Boulder Police meet with JonBenet Ramsey's now adult brother

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Funny. It's hard to think of this as a "cold case," having had this murder haunt me personally and given all the time and attention, thought and effort that average citizens have put into it over the years.

This case became cold within the very first hour after the 911 call. The inability of the first officer on the scene to find the body behind a door which he was unable to figure out how to open started the whole cascade of ineptitude. That single act (or omission, in this case) prevented JB's body from being seen by LE in situ and before either parent had handled it. Then French doesn't clear the house of all the extra people. While it is true that at that point they were considering it a kidnapping, the FBI (who were there that morning) told police they would be finding her body. It didn't look like a kidnapping to them, and they were right- it wasn't. Kidnapping involves removal of the victim, even a dead one. So kidnapping or murder or accidental death covered up, the house was an active crime scene either way and police did nothing to secure it. Not to even mention it being unthinkable that the Rs would call over friends, clergy, victims' advocates at THAT time, when the RN said JB's be killed if they talked to anyone, inferring that even their phone was being monitored. So to go ahead and call all those people is simply unthinkable (in a REAL kidnapping). But obviously the parents knew something at that point that no one else did. They knew it was safe to call whomever they wished.
Then Arndt violates professional procedure and moves the body a second time herself AND allows someone to throw a blanket over her AND she herself throws a sweatshirt over her. So much for preserving the crime scene. That was that. The case was forever altered.
*sigh* This would be interesting if there was some clue as to what the interview was about, now I`m afraid it`s mainly frustrating (for me). There is a little bit of hope that Burke and his memory/information might shed some new light.
I was just browsing yahoo news for the latest JB news and saw this and couldn't believe my eyes.

Yeah, thanks madeleine for posting is about TIME they re-interviewed him, they shouldn't have waited this long!!! Thanks again!!
Yeah, thanks madeleine for posting is about TIME they re-interviewed him, they shouldn't have waited this long!!! Thanks again!!

I hope they are doing this with the entire list of old suspects (A-Z).Was saying the other days,re-interview EVERYBODY,family,friends,employees,everybody,I am sure they missed something!And I also hope they changed the tactics re the type of questions they are asking!
I hope they are doing this with the entire list of old suspects (A-Z).Was saying the other days,re-interview EVERYBODY,family,friends,employees,everybody,I am sure they missed something!And I also hope they changed the tactics re the type of questions they are asking!

ITA!! EVERYBODY should have been re-interviewed YEARS ago!!! People's memories tend to fade with time. But, hopefully they do what you said...and maybe somebody will remember something.,0,6492962.story?track=rss

DENVER - FOX31 News has learned that Boulder Police detectives recently met with Burke Ramsey, the brother of six year old JonBenet Ramsey, to talk with him about his sister's murder.

JonBenet Ramsey was found murdered in her family's Boulder home in December of 1996. Burke was 9 years old at the time.

He is now 23 and recently graduated from college. Sources tell Fox31 News that detectives traveled out of state in the past few weeks to re-interview Burke about the case.

Burke has never been considered a serious suspect, but he was in the house the night of the murder.

His parents claimed he was asleep. But at least some investigators are skeptical.

Some believe you can hear Burke's voice in the background of a 9-1-1 call Patsy Ramsey made to report her daughter had been kidnapped.

Shortly after that, Burke was sent to stay with a family friend. And hours later, his father found JonBenet's body in a basement room in the house.

Boulder Police are not commenting, except to say it is an open and active investigation.

Everybody make sure that you click on the video below the article. It is a news reporter talking about the story, and more info. is added.

video/right side of the page

Police Still Asking: Who Killed JonBenet?
Daily Beast contributor Lawrence Schiller appeared on The Early Show Tuesday to discuss a possible break in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case—and what her brother may know.
Rodriguez noted that the Ramsey family attorney tells "The Early Show" Burke hasn't been questioned yet.
Schiller says it's not surprising that Boulder police are staying mum on the new reports and that the Ramsey family lawyer says Burke hasn't met with them again yet.

Ugh.Even if they will meet him,with LW present this is going nowhere............sigh.
If BDI and all the R's did was to protect him then IMO nothing will change.

If he's only a witness though........would you beg or force your kid to lie for you?
If one of them did it,didn't they harm him enough?There are still many folks who are convinced BDI,why not stop it,it's the right time IMO.It's more hurtful to see that people are suspecting him than admitting you did it and stop the rumours and accusations.What's more painful,to be looked at with suspicion for the rest of your life or to be the son of a murderer.People understand the second and no one would blame ya.
So I guess if JDI or PDI it's time to do the RIGHT thing.
If BDI this will be a very hard battle and LE will lose.

Anyway,I am sure Schiller has his sources,was good to see/hear him again.

"They said the police had sent on their business cards and asked Burke, if his time permitted, if he could get in touch with them," Skiller said.

Hey, Burke, we know how busy you are, but do you remember back about 14 years ago when your younger sister was savagely murdered on Christmas night in your family's home? You do? Great. Well, we'd really like to talk to you about that again, now that you're grown up. That is, if you have the time. If not, no big deal.

Skiller??? Really, CBS?
Nancy Grace Breaking now -- police reportedly interview JonBenet Ramsey's older brother as a possible witness in the brutal murder of his 6-year-old sister! Is a break finally emerging in the long unsolved murder case?

Just posted on her fb page a few minutes ago .
What are these "newly-surfaced dots" of which they speak?

This is what I want to know - sorta...

As badly as it pains me to say this, I think THIS TIME the cops/DA should keep the media completely out of this. I feel they should share in the blame of the cluster that was an investigation in '97. Yes, they were doing their jobs, but I think there was way too much pressure for everyone when placed under that microscope.

On one hand, my curiosity wants to know every little detail, but on the other, I hope the police tell the press to shove it, and nothing is leaked.
I know the DA's office gave the case back to the BPD in June 2009 with instructions to reopen it. I wonder if any of the players are still with the BPD or DA's office from back in 1996 or if we have all new characters? And I certainly hope the BPD and DA's office can play together better now than they could back then. We may just solve this thing if they have seasoned detectives investigating and a DA willing to back them up...

BTW - I realize I'm new here to you guys, but I do reading all of your insights regularly. Just last week, I visited JonBenet and family's graves to pay my respects. I have great pics, but I can't put them up yet due to forum rules (I haven't posted enough). They are on my photobucket page if anyone would like the address to that.

I would LOVE to see your pictures...and I hope that JonBenet's plot still isn't as unattended to as it was when I left there 2 years ago on the anniversary of her Murder. Nothing but old, moldy stuffed animals & old plastic faded flowers, but it was more than what Patsy had. However, Beth's grave had fresh flowers and was very well tended to. I would not be surprised to find out that it is still the same...that visit did some major damage to my heart.

If it's not RDI, I've been wondering if he murder HAD to happen that night because someone who had been abusing her knew that she would be going to Michigan the next day, and more likely to tell her parents what was happening to her. Distance can be very liberating. More likely to open up if she knew her abuser was over 1,000 miles away.

Just a thought.
If BDI and all the R's did was to protect him then IMO nothing will change.

If he's only a witness though........would you beg or force your kid to lie for you?
If one of them did it,didn't they harm him enough?There are still many folks who are convinced BDI,why not stop it,it's the right time IMO.It's more hurtful to see that people are suspecting him than admitting you did it and stop the rumours and accusations.What's more painful,to be looked at with suspicion for the rest of your life or to be the son of a murderer.People understand the second and no one would blame ya.
So I guess if JDI or PDI it's time to do the RIGHT thing.
If BDI this will be a very hard battle and LE will lose.

Anyway,I am sure Schiller has his sources,was good to see/hear him again.
I believe it was JDI with Patsy's help with the cover-up and RN!
HLN has spots on this over and over today but no news.........

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