Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #16

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Ok, I thought there was a caption "fireside furniture"? So it was the media calling it that. There is a caption on the stools "would look good for parties at your house" and the DYS ladies name. I still don't see hidden messages there either. Sorry

The sausages in a pan is a "high 5", still don't see any hidden messages there (except a high 5). My hubby and his friends do that all the time with pics. Some go over my head and he has to explain them to me (unless there is a caption).

It was AC I think who claimed the caption "fireside furniture". It does say "fire pit seating" so perhaps he did that from memory after it had left the screen. It's interesting: before we had these pictures I did some googling to see what I could turn up for fireside furniture that might match the descriptions that we were hearing via Twitter. I had immediately turned up that log couch using the term "bonfire furniture" and it's still the first thing that comes up today. What did he search to have those two pics available to him seconds apart? Or had they been separate searches or picture already on his device?

The sausage pic looks like a bad look-what-I'm-cooking Instagram, as others have pointed out, and was hours later. Can't attach any reliable relevance to it in the context we've now been provided. The furniture still bothers me, but it's three days previous and I just don't know. These texts - from "Can Marlena..." to "...and an orange guy" had been described as texts sent by MS "in succession" and while technically true, it implied a tight narrative that just doesn't exist now that we see them.
Funny enough I just posted on a friend's wall. "have a safe trip! Don't make me have to come bail you out!!"
I wonder what people would think that means? Lol

You never know what some people are thinking. My youngest son and I banter back and forth all the
time on my FB page and depending on what we've said my 81 year old father will post a comment giving my son heck
about the way he is talking to me and meanwhile my son and I are here at home laughing about it. Go figure.
If the fireworks were REAL fireworks, as Smich testified, why wouldn't other people be invited to view them? Why did DM ask Marlena to watch Pedo while "they do their thing?" Marlena and Pedo can't watch the fireworks too?

Why would DM only have Smich involved in his higher stakes missions? Did DM ask Michalski to participate in any way in the mission to get the truck? Why not? I think the answer is embedded in evidence that can't come up in this trial, that Smich was directly involved in the death of Laura Babcock. Smich had already experienced a murder plan and elimination of evidence via the incinerator/BBQ. JMO
There is little information available about WM's death. Two pieces of information have leaked, and their accuracy cannot be confirmed.

1) WM was shot in the eye
2) MWJ sold the gun used to kill WM to DM.

We do know that WM was an animal rights advocate and flew Green Peace folks to remote areas with his helicopter. Odds are that he didn't own a gun. Even if he did, the gun would have been checked out by LE. Since it was initially concluded by LE that it was a suicide, they either didn't do their du diligence related to the gun, or didn't do a proper investigation as a whole. There is much grumbling on social media about both LB's and WM's investigations.

TB's murder changed all that, and I believe they turned up much evidence for these two cases while collecting and compiling evidence for this trial. Why else would they all of a sudden charge DM for WM's murder, and charge MWJ for selling DM the gun that killed his father a year of more after it happened. The gun was most likely untraceable unless you happen across text messages discussing the purchase transaction?

Thanks. So that means that presumably the remaining gun was the one that DM bought for MS. Unless DM replaced the WM murder weapon. If not then the MS weapon was used against TB. If it was replaced, then there would be 2 weapons (could have been 2 in the toolbox)
I've always taken the term "fireworks tonight" to mean, "it's show time". But that my interpretation. I've never believed an actual fireworks display like Canada day lol

All comments are JMO unless stated otherwise
Thanks is for this post, this idea has been bothering me too. As I am sure many here know, I have been proposing that DM didn't know that MS brought a gun along, just like others are proposing that MS didn't know DM brought a gun. I'm not sure why one scenario is so outrageously preposterous and yet the identical situation with the players reversed is completely possible to some.

I think it's only uneven odds if you accept a premeditation to murder. That falls towards DM. If it's accidental or unplanned, whether or not both knew a gun was present, I think we're back to even odds with people just intuiting the guy they like the least as the shooter.

I thought the evidence most supported a robbery gone bad, then I was thrown off by the fireside/sausage evidence, and now that the Crown seems to have chosen what I see as one of the least plausible paths - a Leopold & Loeb style thrill kill and perfect crime where killing was an integral and required part of the plan - I'm not sure we're not back where robbery gone bad is looking pretty good again.
Also: the fireworks session is likely the practise shooting over at the farm.

DM: I've FIVE-FINGERED you some ammo.

MS: HIGH FIVE! (frying pan with sausages arranged in the form of a hand with fingers spread open.)

Frying pan is representing practice shooting. Both were preparing to shoot guns in my opinion. JM
What's up with the picture of the first aid kit sent from SS to DM? It was sent May 8, 2013 at 6:26pm

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I wonder what it's significance is? Especially having been sent on that date/time ...

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Also: the fireworks session is likely the practise shooting over at the farm.

DM: I've FIVE-FINGERED you some ammo.

MS: HIGH FIVE! (frying pan with sausages arranged in the form of a hand with fingers spread open.)

Frying pan is representing practice shooting. Both were preparing to shoot guns in my opinion. JM

Hadn't notice the hand shape. Great observation! Or, possibly, I'm just thick. :)
I wonder what it's significance is? Especially having been sent on that date/time ...

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I think it's quite probably nothing. Standard look what I'm cooking pic, with high five joke.
Also: the fireworks session is likely the practise shooting over at the farm.

DM: I've FIVE-FINGERED you some ammo.

MS: HIGH FIVE! (frying pan with sausages arranged in the form of a hand with fingers spread open.)

Frying pan is representing practice shooting. Both were preparing to shoot guns in my opinion. JM

I didn't see anything about fireworks or fire fingering ammo in that exhibit? Where do the other texts fall in relation to this one?
Also: the fireworks session is likely the practise shooting over at the farm.

DM: I've FIVE-FINGERED you some ammo.

MS: HIGH FIVE! (frying pan with sausages arranged in the form of a hand with fingers spread open.)

Frying pan is representing practice shooting. Both were preparing to shoot guns in my opinion. JM

I could be wrong but aren't theses pics almost a year apart? The 5-fingered some ammo while he was in the States (sorry can't remember his location) in 2012?

The high 5 sausages were sent May 3rd 2013.
I'm not sure why everyone expects he should've driven away so that's the reason he's guilty. He was there when a murder happened. They are friends.

I would like someone to honestly tell me, and honestly put yourself in someone's shoes. Beyond a doubt, if your best friend killed someone, and you didn't know what was going on, there was chaos and they said, follow me. You'd drive off to the police alone? I'm not so sure. I'd likely call on the way, but his phone was dead let's assume. (we don't know if it was or wasn't)

I actually think it's possible an honest good person would follow their friend. (obviously MS is not honest or good which makes it more likely he'd follow) added to the fact he didn't know the area or drive much. IMO the person would talk to friend somewhere. THEN tell them to go to police. Or go with then to police or call them whatever. Contact LE.

Obviously the last part didn't happen because they decided to cover it up. But that isn't something I'd find so hard to believe as an uncommon reaction IMO.

And the gun well. If it wasn't his to begin with and DM took care of getting rid of it, then by the time he did get it, he'd be giving up isho with no help to his own case. Huge risk IMO with no pay off.

You might not drive off and go straight to police. But would you clean out the car and deal with the blood and guts for your friend? Or might that just be a step a mile too far?

Funny enough I just posted on a friend's wall. "have a safe trip! Don't make me have to come bail you out!!"
I wonder what people would think that means? Lol

So if my friend commits a crime while she's away, I guess I'm in big trouble. I must know all about it.

If your friend commits a crime while she's away, you will probably be questioned.

Now if you and your friend go out on a test drive at night, one of you shoots and kills a guy, you and your friend drive to another location to pick up an incinerator, drive to another location where you are seen in a security video and flames are shown, you pick up your husband/boyfriend in the morning and he says you are in a celebrating mood, you hid the murder weapon which your friend says you told him is your gun - then yes you are probably going to get charged.. And that text message will be about 0.01% of why, and the other stuff will be 99.99% of the reason.
You might not drive off and go straight to police. But would you clean out the car and deal with the blood and guts for your friend? Or might that just be a step a mile too far?

If your friend commits a crime while she's away, you will probably be questioned.

Now if you and your friend go out on a test drive at night, one of you shoots and kills a guy, you and your friend drive to another location to pick up an incinerator, drive to another location where you are seen in a security video and flames are shown, you pick up your husband/boyfriend in the morning and he says you are in a celebrating mood, you hid the murder weapon which your friend says you told him is your gun - then yes you are probably going to get charged.. And that text message will be about 0.01% of why, and the other stuff will be 99.99% of the reason.

Well that text message would have to be 100% of the reason because it's the only thing that would show I knew anything about it before it happened. The rest is after the fact. MOO
I'm not sure why everyone expects he should've driven away so that's the reason he's guilty. He was there when a murder happened. They are friends.

I would like someone to honestly tell me, and honestly put yourself in someone's shoes. Beyond a doubt, if your best friend killed someone, and you didn't know what was going on, there was chaos and they said, follow me. You'd drive off to the police alone? I'm not so sure. I'd likely call on the way, but his phone was dead let's assume. (we don't know if it was or wasn't)

I actually think it's possible an honest good person would follow their friend. (obviously MS is not honest or good which makes it more likely he'd follow) added to the fact he didn't know the area or drive much. IMO the person would talk to friend somewhere. THEN tell them to go to police. Or go with then to police or call them whatever. Contact LE.

Obviously the last part didn't happen because they decided to cover it up. But that isn't something I'd find so hard to believe as an uncommon reaction IMO.

And the gun well. If it wasn't his to begin with and DM took care of getting rid of it, then by the time he did get it, he'd be giving up isho with no help to his own case. Huge risk IMO with no pay off.

Funny enough I just posted on a friend's wall. "have a safe trip! Don't make me have to come bail you out!!"
I wonder what people would think that means? Lol

So if my friend commits a crime while she's away, I guess I'm in big trouble. I must know all about it.

Well that text message would have to be 100% of the reason because it's the only thing that would show I knew anything about it before it happened. The rest is after the fact. MOO

Just not reasonable to believe that one of them planned it out and then hope the other one will just go along with it.

If MS says to DM that this is too much, I'm out. What does DM do? Shoot him? Then shoot MM because she knew there were out together? Then shoot AM because he knew about the robbery and test drives they were going on? Then he has to find whoever that girl was with AM and shoot her because she might know about this? And find out if MM told anyone about it and shoot them?
I'm not sure why everyone expects he should've driven away so that's the reason he's guilty. He was there when a murder happened. They are friends.

I would like someone to honestly tell me, and honestly put yourself in someone's shoes. Beyond a doubt, if your best friend killed someone, and you didn't know what was going on, there was chaos and they said, follow me. You'd drive off to the police alone? I'm not so sure. I'd likely call on the way, but his phone was dead let's assume. (we don't know if it was or wasn't)

I actually think it's possible an honest good person would follow their friend. (obviously MS is not honest or good which makes it more likely he'd follow) added to the fact he didn't know the area or drive much. IMO the person would talk to friend somewhere. THEN tell them to go to police. Or go with then to police or call them whatever. Contact LE.

Obviously the last part didn't happen because they decided to cover it up. But that isn't something I'd find so hard to believe as an uncommon reaction IMO.

And the gun well. If it wasn't his to begin with and DM took care of getting rid of it, then by the time he did get it, he'd be giving up isho with no help to his own case. Huge risk IMO with no pay off.

I agree with a lot of that. (Presuming MS did not do the shooting , and was not expecting a shooting)
--- it is even understandable he would not go to police because he would be in big trouble
--- it is understandable he remained quiet after DM was arrested , he was trusting DM would also remain silent
--- even after MS was arrested he did not know how much evidence they had so he remained silent
--- he could have given a full confession but that would make him a "rat" but still not get him off the hook
--- by court time he knew he was in deep trouble by all the evidence
--- plus he found out DM was trying to frame him and make him look like the shooter
--- at that point MS had no reason in the world to cover for DM , he had to save his own hide
--- at that point he would not be seen as a "rat" ... he is simply defending himself against murder charges

And he had that perfect opportunity on the witness stand to confess to his involvement (he already confessed to being an accomplice during previous thefts) ... he could have given plenty of details to show DM was the main guy and he was just the helper who was not expecting a shooting.

And for the jury to believe his version he would have to be convincingly truthful in all the details , its as simple as that , he had the perfect opportunity.

But he did not take advantage of that opportunity , and that has to mean he was fully aware there would be a shooting , his evasiveness confirms it. He is just as guilty as DM regardless of who pulled the actual trigger.
The caption on the pic of the painted logs says painted with glow-in-the-dark paint for firepit seating. Not making a point here ...

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