Bosma Murder Trial 05.17.16 - Day 50

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Got to give MS credit here .... he is almost prodding and challenging DM to take the stand and "give his answers"

I highly doubt MS would encourage such a thing if he knew DM could pin the murder on him.

Cudos to MS .... he is playing hardball , and he is blurting those answers out on his own

These are not Rehearsed-Dungey-Coached-Memorized-Speeches.

Ahhhh the irony .... is MS making DM and Lawyer squirm like mice in the back seat of Igor's truck ???.

Yes, but they remain quiet, like fish.

Like many other people here , I started out wondering why the heck Sachak didnt grill MS on the minute by minute details from when they picked Bosma up ... to the Yukon in the hayfeild , did they drive by Super Sucker more than once , did they drive west on Book Road and turn around before they went back up Trinity road ... things like that.

I (and others) found it frustrating that Sachak droned on and on about irrelevant stuff , rap lyrics , magic forests and magic mushrooms and sore shoulders.

However ..... I think Mr Sachak and DM both know and are afraid that if MS did provide such exact details it would go along ways to prove that there was no way MS was in the truck when TB was killed.

Anyone else thinking the same ? Opinions welcome


Why do I have the feeling that if the questions ever get around to the night if the murder, that MS will lose the cocky attitude and go back to the pitiful victim of amnesia like when he was asked any single detail about burying the gun.

I think it's as obvious as the way he's lying about the night he buried the gun that if he had any way to prove he wasn't in the truck when it happened, that TD would have pulled it out by now, and they would not waiting for the defense to pull it out with their questions.
Good point, maybe we will get to that. Sachak questions kind of jump all over the place but seems like he is working backwards to the event.

Where was the gun buried > who told him to bury it > how MS got the gun > the phone call with CN day of DM arrest > throw in rap career, MS/DM friendship etc > and finished today with Igor test drive.

Like I said maynbe we will get to that part with NS, if not hopefully the crown.


He must be leading up to *something*:

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes
"And during that year, you discuss...if we find that truck, we've got friends who can help if we need it," Sachak suggests. Smich says no.
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molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes
Smich says that only would've come up if they were going to make it happen. #Bosma
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molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes
Smich says Millard "had a lot people under his thumb he could call up." #Bosma
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molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes
Sachak tells Smich his words are "beautiful." #Bosm
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Didn't CN say she heard him say he f'ed up on the night of DM's arrest? That was before he got the gun or weed.

MS says he didn't speak with CN, but rather, MM did. If I was choosing which of the two to believe, my bet would definitely NOT be on CN.

Got to give MS credit here .... he is almost prodding and challenging DM to take the stand and "give his answers"

I highly doubt MS would encourage such a thing if he knew DM could pin the murder on him.

Cudos to MS .... he is playing hardball , and he is blurting those answers out on his own

These are not Rehearsed-Dungey-Coached-Memorized-Speeches.

Ahhhh the irony .... is MS making DM and Lawyer squirm like mice in the back seat of Igor's truck ???.

I think the bravado is because he knows that DM cannot testify now, according to the lawyers SC asked, TD among them. Although others say something about new testimony giving him another chance.

Although as far as new testimony goes, now that we have heard that Arthur has seen MS with the gun after the murder
WHY HASN'T ARTHUR BEEN CALLED AS A WITNESS?!? Anyone else think that's weird?
I think the bravado is because he knows that DM cannot testify now, according to the lawyers SC asked, TD among them. Although others say something about new testimony giving him another chance.

Although as far as new testimony goes, now that we have heard that Arthur has seen MS with the gun after the murder
WHY HASN'T ARTHUR BEEN CALLED AS A WITNESS?!? Anyone else think that's weird?

Is it possible that TD will be calling upon Arthur as a defence witness? That would certainly explain it... although it seems to me, based on what we have heard so far, that to do so would not be in MS's best interests.. so who knows? Could be that Arthur just doesn't present as a believable witness?
I think somehow, Sachak has to get it to look like MS is framing DM. Any ideas how he would do that?

I suppose it would mean changing the story. MS accidentally shot TB, MS was the puppeteer, MS got DM on Oxy, they traded places and MS drove the truck, MS didn't want the Caddie really, he wanted a truck like his big brother DM. Maybe would get the red one. I mean, what was he planning to do with the red one with no plates? MS shot TB as a way of trying to prove he had it in him to do scary missions, to prove his gangster cred...
MS says he didn't speak with CN, but rather, MM did. If I was choosing which of the two to believe, my bet would definitely NOT be on CN.

I must forget, what does CN have to gain from her lie? It incriminates her more to say she spoke to MS than to MM, so why would she make that up? MS has reason to lie about that so that he can try to change the meaning of his I F'ed up mantra.
I think the bravado is because he knows that DM cannot testify now, according to the lawyers SC asked, TD among them. Although others say something about new testimony giving him another chance.

Although as far as new testimony goes, now that we have heard that Arthur has seen MS with the gun after the murder
WHY HASN'T ARTHUR BEEN CALLED AS A WITNESS?!? Anyone else think that's weird?

Not just him but the other person DM mentioned, was it Sean? The guy who spilled his guts.
Is it possible that TD will be calling upon Arthur as a defence witness? That would certainly explain it... although it seems to me, based on what we have heard so far, that to do so would not be in MS's best interests.. so who knows? Could be that Arthur just doesn't present as a believable witness?

I guess it's possible, but, I still can't figure out why the crown wouldn't call him up. Why wouldn't they want as clear a chain of possession of the gun as possible? It doesn't make sense to me.
You noticed that too .... SS is looking more and more tainted that he did at first .... or he could just be a see-nothing say-nothing mechanic who minds his own business.

I have changed many ignition switches , steering columns , door locks, trunk locks and trained others to do them ... all for legitimate insurance repairs in an authorized shop ... but quite frankly I would not know how to do it quickly at night to steal a car .... those guys are fast and can sometimes have a car driving down the street faster than most of us with keys in our pockets.

But they damage stuff .... smash windows , destroy the steering column & ignition switch and it is a real pain to fix it afterward. Have to get a new switch-key-chip assembly from the factory and sometimes re-program the cars computer to accept the new embedded chip.

I can't get it out of my head when SS said on the morning of May 7th when he was told not to show up at the hangar, "even me?". To me that says it all. He knew. And then his participation after that. And where were the bloody seats prior to being burned? It has been said they weren't burned until the day of the 9th. Where were they located until then? I seriously don't know how the man lives with himself. moo
I think somehow, Sachak has to get it to look like MS is framing DM. Any ideas how he would do that?

I suppose it would mean changing the story. MS accidentally shot TB, MS was the puppeteer, MS got DM on Oxy, they traded places and MS drove the truck, MS didn't want the Caddie really, he wanted a truck like his big brother DM. Maybe would get the red one. I mean, what was he planning to do with the red one with no plates? MS shot TB as a way of trying to prove he had it in him to do scary missions, to prove his gangster cred...

I just think Sachak is out of luck, ever since the prison letters were entered as exhibits. In those, wasn't it clear that DM was in fact trying to frame MS? So for Sachak to now claim the opposite would be seen as a pretty weak effort in defending his client, imho.
I must forget, what does CN have to gain from her lie? It incriminates her more to say she spoke to MS than to MM, so why would she make that up? MS has reason to lie about that so that he can try to change the meaning of his I F'ed up mantra.

She has to gain the defence of her lover, as much as still possible under the circumstances. moo
The other day I couldn't get caught up, but there was discussion about a blonde woman in court, who some had suspected was the 'Dee' person who had written to DM in jail. Can someone enlighten me what that was about? I have trouble finding things on here, and especially if the exact day isn't known. Thank you!!
I'm wondering how MS knew this if this was the first truck stolen?

It was in his testimony today that SS showed DM how to hotwire a car.

When asked about the ignition he said:
May 17 2016 3:04 PM Adam Carter
"Shane Schlatman has the knowledge and the skill to remove the ignition in a stolen vehicle and put in a new ignition," Sachak says. Smich says he doesn't know, but he knows Schlatman is "very handy."

Im wondering if the Red Ram was stolen and SS figured how to swap the ignition? Maybe we're going to hear more about the stolen vehicles and Harely, so MS couldn't go into detail and just said "SS is very handy" We did hear that the thefts are still under investigation. MOO

I am sure there is a fat file on all the stolen stuff at the hangar and elsewhere . hard to say if they will ever lay charges for it. It is a lot of work and police and prosecutors are not known for looking for more work , esp if the accused are in jail for life anyway.

The law does not apply equally to everybody like the propagandists like to claim , if any one of us was the lookout while our buddies stole equipment we would be called to account , but if there was a chance we might testify for the crown at a murder trial those charges often never happen.

Heck if we spot a stolen-abandoned vehicle in front of our house and give a description of the thieves you would be lucky if the cops did more than just file a report and tell people to make an insurance claim. Last time I looked there were 54,000 vehicles stolen in Canada last year.

We spend a lot of money on police to take care of it but they dont do much so we spend a bunch more money on insurance. In fairness we cannot always blame the police. It is the bleeding hearts who say we should not make life uncomfortable for the thieves. Be nice to them , set them free to do it again. Some punks around here have stolen 32 cars by the time they turned 22 , and that only made the news after they killed someone during a high speed chase. And of course the police got blamed for that too. Now they are told not to chase.
Review from yesterday... and another discrepancy in MS testimony (assuming tweets are accurate)

Did anyone else notice the discrepancy in MS testimony yesterday?
MS said that he asked Arthur to take the gun to mother's (Smich mom) house.
MS then said "I assumed Arthur would know where to hide it"

Then, MS said "I put it in the washing machine" Immediately before saying "then I got rid of it"

So, who exactly put the gun in the washing machine Smich? Stories are getting a bit tangled?

ETA - it seems that Arthur stashed on the porch, MS moved it to washing machine

I think it is quite possible that Arthur, being a bit "slow" mentally, left the toolbox on the porch, or near the bottom porch stairs of MS's mother's house. I know if something were left on my porch, or near the bottom step, I would find it within an hour or so, because I am in and out of my house, or on the porch a lot during good weather --- Also, friends etc. coming to the door. I think MS's mother or sister found the yellow and black toolbox with the padlock on it, and they sprung the padlock because they were curious, and a bit afraid, then they found the gun, or guns, and may have thought this could only mean a great deal of trouble for them and MS, so they disposed of the gun(s) somehow. They might have thrown them off a bridge, or buried them in a woods, but I think throwing them into a body of water, or throwing them wrapped up into a dumpster would all be possible scenarios. MS has said his family means the world to him, and his mother and sister did come one day to court to support him. I think that is who he is protecting because he does not want them charged with being accessories after the fact. I doubt that the toolbox was ever in the washer in the garage. IMO
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