, extremely arrogant, and apathetic to match the persona of the girl she attempted to portray in her testimony. I hope this one gets everything that is coming to her at her trial. There is no doubt in my mind at all that she knew and knows a lot more than is being portrayed. Very much JMO
How many years does one get for life in prison? Kinks still in it to win it. She a gold digger and in my opinion would be thinking all she has to do now is visit DM to complete her "missions" and the money will flow her way. Well except for the fact that MB has the purse strings now.

Would be interesting to see who is paying her tuition. IMO
Today we heard CN has been charged as an accessory in LB death as well. I don't recall hearing that before, but who knows, I forget lots of things I've heard. Back in the earlier days they searched CN's room and found the DVR. they found something else too but the Prosecution said don't say what it is. Then today a different LE says they found the letters in a night table, not in the closet with the DVR. So then if that first LE found something else in the closet with the DVR and now we know CN was also an accessory to LB murder. then is that other thing they found related to LB's case? maybe the mysteriously missing iPad? make sense?

I know the tweet regarding the accessory charge was simply an error by the reporter, but do you have a link to where it was said that they found another item in CN's closet? I've checked AC, MH and SC's tweets as well as some articles and can find nothing saying there was another item found in the closet. Only that there were two items seized from her home. From the February 23rd tweets and this is one of the articles:

Police seized DVR and another item from home of murder suspect’s girlfriend, Tim Bosma trial hears

Wilson said there was a second item seized by police during the search but was asked by assistant Crown attorney Tony Leitch not to say what it was.

IMO, the two items were the DVR and the letters.
That will not happen. Not that I think anyway. I wondered about something no one has brought up, I think they desperately needed to burn someone elses body that week, (and no Im not thinkng LB, that wouldve been done looong before that week..) they absolutely needed that truck, for "some" reason-THAT week.. and nope not buying the race theory, they were going out west not south to race.. to the "pacific".. where shoes with feet in them show up.. like "red shoes" fairy tale story comes from.

All testimony up to today has indicated that DM, SS and AM were planning to go to Baja, Mexico...which technically is on the west coast. Not sure what CN was trying to pull today with the BC reference. Either that is what she was told by DM for some reason, and FWIW we know he rarely told any two people the same story, or she was lying, trying to cover that she even knew anything about why he wanted to steal the truck. She wouldn't even admit to knowing that he wanted to steal a truck or even the type. Between the two of them, how can anyone believe anything they say?

I have no sympathy for any of them. They all knew DM was up to no good on do many levels and they all chose to protect him and themselves. Is this how that generation works?! F the law, the judicial system and everything that is right and proper in society?! To have no morals knowing an innocent, loving man's life was morbidly taken and his family is suffering. I wonder if the Bosmas had any hope there was at least one decent person in this circle who would do the right thing? What a disgusting bunch IMHO. I can't wait for Dungey to rip her apart. He is sitting in the courtroom listening to her avoid answering questions, minimizing her knowledge, playing dumb and having attitude, all the while laughing/giggling inappropriately. Dungey has had many years of experience in dealing with these sorts. ..[/I][/U] [/B]

Crown needs to use terms such as "the murdered man's" truck, the location TB was "killed" , you moved the incinerator this father and husband's "dead murdered bones were found in after a killer incinerated them?" She needs to be brought into reality.
I see what you are saying..those things are possible. for CN winning today, I don't agree.

I think the jury has to be feeling like a great many of us are. Tired, anxious for the verdict, disappointed in her. While I think her attorney did what a good attorney should do and prep'd her well so as not to potentially open her up to anything more, her memory only returning May 6 really is in fact a pack of lies. It was mentioned in another post that perhaps she was doing it to inflict poor credibility on herself so nothing she has said in statements etc will be believed either, but I had the opposite reaction. my first instinct is to fully believe all that has been said about her involvement BECAUSE of her amnesia and very very poor presence on the stand. I mean honestly giggling about the digestion mission as if she was reminiscing of happy times. IMO her persona came across too bold, extremely arrogant, and apathetic to match the persona of the girl she attempted to portray in her testimony. I hope this one gets everything that is coming to her at her trial. There is no doubt in my mind at all that she knew and knows a lot more than is being portrayed. Very much JMO

Do you remember what you were doing on April 29th of 2013? If there was nothing significant about the particular date to make it stick in her memory, why would she remember?
Do you remember what you were doing on April 29th of 2013? If there was nothing significant about the particular date to make it stick in her memory, why would she remember?

If you ask me 3 years later I wouldn't remember but these people are only being asked on the stand to speak from their statement made years ago.
Crown needs to use terms such as "the murdered man's" truck, the location TB was "killed" , you moved the incinerator this father and husband's "dead murdered bones were found in after a killer incinerated them?" She needs to be brought into reality.

The trial would take 3 years with all the objections DM's team would launch. I do agree, it's easy to lose touch with all the drama that takes away the fact that a young father was brutally murdered and his remains destroyed like DM does to his garbage.

With all these links to folks like MWJ, I wonder if he did have a business plan for the Eliminator? MOO
I agree with "intelligent" .... I will even go so far as to say she will be acquitted on accessory charges if she sticks to the same story(s) ....

--- it is plausible for her to think the DVR was a stereo
--- it is plausible for her to help DM check the locks on the trailer (thus fingerprints or whatever)
--- it is plausible for her (and even MB) to believe DM had a "mothers day present" in the trailer .... thus a bit of "secrecy" .... DM had even mentioned in a letter he wanted to buy MB a Tesla Car
--- it is plausible she would put on gloves to help move industrial equipment (incinerator)
--- it is plausible she would accept DM moved the incinerator because of the creaky second story wooden floors in the barn
--- it is plausible DM would try to conceal the incinerator in the trees to prevent somebody from stealing it (aah the irony)

Whether she is telling the truth or not is beside the point ..... between the crown and CN ... CN wins this round !!!!

Only thing I can think of if she obeyed DM's letters and tried to influence witnesses it could be construed as helping DM get away with murder .... however I doubt that too .... because her charge was in regard to what she did on May 9th when the trailer was moved

I agree. Based on that, I imagine her lawyer has told her she has a good chance of coming out okay in her trial. JMO

The only thing I found very interesting in her testimony today, was that she said she met DM in 2010 and about a year later, he starting hanging around with MS. So 2011 he meets/becomes friends with MS. And in 2011 it seems all the bad stuff starts happening. JMO
I agree. Based on that, I imagine her lawyer has told her she has a good chance of coming out okay in her trial. JMO

The only thing I found very interesting in her testimony today, was that she said she met DM in 2010 and about a year later, he starting hanging around with MS. So 2011 he meets/becomes friends with MS. And in 2011 it seems all the bad stuff starts happening. JMO

And just like PB and KH, who was the real killer? MOO
If you ask me 3 years later I wouldn't remember but these people are only being asked on the stand to speak from their statement made years ago.

But her first statement was still made a year later and was probably still mostly about events from May 6th forward. JMO

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 10h10 hours ago
Noudga gave a video statement to police on April 10, 2014 after being arrested and charged w being an accessory after the fact.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 10h10 hours ago
She gave a second statement on June 25, 2014. She says she doesn't recall.
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