Breaking News Archive - 20th - 26th Aug

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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scandi said:
I know why they want it. #1 to maybe test it for DNA, #2 to have a picture of it blown up and forensicly tested against the photo sent by email to the professor. They do things like that all the time on Miami CSI.
Oh man that cracked me up! :laugh: I love that show too. :)
MrsMush99 said:
My question is this Buzz. WHY isn't in EVIDENCE already!!! I mean for goodness sakes it's been 10 YEARS and in storage. They need to get their heads out of their BUTTS and focus on finding the killer of this angel.
Mushy, think, when did Michael Tracy receive the picture of the young boy, with a similar bear???
scandi said:
I don't know Lighthouselover, but it was when I read the bear was a bit tattered, and then in another post read it was an older bear they found in her room I just started thinking that maybe he gave this to her in person.

I haven't even seen a picture of the bear yet! LOL

Thanks JDB about the open house info. It was held at the Ramseys right, but John and Patsy weren't there.



Here ya go!
Brought this up on FOJ, but just heard on Court TV there was more recent DNA taken from the panties and tested and it is of HIGH QUALITY! It also supposedly matches some DNA taken from somewhere else on JonBenet's body!!! Jean Casaras says Lyn Wood said this the other day. HUH?
Buzzm1 said:
Mushy, think, when did Michael Tracy receive the picture of the young boy, with a similar bear???
I don't know. Do you? Is this a trick question?? :p
gaia said:
Brought this up on FOJ, but just heard on Court TV there was more recent DNA taken from the panties and tested and it is of HIGH QUALITY! It also supposedly matches some DNA taken from somewhere else on JonBenet's body!!! Jean Casaras says Lyn Wood said this the other day. HUH?
I knew we didn't know everything there was to know about this case.
Thanks for the link!

In my better than the average bear opinion, that is NOT a 25 year old bear! Looks like one of the bears that local department stores (Hecht's, Belk here) would give away with a $25 purchase. Could Patsy have gotten the bear and not realized it when she went Christmas shopping? Or John Ramsey did and just gave it to JonBenet?

Didn't they also deny owning the pineapple bowl too?
Buzzm1 said:
LOL, Mushy, it had to be after JMK bgan corresponding with Michael Tracey?? Kapish?
LOL, oh yes. Now I understand. Sorry, kids are making me have a meltdown. But that still doesn't explain to me why it hasn't been in evidence for the last 10 years.
Mushy, that is so funny. I was researching the bear and thought I'd check back and there was your pic of the bear! LOL

I think the picture had been sent to him recently. It takes so much time to backtrack these things, and OMG, I need to get to work! I've been reading here all day and am gonna have an irritated boss. YaYa

Tonight I'll find where I read it was a bit tattered and it was older.

MrsMush99 said:
I knew we didn't know everything there was to know about this case.
That's what I have been trying to tell people for days--I gave up trying two days ago. With advances in the processing of DNA from samples, they were able to obtain good DNA, and the results of the DNA were entered into CODIS at that time (2003).
Buzzm1 said:
That's what I have been trying to tell people for days--I gave up trying two days ago. With advances in the processing of DNA from samples, they were able to obtain good DNA, and the results of the DNA were entered into CODIS at that time (2003).
I agree with you Buzz. Don't give up, eventually people will listen.
MrsMush99 said:
LOL, oh yes. Now I understand. Sorry, kids are making me have a meltdown. But that still doesn't explain to me why it hasn't been in evidence for the last 10 years.
Mushy, it wasn't at all meaningful as evidence at the time the JBR murder happened.
I found this about the bear:,,20186217-663,00.html

"A CHILLING photo of the JonBenet Ramsey murder suspect hugging a white Santa Claus teddy bear is one of several twists in the murder mystery.
Former teacher John Mark Karr, 41, was arrested this week in Thailand over the notorious case and confessed to the six-year-old beauty queen's murder.

Now a bear in a picture he is said to have sent to a Colorado professor could be vital in proving whether he is the killer.

Students of Prof Michael Tracey, who Karr emailed for four years, recalled him describing a chilling photo sent by the suspect.

A bear being hugged by Karr in the boyhood snap was said to be the same as the one that appeared briefly in JonBenet's bedroom after her slaying in Boulder, Colorado, on December 26, 1996.

No one in the Ramsey family remembered seeing it before and it apparently vanished before police could seize it as evidence. . . . ."[/I}
Anita Richman said:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
OH.MY.GAWD! You people are on a roll today. (However, I can totally "see it". Those man-*advertiser censored* are VERY "Mrs. Claus", imo.)
I couldn't resist throwing that in there ~ it's Friday evening now, after a long week!
scandi said:
I found this about the bear:,,20186217-663,00.html

"A CHILLING photo of the JonBenet Ramsey murder suspect hugging a white Santa Claus teddy bear is one of several twists in the murder mystery.
Former teacher John Mark Karr, 41, was arrested this week in Thailand over the notorious case and confessed to the six-year-old beauty queen's murder.

Now a bear in a picture he is said to have sent to a Colorado professor could be vital in proving whether he is the killer.

Students of Prof Michael Tracey, who Karr emailed for four years, recalled him describing a chilling photo sent by the suspect.

A bear being hugged by Karr in the boyhood snap was said to be the same as the one that appeared briefly in JonBenet's bedroom after her slaying in Boulder, Colorado, on December 26, 1996.

No one in the Ramsey family remembered seeing it before and it apparently vanished before police could seize it as evidence. . . . ."[/I}

Now WHERE did I hear or read that the bear had a heart on its paw?? What I remember is that the bear on the photo had its paw blanked out, and the bear in evidence had its paw removed. Same paw. But I am not certain where this info came from. :confused:

I remember very clearly hearing this or reading this after the story of the bear came out.

Do I have to go digging again?? :doh: :crazy:
lighthouselover said:
Thanks for the link!

In my better than the average bear opinion, that is NOT a 25 year old bear! Looks like one of the bears that local department stores (Hecht's, Belk here) would give away with a $25 purchase. Could Patsy have gotten the bear and not realized it when she went Christmas shopping? Or John Ramsey did and just gave it to JonBenet?

Didn't they also deny owning the pineapple bowl too?

I did just read a link - well, article from RMNews - that Patsy remembered her getting a bear, but didn't think it was a Santa bear, but rather an angel bear. I'll pull it up tonight. Wish I knew how to hyperlink!
Shelayne said:
Now WHERE did I hear or read that the bear had a heart on its paw?? What I remember is that the bear on the photo had its paw blanked out, and the bear in evidence had its paw removed. Same paw. But I am not certain where this info came from. :confused:

I remember very clearly hearing this or reading this after the story of the bear came out.

Do I have to go digging again?? :doh: :crazy:
Did the Ramsey's put the bear's paw, with the heart, in JonBenet's casket?? Possibly??
Shelayne said:
Now WHERE did I hear or read that the bear had a heart on its paw?? What I remember is that the bear on the photo had its paw blanked out, and the bear in evidence had its paw removed. Same paw. But I am not certain where this info came from.

I remember very clearly hearing this or reading this after the story of the bear came out.

Do I have to go digging again?? :doh: :crazy:
I don't want to have to go diggin' either. :crazy:
Can someone point me to a solid answer about this bear?
I've read so many versions on so many sites.

The version that has me most perplexed is that the bear was in JBR's room the night of the murder and then it wasn't there later. Am I supposed to assume from this, that JK went back to the house after the investigation and got the bear?
Amity <-----sooooo confused.
Pardon me while my head spins.
scandi said:
I did just read a link - well, article from RMNews - that Patsy remembered her getting a bear, but didn't think it was a Santa bear, but rather an angel bear. I'll pull it up tonight. Wish I knew how to hyperlink!
Wish you did too, Scandi. :slap:
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