Bosma Murder Trial 05.04.16 - Day 45

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Does anyone else find this disturbing?

It's a snapchat filter you can put on photos so she didn't quite draw it on. I've seen others use the same filters. I don't know that I find it that disturbing in itself although I find her very disturbing.
It's a snapchat filter you can put on photos so she didn't quite draw it on. I've seen others use the same filters. I don't know that I find it that disturbing in itself although I find her very disturbing.
Yes I know it is. She hashtagged it as such. No Coincidence at all DM's steam profile pic had the bloody "eye". Or that MJW had the gun to his "eye"? And now her Instagram pic? Like there are how many to choose from? And she's under public scrutiny. Just seems very odd and disturbing to me. Is she sending a message or is she just truly an idiot?
Nor will they care who she point was once she is charged, her life in the medical field is over (criminal charges + working in the medical field =do not mix !!!

She could prescribe pot.
Yes I know it is. She hashtagged it as such. No Coincidence at all DM's steam profile pic had the bloody "eye". Or that MJW had the gun to his "eye"? And now her Instagram pic? Like there are how many to choose from? And she's under public scrutiny. Just seems very odd and disturbing to me. Is she sending a message or is she just truly an idiot?

I don't see it as related to the other eye pictures. It is showing crying which involves eyes.. The only disturbing part is it is showing a deeper emotion - something she has seemed quite void of during this trial. I guess I can understand that she needed a picture to show tears as there seems to be have been no tears shed about anything that has happened. jmo
Is anyone aware of an online document which lists all the different cellphone ping locations in chronological order? And/or a listing of all the text messages that were introduced at trial?

Thank you!

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Did we ever hear where CNs letters to DM are? Did he eat them? Where could they go he was in jail in segregation.

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I suspect if they were brought in by MB that she handed them to him to read or put them in front of glass if he was behind glass at the time, he read them, and gave them back. Simple as that. Except for the dog print he kept. and photos.IMO
Like another poster asked earlier, how did cops know they wiped the locks? Only CN and MB knew about it and to my knowledge, neither has given a statement, soooooooo....

Nothing was presented at this trial. Could there be something at her own trial about it?
I got the impression, when she dropped that bomb on the second day, after having no memory the first day, that she was dragging MB into the "mess". The next day she became protective of MB again. That makes me suspect MB cut her off after day 1 but reinstated her once CN showed her what she could do.
I wonder if DM did ask his mother to get CN on board. How much might he have told her?
I too suspect MB was manipulating CN to stay on. It was telling when CN asked DM if his mother was reading all the letters. I got the impression she didn't want Dells mother to find out she wasn't obeying orders.
I don't see it as related to the other eye pictures. It is showing crying which involves eyes.. The only disturbing part is it is showing a deeper emotion - something she has seemed quite void of during this trial. I guess I can understand that she needed a picture to show tears as there seems to be have been no tears shed about anything that has happened. jmo
If I could find DM steam picture IIRC it's similar. The difference is this one is blue so it's assumed crying. Change it to red. Now does it look like tears? Cold hearted people don't cry and this was posted well before she took the stand. I just found it off. Kinda like her
Well--she DID show emotion, from what I gleaned--disgust, contempt, anger, offense, etc. And we heard one rumor that she was practically spitting nails about Dungey's parting shot that she and DM deserved each other.

She sure did his job for him.

Like a spoiled child caught for stealing a cookie. Not angry over the person who got her into the mess, but angry LE does their job and arrests uncooperative criminal assistants. Like it's LE's fault she has the media after her, etc. I wish she'd just got it off her chest and said that cheating B.... did use me, and made my life a mess. I had no clue I was dating a psycho, I'm glad he's locked up. IMO
There have been a number of those posted on different photos. Some have been pretty colourful. Most have lasted a few hours to at least a day. I checked her photo not too long ago so that was one quick delete! Her twitter followers #'s grows daily, though.

so christina noudga actually has the gall to have a twitter account? say it ain't so.:facepalm:
if it were me, given the fallout that is to come, i would be 'so out of there' as per deleting all
social media and moving out of the neighbourhood, far away as i could from the public's radar.

so on the one hand she alleges that she's terrified for her safety, laments that her life is 'ruined',
but on the other hand still remains in the public eye.
so she comes across as incredibly antogonistic...or arrogant...or daft...or apathetic...or careless...
or all of the above in various amounts.
i just don't get it.

and by the way: there are now 2 'likes' on her instagram over that pic.
Could, or would LW1 have brought letters in and out (thinking they were from MB) using the excuse cheques needed to be signed? I recall she visited DM or was that LW2, or did they both visit? I would suspect the original lawyer may have inadvertently transported letters until he found out through disclosure that CN had letters in her possession from DM. When did he stop being involved in the case?

As for CN's letters to DM that weren't located... he either shredded them into tiny pieces and flushed them or those so called scraps/notes/thoughts CN had were her actual replies. Who jots notes like that on so many pieces of paper and leaves them laying around with received letters?

LOVED the mic drop moment from Dungey!!! "I deserve you and you deserve me" So true.
I really don't know what to make of CN's testimony. My brain is spinning. I guess the "hoping" in me was looking for a more MM type CN. A little remorse..regret..sympathy for the B family. I sure wasn't expecting the Queen of All B's to show up on that stand. But then the more I thought about it..I guess I shouldn't have been so shocked. she lawyer-ed up immediately. Not one step she has made from that first meeting has not been scripted. Someone posted that they suggest she find a better lawyer for her own trial. I disagree. I think this lawyer was very good at getting her through this trial. They knew this day and her charges have been coming since the beginning. They have had a plan all along. Getting the benefit of all the disclosure from the nitwit behind bars just strengthened her fight in this case. She came in with an "I didn't have a clue" defense and to show regret or remorse would only contradict that defense. They had an answer to every question or scenario presented to her.albeit not always a believable one. I think they have practiced and really prepared her for this trial. I am very disappointed in this girl and her lawyer. I don't feel this was the right route but that comes from someone who doesn't have the mind of a sociopath like she does. Her testimony was an absolute insult to the Bosma family and in my mind to the judicial system. They sure knew how to play the system. And none of this can be brought up in her own trial.
My deep regret now is that she probably won't take the stand in her own trial so a judge (as it is rumoured is her choice) will not see the condescending, cold, heartless bit** that she really is. I honestly think her lawyer is going to try and present her in that trial as a naive, sweet girl who did nothing more wrong than fall in love with the wrong man. My 'hoping" side is now praying that they really have some seriously concrete evidence on her, maybe those redacted portions of the letters, blood and fingerprint evidence etc, that this little girl who evidently feels she is so entitled will see that all she is truly entitled to is a thin mattress, cold floors and a stainless steel toilet facing her as she wakes every morning. The only surprise to her that I could see was TD's final statement and the fact that she stormed off the stand angry , without a chance to respond is just perfect in my mind. Well played!

Susan Clairmont &#8207;@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
Noudga has been on the stand 5 days and has never said Tim Bosma's name.

I definitely noticed that..I'm sure her "liar" counselled her on that! It's all just so sickening. I just want it to be over for the Bosma family. I was hoping they may find some answers in this trial as to the "WHY".....sorrowfully the answer is no. They saved the most pathetic witness for the last...........the most important PATHETIC "key witness" of all of them! Good for you Susan Clairmont.

Yes, good description of it all. I wonder why she ever brought up wiping the prints in the first place?

This story reminds me of my new cat who has brought me a dead bird & dead mouse he caught. With all the places he could have parked that trailer, why momma's house? OMG If he was so panicked it's a wonder he didn't curl up and sleep at momma's house too. But I guess he had other tasks to complete including his final time ever to have sex with a woman before going to jail. Maybe that's why 3 times. IMO
I definitely noticed that..I'm sure her "liar" counselled her on that! It's all just so sickening. I just want it to be over for the Bosma family. I was hoping they may find some answers in this trial as to the "WHY".....sorrowfully the answer is no. They saved the most pathetic witness for the last...........the most important PATHETIC "key witness" of all of them!

Not just pathetic, mind-dizzying. Too bad she had little to offer. IIMO
I really don't know what to make of CN's testimony. My brain is spinning. I guess the "hoping" in me was looking for a more MM type CN. A little remorse..regret..sympathy for the B family. I sure wasn't expecting the Queen of All B's to show up on that stand. But then the more I thought about it..I guess I shouldn't have been so shocked. she lawyer-ed up immediately. Not one step she has made from that first meeting has not been scripted. Someone posted that they suggest she find a better lawyer for her own trial. I disagree. I think this lawyer was very good at getting her through this trial. They knew this day and her charges have been coming since the beginning. They have had a plan all along. Getting the benefit of all the disclosure from the nitwit behind bars just strengthened her fight in this case. She came in with an "I didn't have a clue" defense and to show regret or remorse would only contradict that defense. They had an answer to every question or scenario presented to her.albeit not always a believable one. I think they have practiced and really prepared her for this trial. I am very disappointed in this girl and her lawyer. I don't feel this was the right route but that comes from someone who doesn't have the mind of a sociopath like she does. Her testimony was an absolute insult to the Bosma family and in my mind to the judicial system. They sure knew how to play the system. And none of this can be brought up in her own trial.
My deep regret now is that she probably won't take the stand in her own trial so a judge (as it is rumoured is her choice) will not see the condescending, cold, heartless bit** that she really is. I honestly think her lawyer is going to try and present her in that trial as a naive, sweet girl who did nothing more wrong than fall in love with the wrong man. My 'hoping" side is now praying that they really have some seriously concrete evidence on her, maybe those redacted portions of the letters, blood and fingerprint evidence etc, that this little girl who evidently feels she is so entitled will see that all she is truly entitled to is a thin mattress, cold floors and a stainless steel toilet facing her as she wakes every morning. The only surprise to her that I could see was TD's final statement and the fact that she stormed off the stand angry , without a chance to respond is just perfect in my mind. Well played!


....or maybe it was all pms. :tantrum:
thing is noudga's still so young...she had her whole life ahead of her...and now it's in tatters
and the real fallout is yet to come.

my take: she probably won't realize just how badly she has screwed it up until she's older
and perhaps has a family of her own. or maybe by november when her own trial starts she'll have a change of
heart and finally come clean, though that is highly unlikely given her obstinance thus far.
i wouldn't want to be in her shoes for all the money in the world.
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