Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #15

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"Getting you a base and me a truck" text from DM to MS.

I was reading the texts between DM and MWJ. DM asked which "base" to meet at. MWJ replied "base 2"

So base is meaning a place/house in the text to MS from DM.

Yes, base means home.
That text shows who was likely to say "I'm taking the truck" JMO
Were DM's clothes from that night recovered?
DM's satchel/purse found by LE after a wash machine cycle, and no detectable forensics, has me reading between the lines who the shooter was

Correct me if I'm wrong, wasnt DM satchel analyzed and a blood stain was found? No DNA was recovered because it had been through the wash so they weren't able to say whose blood it was.
It's the weekend, and I have had time to catch up on news. There was a similar situation in Grande Prairie, AB in the past week where two druggies were charged with second degree murder while stealing a pickup truck. Similar in my opinion given that the vehicle was the target and the owner, a young father of 3 children, died during the theft. I have requested a mod to start a thread on the senseless murder of the young father from Abbotsford (Nikkolas Steenhuisen) who was visiting family in Grande Prairie.

I know meth was never mentioned during the entire TB investigation, but given the level of violence, it seems ''odd'' to me that it was just ''pot'' that night. MOO

Like the MS & DM, the two accused ''have done this before'' (photo of some of their booty at link).
I firmly believe that MS is trying to protect himself and his family from the gun dealers. Krucifix14 pictures scare me 😐 Is that why he can't remember anything about the gun? Is that who the n****s were that he was afraid of? Of course he wouldn't dare admit any of it.
I've been reading along all week and just now have had the opportunity to comment on two things that stuck out to me.

First, regarding the sausage/furniture pics, couldn't that be explained away by the May 2-4 weekend? Either as items they need to get for the cottage, or in anticipation for the long weekend? (not that I think MS is innocent)

Second, DM/MS shooting Tim in the truck and then driving 45 minutes to an hour (from Ancaster to the farm, or Ancaster to Waterloo) with Tim's body/blood in the truck. That's a super sketchy thing to do if you don't want to get caught/are trying to be covert (not to mention DM actually wanting the truck to be drivable), so I'd guess that he wasn't meant to die at that moment. In that case, I think it is possible there was a struggle for the gun once it was brandished and Tim did get killed as a result of that struggle.

Just thinking out loud here.

If MS shot TB and DM wants to tell what happened, why would he lie about it? If in fact it was MS, why not just tell it like it was. I find it to be an impossibility that MS, being in the back seat (he got into the back seat behind TB when they left TB's residence), brought out a gun, and before he could fire it, TB suddenly 'sees' it with his back-of-the-head Mommy-eyes, turns around in his seat so that he can grab it from MS, making the gun go off onto the *left* side of his head, and straight through his head into the window. If one pictures that sequence of events in their minds, I would question
i)how did TB see/notice the gun that MS suddenly pulled when he was sitting in the front and probably chatting away nonchalantly with the chatty DM who had no clue this was about to transpire;
ii)how did he get his body into such a position that he could get his hands on the gun, so quickly, and before MS could shoot him?
iii)how did the left side of his head end up being shot if that is how it happened?
iv)how was his head in line with the front passenger side window if that is how it happened?
v)how did he cause the gun to discharge so perfectly that it killed him instantly, went straight through and then through the window too?
vi)if his body was turned in a way to allow him to grab the gun from the back seat occupant, he wouldn't have been sitting straight up, facing the front, and so when he died, why would his body have slouched to have his head resting on the dashboard, wouldn't his body more fall to the side, due to the angle his body would have had to have been on to grab the gun?
vii)if that is how it happened, why is the greatest concentration of GST in the front driver seat area? MS was sitting behind TB. If things happened as quickly as we are being told, what would the reason be for MS to change seats?

The logistics of that whole thing don't make sense for me at all. And if DM is NOT the shooter, then why tell a tale that doesn't make sense?

Why not tell the truth, since he is giving his version of events at all (through the voice of his lawyer even after choosing not to testify in his own defence so that he could not be cross examined on any of it)?
Why do so many people feel someone that is right handed can't take their seat belt off, lean foreword and shoot left handed? In my mind it doesn't seem impossible at all. Not that i think that is what happened, i just feel it is quite possible.
It's the weekend, and I have had time to catch up on news. There was a similar situation in Grande Prairie, AB in the past week where two druggies were charged with second degree murder while stealing a pickup truck. Similar in my opinion given that the vehicle was the target and the owner, a young father of 3 children, died during the theft. I have requested a mod to start a thread on the senseless murder of the young father from Abbotsford (Nikkolas Steenhuisen) who was visiting family in Grande Prairie.

I know meth was never mentioned during the entire TB investigation, but given the level of violence, it seems ''odd'' to me that it was just ''pot'' that night. MOO

Like the MS & DM, the two accused ''have done this before'' (photo of some of their booty at link).

I think the difference between this crime and that crime is that this crime really didn't seem to require *any* drugs. It was apparently a pre-planned event so that DM could get his truck without spending the cash to pay for it and seemingly to take his/their thievery/crimes to the next level, perhaps even make a business of it. With this other crime it seems more of a spur-of-the-moment thing that could have been at least partly fuelled by the drugs. moo
I firmly believe that MS is trying to protect himself and his family from the gun dealers. Krucifix14 pictures scare me �� Is that why he can't remember anything about the gun? Is that who the n****s were that he was afraid of? Of course he wouldn't dare admit any of it.

The identity of the N******s was explicitly stated in court. They were Tim Bosma's friends. That's who Mark Smich was scared was coming to get him -- not Krucifix14.


I'm sure if MS lives in fear of Krucifix, TD will call him from the Toronto South jail to the witness stand to explain everything.
Why do so many people feel someone that is right handed can't take their seat belt off, lean foreword and shoot left handed? In my mind it doesn't seem impossible at all. Not that i think that is what happened, i just feel it is quite possible.

I'm sure that is possible, but if you are deliberately killing someone (presumably for the first time), are you going to take the chance to do it with your not-usual handedness? And even if you did, and the person turns to the left toward you to grab the gun from your hand, is it going to then fire on his left side of his head? And is it going to be such a perfect shot to go straight through and also through the window? And all while driving 100Km/hr driving down the highway. If it was a movie, I'd be saying, jeez, couldn't they make it a little more realistic. If the gun discharged accidentally while TB was getting it out of MS's hand, chances are (imho) that the gun would go off in some random place, and wouldn't be a perfect shoot-through to the side window. moo
Krucifix14 makes a great boogey man.

But here's the thing -- unlike Mark Smich, Krucifix14 has never been charged with murder.

The identity of the N******s was explicitly stated in court. They were Tim Bosma's friends. That's who Mark Smich was scared was coming to get him -- not Krucifix14.


I'm sure if MS lives in fear of Krucifix, TD will call him from the Toronto South jail to the witness stand to explain everything.

If MS really meant Krucifix et al, when he said the n's, I doubt if he would want to say that in court?
The identity of the N******s was explicitly stated in court. They were Tim Bosma's friends. That's who Mark Smich was scared was coming to get him -- not Krucifix14.


I'm sure if MS lives in fear of Krucifix, TD will call him from the Toronto South jail to the witness stand to explain everything.

ABro, I have a question for you... not sure if you will be able to answer it, but if you can, please tell us, after being there in court for all of the numerous legal arguments, and other preliminary things like the pretrial motions, hearing all of the stuff the jury will not hear.. do you believe that you have a very clear picture of what happened, and whodunnit, who should be convicted of which crime(s)? And do you feel like the jury has enough to know what happened and judge them without knowing all of the stuff they won't know about?
The identity of the N******s was explicitly stated in court. They were Tim Bosma's friends. That's who Mark Smich was scared was coming to get him -- not Krucifix14.


I'm sure if MS lives in fear of Krucifix, TD will call him from the Toronto South jail to the witness stand to explain everything.
Tim Bosma's friends?

So, you're believing everything MS says, or just picking and choosing what fits your agenda?

The identity of the N******s was explicitly stated in court. They were Tim Bosma's friends. That's who Mark Smich was scared was coming to get him -- not Krucifix14.


I'm sure if MS lives in fear of Krucifix, TD will call him from the Toronto South jail to the witness stand to explain everything.
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