Boulder Police meet with JonBenet Ramsey's now adult brother

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Burke was interviewed alone and thoroughly after the crime. Part of the reason no doubt, was social services wanted to find out if there was a history of abuse in the family. Burke was allowed to be interviewed alone, and I can't imagine any 9 year old kid sticking to a story that he may have been told to tell---I believe he told the truth based on what he remembered. I think he went to bed, tucked in by JR, and knew nothing until he heard his parents the next morning....and then was whisked out the house. No one was around him telling him to say and what not to say. He was spared the emotional trauma that developed in the house after JBR was found.

The only thing I can think of is there "might" be someone of interest that could have talked to Burke before 12/25.

The only thing that I can think they want to ask him why his voice is heard on the end of the 911 phone call recording...when his mom and dad said that he was sleeping.
April 3, 2001
The National Enquirer - Ramseys change their story about murder night
By David Wright & Don Gentile

"John and Patsy Ramsey have changed the story they told cops about their daughter JonBenet's murder -- they now admit their son Burke was awake during that Christmas 1996 nightmare!

In an exclusive ENQUIRER interview, the nation's most infamous murder suspects say Burke was jolted awake by screams in their Boulder, Colo. home.

"Burke knew something horrible had happened. He heard us screaming. He heard Patsy ...a woman in terror," John confessed. "We thought he was asleep but he wasn't. Burke was awake.

"Burke was frightened. He had tears in his eyes. He knew something very, very wrong was going on."

Until being questioned by The ENQUIRER, the Ramseys had always insisted that Burke was still sleeping when police arrived at their home after Patsy's 911 call.

But now John has admitted to The ENQUIRER that Burke woke up before the 911 call was placed at 5:52 a.m. to summon police."

I remember reading that Burke admitted to being awake even when his dad came into the room to "check on him"....he said that he heard his mom and dad talking outside of his room. Don't you know there was nothing but hysteria going on in that house that night...screaming, running in the world would he have been able to sleep through that??
I hope I am wrong, but I am afraid all his answers will be the same: "I don't remember".

And I am afraid THAT reponse would most likely be the truth...they should have re-interviewed him the minute he turned 18. He may remember if he had tea while JB ate Pineapple on the night of her death...but, I doubt he is going to remember what she was wearing to bed that night. I hope that I am wrong, though. If I were him, I would sing like a bird...IF I remembered anything, in hopes of getting my life back. He has cancelled his myspace and facebook accounts, because of people harrassing him. If he remembers anything...and would stand up and be a MAN...and tell the truth....I bet that people would leave him alone. He is being harrassed because people believe that he knows more than he is saying...and is protecting someone...or TWO someones.

There is sealed evidence that we have not seen. There will be signed paediatric reports regarding JonBenet's genital injuries and the possibility of prior molestation. We know this was a line of investigation since indirect reference was made to photographs of JonBenet's genitals. There is other physical evidence removed from the R's houses that sits in sealed cardboard boxes in some forensic warehouse.

If your are IDI there are potentially only three witnesses to events on the night JonBenet was killed. That is the Intruder, John and Burke. If you are RDI then there are only two, and if your main suspect for prior molestation is John then that leaves Burke as a material witness.

I reckon questions to Burke will relate to the pineapple snack, JonBenet walking in to the house, and whether she changed her clothes e.g. put on her Barbie nightgown?

Burke may have been present prior to JonBenet being killed. She may have left the room he was in, never to return. He might know what probably happened even if he was not in th room. Unlike you I think Burke knows what occurred that night. As an adult he will also be aware , if was not before , that JonBenet had suffered prior molestation. So maybe he can join the dots?


According to the show "48 Hours", there is also a ...and I quote..."a warehouse full of evidence" that hadn't even been looked at. I posted a transcript from that show on here awhile back. Maybe they finally decided...."GEE...maybe we should take a look at the warehouse full of evidence that we collected." DUHHHHH And hopefully they found something....something that should have been found 14 years ago!!!
I dont mean to sound awful but is Burke writing a book? or has he made a deal as this would be free publicity and a good move on his part. I hope he is doing it because it is the right thing to do.
I dont mean to sound awful but is Burke writing a book? or has he made a deal as this would be free publicity and a good move on his part. I hope he is doing it because it is the right thing to do.

I would so buy that book!!! I wished that he would write one!!!
I dont mean to sound awful but is Burke writing a book? or has he made a deal as this would be free publicity and a good move on his part. I hope he is doing it because it is the right thing to do.

I have never heard anything him writing a book. He has never even given an interview to the press. I would love for him to at least give him an interview but of course, you would have people screaming that he's desperate for fame and money if he did one.
I so disagree with the posters here that say Burke would not be able to remember. I am over 50 and I can recall almost word for word several instances when I was 9 years old. Given this was probably one of the most intense traumas of his life to date, I bet he has that night burned in his memory. I remember lying quietly at night and listening to adult conversation for most of the night. He may be quite aware of the happenings that night and many other nights as well. I hope he will talk to detectives. There is a good possibility he is ready to unload.
I so disagree with the posters here that say Burke would not be able to remember. I am over 50 and I can recall almost word for word several instances when I was 9 years old. Given this was probably one of the most intense traumas of his life to date, I bet he has that night burned in his memory. I remember lying quietly at night and listening to adult conversation for most of the night. He may be quite aware of the happenings that night and many other nights as well. I hope he will talk to detectives. There is a good possibility he is ready to unload.
I can remember things that happened when I was three. And I'm 54 years old. I remember vividly the events of the night my mother died and the events of the next few days. I was a bit older than Burke, but not by that much.

Nine is a lot more mature than people give credit for. I imagine he remembers an awful lot of the events of the days surrounding his sister's death.
I don't post on the JBR forum, and I don't have anywhere near the knowledge of this case that many posters look to have. But, speaking of BR writing a book ; what do posters think of Joyce Carol Oates' book " My Sister,My Love " ? IMO it is a very strange book. It is described as a fictionalized account of the JBR murder, and the main character in the book is based on BR... Interesting,but quite weird book IMO

Burke could also remember JonBenet talking about Santa coming to visit her again, was it that night, or just coming to bring presents again? The snacks, the doll, and the nightgown could have been her thinking that she was going to go spend the night at the North Pole. If it was an intruder, it would have to of been someone she knew.
Possibly interview Burke about that nite or as one poster the 911 tape in which his voice is heard to be saying "what did you find?". As you recall, Burke was interviewed at the White residence on the 26th by an officer. I wish I knew what Burke told the officer that day.

Burke did tell police that when his parents opened his bedroom door that morning, he heard Patsy say "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"
I don't post on the JBR forum, and I don't have anywhere near the knowledge of this case that many posters look to have. But, speaking of BR writing a book ; what do posters think of Joyce Carol Oates' book " My Sister,My Love " ? IMO it is a very strange book. It is described as a fictionalized account of the JBR murder, and the main character in the book is based on BR... Interesting,but quite weird book IMO


I haven't read it, but I prefer non-fiction anyway, especially about this case. There was another fictional story written by someone- I believe it was a play titled "An Evening With JonBenet Ramsey". I didn't read that, either. Frankly, I find it a little creepy that someone would fantasize about the killing if a little girl, which is exactly what a fictionalized book is. I have to wonder what the mind of such an author is like.
Sorry if this has been discussed. I have been out of the loop on this case for a while.

But, does anyone else think it odd that the questioning of BR comes just a little over a month after the death of the lead Detective Lou Smit?

Did LS make a deathbed confession?

In an article, his daughter talks about how religious he was; that he even prayed with suspects before interrogating them.

IDK, it may just be me, but I think it is very coincidental that this all comes about so close to his death.

I just wonder if he took pity on the R's after JR losing his other daughter in a car crash, and if BR did it, they would also lose their son, as well as PR's cancer condition.


I have always personally thought BR did it out of anger/jealousy. Has anyone ever watched that show Toddlers & Tiaras. These mothers spend "all" their time, almost obsessively, for these pageants.

Is it possible BR was jealous of all the attention? Did she get something for Christmas he didn't?

Also, JR was and "older" father that didn't probably spend much time with BR; therefore, left him even more vulnerable to be jealous of JBR.

I have always pictured both BR & JBR at the kitchen table eating pineapple, while JR & PR are upstairs still packing for the trip.

Something snapped in BR and he grabbed the flashlight off the kitchen counter & struck JBR in the head. He screams, PR panics, and the cover up began.

If IDI, they would have already had a written RN, garotte already made (which was actually made out of one of PR's paint brushes, the Intruder would not have taken the time to wrap her in her favorite blanket and surround her with her dolls.

I read that JR visited Lou Smit just before he died. Could it be possible that they talked and decided he could not go to his grave with this secret cover up?

Again, sorry so long, but IMO.
The FBI Child Serial Killer Unit that studied the facts in the JonBenet Ramsey case, said that this crime was not only staged - but there was "staging within staging." The killer was frantic in trying to cover up the death of JonBenet. Was up all night trying to cover up the real facts of what happened that night. The horrible accident/flash of rage that caused her death.
We may never know just what injuries inflicted on JonBenet were the result of the initial attack/accident - or part of the dramatic staging. (Because the stager thought, erroneously, that she was already dead. When there was still life in her, albeit ebbing away.)

The note. The note. The note. One of the most, if not the most, important piece of evidence in the case. And more staging.

It has always been my theory, based on the facts in the case, that Burke injured his sister that night and his parents covered up the crime to protect him. And because they had tons of money and were very well connected in the state all the way up to the Attorney General's office - they were able to get away with it. So far.
I think that is why Fleet White confronted John in Atlanta and the friendship with those 2 families severed forever. Fleet figured it out. He was there that day. Burke was spirited away that morning - by Fleet. To Fleet's house. He got an eye full and an ear full that day.

I suspect there were some concerns about Burke before this night. After the murder when he was interviewed by the psychologist, the assessment of him noted his "lack of affect" when talking about the murder of his sister.
When Patsy and John picked Burke up at the White's the night they discovered JonBenet's body, Patsy (in her own words in their book), describes how she put her arm around Burke (who was 2 wks shy of ten years old mind you), and said to him, "Honey, your sister has gone to heaven" or something to that effect. Did Burke, in shock ask "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Is she dead? What happened? Did someone kill her? Are they gonna come get ME? I'm scared Mommy!"
NO. He ran off to play! RAN OFF TO PLAY.
Now you tell me that there is not something seriously wrong here. No child that is that old is going to be that indifferent not only about his sister being dead - but not exhibit any FEAR for himself!
There are other facts that lead me to this theory, but not enough time here to elaborate.
I do hope and pray that the truth will one day come out.

This is all of course, just my humble, protected opinion.
I haven't heard that he went out to play. Thanks for that tidbit.

I don't even know BR, but has anyone ever seen that movie "The Good Son" starring MacCauley Culkin?

I can just picture BR with those same expressions and lack of affect, empathy and acting like nothing happened.

Oh, forgot to mention..if your daughter had just been "kidnapped", would you even let your other child out of your sight to go play???
I haven't read it, but I prefer non-fiction anyway, especially about this case. There was another fictional story written by someone- I believe it was a play titled "An Evening With JonBenet Ramsey". I didn't read that, either. Frankly, I find it a little creepy that someone would fantasize about the killing if a little girl, which is exactly what a fictionalized book is. I have to wonder what the mind of such an author is like.

Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I don't usually read crime fiction. But, this author, Joyce Carol Oates, is well respected. And the book is ...hard to describe,but not exactly fiction ? It is more about the family, and BR than just about JB's murder... There were *rumors* when this book came out that someone had leaked a lot of info to Joyce Carol Oates. I don't know... The premise of the book is that PR killed JBR. JB's parents rhen convince BR that he killed his sister...Both JB and BR had been sexually abused for some time.By whom is not really clear...

The author doesn't sensationalize JB's death ; I got the impression she actually felt angry that the case was never solved... MOO

The FBI Child Serial Killer Unit that studied the facts in the JonBenet Ramsey case, said that this crime was not only staged - but there was "staging within staging." The killer was frantic in trying to cover up the death of JonBenet. Was up all night trying to cover up the real facts of what happened that night. The horrible accident/flash of rage that caused her death.
We may never know just what injuries inflicted on JonBenet were the result of the initial attack/accident - or part of the dramatic staging. (Because the stager thought, erroneously, that she was already dead. When there was still life in her, albeit ebbing away.)

The note. The note. The note. One of the most, if not the most, important piece of evidence in the case. And more staging.

It has always been my theory, based on the facts in the case, that Burke injured his sister that night and his parents covered up the crime to protect him. And because they had tons of money and were very well connected in the state all the way up to the Attorney General's office - they were able to get away with it. So far.
I think that is why Fleet White confronted John in Atlanta and the friendship with those 2 families severed forever. Fleet figured it out. He was there that day. Burke was spirited away that morning - by Fleet. To Fleet's house. He got an eye full and an ear full that day.

I suspect there were some concerns about Burke before this night. After the murder when he was interviewed by the psychologist, the assessment of him noted his "lack of affect" when talking about the murder of his sister.
When Patsy and John picked Burke up at the White's the night they discovered JonBenet's body, Patsy (in her own words in their book), describes how she put her arm around Burke (who was 2 wks shy of ten years old mind you), and said to him, "Honey, your sister has gone to heaven" or something to that effect. Did Burke, in shock ask "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Is she dead? What happened? Did someone kill her? Are they gonna come get ME? I'm scared Mommy!"
NO. He ran off to play! RAN OFF TO PLAY.
Now you tell me that there is not something seriously wrong here. No child that is that old is going to be that indifferent not only about his sister being dead - but not exhibit any FEAR for himself!
There are other facts that lead me to this theory, but not enough time here to elaborate.
I do hope and pray that the truth will one day come out.

This is all of course, just my humble, protected opinion.

Yeah, and she said in her interview, when asked if Burke had ever talked about the night that his sister was murdered, she said NO, that he never mentioned it. I found that odd.
The FBI Child Serial Killer Unit that studied the facts in the JonBenet Ramsey case, said that this crime was not only staged - but there was "staging within staging." The killer was frantic in trying to cover up the death of JonBenet. Was up all night trying to cover up the real facts of what happened that night. The horrible accident/flash of rage that caused her death.
We may never know just what injuries inflicted on JonBenet were the result of the initial attack/accident - or part of the dramatic staging. (Because the stager thought, erroneously, that she was already dead. When there was still life in her, albeit ebbing away.)

The note. The note. The note. One of the most, if not the most, important piece of evidence in the case. And more staging.

It has always been my theory, based on the facts in the case, that Burke injured his sister that night and his parents covered up the crime to protect him. And because they had tons of money and were very well connected in the state all the way up to the Attorney General's office - they were able to get away with it. So far.
I think that is why Fleet White confronted John in Atlanta and the friendship with those 2 families severed forever. Fleet figured it out. He was there that day. Burke was spirited away that morning - by Fleet. To Fleet's house. He got an eye full and an ear full that day.

I suspect there were some concerns about Burke before this night. After the murder when he was interviewed by the psychologist, the assessment of him noted his "lack of affect" when talking about the murder of his sister.
When Patsy and John picked Burke up at the White's the night they discovered JonBenet's body, Patsy (in her own words in their book), describes how she put her arm around Burke (who was 2 wks shy of ten years old mind you), and said to him, "Honey, your sister has gone to heaven" or something to that effect. Did Burke, in shock ask "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Is she dead? What happened? Did someone kill her? Are they gonna come get ME? I'm scared Mommy!"
NO. He ran off to play! RAN OFF TO PLAY.
Now you tell me that there is not something seriously wrong here. No child that is that old is going to be that indifferent not only about his sister being dead - but not exhibit any FEAR for himself!
There are other facts that lead me to this theory, but not enough time here to elaborate.
I do hope and pray that the truth will one day come out.

This is all of course, just my humble, protected opinion.


I never read that anywhere else!~ I guess I shoulda bought their book and read it!

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