Bosma Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #9

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Well AM might have been a little different because he had a (career/trades) job and a car and lived independently of his parents and was making his own life. Perhaps he did not want to lose the progress he had made and so immediately cooperated with LE because it wasn't worth it for him not to.

He wasn't an unemployed, angry young man smoking pot and rapping to fill the endless expanse of the days. He wasn't living off the feast and famine of work hours and tips in the hospitality industry. He was going somewhere.

Is this the guy whose bedroom was just down the hall from the same house where they had wild brawling drug fuelled parties and questionable friends dropping by on open invitation.. He may have had a job and a car.....but the real concern in the context of this trial is with regards to his guy's friends and hobbies after hours and maybe even his whereabouts during the week in question....and during 'missions'. So 3 years ago he was supposedly cleared of all involvement .....I am wondering what may have been unearthed since??? Just judging from his photo and what is claimed to be on his so-called fb page, I'd say from afar, AM has a certain edge about him that he would not be on my 'go to list' if I needed a plumber........MOO
Could something like this unexpected legal argument be due to something like them finding out AM had been contacted by someone he wasn't supposed to, recently? One of the tweets said it is arguments involving all sides so I feel like maybe the witness was tampered with?


I wondered the same thing. I had done some social media sleuthing back in late Feb 2016, & noticed MM had been a recent addition to AM's friend list. I was surprised, because I had been under the impression that all of the witnesses were on a do not contact order. (I hope I'm not breaking rules by stating what I saw while sleuthing on social media...if so please let me know so I can delete this post)
Color me uber-skeptical but I do have to wonder why, exactly, he went willingly to LE. None of these guys in DM's circle strike me as the type to willingly speak to LE about anything. I'm wondering if he spoke to a lawyer or someone else that convinced him it was in his best interest to go see LE, before they came looking for him.

After all, AM was DM's roommate and even his Baja race mate; he had to know more than the others and so it would have been dangerous for him to not talk to LE, I think.
I wondered the same thing. I had done some social media sleuthing back in late Feb 2016, & noticed MM had been a recent addition to AM's friend list. I was surprised, because I had been under the impression that all of the witnesses were on a do not contact order. (I hope I'm not breaking rules by stating what I saw while sleuthing on social media...if so please let me know so I can delete this post)

I don't think the witnesses are on a DNC order with each other, just with DM and MS. Maybe AM told the Crown that someone from either defence team tried to contact him.
I wondered the same thing. I had done some social media sleuthing back in late Feb 2016, & noticed MM had been a recent addition to AM's friend list. I was surprised, because I had been under the impression that all of the witnesses were on a do not contact order. (I hope I'm not breaking rules by stating what I saw while sleuthing on social media...if so please let me know so I can delete this post)

I noticed the same thing......things that make you go hmmmm......but I don't believe witnesses are under a do not contact order with each other.....AFAIK....
I don't think the witnesses are on a DNC order with each other, just with DM and MS. Maybe AM told the Crown that someone from either defence team tried to contact him.

That's possible too. I may have misunderstood the terms of the DNC order. It would make more sense that it relates only to the accused.
By going to LE he played the just-a-roommate card, a roommate with valuable information determined to avoid a murder charge. He does come across as bold/(pseudo-?)self-confident, albeit to the point of jerkish at times, and he has a strong, caring family. I initially thought he'd be a cocky jerk on the stand, now I'm not so sure. Part of it depends on one's view and experience with LE. People who believe they'll be treated fairly and feel they'll present well are more likely to willingly talk.

I think, 3 years ago AM was very young, in my eyes almost half "a baby", perhaps not yet as depraved as the fellows. One doesn't know.
That's an interesting choice of words by Justice G. "An issue has arisen that I must turn my attention to". Sounds like it's more than the usual legal arguments. Wonder what's up.

Agreed, it seems to be in a different category. If Justice G. must "turn his attention" to it, that suggests he will do some research on precedents or something similar in order to make a considered decision. That may mean he needs to go elsewhere so the jury was dismissed for the day. Just a hunch.
so....I was looking at AM's twitter.....trying to find some of the horrible things that he said <modsnip>.....and concern/speculation is that this twitter account was STARTED in June 2013....after his name was associated with DM and the do we know this is truly his twitter? Because his FB is wide open, anyone could steal his pic.....just curious if anyone else doubts the authenticity of this.....because it DOES paint him in a really bad light....MOO

ETA - Twitter is linked to Instagram....which is pretty innocuous, and does include some pics from AM's FB.....but way after they were posted on FB. Note - Instagram started at same time as twitter.....just seems suspect to me.

But MSM are linking his twitter pics to their articles!

I can't edit this I'm quoting myself. I take it back....I think it's him....looks like he shut down Instagram and Twitter for a short time when the $hit hit the fan after DM's arrest and then reopened them. Definitely some tasteless and disrespectful posts IMO. Really looking forward to him testifying.....can't decide if I think he's going to be an honest and forthcoming witness or not......
While we have an unplanned break, I just wanted to say - I was in the Hammer this weekend and I've been gone long enough that I missed my highway exit :shame: and had to drive through the downtown core. As I went by the John Sopinka Courthouse I was reminded that Tim Bosma is not a topic on a discussion board but was someone's husband, son and father and that this is not a television show but real life. It's easy to forget that when it's only ever on my computer screen. I promise to remember that when complaining that I am bored with dry testimony or "excited" about pertinent testimony.
Agreed, I kind of expected today to end up a full day of legal arguments, based on missing the time on Thursday that had been set aside - but it's clear that today's arguments are based on something that came up unexpectedly. Could be contact that was not allowed, or perhaps AM is changing his testimony? MOO.
The FB account for Discuss the Case is NOT an approved blog/source. Please stop referencing it.

If the Crown expected a witness to change their testimony, I believe there is a process by which they can apply to have the witness's police statements submitted as evidence. This could invoke some legal wrangling.
Well MH cagily said "lies have been told" and RP shushed him. It was TD that dragged out the fact that MH himself told over 40 lies and sent LE on a "wild goose chase" according to AP.

I think the teller of the lies was MH, and with AM immediately willing to cooperate with LE, their friendship broke down.

AM was friends with DM on Facebook until DM's account was pulled just before the trial. That was an action on DM's end. AM never once shied away from his connections to the case: he is still friends with MM and LB too. In a way he's provided a bit of a public reference. Maybe his position from the start was always, I am going to stand and be accountable?

Anyone's guess until testimony starts anyway. Looking forward to that....sometime...

I'm curious about what "lies were told"? My guess is that AM and MH had a pact of sorts to not speak about the backpack or toolbox upon dropping it off . It would explain why MH spent so log lying to LE. Then down the road he finds out that AM told the truth straight away, thus making him look bad, when he assumed AM was telling the same story as him. All speculation on my part of course.
Double yes - i cringe at both of those comments when i see them.
While we have an unplanned break, I just wanted to say - I was in the Hammer this weekend and I've been gone long enough that I missed my highway exit :shame: and had to drive through the downtown core. As I went by the John Sopinka Courthouse I was reminded that Tim Bosma is not a topic on a discussion board but was someone's husband, son and father and that this is not a television show but real life. It's easy to forget that when it's only ever on my computer screen. I promise to remember that when complaining that I am bored with dry testimony or "excited" about pertinent testimony.
How does DM get a knapsack full of weed? A large quantity like that sounds like dealer level connections. If DM was the source of MS's weed, where was DM getting it from? I'm wondering if DM was using Waterloo Airport to bring in the contraband? Was he paying off a maintenance/security worker to collect packages on incoming flights? What kind of security clearance did DM have at the airport?

How far back does this really go? Was Mexico just for Baja or more? Who is providing DM with large quantities of weed and (harder) narcotics?
I couldn't agree more...15 or so years ago, I testified at a Dangerous Offender hearing, giving a victim impact statement, from an attack that had happened to me in 1989. Though the accused had already plead guilty in my case, all those years previous...I was still raked over the coals by his defense. The DO hearing was also held at the same courthouse as this trial. It was awful...the stress, anxiety & the re-opening of a wound that had long since healed from 1989. Had night terrors for awhile after the trial...but it was well worth it...the guy was declared a DO & is still doing time. I feel for anyone who has to testify in a court of's nerve wracking.

Agree 100%....and all I had to do was Discovery in a a neutral conference room not a courtroom. It rattled me so thoroughly that I called my lawyer and said I wanted to withdraw my suit. He had to spend an hour talking me down. As bad as I felt, he assured me we were on the winning side of things and in the end we did but it is not something I would care to repeat.
I can only imagine how much more tense it is to be in a courtroom and for a case that has attracted so much interest.....bad enough when you are an innocent but if you have any hint of guilt about you....whoa !!!
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