Breaking News Archive - 20th - 26th Aug

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DNA Solves
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Amity said:
I don't want to have to go diggin' either. :crazy:
Can someone point me to a solid answer about this bear?
I've read so many versions on so many sites.

The version that has me most perplexed is that the bear was in JBR's room the night of the murder and then it wasn't there later. Am I supposed to assume from this, that JK went back to the house after the investigation and got the bear?
Amity <-----sooooo confused.
Pardon me while my head spins.
That sounds just like a typical RDI Tale Amity--LOL
I am not up to speed on this case, but I do remember reading or hearing within the last week that they had found pictures of JonBenet with the bear. She was given it at some show she had been in. And no I don't remember where I either heard it or read it. It just cleared my mind of the bear question.

Buzzm1 said:
Did the Ramsey's put the bear's paw, with the heart, in JonBenet's casket?? Possibly??
The DA's office has requested the bear and now has it.
Brother: "Impossible" that Karr killed JonBenet

BOULDER, Colo. (Reuters) - It was "impossible" for John Mark Karr to have killed JonBenet Ramsey because he was with his family in another state when the child beauty queen was slain nearly 10 years ago, his half-brother said on Friday.

Nate Karr's comments offered emphatic support for an alibi initially offered by an ex-wife to John Karr. The 41-year old schoolteacher is expected on Monday to make his first court appearance in Boulder, Colorado, where 6-year-old JonBenet was found strangled to death on December 26, 1996.

John Karr will be represented by a public defender, court papers show.

Asked on ABC's "Good Morning America" if he thought his brother could have been involved in JonBenet's highly publicized murder, Nate Karr responded: "Absolutely not. Emphatically, absolutely, without a doubt, impossible."

John Karr said after his arrest in Thailand that he loved JonBenet and was with her when she died.

But Nate Karr said his half-brother spent the Christmas holiday with his family that year. He was vague about whether he recalled him being in Georgia, where their extended family lived, or Alabama, where John Karr had lived with his wife and children.
Buzzm1 said:
Mushy, it wasn't at all meaningful as evidence at the time the JBR murder happened.
If no one knew where it came from, I would think it should have been meaningful. Am I wrong in thinking that?
Buzzm1 said:
Someone said the bear was missing the paw with the heart. ??
Just the paw??? That's strange. You think they would bury a paw in the casket with her? I guess anything is possible.
has anyone checked if David Karr, a registered sex offender in Georgia is any relation to our suspect?
Lacy Wood said:
Nate Karr reiterates that his brother cannot be guilty. States they had kid oriented Christmas gatherings and communications, and it would have been an unforgettable family scandal if he had been absent, ever.


Did you notice that he doesn't mention that the family hasn't seen him for the last couple of years?

I posted a link yesterday somewhere about the 2 nd ex wife. The family friend who says he was so close to the family, says that she is now not real sure about his presence.

Found it:
Family members, including Karr's second ex-wife, Lara Knutson, have defended Karr's innocence. Knutson said Karr was with her and their children in Alabama that Christmas.

But McCrary said Knutson has since doubted her memory, and his own recollections from that year are shaky.
"I can't remember. It was 10 years ago," he said.,1713,BDC_2423_4941043,00.html
There shouldn't be much happening over the weekend; it should be mostly a rehash of the rehash that has been going on over the last few days. They are releasing the same article, two, and three, times, with possibly one new bit of information
If i had been out of the country for a few years, I would be bribing my attorney to bring me an extra-sized couple of cheeseburgers, large fries, and a couple of pepsis, and then a large combination pizza for lunch.
Portion of Patsy's 2000 interview:

2 Q. In December of 1998, there was a
3 fairly well publicized request from the
4 Boulder Police Department for assistance in
5 identifying and perhaps retrieving a Santa
6 Bear. Do you recall that?
7 A. Yes.
8 Q. Was it your understanding that the
9 bear that was sought was the same bear that
10 you were shown photographs of in 1998 June?
11 A. Yes.
12 Q. The same bear that you were
13 unable to identify?
14 A. Yes.
15 Q. We collectively, the prosecution
16 team, received from either Mr. Morgan or Mr.
17 Haddon the bear, the bear. Is that your
18 understanding?
19 A. Yes.
20 Q. How did we get it? I mean, what
21 was your participation in the chain of events
22 that led to the recovery of that bear?
23 A. The -- well, I think our lawyers
24 asked Gene Matthews, who was a local retired
25 police officer who had helped us with some
1 security at our home --
2 Q. Your home in Atlanta?
3 A. In Atlanta.
4 -- to go through boxes and look
5 for the bear.
6 Q. Did you assist him or is it her?
7 A. It is a him.
8 Q. Okay. Did you assist Mr.
9 Matthews, you personally?
10 A. You mean in digging through boxes?
11 Q. No. In offering suggestions to
12 where to look.
13 A. Well, I believe at that time we
14 were in the throes of a remodeling session,
15 and JonBenet's things that had come out of
16 her room in Colorado were packed and were in
17 the basement at my mother and father's house
18 in Roswell, Georgia.
19 So I told him that is where he
20 should start looking.
21 Q. Mrs. Ramsey, you emphatically
22 denied, in June of 1998, knowledge of that
23 bear. Did you have a change of
24 recollection, following the interviews in
25 1998, as to whether or not you had prior
1 knowledge of that bear?
2 MR. WOOD: Do you know what he
3 is asking you?
4 THE WITNESS: Do I recognize the
5 bear?
6 MR. WOOD: The emphatic part is
7 the only thing that concerns me. I am not
8 denying that it was emphatic, but I think
9 the point is you denied it in June of 1998,
10 and the question I think he is asking you is
11 when you found it, did that jog your
12 recollection that you might remember the
13 bear. Is that what you are asking?
14 MR. LEVIN: That is not quite the
15 question, but it is pretty close.
16 Q. (By Mr. Levin) What I am asking
17 you is, in June of 1998, you stated I do
18 not recognize this bear?
19 A. Correct.
20 Q. You recall that. The cry went
21 out for help in locating the origin of the
22 bear. Did you, at some point between our
23 request for assistance and in June of 1998,
24 have an opportunity to rethink the origin of
25 the bear and realize that that was, in fact,
1 JonBenet's Santa Bear?
2 MR. WOOD: I think you meant
3 between your request and December of 1998.
4 Q. (By Mr. Levin) Between June of
5 1998 and our request for help in December of
6 1998 --
7 MR. WOOD: That's right.
8 Q. (By Mr. Levin) -- did your
9 recollection get jogged and you realized that
10 you did, in fact, own the bear?
11 A. No. I mean, it was still a bear
12 that I did not recognize.
13 Q. Have you since that time had
14 anything that has refreshed your recollection
15 in that regard so that you now presently
16 know the source of that bear?
17 A. No.
18 Q. I am going to provide you with
19 some information to see if we can jog your
20 memory. I have seen a videotape taken at a
21 pageant in December, in fact, December 14,
22 1996. I think that was -- was that the
23 last -- I believe that was the last pageant
24 that JonBenet participated in.
25 MR. WOOD: Is that right?
1 Q. (By Mr. Levin) I am asking you
2 if that is your recollection as well.
3 THE WITNESS: Is that the
4 Christmas, one of the Christmas ones down by
5 the --
6 Q. Yes.
7 A. All right.
8 Q. Was that the last formal pageant
9 she participated in?
10 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
11 Q. I have seen a videotape of that.
12 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
13 Q. And in the videotape it shows the
14 prizes.
15 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
16 Q. And that bear is in the videotape
17 with you in the videotape?
18 A. Oh, really?
19 Q. And JonBenet won that bear at
20 that pageant. Assuming that that is a
21 fact --
22 MR. WOOD: And you represent it
23 as fact.
24 MR. LEVIN: I'm representing that
25 it is my belief that that is true, and I
1 have seen videotape that shows what appears
2 to be that bear.
Buzzm1 said:
Someone said the bear was missing the paw with the heart. ??

This is what I had read or heard just the other day, and I haven't had time to go research it better.

The gist of it was--Karr had sent Tracey a photo of him as a child with a Santa bear that may have had its paw blanked out--as in someone trying to obscure its paw on the photo and Karr intimated the paw had a heart on it.

The bear that was found at the Ramsey home, that none of the Ramseys remember being there, has a missing paw. (I hope I have that correctly)

I am going on a limb here and guessing that Karr told Tracey he has the paw. And the heart on its paw, and the one on JB's hand are connected.

I am not saying this is true, but if it WAS, and the paw IS missing, and JMK has it. My head is spinning. Again.
Pam Paugh, an aunt of JonBenet, said in an interview Friday that a small brown pouch attached to the bear contained a note.

The note was not alarming, but in view of the circumstances it was both "telling" and "a bit prophetic," Paugh said in an interview with the TV show "Inside Edition." She speculated that the bear may have been used to lure JonBenet out of her room.

Pam Paugh, recently told a reporter that a note was found in a pouch the bear had tied around its waist, but search warrants do not list any such note as evidence collected at the crime scene.
Last Thursday, DA Alex Hunter launched a worldwide search, via the media and Internet, for a teddy bear dressed like Santa Claus. The bear, sources said, was found on a bed in JonBeneÚt's bedroom and had a small pouch attached to it.

Hunter's office wanted to know who manufactured such bears and where they were sold.

A photograph of the bear - reportedly taken by police after JonBeneÚt's body was discovered in the basement of her family's home Dec. 26, 1996 - was posted on the DA's Web site and beamed across the globe.

Three similar bears were sent to the DA's office and hundreds of tips poured in to the Boulder office. The DA's office called off the hunt for tips without saying why prosecutors wanted the information or what they found.

The bear, for some reason, was never taken into evidence. "We are pleased to report that we now have the information we needed,'' Hunter said. "We are confident we have identified the sources where this bear could have been obtained.''
Hmmm Are there any old timer JB posters that remember Patsy only remembering an angel bear. What I read was from a post, so it is worthless.

I just learned this bear had a heart drawn on its paw like on JB 's palm. Where did the info come from that the bear now has lost that paw?

Forget work! I'm going reading. The DA would not have that bear brought to them unless they think it holds a serious clue IMHO.

scandi said:
Hmmm Are there any old timer JB posters that remember Patsy only remembering an angel bear. What I read was from a post, so it is worthless.

I just learned this bear had a heart drawn on its paw like on JB 's palm. Where did the info come from that the bear now has lost that paw?

Forget work! I'm going reading. The DA would not have that bear brought to them unless they think it holds a serious clue IMHO.

Scandi, someone posted that in the last two days. I have no idea if it is true.
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