Bosma Murder Trial 05.03.16 - Day 44

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Does anyone else think CN used her family "immigrant status" as a lame excuse to gain sympathy? I think she was hoping to attract to herself the same level of break JV got from the public when DM was exposed for having taken advantage of him and his lack of understanding of Canadian business and taxation rules, IMO.

All MOO.
I got the impression that after DM's arrest, AM took the dog and moved back in with his dad. Could be wrong, not sure when exactly he moved back in with him. Doubt if he would have wanted to hang around Maplegate when the owner was in jail. Something about AM bringing the along with the backpack, taking the dog to one of the grandmother's houses, and then picking Pedo up afterward and taking him to AM's place. And then same time it seems, CN and MB are gathering cash from Maplegate, tampering with evidence at MB's house, and picking up Pedo from AM's house. Bet CN was pissed when she found out all the pot went to MS!

He was called late on the 10th, around 9:20 to collect the pot and put it in a sack. He said he parked his car down the street when the cops came to search DM's place. So I think AM was there the night of the 10th and the morning of the 11th. MOO
Does anyone else think CN used her family "immigrant status" as a lame excuse to gain sympathy? I think she was hoping to attract to herself the same level of break JV got from the public when DM was exposed for having taken advantage of him and his lack of understanding of Canadian business and taxation rules, IMO.

All MOO.

Considering she was 3 when they came to Canada, yep!
I don't believe CN was using her Kinesiology on DM "weeks" before TB disappeared. Days after...yes, weeks prior, I doubt! When she gave statements to her lawyer, she was still in love with DM. She was helping him, just as she is now in subtle ways.

IMO, Pillay is being easy on CN so she don't spill her gutts now! Starts off reminding her of their love an future plans. Big Ole trip down memory lane, hoping CN'S feelings reemerge 100%.

I agree!!!

IF DM had a sore shoulder, it would be from after the pulling out the seats of the truck, lifting things into the incinerator etc. He seems to have healed ok as he is able to do those knuckle push ups in jail.

CN also said she didn't know which shoulder, she is almost a grad from Kinesiology, I'm sure she would have been aware of which shoulder IF this was a true story!!!
Im confused because CN first testified to only wiping down the locks, hitch and chains. They didn't know what was in the trailer but testified today that CN wiped down the truck? Whoa! That's a big slip from someone!

I doubt it's a slip (albeit they knew the truck was in there). I'm sure they're referring to the whole red pickup truck/trailer combo as a "truck", much like most people do not distinguish between the cab and the trailer on a tractor's just a "truck".

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
She got a lawyer after being with Madeleine Burns (Millard mother) for an entire weekend.

IMO, from what I know of MB, I'd get a lawyer after spending a weekend with her.

Wait..... she spent an entire weekend with her after DM's arrest?! What else did they get up to other than drinking wine in that time??

Whether it was this same weekend or a weekend sometime after CN's own arrest in April of 2014.....I am certain there was a conversation between the two women regarding the $100,000 bail that it was going to take to get CN out of jail.
You have a good point, but it may be that on the 10th DM was only arrested, and on the 11th he was charged. This may have something to do with not taking the dog on 10th. But Pillay did say that Pedo was only trusted in the hands of a few. And that few were drinking wine in a hotel.


And what would be the reason for why precious Pedo could not be trusted with MS, who has been proven to at a minimum, take his family dog for actual walks, and seems he also was said to have moved back home to help out his sick mom? Oh, yes, MS drinks alcohol and smokes pot. Pot calling the kettle black, or something along those lines?
And what would be the reason for why precious Pedo could not be trusted with MS, who has been proven to at a minimum, take his family dog for actual walks, and seems he also was said to have moved back home to help out his sick mom? Oh, yes, MS drinks alcohol and smokes pot. Pot calling the kettle black, or something along those lines?

Very good point. Me thinks it was just CN following DM's defense's lead.
Perhaps we're going to have to start asking for a criminal record check before we visit a new doctor. One would hope clients would have the right to know what they're dealing with.

Do medical students have to do mandatory drug testing.....
No tears from Noudga. I don't think Dungey will make her cry. She isn't the only person whose life was affected by this case, not including Bosma's friends and family. She is a real piece of work. JMO
Originally Posted by CJPRINCESS
Im confused because CN first testified to only wiping down the locks, hitch and chains. They didn't know what was in the trailer but testified today that CN wiped down the truck? Whoa! That's a big slip from someone!

I doubt it's a slip (albeit they knew the truck was in there). I'm sure they're referring to the whole red pickup truck/trailer combo as a "truck", much like most people do not distinguish between the cab and the trailer on a tractor's just a "truck".

Okay, good catch CJP, I missed that. CN said today on the stand that she wiped down the *truck*, as opposed to the *trailer*?? That *would* be quite the slip!
I agree!!!

IF DM had a sore shoulder, it would be from after the pulling out the seats of the truck, lifting things into the incinerator etc. He seems to have healed ok as he is able to do those knuckle push ups in jail.

CN also said she didn't know which shoulder, she is almost a grad from Kinesiology, I'm sure she would have been aware of which shoulder IF this was a true story!!!

And funny how there is actually *evidence* from texts that MS was in paid and self-medicating, and plans to attend a doc visit, etc., prior to the 'event', in addition to MM's testimony, but now it seems that DM has picked up on this as a defence of his own.
I don't think I jumped on anyone when I posted about her taking physiology. If she majored in Kinesiology, she would have anatomy courses, etc,etc. Point being, the courses are about remembering minute details (the names and details about nerves, muscles, etc). Regardless, she is showing herself to be the female version of DM, a liar and full of herself. JMO

Oh I wasn't insinuating you did. Sorry, I should have said "just jumping off your post". Just some people did when I said "Psychology" they insisted it was "Physiology" Today's testimony was Psychology major as well. TD even questioned why CN wasn't better at reading things. I just couldn't find where I read it and took it that I must have been wrong.
I doubt it's a slip (albeit they knew the truck was in there). I'm sure they're referring to the whole red pickup truck/trailer combo as a "truck", much like most people do not distinguish between the cab and the trailer on a tractor's just a "truck".

Except that CN is referring to wiping prints at a time when there *was* no truck, there was only a trailer (in MB's driveway).. so yes, which *truck* is she referring to when she says she wiped it down? The only truck *there* was TB's truck which was inside the trailer (which she admittedly had access to via opening up MB's garage door. And remember the latch on the lock *looked* like it was locked when the officers took it away, but then discovered the doors flew open during transit? Begs one to wonder about exactly what CN did that night.
He wouldn't do that after all those love letters? Would he?

Wonder if it is brought up today as kind of an intimidation of sorts.. 'watch what you say up there CN, don't forget that your *own* trial is coming up'.
Originally Posted by CJPRINCESS
Im confused because CN first testified to only wiping down the locks, hitch and chains. They didn't know what was in the trailer but testified today that CN wiped down the truck? Whoa! That's a big slip from someone!

Okay, good catch CJP, I missed that. CN said today on the stand that she wiped down the *truck*, as opposed to the *trailer*?? That *would* be quite the slip!

I checked Adam Carter's tweets and he said that Dungey said "truck" when asking her a question.
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