Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #16

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Adrien Humphreys has just posted what he can from Exhibit 144 to YouTube ... It was so very kind of him to do with his frenetic schedule!

Here you go ... All the slides from Exhibit 144 from the Bosma trial that are allowed to be published.

The video contains a few other texts and a couple of other pictures, such as one of Jenn.

Here are the 3 pics that we have been discussing:




Just prior to sending the sausages pic, MS texts "high five" to DM.

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Adrien Humphreys has just posted what he can from Exhibit 144 to YouTube ... It was so very kind of him to do with his frenetic schedule!

Here you go ... All the slides from Exhibit 144 from the Bosma trial that are allowed to be published.

The video contains a few other texts and a couple of other pictures, such as one of Jenn.

Here are the 3 pics that we have been discussing:




Just prior to sending the sausages pic, MS texts "high five" to DM.

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Seeing these make me want to cry. So much intent in these, I don't even know how anyone could just ignore the hidden weight of these.
Thank you, Adrian Humphreys!

"BTW- love you <3" Millard to Smich, May 7th, 2013 @ 5:29 pm

Second time I've noticed them express their love. :thinking:

Thank you, Adrian Humphreys!

"BTW- love you <3" Millard to Smich, May 7th, 2013 @ 5:29 pm

Second time I've noticed them express their love. :thinking:


Yes, Adrian has been such a help. He has always taken the time to answer any questions I have had, even though, like all the other journalists, his days are very long and frenetic at times. He is very kind.

And, yes, DM and MS have declared their love for each other a few times ... They shared quite a bond, didn't they?

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I find it interesting that so many believe that the friends of DM & MS lied to police and/or lied on the stand (and I think many of them did as well), but as soon as MS said he or she lied or wasn't being honest, it's a 180 and he's the liar. Granted, I think he's lying too about certain things but it's just interesting how that works out.

Yes, but the salient factor here is that every single time someone else's testimony/statement disagreed with his version of events they were either 'mistaken' or 'a liar'. It was never him who was 'mistaken' or 'a liar'. It was the other person. This extended to his own mother and girlfriend.

Smich's entire testimony was based on everything possible that absolved him of murder. He admitted to theft and drug dealing (but how could he not?) but when it came to the killing of TB, he was just a scared, frightened, panicked dupe who did what he was told by his rich, maniac friend.

When the evidence/testimony of others suggested otherwise, he either developed a total, all encompassing amnesia or he accused others of lying.

A cleaned up, drug free, smartly dressed, composed and well rehearsed MS can come across as credible. Even I was taken in during the early part of his testimony. But as soon as we got to the disposal of the gun(s) and the blanket amnesia, so that he can't even recall which direction he cycled in, how deep he dug, how he carried the shovel, the general area, where he went afterwards and so on. Not one single recollection of anything, other than he buried it somewhere - then I knew he was lying through his teeth.

It's easy to agree with Smich when he calls Christina Noudga a liar. We know she is. And none of us liked her - there was universal condemnation of her on that witness stand. So yes, he's scored a point. He's telling the truth and she isn't. But then when you actually look at what she is supposedly lying about, it was a very brief phone call of no consequence. It made no difference to her situation and it makes no difference to his. She said herself it was inconsequential and comprised him telling her '**** had gone down' and not much else. In fact she said it was pointless and it irritated her. So we are expected to believe that MS can't remember anything about burying the murder weapon(s) and he can't remember anything about a 50 minute face to face conversation with DM just prior to the latter being arrested. Yet we believe him utterly when he says he never spoke to Noudga. MM could have passed him the phone briefly, he could have been calling out in the background '**** has gone down' and that's what Noudga heard. I've had conversations with people when someone else is there calling things out. We know there was communication between Noudga and MM's phone and that MS was with MM at the time. So why do we then accept without question that CN is 'a liar' because MS tells us she is? Because it plays perfectly into our dislike of her.

MS has a brilliant lawyer, quite exceptional and that was apparent early on in this trial. They've put up a good show - everything possible to cast reasonable doubt over MS's culpability. They've come at this from the angle of yes, we know he was a thieving, drop out, drunkard, drug dealer, but look at him now. Cleaned up, studied in prison and wanting to put things right. Only he's not interested in putting things right. He's interested in saving his own skin and it might have worked had it not involved flying in the face of evidence, huge memory black outs and calling not one, or two but most other witnesses ... liars.
What's up with the picture of the first aid kit sent from SS to DM? It was sent May 8, 2013 at 6:26pm


But he had more than $22,000 to purchase the Eliminator/trailer, after having mentioned (paraphrasing) to MS that from now on they were just going to take whatever they wanted from the source.

If it was the 3500 that he really wanted, he could have bought one.

Garbage was never burned in the Eliminator ... Only human remains were.

From that alone it can be inferred that most probably the purpose for purchase of the Eliminator (which both MS and DM spoke about, set up, etc.) WAS to burn human remains.

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100% agree with you that the eliminator was never used for garbage or animals or anything else legitimate.

My point was about his finances. 1) at the time te eliminator was purchased WM was still alive and DM seemed to have free reign of his credit cards 2) doubt they were able to find an eliminator to steal - they just aren't that common 3) i'm not denying DM has access to some cash, but it looks like he was living a lifestyle he wasn't able to support.....he was born with a silver spoon and had no clue about the real world. He stole items for the thrill, but also because he was "frugal".....if he had really wanted to legitimately purchase a truck it is possible he could have found the money.....but he clearly did not want to spend money on it. He had a sense of entitlement. He wanted to go to the Baja race and the time pressure was on. MS was clearly involved in the plan to steal the truck (like he had been involved in many other thefts), but IMO DM was the instigator and ring leader. He wanted that truck, MOO
I do not recall a gun being lost to LE after his father's death. Was that mentioned somewhere? I just assumed that his father used a gun of his own as it was thought to be a suicide.
Just speculation on my part. I assumed that WM did not have a gun, that DM used his own to kill his father, and that LE would confiscate it afterward as a matter of policy.
What's up with the picture of the first aid kit sent from SS to DM? It was sent May 8, 2013 at 6:26pm

View attachment 95510

Looks to me to be a first aid kit for anyone racing in Baja ... very often there are compulsory items required in the vehicles , fire extinguishers , first aid supplies etc.
DM was obliviously spiraling out of control for a at least a few years before LB went missing. As he mismanaged cash flow, and leveraged credit to obtain properties, DM quickly turned towards nefarious methods to sustain his 'wants' and 'entitlements'.

WM was alive when DM started on his exponential path of destruction. From one 2013 news article, DM had already in 2011 taken over his dad's place and was on his way to turning it into a party pad. He had been going on exotic trips for some time, and taking friends along and picking up the tab. His letters to CN with promises of a new house, car, and a sailing trip around the world indicated that he had not changed his manipulative methods.

He used this 'gift giving' to make friends indebted and reluctant to turn down a DM request. During this trial we have seen many text messages of DM's feelers for recruiting and escalating involvement.

From what we have seen through the evidence presented, DM never forced minions to do something against their will. Instead he challenged and tested their limits. AM with the idea of $100,000/month missions. He even put out the feeler that AM may not be ready for the methods DM was planning. DM asked MS if MM and Arthur would be interested in the introductory position of lookouts. CN was asked to help out on mission preparation and clean up. While SS's involvement is very questionable, he was willing participant in mechanical modifications to equipment obtained on missions.

Just pointing out through DM's control methodology that MS was most likely identified by DM as a willing participant in a premeditated murder plan, and not forced into the situation as MS claims.


Sorry folks but I just do not see anything nefarious about the log furniture - sausages pictures.

Timeline (May 3rd 2013)
10:20 am to 4:20 pm DM is in a 6 hour meeting (presumably at hangar or with accountants)

11:10 am Smich asks Millard if Marlena can chill with Pedo while they do their thing
11:10 am Smich sends the log furniture pictures

3:50 pm (3 hours 40 minutes later) Smich sends the sausages picture

If this is supposed to insinuate siting around watching the eliminator in action I just dont get it ... or am I missing something ?. thanks
Looks to me to be a first aid kit for anyone racing in Baja ... very often there are compulsory items required in the vehicles , fire extinguishers , first aid supplies etc.

And on the 8th, DM didn't know yet that he wouldn't be going to Baja, IIRC.

Sorry folks but I just do not see anything nefarious about the log furniture - sausages pictures.

Timeline (May 3rd 2013)
10:20 am to 4:20 pm DM is in a 6 hour meeting (presumably at hangar or with accountants)

11:10 am Smich asks Millard if Marlena can chill with Pedo while they do their thing
11:10 am Smich sends the log furniture pictures

3:50 pm (3 hours 40 minutes later) Smich sends the sausages picture

If this is supposed to insinuate siting around watching the eliminator in action I just dont get it ... or am I missing something ?. thanks

This is kind of where I've been since I saw the actual pics and the date/timeline. On the other hand, they were introduced into evidence for a reason, one assumes. I just don't know what that reason is since no one has commented on them. AFAIK even NS didn't ask Smich about them.
Just speculation on my part. I assumed that WM did not have a gun, that DM used his own to kill his father, and that LE would confiscate it afterward as a matter of policy.
At the time, it was considered a suicide so I don't see why the gun would be confiscated. The family has the right to the belonging. Unless it was unregistered/illegal, then maybe LE would take it. It wasn't until after DMs arrest for TB that they looked back on WB and LB cases as murder. JMO.

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Seeing these make me want to cry. So much intent in these, I don't even know how anyone could just ignore the hidden weight of these.

Ok, I thought there was a caption "fireside furniture"? So it was the media calling it that. There is a caption on the stools "would look good for parties at your house" and the DYS ladies name. I still don't see hidden messages there either. Sorry

The sausages in a pan is a "high 5", still don't see any hidden messages there (except a high 5). My hubby and his friends do that all the time with pics. Some go over my head and he has to explain them to me (unless there is a caption).

Sorry folks but I just do not see anything nefarious about the log furniture - sausages pictures.

I didn't either. The sausage photo looks like MS was cooking and sent DM the picture like when my oldest son sends me photos of his meals on Facebook.
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