Bosma Murder Trial 05.12.16 - Day 48

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Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
He never told Daly it was his gun...CityTV had called Smich's house, freaked his sister out. #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 1m1 minute ago
Gun was hidden in a washing machine in his mothers home. He was pressured to rid of it. Says Daly suggest he bury it. @AM900CHML

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 56s57 seconds ago Mississauga, Ontario
Smich 'I thought Dell was trying to frame me, by dropping this off on me. I didn't ask for it' #Bosma #HamOnt

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 55s56 seconds ago
"When I received the gun I though Dell was trying to frame me by dropping this off on me. I didn't ask for it." #bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 1m1 minute ago
Smich says he also expressed to Daly his concern that Dell was trying to frame him by getting that gun to him. "I didn't ask for it." #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
"When I received the gun I thought Dell was trying to frame me, by dropping it off, because I did not ask for it." Smich says
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
He can't remember his exact words, said he had a lot going through his mind at this time. #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 2m2 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Smich repeats what we heard yesterday 'I was very scared.' Confused. #Bosma #HamOnt

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Smich says he thought Millard was trying to frame him by dropping the gun on him without warning. "I was very scared at that time,"

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
"I was confused. I ended up going out and burying the gun," he says. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 2m2 minutes ago
"I was very scared at that time. Lots of thoughts. People telling me to do this and that. I was confused. Ended up burying the gun."

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
"I was very scared at that time. I had lots of thoughts going through my head...I was confused. I wound up going out and burying the gun."
"I was very scared at that time," Smich says. "I was confused. I ended up going out and burying the gun ... I jumped on my bike, rode out in the forest and buried it."
by Adam Carter 10:12 AM

Smich says he "buried it in the forest somewhere late at night." Dungey asks if he knows where he buried it, and Smich says there are "lots of ravines and paths" in Oakville. "Do you know where today that gun would be?" Dungey says. "No, I don't," Smich says.
by Adam Carter 10:13 AM

Smich says he didn't go to police with the gun because he had a criminal record, and he was worried they wouldn't believe him.
by Adam Carter 10:14 AM
Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 2m2 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Smich now detailing burying the gun. The alleged murder weapon. #Bosma #HamOnt

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 2m2 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Smich said he 'jumped on his bike, rode into the forrest and buried it.' #Bosma #HamOnt

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
"I jumped on my bike, rode out to the forest and buried it." #bosma

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Smich says he buried the gun after he couldn't sell it. "I jumped on my bike and ride out into the forest and buried it" #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 2m2 minutes ago
"I jumped on my bike, rode out into the forest, and buried it." This was before his sister's wedding.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
It was the same night Daly suggested doing so. "I hopped on my bike, rode out in the forest and buried it." It was late at night. #Bosma
Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 2m2 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Dungey: Do you know where you buried it? Smich: I buried it in the forest, late at night. #Bosma #HamOnt

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
This was before the wedding. #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 2m2 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
He used a spade, a garden tool. #Bosma #HamOnt

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 2m2 minutes ago
He doesn't know where. "There's lots of ravines and paths in Oakville. I just rode out, it was late at night, and I buried it." Had a shovel

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
Smich says he had a little spade, a garden tool, and just buried it with that. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
Where did you bury it? "I burned it in the forest somewhere late at night." He used a spade "for the garden...and just buried it with that."
Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Smich says he never told anyone about it and can't remember where. It was late at night he says in one of Oakville's many wood lots. #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Dungey: Do you know today where the gun would be? Smich: No, I don't. #Bosma #HamOnt

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 3m3 minutes ago
" when I got the gun I thought DM was framing me. I didn't ask for it. I was very scared. I ended up burying it." @AM900CHML

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3m3 minutes ago
Do you know today where the gun would be? "No."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
Dungey asks him if he knows where that spot is today. He says he does not. And he never told anyone about where it could be. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 3m3 minutes ago
"I went out, I just got rid of it, that's it." Smich says he didn't tell anybody where the gun would be. #TimBosma
All is needed is the general area. Metal detector and some searching would most likely turn it up.

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 3m3 minutes ago
Smich says to this day he doesn't know where the gun is. #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
Dungey asks why he didn't take the gun to police. Smich says he was still looking into getting a lawyer at that time. #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Dungey: Why not take the gun to the police? Smich: Well... I was still looking to getting a lawyer. I was scared because...

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 3m3 minutes ago
Why not take the gun to police? "Well at that time, uh, I was going to get a lawyer, I was scared that, with my criminal record..."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
"I was scared because you know with my criminal record and everything...quite possible the police wouldn't believe me." #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
... with my criminal record. I thought it was possible police wouldn't believe me. I was scared, confused, I didn't know what to do. #Bosma
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3m3 minutes ago
Why didn't you take the gun to police? "At that point I was still, I was looking to get a lawyer at that time."

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 3m3 minutes ago
Why didn't you go to the police? Dungey asks. #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
He says that was the advice he was given at that time (from Daly), and so that's what he did. #Bosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 3m3 minutes ago
"I got on my bike. Went out and buried it in the forest at night. I had a spade. I dug a hole and just got rid of it.That's it." @AM900CHML

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 3m3 minutes ago
".... it was possible the police wouldn't believe me. I was scared. Confused." Everyone was just telling him to get rid of the gun.

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3m3 minutes ago
"I was scares because of the possibility that, with you know, my criminal record, it was quite possible the police wouldn't believe me."
"Did you have any idea Michalski was bringing you a gun?" Dungey asks. "No, no idea," Smich says. "I thought he was going to be bringing me a bag of weed."
by Adam Carter 10:16 AM

Smich says he says he "never owned a gun."
by Adam Carter 10:16 AM

Smich says he thought this was the gun that was used to kill Bosma.
by Adam Carter 10:17 AM

Goodman addresses the jury, says he thought today's evidence would be longer, but that's all for today. Now legal arguments. Cross-examination of Smich starts Monday at 10 a.m.
by Adam Carter 10:17 AM
Thanks again for tweets, meterclicks and Snooper.:tyou::tyou:
"I was very scared at that time," Smich says. "I was confused. I ended up going out and burying the gun ... I jumped on my bike, rode out in the forest and buried it."
by Adam Carter 10:12 AM

Smich says he "buried it in the forest somewhere late at night." Dungey asks if he knows where he buried it, and Smich says there are "lots of ravines and paths" in Oakville. "Do you know where today that gun would be?" Dungey says. "No, I don't," Smich says.
by Adam Carter 10:13 AM

Smich says he didn't go to police with the gun because he had a criminal record, and he was worried they wouldn't believe him.
by Adam Carter 10:14 AM

Great to know there is a gun somewhere in the forest in Oakville. Hope the cops find it before a kid does.
Smich says Daly gave him the idea to bury the gun.
by Adam Carter 10:10 AM

Smich says he never told Daly that the gun in the toolbox was his.
by Adam Carter 10:10 AM

"When I received the gun, I thought that Dell was trying to frame me by dropping this off on me. I did not ask for it," Smich says he told Daly.
by Adam Carter 10:11 AM

But Dell didn't give the gun the MS, he gave it to MH.
Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Smich is repeating the same line over and over again - why he didn't come clean earlier. Scared. Confused. #Bosma #HamOnt

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 3m3 minutes ago
Smich says he was scared of the possibility that with his criminal record, the police wouldn't believe him. #TimBosma

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 3m3 minutes ago
Smich claims he has no idea where gun is. Was dark. Didn't tell police cause of his criminal record and he was scared. @AM900CHML

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 3m3 minutes ago
Smich says he took bad advice. #TimBosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
Dungey asks if he knew when he called and asked Michalski to bring him the drugs, if he knew a toolbox was coming. No, he says. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 3m3 minutes ago
Smich just corrected his lawyer. Dungey said "guns" instead of "drugs"
"Did you have any idea Michalski was bringing you a gun?" Dungey asks. "No, no idea," Smich says. "I thought he was going to be bringing me a bag of weed."
by Adam Carter 10:16 AM

Smich says he says he "never owned a gun."
by Adam Carter 10:16 AM

Smich says he thought this was the gun that was used to kill Bosma.
by Adam Carter 10:17 AM

Goodman addresses the jury, says he thought today's evidence would be longer, but that's all for today. Now legal arguments. Cross-examination of Smich starts Monday at 10 a.m.
by Adam Carter 10:17 AM

All is needed is the general area. Metal detector and some searching would most likely turn it up.


I have a hard time believing he has NO idea where he buried the gun......and wasn't he under surveillance at the time? Not sure that was a strong close for TD.....MOO
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3m3 minutes ago
Marlena says Michalski should bring them all the guns. Smich says he didn't know he'd be brought a toolbox or a gun. Just "a bag of weed."

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 3m3 minutes ago
Asked if he knew he was getting a gun. Smich says no. Thought only getting weed. That's all he was expecting. @AM900CHML

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
"Did you have any idea Michalski was going to be bringing you a gun?" Dungey asks. He says no--was just expecting weed. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 3m3 minutes ago
Smich says he thought Michalski was bringing him weed, not gun. "I've never owned a gun." So this was not your gun? "No."

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3m3 minutes ago
"I've never owned a gun," says Smich.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
He says again this was not his gun in the toolbox. "I've never owned a gun," he says. #Bosma
Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 2m2 minutes ago
Smich says he never told anyone about it and can't remember where. It was late at night he says in one of Oakville's many wood lots. #Bosma

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Dungey: Do you know today where the gun would be? Smich: No, I don't. #Bosma #HamOnt

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 3m3 minutes ago
" when I got the gun I thought DM was framing me. I didn't ask for it. I was very scared. I ended up burying it." @AM900CHML

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 3m3 minutes ago
Do you know today where the gun would be? "No."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
Dungey asks him if he knows where that spot is today. He says he does not. And he never told anyone about where it could be. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 3m3 minutes ago
"I went out, I just got rid of it, that's it." Smich says he didn't tell anybody where the gun would be. #TimBosma

Sounds like CN, I don't know? Very convenient. Doesn't even have a general idea so LE can begin to search for the murder weapon? Come on.
Oakville is his "hood". I call BS
Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 4m4 minutes ago
Smich says he he no idea Andrew Michalski would bring him a gun. "I jus thought he was bringing me a bag of weed," Smich says.

Shannon Martin ‏@ShannonMartinTV 3m3 minutes ago Mississauga, Ontario
Smich 'I've never owned a gun.' #Bosma #HamOnt

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 3m3 minutes ago
He believed the gun in the toolbox was the same gun Dellen Millard used to kill Tim #Bosma.

Colin Butler ‏@ColinButlerCBC 3m3 minutes ago
Smich says he never told anyone the gun was his. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 3m3 minutes ago
Smich believes the gun in the toolbox is the weapon used to kill #TimBosma. Evidence done today.

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 4m4 minutes ago
Dungey has no more questions. #Bosma
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