Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 16m16 minutes ago
Dell was against drinking too much, Pillay puts to Noudga, who agrees. Millard would tell Smich to stay off the booze.
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 16m16 minutes ago
Pillay suggests Millard thought too much drinking was a bad thing. "It is a bad thing," she says. #Bosma
Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 15m15 minutes ago Toronto, Ontario
Pillay: Dell was against drinking too much? Noudga agrees #Bosma
Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 15m15 minutes ago
Noudga reviewing statement where she said Millard told Smich to stay sober and he would give him work. #Bosma
Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 16m16 minutes ago
Noudga says #Millard didn't like the idea of drinking too much.
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 16m16 minutes ago
Pillay suggests Millard was encouraging Mark to get his driver's license. She says she doesn't recall specifics of the conversation. #Bosna
If he didn't have a job or a drivers license who was buying the booze? DM? Still not sure how she can say that she thought that the letters were not evidence and just love letters when DM has written "destroy after reading" on most of them. What a farce! I would still like to know who is paying for her legal counsel? DM was pretty quick to have a lawyer lined up for AM (not that he used it) I am on a plane to London tomorrow and will miss everything but all I can say is that I can't wait for TD and the hammer to fall.