Boy bags hog said bigger than 'Hogzilla'

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Dark Knight

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Sep 3, 2004
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MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Hogzilla is being made into a horror movie. But the sequel may be even bigger: Meet Monster Pig. An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog his father says weighed a staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9-feet-4 from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires.

If the claims are accurate, Jamison Stone's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in south Georgia in 2004.
Hogzilla originally was thought to weigh 1,000 pounds and measure 12 feet in length. National Geographic experts who unearthed its remains believe the animal actually weighed about 800 pounds and was 8 feet long.

Regardless of the comparison, Jamison is reveling in the attention over his pig, which has a Web site put up by his father — — that is generating Internet buzz.

:eek: More at link, including an incredible photo of the beast:
That thing scared me! Wow! To think that 11 year old boy chased him through the woods is really surprising!
how can that liitle pistol hurt something that big?
how can that liitle pistol hurt something that big?

From the article:

He said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-caliber revolver and chased it for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot.
I know nothing about guns. LOL So it didn't look that powerful.
The thing was huge, so why kill it? I mean what is this kid getting for killing the hog? Kinda makes me mad...
The thing was huge, so why kill it? I mean what is this kid getting for killing the hog? Kinda makes me mad...

They are extremely destructive. I can only imagine how much damage one that size could do! They are dangerous, too.
The thing was huge, so why kill it? I mean what is this kid getting for killing the hog? Kinda makes me mad...

You eat it. They will get about 500 lbs of sausage out of that thing. They hunt for food not just for enjoyment. This was in Delta, Alabama, north central close to the Georgia line. Very rural.

Nasty, vile, mean creatures, they charge everything and def are destructive.

I've seen some huge wild boar in my lifetime but never one that big! I'd have run the other way if I was sure it wouldn't have chased me lol
You eat it. They will get about 500 lbs of sausage out of that thing. They hunt for food not just for enjoyment. This was in Delta, Alabama, north central close to the Georgia line. Very rural.

Nasty, vile, mean creatures, they charge everything and def are destructive.

I've seen some huge wild boar in my lifetime but never one that big! I'd have run the other way if I was sure it wouldn't have chased me lol

They are nasty creatures, highly destructive and they are not native to this area. Im a vegan but my family is not. I dont believe in hunting for sport but for food yes.
Both Ariel and I were just commenting on how amazing it is that an 11 year old boy could even shoot a .50 handgun, 8 times no less! That would give ME a handfull. Strong kid! Now Ariel is telling me we need one, LOL!
The boy did have adults with him, armed with more powerful weapons. They were prepared to use them if the boar had charged at them. But they wanted to give the kid the kill.

I realize that hunting is a sport, and the boar wouldve killed them all as soon as looked at them... but if it were me, I wouldve had to call in the big guns (dad with his more powerful gun) to put the animal out of his pain. This was like slowly torturing it to death.
Omg that piggy is huge!!!!

I didnt know they got that big geez- and I thought we had big things down here!
I would think the meat on a hog that size would be quite tough.
I would think the meat on a hog that size would be quite tough.
Maybe that is why they had it all made into sausage? I was surprised to see that they had no pork roasts, pork chops, etc. Just sausage. ewww.

Now scrapple on the other hand. mmm. :) Also, I think the photo is a bit of a trick photo. I think the boy is not actually leaning on the boar.. I think he might be standing back further to make himself look smaller, and the boar bigger. That thing looks like the size of an elephant in the picture.
Maybe that is why they had it all made into sausage? I was surprised to see that they had no pork roasts, pork chops, etc. Just sausage. ewww.

Now scrapple on the other hand. mmm. :) Also, I think the photo is a bit of a trick photo. I think the boy is not actually leaning on the boar.. I think he might be standing back further to make himself look smaller, and the boar bigger. That thing looks like the size of an elephant in the picture.

I agree! :)
but if it were me, I wouldve had to call in the big guns (dad with his more powerful gun) to put the animal out of his pain. This was like slowly torturing it to death.

Ditto. The fact that he chased it for so long while it was likely suffering was sick.

It said he attends private school, I highly doubt the family couldn't afford food and was doing it to sustain themselves.
Ditto. The fact that he chased it for so long while it was likely suffering was sick.

It said he attends private school, I highly doubt the family couldn't afford food and was doing it to sustain themselves.
Im sure they could afford food, being able to afford the weapons and all. That said, I am not anti hunting, and know that many hunters donate the meat to foodbanks, etc. I was glad to read that they did use the meat from this boar.

Me... I can't even kill bugs. :eek: I just cant stand to watch them squirm, etc. I catch them and relocate them.

Oh, maybe that was a lie. Sometimes I kill/relocate them if I can catch them with the vacuum cleaner hose. That way I don't have to watch them squirm, or see their guts, etc. eww.
Im sure they could afford food, being able to afford the weapons and all. That said, I am not anti hunting, and know that many hunters donate the meat to foodbanks, etc. I was glad to read that they did use the meat from this boar.

Me... I can't even kill bugs. :eek: I just cant stand to watch them squirm, etc. I catch them and relocate them.

Oh, maybe that was a lie. Sometimes I kill/relocate them if I can catch them with the vacuum cleaner hose. That way I don't have to watch them squirm, or see their guts, etc. eww.

There were some inferences that because they were rural folk it was likely for food, but I was just clarifying that it didn't look like they were hurting for food. :p

LOL about the bugs. I cannot stand bugs, especially roaches! I don't smoosh them, the hub is in charge of that. :D
They are extremely destructive. I can only imagine how much damage one that size could do! They are dangerous, too.

That makes perfect sense Dark Knight. I must have been posting in my sleep last night. :p

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