Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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Thanks Someguy for posting those pictures. Brandon looks like one of my nephews, i.e. a normal guy. Gary wondered if he was just a "bad seed." Who knows?

I stumbled across the following when googling bad seed:

These children have a character disturbance. They devalue others and lack a sense of morality. Such incidents as those described above have made it increasingly clear that psychopathy is not exclusively an adult manifestation. In fact, some child development experts believe that childhood psychopathy is increasing at an alarming rate. In the research, these children are regarded as "fledgling psychopaths" who will become increasingly more dangerous as they get older. They might not become killers but they will learn how to manipulate, deceive and exploit others for their own gain. It is generally believed that they have failed to develop affectional bonds that allow them to empathize with another's pain. What they have developed are traits of arrogance, dishonesty, narcissism, shamelessness, and callousness.
I know we have tried to sleuth what other investigations BSL could be linked to. I feel pretty confident that they are looking at a possible connection with Ali at this point, even though I'm not aware of any LE statements confirming it. Their PI has at least discussed a potential connection publicly. Are there any other investigations where there has been some sort of public statement indicating they are looking into a connection?
In the aftermath of this tragedy, of Ms. Mickey Shunick, fallen upon this great city of Lafayette, Louisiana...most have become silent, somber in reflection to the events preceding this day. The numbers here at WS attest (6 members and 5 guests) as I post here tonight.
I sit in limbo, with no further direction to sleuth, offer only idle chit-chat, if only to clear my own thoughts. Ms. Mickey's demise navigated me, personally, here for answers. A quest for truth, and due justice. A mere simpleton hoping to make a difference.
I feel Ms. Mickey at peace. And now, must I.
It's been a great ride with you guys! Exciting, enlightening...ya'll are cool.

This took me an hour to write! LOL!

I feel the same way as you. I found WS because of Mickey and can't leave now. I also feel like I am in limbo. I feel a void that I just can't explain. I pray Mickey is at peace as well as her family. I hope to be at peace with the situation one day too...I just have so many unanswered questions...more than before all the "facts" came out. But my desire and/or need to have those questions answered is just that...mine. I may never get the answers and that is something I will have to live with. As long as her family is at peace...that's all that matters. I hope to be able to continue to sleuth other cases however, this has been so difficult for me that I don't know if I am capable of becoming so emotionally involved in another...not yet anyway. I don't understand why I am such a mess over this and why I can't move on. Any advice by all of you is greatly appreciated!!!
Evidence and statements gathered during the investigation of Mickey Shunick's murder at the hands of Brandon Lavergne will not be released to the public at this time because of ongoing investigations.

RE: On Aug. 20, The Daily Advertiser submitted a public records request to Lafayette Police Chief Jim Craft and Hebert seeking the opportunity to review various statements, documents and evidence gathered during the three-month investigation that followed Shunick's disappearance.

Hebert responded that releasing the requested information "could severely jeopargize ongoing criminal investigations."

Among the requests was one for logs or reports of evidence recovered from Lavergne's property and home on Elaine Lane.

"It is this office's intention to ensure the integrity of all documentary, testimonial and physical evidence discovered thus far and not to release any information which could joepardize any jurisdiction or agency's investigations into other potential crimes," Hebert wrote.

RE/RE: Hebert responded that releasing the requested information "could severely jeopargize ongoing criminal investigations."

"When will they ever learn"? Silence/misinformation/lack of transparency by LE/Justice System only causes innocent victims lives lost and mounting cold cases..

"Silence & Misinformation is the predator's most Lethal Weapon"!!!


"Why, that it is important for the citizens to be informed of how cases and investigations are handled. "Public Safety"...

Transparency: 'Criminal Profiler Pat Brown'

We could use a strong accountability system not dependent on appeals, but rather oversight. The public/citizens have a right to know exactly how decisions are made and cases are handled.

It does not have to be in the midst of the case but certainly afterward there should be transparency. If there isn’t, how can we address issues of corruption*, incompetance, and error?

We need to know in order to fix problems and hold people accountable for what is supposed to be work done on behalf of the citizens. Somehow “the interest of the state” seems to preclude the citizenry which is odd considering the state IS the citizenry, well, at least in a democratic republic with a constitution..


"Prolific Psychopathic Serial Killer Brandon S. Lavergne, was actively preying on innocent victims, which began a minimum of 13 years ago". He was enabled to remain stealth due to the silence by LE/Justice System. An aware public's tips and the heroic sacrifice by Mickey Shunick, is the primary reason that BSL's trail of terror was abruptly ended.

"Why would you squander your most valuable investigative resource; the American public"?
BBM Evidence and statements gathered during the investigation of Mickey Shunick's murder at the hands of Brandon Lavergne will not be released to the public at this time because of ongoing investigations.
The documentary and investigative evidence "contain matters that are still being investigated by both the Lafayette Police Department, as well as multiple other jurisdictions and agencies," City-Parish Attorney Michael Hebert wrote Friday in response to a public records request by The Daily Advertiser.

The information "remains part of continued investigative efforts that are reasonably anticipated to lead to future criminal litigation and are thus exempt from disclosure," Hebert wrote.
BBM Evidence and statements gathered during the investigation of Mickey Shunick's murder at the hands of Brandon Lavergne will not be released to the public at this time because of ongoing investigations.
The documentary and investigative evidence "contain matters that are still being investigated by both the Lafayette Police Department, as well as multiple other jurisdictions and agencies," City-Parish Attorney Michael Hebert wrote Friday in response to a public records request by The Daily Advertiser.

The information "remains part of continued investigative efforts that are reasonably anticipated to lead to future criminal litigation and are thus exempt from disclosure," Hebert wrote.

"Prolific Psychopathic Serial Killer Brandon S. Lavergne, was actively preying on innocent victims, which began a minimum of 13 years ago". He was enabled to remain stealth due to the silence by LE/Justice System. An aware public's tips and the heroic sacrifice by Mickey Shunick, is the primary reason that BSL's trail of terror was abruptly ended.

"Why would you squander your most valuable investigative resource; the American public"? BBM


How many more victims does BS Lavergne have?

How long was BS Lavergne actively preying?

How many of BS Lavergne's prior victims received a less than competent & complete investigation?

How many states was BS Lavergne actively hunting unsuspecting victims due to silence and/or misinformation by LE/Justice for years or decades?

Why did it take a 5' 1" 115# victim; Mickey Shunick, to remove BSL's mask of normalcy & bring him to Justice?

'These two beautiful girls are forever united'
Charlie Shunick
Imo, the Gary Ridgeway; Green River serial killer/Gary Hilton: Forest Serial Killer prosecution/investigative strategy is being utilized in the BS Lavergne: Serial Killer investigation..All indicators point to this, imo...

This investigative/prosecution strategy is utilized due to the magnitude; duration & victim total..imo
Thanks Someguy for posting those pictures. Brandon looks like one of my nephews, i.e. a normal guy. Gary wondered if he was just a "bad seed." Who knows?

I stumbled across the following when googling bad seed:

These children have a character disturbance. They devalue others and lack a sense of morality. Such incidents as those described above have made it increasingly clear that psychopathy is not exclusively an adult manifestation. In fact, some child development experts believe that childhood psychopathy is increasing at an alarming rate. In the research, these children are regarded as "fledgling psychopaths" who will become increasingly more dangerous as they get older. They might not become killers but they will learn how to manipulate, deceive and exploit others for their own gain. It is generally believed that they have failed to develop affectional bonds that allow them to empathize with another's pain. What they have developed are traits of arrogance, dishonesty, narcissism, shamelessness, and callousness.

You hit the nail on the head! I don't know if it is an Oppositional Defiance Disorder re: Conduct Disorder but I was so happy that a principal recently gave a graduation speech with the tone to the kids as "you're not that special". Perhaps this is coming about because kids today are not disciplined with a quick smack on the hand for parental fear of DYFS? Parents today are left negotiating with a toddler, which doesn't work, imho. For every theory or action is an equal and opposite reaction and I fear we as a society are going to live with the repurcussions of this new parenting style.

I'vr recently relocated very near my twin nieces who are 9 yrs old and am appalled at their manipulative comments and meanness. I swear one of them was pinching my super smart and very "sound" mature Standard Poodle. I observed the dog stepping back and doing what I would consider a reprimand bark at one of the twins. When I asked her why he was behaving that way, the twin said maybe something was biting him and he was blaming it on her! Personally, I know this dog as "bomb proof" around kids and believe she was probably pinching him. I don't like the way they manhandle their cat. By the way, these girls are not allowed to be too close to a family friend's dogs because "they are too rough". My Mom said that she had to take a knife off of her countertop one day when one of the twins was throwing a fit over nothing. Very troubling indeed.

I am saddened that I will not be able to have the kind of relationship with these twins that I had anticipated before I moved here. But I don't trust them, I really see something scary in them. Just yesterday I gave one of the twins the "everybody has the capacity to be mean but what happens is the mean person just becomes more unhappy and alone as time goes on" speech. Of course, telling her that she is hurting other people's feelings as a consequence wouldn't really matter. :banghead:
I do believe BSL has many more victims. Sadly, I wonder if all were investigated properly. Not to put blame on LE, I understand they are overwhelmed, but I tend to believe that Mickey's case was an exception. And I feel like that was due to all the coverage of the case, both locally and nationally. Surely, LE knew they were being watched and would not want to appear to be bumbling in any way. In the end, LE did a great job and their professionalism made me proud. Just wish it had happened sooner. Not meaning to step on any toes here and also just MOO!
I know the feeling....sometimes i worry about animals more than i do people...when i see the commercials with music about t
the animals abused i have to turn the station..and when i see the things about wildfires...i worry about the animals ...i think about the people too...but for some reason i think people can take care of themselves...where some animals cannot do that. I'm definitely an animal lover...what can i
All they ask is that you love, feed & protect them. They don't talk back, take all of your money, wreck your cars, marry horrible people, lie to you. The most they do is protect you from strangers & mess on the floor. What's not to like??
Sending thoughts and prayers to Louisianna...all Websleuth friends in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Lafayette....also Mississippi...May God keep each of you safe as TS Isaac heads your way.

Once again Florida has be spared much of the storm's wrath. Very few people remain without power in Miami and the Florida Keys.

My DH works as a liaison with the power companies in Fort Myers, Orlando and St. Augustine....they all had called in Power Workers from Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina...Early this morning they released them and as we speak....those workers are on their way to Misssissippi and Louisianna.....So help is on the way...Yeah!

DH and 40+ Power workers lived in their trucks for 2 to 3 months in The Mall in Baton Rouge, during Katrina...He and his men then worked on Hwy. 90. Tell you a secret....when you see lots of out of town Power Workers...they find out the closest Motel and will start restoring powered that they have a cool place to sleep and Hot water for baths...LOL

Please say a prayer for all Power Line Men....they are the unsung heros....We all want our powers back on...but never remember to thank the ones that risk their lives to make it happen! I am really glad that DH is the liaison...not in those buckets doing the ultra dangerous work..

Dear God...Please Protect Those In the Path of TS Isaac
I don't really have a problem with this info remaining sealed until said investigations/legal proceedings are complete. I think it's safe to say that BSL will not harm another person outside of Angola, so the lack of public disclosure of these facts is highly unlikely to cause another person to be harmed by this particular individual.

That said, I do think most of the info relative to the MS case could safely be released, and that LE is simply stalling.

From The Daily Advertiser's FB page -- the decal which will be worn this season by UL - Lafayette's Ragin' Cajun football team.
I don't really have a problem with this info remaining sealed until said investigations/legal proceedings are complete. I think it's safe to say that BSL will not harm another person outside of Angola, so the lack of public disclosure of these facts is highly unlikely to cause another person to be harmed by this particular individual.

That said, I do think most of the info relative to the MS case could safely be released, and that LE is simply stalling.

Problem is, HouDat, is that Brandon S. Lavergne, is not the first, last, or only.
According to criminologists and the FBI, there are between 35 & 100 active serial killers in the US at any given time.

Public Safety for our families and loved ones is very important to all of us. Transparency is critical for awareness..

Imo, If transparency was utilized in BS Lavergne's past. His victim total would have been minimized due to an aware public..
Problem is, HouDat, is that Brandon S. Lavergne, is not the first, last, or only.
According to criminologists and the FBI, there are between 35 & 100 active serial killers in the US at any given time.

Public Safety for our families and loved ones is very important to all of us. Transparency is critical for awareness..

Imo, If transparency was utilized in BS Lavergne's past. His victim total would have been minimized due to an aware public..

On a larger scale, I would agree that there needs to be more info made public in such instances as these types of cases.

Relative to BS Lavergne, though (which is what my comments were intended to speak to...apologies if I was unclear), the effect of releasing such info to the public will not save another person from being harmed by him, as LE and the justice system have taken care of that for us.
Sending thoughts and prayers to Louisianna...all Websleuth friends in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Lafayette....also Mississippi...May God keep each of you safe as TS Isaac heads your way.

Once again Florida has be spared much of the storm's wrath. Very few people remain without power in Miami and the Florida Keys.

My DH works as a liaison with the power companies in Fort Myers, Orlando and St. Augustine....they all had called in Power Workers from Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina...Early this morning they released them and as we speak....those workers are on their way to Misssissippi and Louisianna.....So help is on the way...Yeah!

DH and 40+ Power workers lived in their trucks for 2 to 3 months in The Mall in Baton Rouge, during Katrina...He and his men then worked on Hwy. 90. Tell you a secret....when you see lots of out of town Power Workers...they find out the closest Motel and will start restoring powered that they have a cool place to sleep and Hot water for baths...LOL

Please say a prayer for all Power Line Men....they are the unsung heros....We all want our powers back on...but never remember to thank the ones that risk their lives to make it happen! I am really glad that DH is the liaison...not in those buckets doing the ultra dangerous work..

Dear God...Please Protect Those In the Path of TS Isaac

A HUGE thank you to your husband and all of those who have restored power to us after past hurricanes. I've been through a few of them and it can be quite miserable in that heat and humidity.

Their work is greatly appreciated!!!
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