Bosma Murder Trial 05.19.16 - Day 52

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Music, engine, would easily cover the sound, gun doesnt make a flash everytime it fires

I seem to remember that the two vehicles went over railway tracks, in the video, and just about that time two loud boom sounds were heard on the video, although there was a lot of static, and some people could not make out the sounds. In my opinion, it is quite possible that DM slowed right down to drive over the railway tracks ( I know I usually do) and that gave him a chance to get his gun out of the satchel by the door on his left, keep the truck under control, and shoot TB, possibly while distracting him with a question, like what is that over there ?( to the right ). He may have shot him once, or twice, then drove a very short distance ahead to the Bobcat place, and swerved to pull over. The gun might have still been in his left hand. He put it in park and turned off the ignition with his right hand. I believe he is left handed, and was probably used to putting it in park, and turning off the ignition with his right hand. Because of the adrenelan rush, he exits the truck with the gun still in his left hand. He could push a door handle with some fingers of the left hand while still holding the rather small gun. His first words to MS -- I am taking the truck, also have a ring of truth to them. I still think MS is lying about his premeditated, and willing involvement in DM's plan. He also went along with helping him incinerate a body, and hide evidence. This is all after the deaths of Wm. and LB, whose body was also likely incinerated. IMO there is some truth here, but both are guilty of murder one, and both are lying to the extent that they can, in order to get charges reduced. I still cannot forget MS sending DM pictures of fireside furniture, burning sausages, and talking about fireworks tonight. They planned, and carried out the murder and the incineration. The next morning they were in a mood to celebrate their success. Look at the wedding pictures of MS's sister a few days after the murder-- MS has his arm around MM's waist, and is looking very superior and smug, while MM, his girlfriend is smiling, but the eyes are dead, and have a pained frightened expression. Like I say, murder one for both of them, and let them serve their sentences sequentially, not concurrently, so that we have them off the streets for good, and so that there is justice for both TB, and LB. Hopefully there will be justice for WM as well, and eventually much more peace for the victims' families. IMO
That is absolutely what got me. They had a chance to make DM's story sound at least a bit believable, but the "dialogue" is just too much. "Oh no!" says DM, master thief, manipulator, illegal gun owner, incinerator owner, etc... Sure.

Yep, I thought Millard was just doing the "I'm going down, you are too" thing, but seems he's still going for the "Im innocent defence". Pathetic really.
Why do you put so much stock in what someone on a chatboard saying s/he saw people in a video when the qualified expert who testified couldn't make out more than a few flashes of light let alone human forms?

He also went to great lengths to explain why he concluded the lights weren't just artefacts meaning at first he wasn't even convinced it was lights, it could have been just a video glitch. And yet someone on the internet sees people sitting on a log smoking that the expert just missed.

There are NO people visible in that video.

Seriously Abro, you think I'm putting stock into somthing someone put on a chat board? You've clearly misunderstood those few posts! I was pointing out that I SEEN that video the other poster was speaking of and that Claroon could pull that video because it was her that thought she seen more then two people in it!!!
More importantly, if MS was in the truck at the time of the shooting, wouldn't there by GSR in the Yukon that was transferred from him?

Do you have anything to support this idea that, apart from GSR on the hands, human beings walk around transferring GSR from their bodies?

Also it was the front seats of the truck that had to be removed because they were covered in blood not the back seats so there is no reason to believe that someone in the back seat would have been covered in blood and transferring it.
I find this fascinating. Essentially what we have here is confirmation that both Defenses are agreeing that their clients were involved and were at the scene. The debate now is over whether they were together when Tim was shot or if Dell did it himself. IMO...they were both in the truck when they did it. This was planned well ahead of the actual event. There is enough evidence to show pre-meditation...texts about getting the incinerator ready, taking a gun on a test drive etc. etc. etc. etc. MS' story just sounds too far fetched to me. MOO

My mind has led me to this as my timeline:
They leave Tim's driveway and do indeed drive north on Trinity, past where DM's Yukon was stashed away. This would feel like an actual test drive to Tim..heading north towards the highway. Not only does this support the missing time that we are talking about but it also removes the suggestion that Tim was shot in the very short distance from his driveway to where the Yukon was.
During this test drive, Tim's life was taken. They return to Trinity and Book and MS gets in the Yukon and follows DM. They get the hell out of the area and drive to Brantford where they pull over at the Bobcat dealer to regroup and change plates before heading to the farm. From there time timeline is pretty clear. MOO

Both guilty of 1st degree... MOO

possible timeline, though it means that they head back through TB's neighbourhood, close to his house with his body in his truck. Seems risky even for these guys. Plus I've bought into the observation that DM's defense's earlier argument about the 'three' sightings on the security camera was done in apparent anticipation of MS's testimony (or the possibility that Dungey could convey it)

Sachak ask what route was taken to Bobcat of Brantford. "We took side roads, and I just followed. I'm not familiar with the area," Smich said.
by Adam Carter 12:33 PM

MS wasn't familiar with the area.
Seriously Abro, you think I'm putting stock into somthing someone put on a chat board? You've clearly misunderstood those few posts! I was pointing out that I SEEN that video the other poster was speaking of and that Claroon could pull that video because it was her that thought she seen more then two people in it!!!

There are NO people in that video. If there were it would have been evidence in court.
Neither is innocent. However, for some odd reason I can actually almost picture DM saying "I'm taking the truck"

Absolutely agree.

I just get a chuckle out of these "MS is doing the right thing", "trying to come clean" or "has a conscience."

No. Not even a little bit.

Mark Smich, if nothing else, is somewhere decent at math.

He knows the difference between life with no chance of parole for 25 years, and a second degree or manslaughter conviction. He'll do whatever he can to make sure the number comes out in his favour.
Sachak says that's why we see the Bosma truck going back on the video. Smich says no. "Because of Dells actions, a lot of people are suffering right now," Smich says.
by Adam Carter 12:28 PM

Sachak says they got back to the field where the truck was, and he followed Millard in the Yukon. Smich again denies that.
by Adam Carter 12:29 PM

"I'm going to suggest the plan was Dell wanted his GMC Yukon out of the field area because he was concerned he'd be caught red handed," Sachak says. Smich says that's not what happened.
by Adam Carter 12:29 PM

And that DM was concerned that everyone would believe the alcoholic drug addict with GSR on his hands over the fine upstanding rich guy.
There are NO people in that video. If there were it would have been evidence in court.

Oh I agree 100% as I didn't see what she did. Just that the clip she posted looked like a parking lot. So that clip Claroon posted was indeed that side of road stop at the bobcat dealer? And not in an actual parking lot? That she just edited that video?

ETA: so if this is an edited version of the road side at bobcat, there should be people as MS testified that that's where they got out of the trucks and changed the plates?
Smich says changing the plates was for cameras. by Adam Carter 12:55 PM

These two dimwits, who were captured on camera multiple times during the theft, murder, and incineration phases, now MS testifies that they had considered cameras in their planning...
This truly is a dumb and dumber sequel, but not funny in the least.:notgood:
Judging by past testimony about the drug dealing and thefts, at the very least I can totally picture DM saying "I'm taking the truck, I'm taking the truck."

I can picture that too as well as with the gun in his hand.
Why do you put so much stock in what someone on a chatboard saying s/he saw people in a video when the qualified expert who testified couldn't make out more than a few flashes of light let alone human forms?

He also went to great lengths to explain why he concluded the lights weren't just artefacts meaning at first he wasn't even convinced it was lights, it could have been just a video glitch. And yet someone on the internet sees people sitting on a log smoking that the expert just missed.

There are NO people visible in that video.

I will add that the video released on Youtube is of much worse quality than what was shown in the courtroom. The original video is poor quality to begin with, but when I watched it in the courtroom I found it easier to make out the little flickers and flashes that the expert described. The Youtube version is degraded significantly, and the accentuated artifacts increase the pareidolia effect (people seeing things that don't exist).
IF MS did indeed shoot TB in his own truck, wouldn't there be at least 1 drop of blood evidence in the Yukon? At least 1? I mean, what are the odds you can shoot someone at close range, and have as much blood on scene as has been indicated, but you yourself not get a single drop of blood on you, at all?
I share almost every same thought /idea that you do. Every time I almost post, I see you have already posted exactly what I was thinking!
molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 34s35 seconds ago
Sachak says there was tension in the truck and talk of maybe calling an ambulance, and that Smich said "he's dead." Smich says no.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 43s44 seconds ago
"I'm going to suggest there was a reference to getting an ambulance, and you said, he's dead. Dell panicked bc his Yukon was still in field

Adam Carter ‏@AdamCarterCBC 40s41 seconds ago
"Mr. Millard was furious as to what had transpired," Sachak says. #TimBosma #Bosma

Adam Carter ‏@AdamCarterCBC 44s45 seconds ago
"There was reference to getting an ambulance or something, and you said he's dead." Smich says "absolutely not." #Bosma

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 32s33 seconds ago
Sachak suggests Millard then panicked because his Yukon was in the field, and because his face had been seen at #Bosma house.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 50s51 seconds ago
"Dell panicked because he had been seen by Sharlene Bosma and Wayne De Boer. What happened was, he said, I'm going to be blamed."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 49s50 seconds ago
Smich says no. Absolutely not.

Yeah, DM wanted to call an ambulance...that's rich!
[/COLOR]These two dimwits, who were captured on camera multiple times during the theft, murder, and incineration phases, MS testifies that they had considered cameras in their planning...
This truly is a dumb and dumber sequel, but not funny at all.

Seems more like changing the plates in case they were passing cameras
This whole trial is turning in to a DM did it/MS did it argument and people are losing track of the fact that they both did it.
Seems more like changing the plates in case they were passing cameras
And they did pass cameras, none of which had the resolution to resolve license plates. Nor was that resolution needed to enter these videos into evidence.
IF MS did indeed shoot TB in his own truck, wouldn't there be at least 1 drop of blood evidence in the Yukon? At least 1? I mean, what are the odds you can shoot someone at close range, and have as much blood on scene as has been indicated, but you yourself not get a single drop of blood on you, at all?
I agree and I don't recall there being any "clean up" of the Yukon to ensure there was no TB DNA left behind from Smitch. There's no way there wouldn't be a transfer of something. The Yukon was a pigsty when it was shown as evidence. I tend to lean towards MS was not in the vehicle for the shooting. Evidence everywhere except that seems very unlikely. JMO
Seems more like changing the plates in case they were passing cameras

Both sides were stupid on that. The object of changing plates was simply to eliminate the risk of cops identifying TBs truck if the wife panicked and called it in. What car the plates come from make little difference unless the police run them. Plates from a honda will work every bit as well as plates from a RAM, just don't get pulled over.
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