Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #14

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May 9, 2009
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:rose: Remembering Tim Bosma and waiting for Justice :rose:


National Post

By Molly Hayes


Photo courtesy of the Bosma family​
We've also seen DM send an "I'm close alert" before, when he tells CN to roll a joint. He doesn't sound like he likes to wait around for people. A "be ready when I get there" kind of guy. Again, it's all about him.

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In fact, between those two tweets I quoted, is only one other tweet, this one:

"Sachak now talking about people texting a word before they finish a sentence, or autocorrecting." - Adam Carter Apr 7 2016 9:23 AM

And that's totally out of place. It's as if Sachak immediately realized MH screwed up by mentioning 2 minutes, and went off on a tangent on autocorrecting before coming back to the 2 minutes, to try to misdirect. I wish I had been in the courtroom to see Sachak;s reaction after MH said 2 minutes...

I still don't get your point. If Millard showed up 90 second later, why wouldn't he say it was about 2 minutes? IMO it only give credence to the "2" meaning minutes.
Not to mention, Smich lawyer would have had the letters DM wrote in jail a long time ago, so Smich has known for a while DM was planning on pinning this on him. Be interesting to see how cross exams play out. I'm on the fence and will see where it goes before I decide just how much of Smichs' testibaloney I want to believe. So far, I believe he wasn't in the truck when TB was shot. As of right now, I still believe he knew and that it was premeditated.

IMO Smich has just woven a tale around the presented evidence to make his case. I believe TB was killed in the field by both of them. When the noticed a bang in the Bobcat video it was the perfect opportunity for him to remove himself from the scene of the crime.
I think that text refers to 2 minutes. He's driving, so he can't easily text, and MH lives with his parents and it's the middle of the night. Millard can't knock on the door and he doesn't want to be seen, so he sends the 2 minute warning hoping MH will be waiting outside for him.

IF "2" meant 2 minutes what did the "..." mean first, just after asking whether the box might be full of guns???
IF "2" meant 2 minutes what did the "..." mean first, just after asking whether the box might be full of guns???

Its a face. Not exactly sure what it means but since its neither smiling or frowning, it appears to be a "poker face", or basically, "Im not saying" IMO.
Not only am I certain the lawyers look this forum over every day, or at least make legal secretaries take notes, I also suspect that some of the people involved in this trial who have testified as witnesses are reading and posting here. And I still think that explains some of the weird diatribes I've been reading here.

I'm not a lawyer but I can't imagine having the time required each and every day to go through this forum and catch up on all the opinions while I'm busying myself with my current case(s). Carefully reading each and every post is very very time consuming. But who knows, maybe they do come here and read?

As for the other, I don't know. It's a public forum, so I guess it's possible.
You could be right. I'm just pointing out that it could be possible....if it was dark....lots of trails....I'm not familiar with that particular area, so I can't weigh in on that. I'm not sure I believe he doesn't know what happened to the gun. I found today's testimony much less credible FWIW.

I also wonder if he was under surveillance, why the police did not see him leave on his bike or come back..if they had watched him like they said then they would possibly have a timeline for how long he was gone and a general idea then as to where the gun was buried..seems to me the gun was not really searched for that extensively...we now know there might be a gun buried along a path in Oakville, so why did we not see any searches on the news of that pathway. They had MM's statement fairly early on after the arrest, she said he buried it in the forest. Just curious why no search?
Never been carded. Lived in Toronto my whole life. I don't know anyone who's been carded either. I have never heard of it until this case.

The whole carding process came under fire a while back because police started carding young black men, seemingly without reason. It was quite obvious that they were making an effort to gather information on anybody that looked like they might be a criminal. Actually makes sense, but in this politically correct world its a no no. They never card average people like you and I, that would just bloat the system and make it less effective.
But for a guy who doesn't drive and spends a lot of time on foot or a bike as mode of transportation, I cant see him not knowing where he went. He grew up there did he not? I can tell you every park and path where I grew up. I spent my entire summers with friends outside until street lights came on. It just seems very wishy washy to me.

Totally in agreement with the memory lapses about burying the gun. But all along it seems like there has been ground work done related to all the cannabis that was being smoked and likely this can always be an explanation as to why.
your right and was this not the night of the 6th? When AM went to pick up his car at the hangar? Why did he need the bobcat and which one? There was also one at his house I thought.

Yes, there was another one at his house. For whatever reason, he really enjoyed having those.
I also wonder if he was under surveillance, why the police did not see him leave on his bike or come back..if they had watched him like they said then they would possibly have a timeline for how long he was gone and a general idea then as to where the gun was buried..seems to me the gun was not really searched for that extensively...we now know there might be a gun buried along a path in Oakville, so why did we not see any searches on the news of that pathway. They had MM's statement fairly early on after the arrest, she said he buried it in the forest. Just curious why no search?

If I have the dates correct, DM was arrested on the 10th and MS wasn't under surveillance until the 14th. So, there was a window of several days there for all sorts of things to take place.
There is a possibility that it came off more credible in court. The words in tweets are curated and necessarily few, and there may have been context or bearing in court that made it make more sense. I guess the important question is not really is Mark Smich lying about this, but is he lying about this in a way that is material to the truth in this case? If you consider just this case, there are not that many, if any, clear reasons he would not be willing to have the gun recovered.

Unless he had it engraved with "Say10". #Imadumbass
If I have the dates correct, DM was arrested on the 10th and MS wasn't under surveillance until the 14th. So, there was a window of several days there for all sorts of things to take place.

well we know he did not get the gun until the 11th..he then from the 11th moved into MM's sisters, stashed the gun at his mom's house, tried to sell it so I guess it is possible this all happened and he buried it before being surveilled on the 14th.
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