Bosma Murder Trial 05.04.16 - Day 45

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the thing is what real evidential proof is there that she knew what was in the trailer. What evidential proof is there she knew a murder took place. So far I see none..sure we all know in our minds she did..but the judge needs evidence to convict her..and she has an explanation for everything so prove otherwise. The gloves can be explained by her putting on gloves DM already wore. All she has to say is she knew nothing. Maybe in her trial more will be spent on her own evidence..maybe it can't be brought up in this trial. They must have more than this otherwise why was she kept in jail for 4 whole months. I am pretty sure she won't want to go back so she will say she knows nothing and that is what her Lawyer told her to do. The crown has to prove she is guilty with evidence.

You pretty much encapsulated my thoughts on her as well.

SC seems to be very vague when it comes to whether the Crown is done or not.

I personally find it interesting that they haven't said they are done yet though and that tomorrow is for legal arguments.

The legal arguments will be regarding the evidence they want to bring forward before close. The judge would need to rule on something about its admission as evidence. So they can't say yet whether they are done. I don't expect it to be a very long witness if it happens.
I have a completely different scenario in mind. The question for you is: Why then did they bother to turn south on Oak Park and stop at Bobcat? Why not head north to the farm?

My scenario is they had a team waiting as mission outlookers at their gang code "bobcat" location. They shot TB because the safety wasn't on and while MS was cocking the gun to say "get out of the car" he shot him (thus blood in the car--the F up). TB got out injured ran toward the people in the shadows, DM & MS caught him, beat him, DM shot him this time for fun to use out his new gun. The friends were in shock and scattered and zipped their lips from then on. MS wrapped him in the orange tarp, couldn't reach to put him in the truck, especially with his sore shoulder, so put him in the back seat of the Yukon which is why later the seat was taken out at Riverside to get washed and when it didn't wash well, was burned....I have theories for the rest but that's it for now. IMO Just guessing.

Do you ever wonder why the detectives missed all this and the forensic video analyst overlooked everything you saw in the Brantford Bobcat video?
This gal has no idea to the dizzying degree that the 'harrassment' factor will be ramped up after this...especially when she said she was 'terrified' (and no one should live their life 'terrified', esp women).

Before we only had assumptions on how Noudga was in character: but now, upon the completion of her numerous court room shannanigans, her consistent dodge and weaves that would make a boxer proud, and above all else her haughty disposition, to name a few, all this will come back to haunt her and those around her with increased momentum....she's quite smart to go abroad to study to try to escape it all...but in our day and age a simple 'google' search of 5 seconds can yield up so much on someone--and so quickly.
In short, if she thinks she was 'harrassed' and terrified before, then good grief after today...

Sadly, Noudga had numerous chances to come clean and therein offer some explanation, context, some sense of ''closure'' and 'justice' for the Bosmas (if not as medicine for her own soul)...the GP can be forgiving (this doesn't mean she should escape justice and punishment)... had she shown true and deep contrition, and honesty, she may have stood a fair chance of escaping at least some of the growing public wrath and ostracization that now inevitably awaits her.

I have to wonder if her and her lawyer consider her testimony here a success or failure for her own cause.
I see that people are saying this could represent a bottomless pit, but what it looks like to me is a burned out tree. If that's in fact what it is, then it is a disgusting thing to post and just confirms her twisted mind (imo) given the facts of the trial she was testifying in.
I personally hope she IS hounded by the media and that her connection to the death of Tim Bosma follows her for the rest of her days. Her flippant attitude on the stand during her testimony was deplorable and the fact that she referred to Mr. Bosma as "the person" proves to me how cold, calculating and heartless she really is.
!!!What a B!!! WHAT is that?!!
I don't see the Instagram picture as a burnt out tree or stump at all. If you click on the picture to see the whole thing, including a bit of sky, it looks very much like a cave/canyon in the ground to me. I have noticed that if you click on it from a mobile device, you still only see the zoomed in version. Only when I look at it in my browser, does the whole picture show up. And if you zoom in your browser, it looks very much like rock walls and leaves and debris on the bottom. jmo
I'm kind of with you on this, I think she's just extremely unpleasant. They really are perfect for each other.

"extremely unpleasant" yes. Like a punch in the face, with a sack of bat guano.
Where are these pics? I don't recall seeing them at the trial.

But, yes, they didn't verify the lock was securing what they thought it was.

Kind of like when 10 editors look at the front page and miss the typo in the headline.

***** happens.

I reviewed the exhibit 041, and the "truck in trailer" pics appear to be in Tilsonburg facility.
Adam Carter references pictures (plural) from the metro transport Garage,
Adam CarterFeb 10 2016 10:22
It got back to Hamilton by 9:06 p.m. It was towed to metro transport - a metro purchasing, detailing and cleaning facility, Gibson says.
It's a secure facility that police use.
Court now seeing pictures of the trailer inside the facility, behind police tape.

but the only pic I can find from the Hamilton is this one... and it doesn't show the doors open. I thought there was a pic from Metro Transport with doors open... but I can't find it now - I might have been mistaken!!


  • bosma-truck-millard-trailer.jpg
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IMO, I think the Crown has decided to call someone else to the stand or present something else. SC tweeted earlier that CN "was" expected to be the last Crown witness. She also replied to someone that when the Crown is done they will have to say something like "case closed" and they have yet to do that. The Crown have already said they have no more questions for CN and she was excused so it's not like they want more time with her.

So with that in mind, if they had nothing else lined up or in mind, they had time to say today that they are done.

I guess we will have to wait and see on Monday morning.
Maybe Rabbit will be questioned on Monday? She seems to be very involved.
She posted on her instagram 6 hours ago ???? Not sure what it is.

Looks like a dried up waterfall. Who knows what that means!

I see she's also posted a pic in the last few days of the Airport Express bus at Kipling subway station.

I do believe these are communications of some kind, but likely not all of them are. I'm sure some are just random crapola to through off anybody who is trying to figure it out.

OR it could all just be the random machinations and neural synaptic misfirings of a lunatic mind.
I see that people are saying this could represent a bottomless pit, but what it looks like to me is a burned out tree. If that's in fact what it is, then it is a disgusting thing to post and just confirms her twisted mind (imo) given the facts of the trial she was testifying in.
I personally hope she IS hounded by the media and that her connection to the death of Tim Bosma follows her for the rest of her days. Her flippant attitude on the stand during her testimony was deplorable and the fact that she referred to Mr. Bosma as "the person" proves to me how cold, calculating and heartless she really is.

I think it look like a pic of rock, possibly a place in Hamilton. Lots of mystical places along the escarpment.
Maybe Rabbit will be questioned on Monday? She seems to be very involved.

Im wondering if they'll recall AM. They couldn't bring the letters up until CN testified. Now that the letter are evidence, maybe the Crown will ask him about the parts that pertain to him? Like the part where DM says "AM changed statement to I don't knows and he loves him for that"
Im wondering if they'll recall AM. They couldn't bring the letters up until CN testified. Now that the letter are evidence, maybe the Crown will ask him about the parts that pertain to him? Like the part where DM says "AM changed statement to I don't knows and he loves him for that"
Can they now that it's in the media though?
Hopefully Ms. Noudga didn't get caught up in traffic on her way home tonight. IMHO, I just don't buy that her and DM aren't still conniving their way back to each other. All of this stuff turns them on. DM watching his little sly coyote up there on the stand repeating over and over "I don't remember" and "why don't you ask him" topped off with a little "memorable sex" here and there. They're way to much of a match for this romance to be over. IMO, DM is still holding out hope that he's got enough doubt planted in the minds of a Juror or two that he's not going to be found guilty of 1st degree. Delusional? Perhaps, but CN assisted him to the best of her abilities- acting perturbed over the other girlfriends; really putting on a good act of not being happy with DM.

Most people could be fooled into thinking that CN thought DM and her were exclusive; defies logic to me. CN knew DM was going out with LB. CN knew that DM was engaged to JS. Maybe she even knew about LW2. IMHO, CN doesn't care- she's the real deal to DM. None of these other woman can do what she can or is willing to do for DM. I suspect that the only reason she was upset with DM's pen pal D was that it seemed like DM had reached out to her first and CN didn't know anything about her.

DM and CN are sick. PB and KH type of sick. The big difference between CN and KH is that CN didn't turn on DM. She had the perfect amount of amnesia and I have to hand it to her; she played her cards very well and IMHO, DM/MB will reward her for her performance. These 2 are huge manipulators- it turns them on. For a young woman CN's age to sit there on the stand and be cross examined by TD without getting flustered once leads me to believe that TD was very right- they are meant for each other and IMO, they're still an item and are very much working as a team. MOO
Hopefully Ms. Noudga didn't get caught up in traffic on her way home tonight. IMHO, I just don't buy that her and DM aren't still conniving their way back to each other. All of this stuff turns them on. DM watching his little sly coyote up there on the stand repeating over and over "I don't remember" and "why don't you ask him" topped off with a little "memorable sex" here and there. They're way to much of a match for this romance to be over. IMO, DM is still holding out hope that he's got enough doubt planted in the minds of a Juror or two that he's not going to be found guilty of 1st degree. Delusional? Perhaps, but CN assisted him to the best of her abilities- acting perturbed over the other girlfriends; really putting on a good act of not being happy with DM.

Most people could be fooled into thinking that CN thought DM and her were exclusive; defies logic to me. CN knew DM was going out with LB. CN knew that DM was engaged to JS. Maybe she even knew about LW2. IMHO, CN doesn't care- she's the real deal to DM. None of these other woman can do what she can or is willing to do for DM. I suspect that the only reason she was upset with DM's pen pal D was that it seemed like DM had reached out to her first and CN didn't know anything about her.

DM and CN are sick. PB and KH type of sick. The big difference between CN and KH is that CN didn't turn on DM. She had the perfect amount of amnesia and I have to hand it to her; she played her cards very well and IMHO, DM/MB will reward her for her performance. These 2 are huge manipulators- it turns them on. For a young woman CN's age to sit there on the stand and be cross examined by TD without getting flustered once leads me to believe that TD was very right- they are meant for each other and IMO, they're still an item and are very much working as a team. MOO
Yes very emotionless. All of us here on this forum (I assume) have never heard of the Bosma's until Tim went missing. Yet behind computer screens and mobile devices feel for the family and many have expressed this.
The missing. The search. When the truck was found. SB media address. All evoked emotion in me personally and I don't know them at all.

This girl is a cold stone. She tampered with evidence and even if unintentionally she feels no remorse? What kind of person is she? She gave a good performance I'll give her that. Nothing anyone says about her would surprise me. It'll be interesting to see when it's her turn if DM stands by her. Lisa from CHCH reported he will testify in her trial. This is far from over IMO.
Well--she DID show emotion, from what I gleaned--disgust, contempt, anger, offense, etc. And we heard one rumor that she was practically spitting nails about Dungey's parting shot that she and DM deserved each other.

She sure did his job for him.
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