Bosma Murder Trial 06.1.16 - Day 57 - Closing Arguments Day 2

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I don't understand this reasoning at all. At that point in time, DM would believe that the theft and murder would go off without a hitch, with nothing to tie him back to it, thinking it could only be tied to Lucas Bate. And his "friends" that saw it never did come forward to the police of their own volition.

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Ya, the people he told were people that were already in his back pocket and could be trusted. He'd obviously stolen a lot of stuff before and these people never turned him in. But Dungey does have a point. Perhaps Millard, underestimating the media reaction, never thought that his Toronto area pals would ever link his truck theft to some missing person in the Hamilton area.
Never seen 5 foot high grass in my life so I'm assuming thats an exaggeration?

He said 4-5 ft tall and from this video, it looks like some of the vegetation in the field is that tall. It's not unusual to find weeds on my property that are taller than I am (5' and change).

first post, have been following the trial the whole time though. One thing that has stuck with me that I haven't seen raised much is Dungey's suggestion that Bosma was shot in the neck:

When cross-examining blood pattern expert Sgt. Robert Jones of the Waterloo Regional Police Service, Dungey asked: If the bullet went through Bosma's neck and the window is smashed, could it support the theory that the driver is the shooter?
It was the first time in the trial that it has been suggested Tim was shot in the neck and there has not been any evidence so far to back that up.

Don't believe it has been brought up again at all in the trial
I can't wait to hear from the Crown. TD's cross is making an impression on me and I believe MS is as guilty as DM, but TD does get me wondering. If the jury is swayed by what TD says then the Crown has to counter his arguments not only with evidence but with equal conviction at least.

All MOO.
I think the Crown's fatal flaw is their theory that the shot was taken in that field.

I don't consider this to be a "fatal" flaw in the Crown's case, and I am sure the Crown will further deal with it in their close.


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first post, have been following the trial the whole time though. One thing that has stuck with me that I haven't seen raised much is Dungey's suggestion that Bosma was shot in the neck:

Don't believe it has been brought up again at all in the trial

Welcome peter-criss :welcome:

I think that TD was only speculating as to where TB could have been shot so that the bullet would travel through and exit his body, through the passenger window, and still cause him to bleed out and die. Remember, his client has told him that he was not there and has no idea how TB was shot other than he saw a lot of blood on the left side head region when he was "laid out on the sheet" at the farm. (not that this is true mind you)

A bullet that passed through his body and exited through the passenger window would not likely have been possible if he was shot in the head. The .380 Walther is not powerful enough of a gun to allow for the bullet to enter the skull and exit on the other side according to most information I've seen on line. Some are not sure it would even penetrate the skull at all. Can't say as I've had any experience with guns so I have no idea. But I'd imagine TD has researched the possibilities and may have come to the conclusion that if only one shot was fired, it would have to have travelled through the victim and then through the passenger window.

Personally, I think more than one shot was fired.

Ya, the people he told were people that were already in his back pocket and could be trusted. He'd obviously stolen a lot of stuff before and these people never turned him in. But Dungey does have a point. Perhaps Millard, underestimating the media reaction, never thought that his Toronto area pals would ever link his truck theft to some missing person in the Hamilton area.

Yes, and in his unfathomable mind ahead of time, that the truck would have been already painted, VIN replaced, completely fixed up, so he could potentially tell his friends he bought it, or stole it, as he had previously mentioned to them. They certainly didn't ever report his previous thefts.

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I don't consider this to be a "fatal" flaw in the Crown's case, and I am sure the Crown will further deal with it in their close.


I wish they'd not tried to tie the murder to a specific location beyond the truck itself. That evidence is beyond a doubt, the rest is speculation.
Dungey now going into the scenario presented by Millard's counsel. "This is not testimony. It's speculation," he says.
by Adam Carter 11:05 AM

"The Millard scenario is not evidence in this case. Evidence has to be presented. Someone has to take the stand. Someone has to agree to it."
by Adam Carter 11:06 AM

"Everything you heard about on the highway, you can't consider," Dungey says. "There's no evidence called to it ... no matter how many times they suggested it."
by Adam Carter 11:07 AM
first post, have been following the trial the whole time though. One thing that has stuck with me that I haven't seen raised much is Dungey's suggestion that Bosma was shot in the neck:

Don't believe it has been brought up again at all in the trial

Ta-da! Fitting a story to the evidence. As the trial unfolded they realized Smich didn't even need to be in the truck, and therefore he didn't have to witness Millard shoot Bosma in the neck. JMO.
imo, the plan to steal a truck was in the works for a year or more. However the plan to kill was also planned, but it was not a specific murder, but rather a plan to set up a killing system. A system that allows them to "take it at the source". Dm did not buy the eliminator for just one mission. Dm was not having the van modified to be their search and destroy vehicle for just one mission. The gun was also going to be used for multiple missions.

This was part of dm's intention for rolling out his $100,000/month missions.

Imo, the evidence shows that they were planning a serious change to what missions mean. The killing system was to be in place for when the situation required it, and this was their first attempt at using it for a theft mission. They went to mr. Bosma's both knowing that the system they put in place could be used if needed. And the results of this first go was a disaster.


dead on right!
Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
Jury back, Dungey continuing his close in the Tim #Bosma murder trial. He is now talking of the "scenario according to Millard's counsel."

Alex Pierson ‏@AlexpiersonAMP 2m2 minutes ago
Jury back. Dungey goes into scenario of Millards claim that Smich shot Bosma. "suggestions. Not evidence"

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 2m2 minutes ago
#Bosma jury back, & Dungey is talking about Millard's lawyer's scenario of #TimBosma's death. Not evidence, Dungey says

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
We are back. Dungey says he will now address Millard's counsel's "scenario" of what happened. Again says this is not evidence. #Bosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 2m2 minutes ago
"The Millard scenario is not evidence in this case. Evidence has to be presented. Someone has to take the stand."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes 2m2 minutes ago
"Simple as that folks. There's no evidence as to their version of events," he says. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 2m2 minutes ago
Everything you heard about on the highway, you can't consider, Dungey says. No evidence called to it. "Simple as that, that's the law."

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
"There is no evidence of their version of events. No matter how many times they suggested it,...

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 1m1 minute ago
" matter how many times Mr. Pillay referred to it."
Peter Akman ‏@PeterAkmanCTV [video=twitter;738021995133186048][/video]
More long stares into the gallery by Dellen Millard. Looking for a while at group of #Bosma family/supporters. Not sure why he would.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 44s44 seconds ago
Dungey has handed photocopies of Millard letters to the jury. He's going to read them. #TimBosma

Susan Clairmont ‏@susanclairmont 33s33 seconds ago
Dungey will be giving jurors copy of excerpt from a Millard jailhouse letter.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 37s37 seconds ago
These are letters Millard sent to Christina Noudga while in jail. They will show the jury "the twisted mind of this individual."

molly hayes ‏@mollyhayes now6 seconds ago
Dungey is referencing one of Millard's jailhouse letters. This one, he says, "will be of great assistance in my submission to you." #Bosma
Dungey now handing out a portion of the Millard letters to the jury.
by Adam Carter 11:07 AM

Dungey says he's going to read it to them.
by Adam Carter 11:08 AM

Dungey says this will "be of great assistance." "It will demonstrate in my opinion, the twisted mind of this individual ... as to what depths he will go to to deceive, to distort, to put blame on others."
by Adam Carter 11:09 AM
"He's showing you in this letter the depths he will go to to frame Mr. Smich," Dungey says.
by Adam Carter 11:10 AM

"If they had been destroyed, the injustice that would have been done in this courtroom would have been unimaginable. Thank god Christina Noudga did not destroy the letters."
by Adam Carter 11:11 AM

Dungey says the letters give an insight into the "criminal mind of a killer."
by Adam Carter 11:12 AM
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