Bosma Murder Trial 05.04.16 - Day 45

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I have a very close source that has reported to me that CN was very unhappy at Dungey and how he ended cross. Like she was fuming mad that he "humiliated" her with that ending and didn't give her the opportunity the speak after he said it.

Love it!

This is the only truthful statement she has made. Thanks
It made listening to all her BS worth it. IMO

Thoughts and prayers to the Bosma family and friends. Thank you to mods and those posting tweets.

Hope they are all convicted and receive max, CN deserves life!
I am finally convinced that this was a planned murder, right down to the minute, and not a botched robbery.

Here is my own proposed timeline on how I think it all went down and why I believe this was blatant, premeditated murder and not a botched robbery – and why it had to happen so quickly.
Maybe the code word is “How many kilometres are on the truck” or “How is it on diesel fuel?” Tim is shot from behind, totally oblivious. Wherever they are, whether on Trinity or Book, DM and MS drive TB’s truck straight to the field where the Yukon is.
Why didn't Smich transfer any GSR or blood to the Yukon if he was in the RAM during the shooting?

If this isn’t a deliberate plan to kill TB, planned between the two of them, why the need for MS to be there is TB’s driveway, where SB , Wayne De Boer of anyone else can get a good look at BOTH of them? Why wouldn’t MS wait in the Yukon and then pull out from the field once he saw TB’s truck drive by with DM and TB inside?
IMO, The plan was not to shoot, but to incapacitate or strangle from behind. Smich was to do that. That's why MS was asking to bring tape.

9:15 – 9:18 approx. The getaway is hasty. As planned, TB is dead and they have their truck. They need to get out of town fast, just in case anyone saw something amiss. This isn’t their stomping grounds; it is TB’s. MS jumps out of the pickup and into the Yukon. They leave the laneway, and Bullmann sees them leave his father’s property and turn west on to Book. (i.e. towards Brantford) before going right on Trinity (this assumes that Bullmann made a mistake and the trucks indeed turned north on to Trinity off Book).
NOTE: If Bullmann is correct and DM and MS continue west on Book, past Trinity, this timeline is likely a couple of minutes earlier as the vehicles would have to turn around and come back, to Trinity, turning left and passing the Super Sucker at 9:20.
IIRC, Bullmann actually says that he doesn't know whether they turned or continued at the intersection, so no mistake there.

They then drive to Brantford (doing the speed limit as to not attract any unwanted attention) and pull over on Oak Park Road at 9:49 (approx...). Tim is dead inside, so they park the vehicles, perhaps go through his wallet for cash and ID so they know who they have just murdered, talk about what the next part of the plan is and throw Bosma’s phone out the window, perhaps in an attempt to eventually throw investigators off the scent and assume the killer(s) are in Brantford.
A bit late to discuss plans, unless it went off the rails and the contingency was not planned for. This is actually on the way for them, right south of both the farm and the hangar. They made a U-turn after, looks like they just continued down the same Paris Rd. IMO, that hardly throws anybody off the scent.There were better places on the way to get rid of the phone and without of getting themselves on camera. They were passing bush lots, creeks. Also, no blood on the phone. Only on the battery cover that was found on the floor in RAM. Given the amount of blood all over in the RAM, must be that they stopped @ Oak Park shortly after, or even before the shooting, or the clothing may soak through and contaminate the phone. Also, no blood traces on the road surface where they pulled over at Oak Park Rd. Blood was pooling in the cabin and dripping under.
Maybe she can borrow KH's school girl outfit for her trial? She would just need to practice her little naive girl voice.

Not one single reference to ever considering anything about TB, or his family. Yet she, her friends and family are being harassed by LE.

I would never wish her physical harm, but I do believe in Karma.
I do not think it would be a leap to say that most could not believe that she and others were given the leniency they have. TB was dead as a result of a cold blooded murderer. I would not be surprised if she and her family have been scorned. She is sitting in a court in front of the grieving family of TB and sulking. There is a disconnect in CB's psyche.
Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 3m3 minutes ago
"Sean, on the other hand, is a rat *advertiser censored* with the heart of a sheep. There was absolutely no pressure on him to talk."

"He sold Matt and Andrew out for free. I think he is under the impression it is his duty of a citizen to give the police whatever."

Yup DM, one friend that wasn't bought by you and your Rabbit!
An auto post?
Yeh- you can sign up to various services that make daily posts to any of your social media accounts. Inspirational, religious etc- that's what it looks like to me. Don't you have any Facebook friends that post "quote of the day", "inspiration living" etc on your FB every single day- I do and it drives me crazy! MOO
I have a very close source that has reported to me that CN was very unhappy at Dungey and how he ended cross. Like she was fuming mad that he "humiliated" her with that ending and didn't give her the opportunity the speak after he said it.

Love it!

If you ask DM, it's all about him!
If you ask CN, it's all about her!

Dungey was 100% bang on!

"I deserve you, and you deserve me."

Even when asked by reporters if she had any comment for the Bosma family, you could tell through all the disguise that she could care less about them.

Yeh- you can sign up to various services that make daily posts to any of your social media accounts. Inspirational, religious etc- that's what it looks like to me. Don't you have any Facebook friends that post "quote of the day", "inspiration living" etc on your FB every single day- I do and it drives me crazy! MOO
Apparently I don't pay attention that much lol now I'll have to. I just figured whatever was posted the person actually posted themselves.
Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 3m3 minutes ago
"Sean, on the other hand, is a rat *advertiser censored* with the heart of a sheep. There was absolutely no pressure on him to talk."

"He sold Matt and Andrew out for free. I think he is under the impression it is his duty of a citizen to give the police whatever."

Yup DM, one friend that wasn't bought by you and your Rabbit!
I particularly liked the part where he says that SS2 actually drove to Hamilton to give LE a statement totally unsolicited!
So now the crown has presented its case, I see loads of evidence against DM (stack of it). I still only see cell phone pings, a grainy video and a bunch of circumstantial evidence from witnesses that I wouldn't consider to be trustworthy again MS. I really do not think you can prove premeditation of a murder, that MS was in the truck, or that he even knew TB was shot until much later ... and then after all that DM starts pinning it all on him. I know if I were on that jury it would be really damn hard for me to pin this guy with a 1st degree murder charge. I also think it may get even harder if he does decide to take the stand. MOO
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 5m5 minutes ago
He asks what they talked about. She says they didn't. "That's odd," he says. She says he just sang the song. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 4m4 minutes ago
"It was dark outside," says Noudga. Not sure if she knew was a no contact order. "We didn't talk," on the phone. "Strange," Dungey says.

Mark Carcasole ‏@MarkCarcGlobal 4m4 minutes ago
Dungey now questioning Noudga about "Wonderwall" phone call. "He doesn't talk about his situation, doesn't profess his love to you?

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 5m5 minutes ago
About the call. Who placed it to DM. She has no idea. He just signs Wonderwall. Nothing else is said. @AM900CHML

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 5m5 minutes ago
"He sings Wonderwall by Oasis," Noudga says. He didn't ask any Q's or tell her any news, she says. #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 5m5 minutes ago
Dungey: "he didn't tell you anything about this case? What he wants you to do? How things are progressing?"
Noudga: "No." #Bosma

This is insulting to the intelligence of everyone in that courtroom seeking justice. DM singing Wonderwall by Oasis to red shoes? Too bad CN's oral skills do not include telling the truth. IMO she is a bold faced liar. DM would not be wasting a phone call singing songs when he is wanting answers from her. CN must be really proud of her performance.
So now the crown has presented its case, I see loads of evidence against DM (stack of it). I still only see cell phone pings, a grainy video and a bunch of circumstantial evidence from witnesses that I wouldn't consider to be trustworthy. I really do not think you can prove premeditation of a murder, that MS was in the truck, or that he even knew TB was shot until much later ... and then after all that DM starts pinning it all on him. I know if I were on that jury it would be really damn hard for me to pin this guy with a 1st degree murder charge. I also think it may get even harder if he does decide to take the stand. MOO

IMO it is all gonna come down to which liar is more palatable to the jury. i believe DM &, MS will testify.
She posted on her instagram 6 hours ago ???? Not sure what it is.

I see that people are saying this could represent a bottomless pit, but what it looks like to me is a burned out tree. If that's in fact what it is, then it is a disgusting thing to post and just confirms her twisted mind (imo) given the facts of the trial she was testifying in.
I personally hope she IS hounded by the media and that her connection to the death of Tim Bosma follows her for the rest of her days. Her flippant attitude on the stand during her testimony was deplorable and the fact that she referred to Mr. Bosma as "the person" proves to me how cold, calculating and heartless she really is.
I see that people are saying this could represent a bottomless pit, but what it looks like to me is a burned out tree. If that's in fact what it is, then it is a disgusting thing to post and just confirms her twisted mind (imo) given the facts of the trial she was testifying in.
I personally hope she IS hounded by the media and that her connection to the death of Tim Bosma follows her for the rest of her days. Her flippant attitude on the stand during her testimony was deplorable and the fact that she referred to Mr. Bosma as "the person" proves to me how cold, calculating and heartless she really is.

I also think it looks like a burned out tree. Disturbing since it was sent from court. She is very, very disturbing and deviant IMO.
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