Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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garryb, do you know if BSL was a hunter, or what his hobbys & interests were. Did he read & if so, what type of books? TIA..
garryb, thank you for sharing this morning. In some fashion, I assume it to be a cleansing for you and your family. A new day for truth, a new day for healing. Might I ask if BSL suffered any 'DRUG' issues?
Lets not confuse the facts. I said they were at her house the day he went back to work, not the day after the truck burning. Those to occasions are weeks apart. From what I can tell, he took off work for several weeks due to his injuries. IMO the reason for him sending out the photo's of his injuries that Mighty Mick gave him, was for an excuse to stay home and cover his tracks...Like buying another truck, working on getting the RSO status removed from his DL, etc.

Oh, I misundestood. Sorry for the confusion!

When your daughter doubts herself and has bad moments of guillt, there's only one thing she needs to repeat to herself over and over:

Lisa Pate's children and grandmother now know the answers that tormented them for 13 years. She set them free from a horrible purgatory. The thing she did for them was so wonderful and priceless, and no one else could have done it. Her actions were the answer to years of prayers.

And, she saved the lives of future victims.

She is a hero. She deserves a medal. It's not her fault that Brandon put her in that situation. Tell her to give it to God. It's on him, not her.

We are all pretty tore up about all this, especially her. I'm afraid it is going to be quite a while before we get to a point where we see any good out of this situation, but thanks for you kind words and thoughts.
I would like to clear a few things up about what happened in Texas.
First and foremost, no one knew anything about murder, kidnapping, or Mickey, or Lisa.
The story that was told to his bio 1/2 sister was that someone borrowed his truck, then used it in some sort of gun running scheme in which there were witnesses. His story was that he was afraid, since he was a felon, that he would be charged with being involved, of course he said he didn't have anything to do with it, but he had to get rid of the truck to keep from going back to prison. He asked her to come and pick him up from the area where his truck was burned. He went back to her house and spent the night, then the next morning reported the truck stolen.
The day BSL went back to work, LE was on her doorstep asking questions. When they told her what was suspected, she was mortified, along with all of us. She cooperated with them 100%. She allowed her home to be searched, turned over pictures he had sent her of the truck burning, turned over pictures he sent her of his wounds, an told them everything he did and said. She was listed on the discovery documents by initials. Her statements were key to the Grand Jury in returning the indictment.
BSL's stories were all about his innocence to everything, including his stay in prison. He was framed for having consensual sex. She believed everything he said. Gullible, yes. Complicit, no way!
She also gave him a ride to the car rental agency, where he rented a car.
LE knows everything he did, according to them. They said they had been tracking his every move for weeks. I'll leave that to you to decide if they were lying to her when they said that, but they told her a few things that haven't been disclosed that leads me to believe them....

This clears up a lot. Thank you for sharing this. You and your family are victims just the same (albeit of a different variety), and you are all in our thoughts. I can only imagine how mortified she must have been, knowing that she had been duped into assisting someone for whom she cared in covering up such heinous acts.

In the future, I would appreciate it if you would discontinue trying to find her home address. I really would not prefer having Nancy Grace on her front doorstep with TV camera's.

Given what you just revealed, it's obvious that LE was -- and is -- way, way on top of this situation (including searches and investigations of said property and persons) and IMO there's no need for the public to know her address.

That said, please let her know that those of us who have followed this case here are grateful for her cooperation with LE, as she helped take down a very dangerous person. I'm just sorry that it wound up being someone she (and the rest of her family) cared about so much.
Thanks again for sharing this with us - he really is a pathological liar - makes me think he has a split personality - a real Jekyll & Hyde. Do you know if he ever had any clinical diagnosis of mental problems? If so, I'm wondering why this wasn't presented in court, or taken into account. I think he needs treatment, even though it's sadly too late to prevent the murders - at least it would help explain some of his actions and help his family to find some kind of explanation for his heinous crimes. I personally believe there's a very, very thin line between psychiatric conditions and *evil*. JMO

I have no knowledge of any diagnosis or clinical treatment. IMO BSL was a "bad seed" nothing more, nothing less. Some people are weak and cannot overcome their urges. Brandon was one of those, truly weak, while putting on an appearance of being strong. Must have been quite an internal conflict within his mind. I don't buy into the theory that his actions are within his DNA, and I don't think you will ever put a logical conclusion to that which is truly illogical.
garryb, thank you for sharing this morning. In some fashion, I assume it to be a cleansing for you and your family. A new day for truth, a new day for healing. Might I ask if BSL suffered any 'DRUG' issues?

To my knowledge he did not have a drug or alcohol problem. He may have smoked a doobie now and then, but then that doesn't make you kill people. He never drank around me or anyone that I know of. Quite the opposite, he presented himself as a Christian.
Garryb, if you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for him to "recover" from his wombs? Some reports say they were life threatening and others indicate they were not that critical.
Garryb, if you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for him to "recover" from his wombs? Some reports say they were life threatening and others indicate they were not that critical.

IMO his injuries weren't "life threatening" except in his own mind. I would back that up from the report that said the hospital released him with non-life threatening injuries.
I think they truly life threatening in the way they tied him to what actually happened. Thank Mighty Mick!
I think, but don't know for sure, that he took a rotation off. Not sure, but I think it was about a month.
I had typed a response to MamaRoux on the old thread but it was closed when I entered it-- so I pasted here:

I have posted earlier that every soul is precious to God and at the end of our days on earth, it will be God who looks into our hearts and and it is He who will send us to our eternal home. I, for one intend to fight the devil for Brandon's soul. Obviously he (Satan) has teased, tempted and taken over Brandon's thoughts, actions and life from and early age. This is not something one asks for, and there but for the grace of God go I or any one of us. The bible says that the devil roams the earth to and fro seeking whom he may devour. He has devoured Brandon Scott Lavergne...mind, body...but not soul...not yet. I know that in time to come, if he does come to repentance, it will be called a "jail house conversion" by those who wish him to rot in hell...however it is not up to me, or anyone else to judge his heart. As I said, that will be done by God when the time comes. My prayers are with all of the families effected by the actions of BSL. Right now, I know that Mickey and Lisa are resting in the arms of God. I feel it my duty to pray for Brandon Lavergne, not because I condone his horrendous actions, but because it is his soul in need of fervent prayer right now.
I know this isn't a popular thing to say, especially today, but I feel a prompting and almost an urgency to "put it out there."

I would appreciate it if my fellow WSers would not be too hard with the bashing. I'm the sensitive sort.:please:

Beautiful statement . I just to my husband last night that if I were the Shunick's, I think I might not read BSLs letter either. I'd let my attorney read and store if anything might be relevant to the future. If BSL is repentant to them, his family, GF , whoever --- it means little . To me--- his repentance is between him and God. And if he really wants it and is sincere God will grant . And quite honestly I hope that is the case. It would be the ultimate justice over evil . BUT--- some of the mysteries of this world are not for us to know. BSL is best being served earththly justice and being put where he does not have the opportunity to succumb to the evil that has been or is within him. It's easy to let ourselves imagine letting him be terrorized as he has others. And it satisfies our hurt and anger and frustration at a broken people and broken society. But ultimately the blessing lies in the battle a little angel courageously took up to fight against evil and help prevent it from continuing. Mighty Mickey carried some amazing strength . I think thins speaks volumes about the kind of person she was raised to be! I know her parents must be full of pride. Their actions through out this all are inspiring.

Must stop now as the tears are rolling-- excuse typos-- I'll fix later
I have no knowledge of any diagnosis or clinical treatment. IMO BSL was a "bad seed" nothing more, nothing less. Some people are weak and cannot overcome their urges. Brandon was one of those, truly weak, while putting on an appearance of being strong. Must have been quite an internal conflict within his mind. I don't buy into the theory that his actions are within his DNA, and I don't think you will ever put a logical conclusion to that which is truly illogical.

Thanks again, garryb - I'm sure I read that Brandon was sent to a psychiatric hospital many years ago, while he was still in school - possibly when he was in his early teens. I have no link to that information, but perhaps one of my fellow sleuthers can help with this? I also read that he had been bullied and mocked in school, and became a bully himself and earned the nickname *Psycho*. In a small community like Church Point, it must have been hard for him to try to shake off that reputation. People are quick to label and judge others, especially kids - and so I'm guessing he decided to live up to his reputation. It's a pity that he chose to do so, instead of proving everyone wrong and living a happy, productive, good life. JMO
Hellcat, you put him away for life. Now rest from your pain & get the victory you deserve. You fought like the bravest of warriors. As did Lisa.

Dona, you asked on the trial thread about the pic to which I linked. That thread is now closed, thus my reason for replying here.

Anyway, that pic was posted on the KATC website. It was snapped in NYC yesterday afternoon...not sure who the photographer was. But dammit if it isn't awesome, eh?
IMO his injuries weren't "life threatening" except in his own mind. I would back that up from the report that said the hospital released him with non-life threatening injuries.
I think they truly life threatening in the way they tied him to what actually happened. Thank Mighty Mick!
I think, but don't know for sure, that he took a rotation off. Not sure, but I think it was about a month.

First, I too would like to thank you and BSL's sister for her cooperation with the police. I have a brother. I love him so very, very much. I imagine being in her shoes and I respect her so much for doing what is right even though I imagine it wasn't easy. That speaks volumes about HER character. Her cooperation was very brave and selfless. Please let her know. I imagine there is a lot of grief within BSL's family. He is not a reflection of you. He chose the path he went down. We may never understand why or how he could commit the crimes he did but please remember the guilt is his alone to bear.

And 2nd- one of the most common hitches for the oilfield is 2weeks on/2 off. So a month sounds about right.
We know from the confession/papers from court Friday that BSL was driving around Lafayette calling escort services.

I have to wonder if there aren't any missing/deceased escorts in Lafayette that haven't gotten much attention (and prostitutes from around the Four Corners area of Lafayette, as he wasn't driving that far from there).
if you don't mind another question Garryb, how long has he known his birth family? The reason I ask is because I am kinda curious how long he has been traveling to Texas to see them. BTW thank you for your help today. On a side note, I felt like we would get more answers yesterday from the hearing, but I woke up today with more questions than I had yesterday morning.
We know from the confession/papers from court Friday that BSL was driving around Lafayette calling escort services.

I have to wonder if there aren't any missing/deceased escorts in Lafayette that haven't gotten much attention (and prostitutes from around the Four Corners area of Lafayette, as he wasn't driving that far from there).

Yes, very good point! Also some of the so-called "Jennings 8" - there are some of those girls who were murdered when Brandon was out of jail.
Where have we heard that he knew what happened and helped BSL out? Maybe I missed this info?

I made a BIG mistake. I thought I remembered reading in the court documents that he "formulated a plan" with his out of town friend. I just back and reread the documents and it said that he "formulated a plan" when he went back to his residence for the second time before he went to NOLA. I STAND CORRECTED!!! I'm very sorry for this mistake.
Brssie, any chance that the NY pic of the marquee can be set above every thread involving BSL &/or victims, if any in future?? After yours of course??
We know from the confession/papers from court Friday that BSL was driving around Lafayette calling escort services.

I have to wonder if there aren't any missing/deceased escorts in Lafayette that haven't gotten much attention (and prostitutes from around the Four Corners area of Lafayette, as he wasn't driving that far from there).

Very interesting! I agree, good point! IMO, with the calls (plural), this was something he frequently used.
Dona, you asked on the trial thread about the pic to which I linked. That thread is now closed, thus my reason for replying here.

Anyway, that pic was posted on the KATC website. It was snapped in NYC yesterday afternoon...not sure who the photographer was. But dammit if it isn't awesome, eh?
Awesome, I'd love to see it very time I'm on here.
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