
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Did Casey 'sleep' with all her 'friends'? Seems like allot of boyfriends in a small ammount of time. Did she ever mention incest or molestation?

well, i didnt sleep with her.

and incest or molestation? no lol
which brandon?

LOL...Maybe ANY Brandon, the way it looks. Maybe it is a good thread to get them all hashed out before he has an "initials only" title. Seems we are all mixed up on what Brandon is who. Hopefully, you being here will help us all straighten that out. It needs some work, but is coming along and we will all agree when the hashing is done on the Brandons...hopefully. Thanks for being here to help.:crazy::confused::waitasec:
BRandon is not the father, ive known him for years, we joined the army together. He cant be more non involved with caylee since he wasnt even here for this nonsense.

ANything else regarding miscarriages and fallouts with casey is a personal matter completely off-subject to Caylee missing.
Considering it is now public record from LE's interview with Amy, its all part of the mystery that is CASEY. This information that is gathered is part of the investigation to find Caylee, whether it be true or not.
let me see a picture of this amy girl, so i can say for certain if she was at anything but clothes party in may
On the right blond braids.
I asked that question but he never answered? How would he know for sure that BS was NOT the father -- unless he was, or Exit 13 is BS?? Didn't AH say that Casey took Caylee to that party? RM in the Globe said she told him that Brandon was the father.

Any thoughts, Exit? Help us understand all of this confusion, if you can, please
These are my notes on BS gleaned from Websleuths by various members....

BS Friend (ex boyfriend a/k/s SNOWMAN According to Exit13 (Websleuths), he is not the father of Caylee. ) of Casey. “Im Brandon 23 years old. I just got back from my 2nd deployment, which was about 15 months in Iraq. Right now Im just hanging out in North Carolina waiting to get orders to redeploy back to iraq at a later date. I have some of the best friends that a person could ever ask for. They are true and good at heart. These last couple of weeks have no doubt been the best couple in the longest time. I cant imagine anything going better in my life than what is already taking place. Funny how that old saying is good things come to those whom wait. I now believe that. Im thankful everyday for what I have and would never do anything to risk it.” ** SNOWMAN BS TOP FRIENDS INCLUDE SEVERAL OF THE LAKE VAJ CREW & CAST IRON TATTOOS CREW **
SNOWMAN BS SCHOOLS Colonial High School Orlando,Florida
Graduated: 2003 Degree: High School Diploma
Clubs: Automotive Club, Drinking Club

10/3/06 1:23 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
babe, don't say that. i was working the first time you called, and wasn't able to get to my phone in time. i wasn't sure if i could call that number back, that's why i haven't tried to call. and as far as today, i was getting my hair cut. i really hate that i keep missing your calls. i postponed sending my letter so i could get together some pictures from lauren's birthday, and even of the munchkin and myself. i'm always thinking about you B, and can't wait for you to come back home.

10/14/06 6:10 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
aw, i miss you B.
can't wait to see you in Jan. i'll have to take a few days off so we can all get together. i say we even brave the cold, and hit the beach... for old times' sake
i'll make sure to send some pictures asap. you wouldn't believe how big caylee is getting.
take care of yourself hun.

10/24/06 10:24 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
you have ABSOLUTELY no idea how much i miss you!!!
the sooner you get home, the better. not only are we going to dinner, getting wasted, and taking tons of pictures, but we will create so many more memories to help you get through the rest of your leave. please be careful. know that you're in my heart, and my thoughts, and i just can't wait to squeeze the **** out of you!!!!

11/18/06 12:38 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

well, you aren't the only one that hasn't really talked to anyone. cory's probably the only one that's attempted to call me in the past few months, but, you know the history with that. haha.
anyway. trying to figure out tattoo ideas. there are few people i would love to share the experience with, and well, you are most definitely one of them. as far as things here, i'm doing well. looking for a new job, trying to figure out what to do with school, and all that crazy stuff. same old. not too much has changed. my relationship history is of course repeating itself, like i should be surprised at this point. i guess i'm one of those that has yet to be lucky in love. someday.
i'm assuming everyone is doing well. i haven't heard otherwise, so i guess that's a good thing. definitely can't wait for our reunion though. i've missed my boys, definitely one in particular
L-O-V-E the new pictures. you're looking like more of a badass everyday. good stuff babe. glad you're well. we'll be throwing a few back soon enough. i have been looking forward to this for sometime, indeed. take care. miss you.

11/18/06 1:18 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
well, regardless if the boys are willing to talk now or not, i know we'll all definitely get together when you're home. at least you know you've always got me
trying to figure out tattoo ideas... i want something a bit bigger than the last one, considering it's about the size of a quarter. i think you've yet to see the shamrock.
i am definitely up for a theme park day. let me know where and when, and i can probably get us tickets ahead of time. i want to spend as much time with you as possible.
i almost forgot your past relationship woes. glad i'm not the only one. i don't think we're necessarily meant to be single, but we definitely haven't come across the "right one" yet, either. you never know!
i'll be your partner in crime when you're home. we have a lot of time to make up for. ♥
and don't worry... i can't help but think about my *sexy man in uniform*

11/21/06 12:47 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace definitely let my happy *advertiser censored* know asap about those dates! counting the days... already, just not officially yet
i'm doing alright. just trying to work the kinks out of a few situations. nothing too extreme. planning a little *surprise* for a special someone (hint, hint). i can't wait for you to finally see the munchkin. she'll be as tall as me by the time you get here, but she probably still won't be putting a whole sentence together.
i'm all over going to busch gardens. although the new rollercoaster is quite intimidating, and i did chicken-out on my birthday, i may have to attempt it this time.
as far as the tattoo... i have a few ideas in the works. drawing up a couple things. i'll have a definite idea within the next week or so. cherry blossoms are beautiful. i think it will complete your arm very well. good stuff - and yeah, totally agree. solid image is the only place i'll go. bobby owes me a fill anyway.
it's almost 4am here, and i really couldn't sleep. glad i came on to see your message. i was in need of a pick-me-up, and this did the job. SO happy you're doing well.

and yes, it is 5'clock somewhere, just not here either. we'll take care of that soon enough.

take care. miss you. until next time.
12/7/06 8:06 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
babe, how is it possible that we miss each other twice in one day!? i literally got back home at 10:55, and missed your ims, by a couple minutes - 8:30 your time is roughly 12:30 my time, so i'll be here.

very happy that you got your official dates, so not only can i update my countdown, but i can start preparations - yay!
looks like we'll be seeing each other in exactly a month.

12/11/06 6:30 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace so i missed you twice last night, well technically this morning. i was up at 2. you messaged me at 12:30. and i was up after 9, since i didn't get to sleep at all last night. saw that you were on around 5:30 or so. no worries i know i'll catch ya at some point today.
hope everything is going well. and man, do i have a couple stories to tell you!!! miss you LOVER BOY!

12/22/06 11:03 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
alright, one. lay off the OSU cursor. i've had it for weeks.
second. i was talking about you TONS tonight, over beers with my brother & friends. can't find my ****ing cell phone though, so i'm not too thrilled. but yeah. just going to be hanging out at home tomorrow, since i'm off. counting the days til you're finally home again!
geez you little *advertiser censored*. come online when i'm actually here! i waited until late for you, and you're not on. we need to set up a time again, or something. i hate missing you. boo.
take care love. can't wait to see you... soon enough! ♥

12/25/06 1:29 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace Merry Christmas love!

gosh, i wish you were here. try and keep your spirits up today, and if you get a chance, call my *advertiser censored*! be careful. be safe. know that i love you, and miss you terribly, and can't wait until you're home!
oh, and there is some package under my christmas tree... and it has your name on it. wonder who it's from?

1/1/07 7:33 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i ♥ you!!!

1/2/07 6:39 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
hurry up and come home, so i can start my vacation!

1/6/07 1:09 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
you have no idea how happy i was to see you get off that plane. babe, i'm so glad you're home!

1/18/07 7:20 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
alright lover boy... we're going to add some of our new pictures to your page, before you leave.
thanks for dinner babe. at some point, we'll have to finish our game of 20 questions. good times. good times. ♥
1/22/07 9:50 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i can't wait to talk to you. it's only been 2 hours, but i'm already missing you like WHOA. i love you babe. be safe. take care. and enjoy your pictures

1/24/07 3:53 AM LEFT left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

it's official.... i miss you like crazy.
i love you. ♥

1/24/07 10:03 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

1/26/07 1:34 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
so i've decided, i'm going to call you Bam Bam. maybe it's because of my dream... haha, maybe not
either way, you are now Bam Bam.
love you hunny ♥

1/29/07 7:38 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

i love you. it's as simple as that.

1/30/07 8:36 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
make sure you wear tons of sunscreen! and try not to get too hot...
i don't want my SNOWMAN melting.

2/1/07 3:25 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
you're crazy, but i love you.
and yes, you make me randy... like no other!

2/1/07 9:56 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
seriously, you leave the best picture comments!!! ♥
i'll be waiting for your happy *advertiser censored* tonight.

2/3/07 6:03 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i love our late-night/early-morning talks... even if i do lose hours of necessary beauty sleep
it's so worth it!

2/3/07 8:34 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
oh yeah. and condoms=the devil.
enough said.

2/5/07 6:35 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
two guesses what i'm thinking about right now....

2/5/07 1:34 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
you know i will

2/5/07 1:38 PM (looks like they were dating) left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
2/12/07 8:54 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

we haven't gotten to talk much the last few days... just know that i'm thinking about you.

2/17/07 6:18 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
♥ you

2/17/07 5:08 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i absolutely can't wait to talk to you!!!!
miss you baby.

2/19/07 9:18 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
missing my .monkey man.
hope you're feeling better.
love you babe.

2/21/07 12:25 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

you absolutely .rock. my world ♥

2/22/07 12:55 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

so i got to take a nap... and had the funniest dream about you. remind me tonight to tell you about it.
and i guess now, i should start calling you "boss". ha. ♥

2/24/07 3:24 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i miss you. ♥

3/3/07 7:33 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i love you.
it's worth it.

don't ever forget that.

3/8/07 5:27 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
so your mom, is absolutely the best, without a doubt.
oh, and here's my BIG idea for when you come home... cruise maybe? ♥

3/14/07 6:37 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
a new song? stand back!
oh, and BEST GROUP, ever.
enough said.
take care love.

3/20/07 8:18 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i heard that there is something waiting for me at your parent's house. i'm definitely going to have to make my weekly visit to see them, and share my stories from last night.

wish you could have been here.

take care. stay safe.

3/21/07 7:44 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
stopped by the house. your parents are doing really well. thanks for my birthday present
hope you're well.

and i wasn't kidding about that bottle of patron. i will have your name nicely written on it, for when you return. it's long awaited, to say the least.

4/3/07 7:13 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
so you're still breathing? nice to see. drop me a line one of these days... you know. that's what friends do.
This is CASEYS’s Last comment to her friend Brandon - after this nothing on his myspace comments – it seems something happened between them, my impression is they were friends & then dated for while and then broke –up for some reason Just after Casey’s B-day. It seems they may have even been dating all though he was deployed while she was possibly still dating Jesse.....
These are my notes on BS gleaned from Websleuths by various members....

BS Friend (ex boyfriend a/k/s SNOWMAN According to Exit13 (Websleuths), he is not the father of Caylee. ) of Casey. “Im Brandon 23 years old. I just got back from my 2nd deployment, which was about 15 months in Iraq. Right now Im just hanging out in North Carolina waiting to get orders to redeploy back to iraq at a later date. I have some of the best friends that a person could ever ask for. They are true and good at heart. These last couple of weeks have no doubt been the best couple in the longest time. I cant imagine anything going better in my life than what is already taking place. Funny how that old saying is good things come to those whom wait. I now believe that. Im thankful everyday for what I have and would never do anything to risk it.” ** SNOWMAN BS TOP FRIENDS INCLUDE SEVERAL OF THE LAKE VAJ CREW & CAST IRON TATTOOS CREW **
SNOWMAN BS SCHOOLS Colonial High School Orlando,Florida
Graduated: 2003 Degree: High School Diploma
Clubs: Automotive Club, Drinking Club

10/3/06 1:23 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
babe, don't say that. i was working the first time you called, and wasn't able to get to my phone in time. i wasn't sure if i could call that number back, that's why i haven't tried to call. and as far as today, i was getting my hair cut. i really hate that i keep missing your calls. i postponed sending my letter so i could get together some pictures from lauren's birthday, and even of the munchkin and myself. i'm always thinking about you B, and can't wait for you to come back home.

10/14/06 6:10 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
aw, i miss you B.
can't wait to see you in Jan. i'll have to take a few days off so we can all get together. i say we even brave the cold, and hit the beach... for old times' sake
i'll make sure to send some pictures asap. you wouldn't believe how big caylee is getting.
take care of yourself hun.

10/24/06 10:24 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
you have ABSOLUTELY no idea how much i miss you!!!
the sooner you get home, the better. not only are we going to dinner, getting wasted, and taking tons of pictures, but we will create so many more memories to help you get through the rest of your leave. please be careful. know that you're in my heart, and my thoughts, and i just can't wait to squeeze the **** out of you!!!!

11/18/06 12:38 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

well, you aren't the only one that hasn't really talked to anyone. cory's probably the only one that's attempted to call me in the past few months, but, you know the history with that. haha.
anyway. trying to figure out tattoo ideas. there are few people i would love to share the experience with, and well, you are most definitely one of them. as far as things here, i'm doing well. looking for a new job, trying to figure out what to do with school, and all that crazy stuff. same old. not too much has changed. my relationship history is of course repeating itself, like i should be surprised at this point. i guess i'm one of those that has yet to be lucky in love. someday.
i'm assuming everyone is doing well. i haven't heard otherwise, so i guess that's a good thing. definitely can't wait for our reunion though. i've missed my boys, definitely one in particular
L-O-V-E the new pictures. you're looking like more of a badass everyday. good stuff babe. glad you're well. we'll be throwing a few back soon enough. i have been looking forward to this for sometime, indeed. take care. miss you.

11/18/06 1:18 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
well, regardless if the boys are willing to talk now or not, i know we'll all definitely get together when you're home. at least you know you've always got me
trying to figure out tattoo ideas... i want something a bit bigger than the last one, considering it's about the size of a quarter. i think you've yet to see the shamrock.
i am definitely up for a theme park day. let me know where and when, and i can probably get us tickets ahead of time. i want to spend as much time with you as possible.
i almost forgot your past relationship woes. glad i'm not the only one. i don't think we're necessarily meant to be single, but we definitely haven't come across the "right one" yet, either. you never know!
i'll be your partner in crime when you're home. we have a lot of time to make up for. ♥
and don't worry... i can't help but think about my *sexy man in uniform*

11/21/06 12:47 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace definitely let my happy *advertiser censored* know asap about those dates! counting the days... already, just not officially yet
i'm doing alright. just trying to work the kinks out of a few situations. nothing too extreme. planning a little *surprise* for a special someone (hint, hint). i can't wait for you to finally see the munchkin. she'll be as tall as me by the time you get here, but she probably still won't be putting a whole sentence together.
i'm all over going to busch gardens. although the new rollercoaster is quite intimidating, and i did chicken-out on my birthday, i may have to attempt it this time.
as far as the tattoo... i have a few ideas in the works. drawing up a couple things. i'll have a definite idea within the next week or so. cherry blossoms are beautiful. i think it will complete your arm very well. good stuff - and yeah, totally agree. solid image is the only place i'll go. bobby owes me a fill anyway.
it's almost 4am here, and i really couldn't sleep. glad i came on to see your message. i was in need of a pick-me-up, and this did the job. SO happy you're doing well.

and yes, it is 5'clock somewhere, just not here either. we'll take care of that soon enough.

take care. miss you. until next time.
12/7/06 8:06 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
babe, how is it possible that we miss each other twice in one day!? i literally got back home at 10:55, and missed your ims, by a couple minutes - 8:30 your time is roughly 12:30 my time, so i'll be here.

very happy that you got your official dates, so not only can i update my countdown, but i can start preparations - yay!
looks like we'll be seeing each other in exactly a month.

12/11/06 6:30 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace so i missed you twice last night, well technically this morning. i was up at 2. you messaged me at 12:30. and i was up after 9, since i didn't get to sleep at all last night. saw that you were on around 5:30 or so. no worries i know i'll catch ya at some point today.
hope everything is going well. and man, do i have a couple stories to tell you!!! miss you LOVER BOY!

12/22/06 11:03 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
alright, one. lay off the OSU cursor. i've had it for weeks.
second. i was talking about you TONS tonight, over beers with my brother & friends. can't find my ****ing cell phone though, so i'm not too thrilled. but yeah. just going to be hanging out at home tomorrow, since i'm off. counting the days til you're finally home again!
geez you little *advertiser censored*. come online when i'm actually here! i waited until late for you, and you're not on. we need to set up a time again, or something. i hate missing you. boo.
take care love. can't wait to see you... soon enough! ♥

12/25/06 1:29 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace Merry Christmas love!

gosh, i wish you were here. try and keep your spirits up today, and if you get a chance, call my *advertiser censored*! be careful. be safe. know that i love you, and miss you terribly, and can't wait until you're home!
oh, and there is some package under my christmas tree... and it has your name on it. wonder who it's from?

1/1/07 7:33 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i ♥ you!!!

1/2/07 6:39 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
hurry up and come home, so i can start my vacation!

1/6/07 1:09 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
you have no idea how happy i was to see you get off that plane. babe, i'm so glad you're home!

1/18/07 7:20 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
alright lover boy... we're going to add some of our new pictures to your page, before you leave.
thanks for dinner babe. at some point, we'll have to finish our game of 20 questions. good times. good times. ♥
1/22/07 9:50 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i can't wait to talk to you. it's only been 2 hours, but i'm already missing you like WHOA. i love you babe. be safe. take care. and enjoy your pictures

1/24/07 3:53 AM LEFT left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

it's official.... i miss you like crazy.
i love you. ♥

1/24/07 10:03 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

1/26/07 1:34 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
so i've decided, i'm going to call you Bam Bam. maybe it's because of my dream... haha, maybe not
either way, you are now Bam Bam.
love you hunny ♥

1/29/07 7:38 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

i love you. it's as simple as that.

1/30/07 8:36 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
make sure you wear tons of sunscreen! and try not to get too hot...
i don't want my SNOWMAN melting.

2/1/07 3:25 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
you're crazy, but i love you.
and yes, you make me randy... like no other!

2/1/07 9:56 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
seriously, you leave the best picture comments!!! ♥
i'll be waiting for your happy *advertiser censored* tonight.

2/3/07 6:03 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i love our late-night/early-morning talks... even if i do lose hours of necessary beauty sleep
it's so worth it!

2/3/07 8:34 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
oh yeah. and condoms=the devil.
enough said.

2/5/07 6:35 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
two guesses what i'm thinking about right now....

2/5/07 1:34 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
you know i will

2/5/07 1:38 PM (looks like they were dating) left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
2/12/07 8:54 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

we haven't gotten to talk much the last few days... just know that i'm thinking about you.

2/17/07 6:18 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
♥ you

2/17/07 5:08 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i absolutely can't wait to talk to you!!!!
miss you baby.

2/19/07 9:18 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
missing my .monkey man.
hope you're feeling better.
love you babe.

2/21/07 12:25 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

you absolutely .rock. my world ♥

2/22/07 12:55 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace

so i got to take a nap... and had the funniest dream about you. remind me tonight to tell you about it.
and i guess now, i should start calling you "boss". ha. ♥

2/24/07 3:24 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i miss you. ♥

3/3/07 7:33 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i love you.
it's worth it.

don't ever forget that.

3/8/07 5:27 AM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
so your mom, is absolutely the best, without a doubt.
oh, and here's my BIG idea for when you come home... cruise maybe? ♥

3/14/07 6:37 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
a new song? stand back!
oh, and BEST GROUP, ever.
enough said.
take care love.

3/20/07 8:18 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
i heard that there is something waiting for me at your parent's house. i'm definitely going to have to make my weekly visit to see them, and share my stories from last night.

wish you could have been here.

take care. stay safe.

3/21/07 7:44 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
stopped by the house. your parents are doing really well. thanks for my birthday present
hope you're well.

and i wasn't kidding about that bottle of patron. i will have your name nicely written on it, for when you return. it's long awaited, to say the least.

4/3/07 7:13 PM left by Casey on SNOWMAN MySpace
so you're still breathing? nice to see. drop me a line one of these days... you know. that's what friends do.
This is CASEYS’s Last comment to her friend Brandon - after this nothing on his myspace comments – it seems something happened between them, my impression is they were friends & then dated for while and then broke –up for some reason Just after Casey’s B-day. It seems they may have even been dating all though he was deployed while she was possibly still dating Jesse.....

like i said, they dated at that time period of 06-07

caylee was alread born
Any thoughts, Exit? Help us understand all of this confusion, if you can, please

ive known brandon a long time, and i trust him

and secondly, brandon was not in florida to impregnate casey around november of 04.

third, i dont care what AH says, casey didnt bring caylee at our party, im not gonna have some 2 year old running around in the middle of the night at my house with 80 drunk people walking around.
like i said, they dated at that time period of 06-07

caylee was alread born

Yes, just like you said. I'm just putting the dates/posts out there so others can add more info.

Thanks, Exit, for all your info!

and amberjack, what has been with the deragatory Private messages u have been sending me the past few days?

That is interesting - but don't sweat it.

You can check a poster's history here - and you might wanna do that once in a while - just to see where some folks might really be coming from - if you know what I mean - and I guess that's all I will say about that.
ive known brandon a long time, and i trust him

and secondly, brandon was not in florida to impregnate casey around november of 04.

third, i dont care what AH says, casey didnt bring caylee at our party, im not gonna have some 2 year old running around in the middle of the night at my house with 80 drunk people walking around.
:clap: :clap:
So ooooo...basically it looks like this brandon was just drug in like everyone else....
Exit is not Sean. I just wanna know if Amberjack still - right now - feels that Sean has control over Casey. He/she has stated this many times in the past - and I'm just curious if He/she still feels this way?
ive known brandon a long time, and i trust him

and secondly, brandon was not in florida to impregnate casey around november of 04.

third, i dont care what AH says, casey didnt bring caylee at our party, im not gonna have some 2 year old running around in the middle of the night at my house with 80 drunk people walking around.

I took away no clear impression reading Amy's statement-- that she said Caylee was there. The police seemed to start inserting comments that muddled all that up. That's my take on it.

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