Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #10

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Not entirely true Random. I posted this earlier from the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:



Would there be anything to prevent one of the theft victims from suing these guys for losses incurred by the thefts? Insurance claims, deductibles, business delay etc? If my bobcat was stolen by these guys I would be right at the trial there serving them with small claims.
How was DM going to launder the proceeds of his crimes? He had no active business, and it wasn't a cash business like a bar anyway.

I don't think the guy had a sniff. He wasn't prepared to play by any rule at all, IMO.

I guess it would help if he established businesses for himself using other peoples' names, paid them cash and put them in charge of paying *their* own employees and running their own business, without telling them they were running their own business, with an unlimited flow of billing from one entity to another.. gets pretty smelly, but yes, I was wondering the same thing.

Would it be possible to earn that kind of income through drug dealing?
I guess it would help if he established businesses for himself using other peoples' names, paid them cash and put them in charge of paying *their* own employees and running their own business, without telling them they were running their own business, with an unlimited flow of billing from one entity to another.. gets pretty smelly, but yes, I was wondering the same thing.

Would it be possible to earn that kind of income through drug dealing?

Are you referring to Villada homes?
I hope we see other messages on Monday that go with this one sent from the iPad on May 3rd.

Adam Carter &#8207;@AdamCarterCBC Apr 14
Now seeing messages sent from the iPad from May 3: "Yo holla tomoro when you back from toronto. There's a bunch. Missions and more."
I guess it would help if he established businesses for himself using other peoples' names, paid them cash and put them in charge of paying *their* own employees and running their own business, without telling them they were running their own business, with an unlimited flow of billing from one entity to another.. gets pretty smelly, but yes, I was wondering the same thing.

Would it be possible to earn that kind of income through drug dealing?

I'm guessing sell $100k earn $100k is a possibility. DM would have to move something like 40X the pot he had on hand a month to make that kind of money, sticking with that, though. I don't really think that's what he was up to. I think he was just supplying loads of free weed to his buddies like a celebrity.

MH mentioned narcotics, but maybe he didn't really know what the word meant, and thought it was a synonym for "drugs", by which he meant pot, which isn't an opiate/narcotic. Narcotics means anything that comes from the opium poppy: codeine, morphine, percocet, oxycontin, heroin, etc. But narcotics are a nasty business: if you overdose, your breathing can become so shallow it stops, and then you're dead. Right now there is a crisis in areas of Canada because dealers are turning to Chinese-made fake oxycontin that contains fentanyl (an opiate stronger than heroin). It's more profit for the dealer and possible death for the user. People are dying all over. The pills sell for around $1/mg on the street, and with an 80mg pill available, that's $80 for one pill. If you have a source and a market, you can make a lot of money. However it is a very dirty and high risk thing to get into. I suspect MH is confused, or else DM is a truly ugly person.
Good info re Fentanyl- just read 200+ deaths in BC in 3 months...
I suspect MH is confused, or else DM is a truly ugly person.

DM a truly ugly person... that is already established IMO
WM and MB were at war against the Canadian government in the name of the seals. MB shot a gruesome film of a seal being skinned alive, and activists used it to kill the market for seal products.

I wonder if this is where DM got the idea that going to war against the law is a good thing.

Of course no one thing in DM's life is going to explain him, but I wonder if WM's war stories of scrapping with LE inspired DM in any way.
I can't see how AM felt 'protected' by DM. Did he not have a clue when his friend Laura Babcock went missing and then Mr Millard supposedly killed himself? DM had something on him IMO and he did whatever Dellen the Fellon told him to do. I think he was afraid of Smich that night but he was also afraid of his roommate DM.JMO

I disagree. He was a young punk, thinking his older friend was all that and a bag of chips.
I agree, and it is also almost impossible to turn cash into a mortgage payment, as it was mentioned there was a mortgage on the hanger. JMPO

bbm: If there was a mortgage on the hangar, wonder if there was an insurance policy on the life of WM, just for that mortgage that should have been in place. It would seem odd to me given WM's experience that he would NOT have had mortgage insurance in place with his bank.
Tonight I re-read the crown opening statement, then reviewed it against Billandrew's (awesome) timeline.
Incredible how much evidence exists now at this stage, and it is fascinating how the crown laid out this evidence, despite legal objections.

At this stage in the trial, only a few missing pieces remain, and with all the other pieces in place, the shape of some remaining evidence is obvious, while some is still nebulous...
The Cellebrite forensics on DM phone(s) and the testimony of CN and MM are literally gaps in the timeline. A couple more forensic exhibits expected also.

Here are a few of the missing pieces...that may or may not come out in the upcoming testimony...
- The Yukon leaving the hangar prior to the cremation... I believe they went back to Roseville Rd farm... forgot the ether?
- DM and CN put the Eliminator into the wooded trail... what else did they do at the farm?
- DM told CN about the truck, the murder, and the hiding of evidence? (based on the letters, she knows all IMO)
- Something occurred at Riverside between 4am and 9am on May 10th, bathroom, and outdoors (hoses), will CN testify what occurred?
- Were both CN and DM at Riverside? Or one or the other? At that time, it was full scramble hide things.
- Immediately after the Riverside hoses, Whidden texted DM about Scotty being sick... who is Scotty? Is it Scotty VA? (speculative - initials only)
- Did CN tip off MS that DM was arrested? Was MM informed of DM's arrest and who tipped-off MS?
- MM - What pre-planning was she made aware of? (MM was nervous that MS wasn't home May 7 AM)
- How did AM know that DM and MS were fine when he texted MM that morning?
- MM - what did MS confide in her? "Gone, Gone, Gone" but any other incriminating details?

my opinion only
Here is a hypothetical for you sleuths:

Had it not been for the ambition tattoo, do you think D.M would have been caught.
Here is a hypothetical for you sleuths:

Had it not been for the ambition tattoo, do you think D.M would have been caught.

AJ would've still called Crimestoppers to determine the truck's VIN number matched, no? But I think it's a great question and scary to think if only one or two small things had gone slightly differently, maybe they'd still not know what happened to TB.
Here is a hypothetical for you sleuths: Had it not been for the ambition tattoo, do you think D.M would have been caught.
Good question!!
Yes but not as quickly. How? Personal cell phone pings aligning with the Bates phone, the video evidence from multiple locations, and DM and MS overall carelessness (truck out in open, paint job etc).

my opinion only
Tonight I re-read the crown opening statement, then reviewed it against Billandrew's (awesome) timeline.
Incredible how much evidence exists now at this stage, and it is fascinating how the crown laid out this evidence, despite legal objections.

At this stage in the trial, only a few missing pieces remain, and with all the other pieces in place, the shape of some remaining evidence is obvious, while some is still nebulous...
The Cellebrite forensics on DM phone(s) and the testimony of CN and MM are literally gaps in the timeline. A couple more forensic exhibits expected also.

Here are a few of the missing pieces...that may or may not come out in the upcoming testimony...
- The Yukon leaving the hangar prior to the cremation... I believe they went back to Roseville Rd farm... forgot the ether?
- DM and CN put the Eliminator into the wooded trail... what else did they do at the farm?
- DM told CN about the truck, the murder, and the hiding of evidence? (based on the letters, she knows all IMO)
- Something occurred at Riverside between 4am and 9am on May 10th, bathroom, and outdoors (hoses), will CN testify what occurred?
- Were both CN and DM at Riverside? Or one or the other? At that time, it was full scramble hide things.
- Immediately after the Riverside hoses, Whidden texted DM about Scotty being sick... who is Scotty? Is it Scotty VA? (speculative - initials only)
- Did CN tip off MS that DM was arrested? Was MM informed of DM's arrest and who tipped-off MS?
- MM - What pre-planning was she made aware of? (MM was nervous that MS wasn't home May 7 AM)
- How did AM know that DM and MS were fine when he texted MM that morning?
- MM - what did MS confide in her? "Gone, Gone, Gone" but any other incriminating details?

my opinion only

Just noticed a few of those items already adressed. The ether was used to start the loader on the farm which had presumably loaded the incinerator. The farm is 20 minutes one way, too far to get there and back in half an hour?
AM was talking to DM in the morning and told him MM called and was worried. He didn't know what was going on. It was DM who told him everything was fine.
Interesting idea about CN tipping MS about the arrest. Entirely possible IMO since she seemed close to his mom at that time.
Here is a hypothetical for you sleuths:

Had it not been for the ambition tattoo, do you think D.M would have been caught.

Um. A tough one to answer. Given that he was one of the last people to speak to LB on the phone&#8230;He should have been caught a while back. The fact that his father's death was so quickly shoved under the rug as a suicide is equally puzzling and appalling&#8230;.So, I guess - maybe not.

I would not be at all surprised to find others that have gone "missing" in his midst - including his father's girlfriend Elizabeth Glass. Her obituary was ridiculous and written by the same person that wrote WM's obituary in my opinion&#8230;.But, given that there is much more easy fodder, I doubt that anyone will look into that...

Good answers! AJ is a possibility that would lead to dellen the felon, but he was vey hesitant and seemed to only commit when the S.H.T.F. & the cell phone pings I suppose, but that would take a considerable amount of time. I think the things that led LE to Dm so quick was the friends of TB and their use of social media, the test drive (and tat awareness) of Mr T, and DMs cockiness and putting the truck in plain view. I also think that one of DMs friends (AM or MH) may have, with time, become disgusted enough to notify LE if they became 100% aware of what was going on... MAYBE... The video evidence on its own I don't think would sound too many alarms, its nicely stitched together now because LE made it so, but individually amt to not much.

in light of everything its truly a wonder how quick he was under the microscope, and if given much more time there may have been considerably less evidence. And like what was said: its scary to think that if one of those small things didn't happen how long it may have taken otherwise.
bbm: If there was a mortgage on the hangar, wonder if there was an insurance policy on the life of WM, just for that mortgage that should have been in place. It would seem odd to me given WM's experience that he would NOT have had mortgage insurance in place with his bank.

Good point. Wow. That adds a new possibility of a boatload of extra cash availability for DM, doesn't it?

I agree with you. In my experience, I believe that insurance would have been mandatory, and have been one of the conditions of receiving that money (was it 3.7 million dollars?) that he was loaned by the bank for the hangar/MRO business. And,...... it certainly isn't cheap either. And especially on THAT amount. Hola.

Too bad there isn't some way to delve into the details of:

i)life insurance on WM, to cover the business loans, as well as just regular life insurance - and was it paid out before DM's arrest. Obviously if there was life insurance to cover that 3.something million dollar loan, the proceeds would have paid off that loan, but what a HUGE relief *that* would have been to save the monthly mortgage payment on that baby, as well as the probably-mandatory life insurance premium on the loan itself. If the ME released WM's body for cremation, then one would have to assume that everything was a 'go' as far as the particulars of the will, and all of the life insurance. In my experience life insurance is paid out rather quickly.... not sure about life insurance on business loans though, does anyone know? I'm assuming it would be the same as regular life, but who knows?

ii)what happened that the age-old accountant used by WM had to be ditched at the last minute to be replaced by some new one; I'm getting *really* bad vibes on that little tidbit;

That is going to be one interesting trial when WM's murder trial comes up to bat.

Isn't it true that in the event of a suicide that insurance is void
The ether was used to start the loader on the farm which had presumably loaded the incinerator. The farm is 20 minutes one way, too far to get there and back in half an hour?

Fair enough!!

AM was talking to DM in the morning and told him MM called and was worried. He didn't know what was going on. It was DM who told him everything was fine.

I disagree on this one... see below... AM told MM they were fine prior to speaking to DM... how did AM know they were fine when MM called?

Extraction report May 7, 2013 shown. Marlena called looking for Mark. Apr 13, 2016Michalski to Millard 8:19 am: "I told her that you guys were fine and that it's not the first time this has happened and won't be the last." Apr 13, 2016
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