Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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It is strange to me that people will criticize the handling of any case they are not personally involved in. I disagree with a lot of what has been said regarding how Law Enforcement is handling this case. I firmly believe that the statements they made to the press at the start of this case stating that they have no reason to link the previous rapes. Why would they release that information to the public without something concrete to back it up?

Also the idea that they brought the FBI in too late is laughable. For the FBI there are many different parameters that go into them even consider getting involved in a case.
The perfect example of the second guessing and casting judgment on LE is in the first thread about this case. There was a lot of speculating that the roommates had something to do with her disappearance or that it was an overdose etc....

I am not saying that Law enforcement is always right, but I have personally seen good people trashed in the media and had their careers and reputations put into question by people who only have half of the story.
I personally think that investigators eat a lot of crap, from people who don't know any better, but I can promise you that every single detective involved in this case are at it night and day and most likely suffering from the stress of not finding her yet...

I don't want to get into a big huge argument here and I think that tossing around ideas is a great thing, but I just don't think that any of us has the experience or the right to second guess the professionals who are looking at the case with a lot more information and tools than we have.

One more thing and I will step off my soap box, I am a 30 year old male, and I will tell everyone now that the shaving thing is not uncommon at all and I think the only reason that LE is saying anything about it is that they are hoping that the fact that the baby shoe means that there is someone close to him who would put two and two together. I know that the shaving has nothing to do with anything other than most of us who do shave or trim do it because it looks better and at least feels cleaner....
yes, I know...and with the Super Bowl, Super Tuesday, the Holloway case, and all, I'm sure it's not easy to get time on these shows. And I didn't mean to infer that they weren't doing anything, but, the cops have DNA for pete sake's. It's very frustrating to think that his DNA hasn't been run thru every single database that is available thru the Federal government. Having DNA is a gift.
I know this case is frustrating but the police can only do so much. The DNA will come in handy, once they have a suspect. Until someone puts two and two together and turns him in, there's not much that can be done but search. Hopefully they will find her soon. And him.
my guess is that LE is putting most of their efforts into finding him in hopes that once they get him, he will tell where she is. There is so much wilderness in that area, she could have been put anywhere, and with it being winter, it makes it even harder. I don't think she will be found near town anywhere.
It is strange to me that people will criticize the handling of any case they are not personally involved in. I disagree with a lot of what has been said regarding how Law Enforcement is handling this case. I firmly believe that the statements they made to the press at the start of this case stating that they have no reason to link the previous rapes. Why would they release that information to the public without something concrete to back it up?

Also the idea that they brought the FBI in too late is laughable. For the FBI there are many different parameters that go into them even consider getting involved in a case.
The perfect example of the second guessing and casting judgment on LE is in the first thread about this case. There was a lot of speculating that the roommates had something to do with her disappearance or that it was an overdose etc....

I am not saying that Law enforcement is always right, but I have personally seen good people trashed in the media and had their careers and reputations put into question by people who only have half of the story.
I personally think that investigators eat a lot of crap, from people who don't know any better, but I can promise you that every single detective involved in this case are at it night and day and most likely suffering from the stress of not finding her yet...

I don't want to get into a big huge argument here and I think that tossing around ideas is a great thing, but I just don't think that any of us has the experience or the right to second guess the professionals who are looking at the case with a lot more information and tools than we have.

One more thing and I will step off my soap box, I am a 30 year old male, and I will tell everyone now that the shaving thing is not uncommon at all and I think the only reason that LE is saying anything about it is that they are hoping that the fact that the baby shoe means that there is someone close to him who would put two and two together. I know that the shaving has nothing to do with anything other than most of us who do shave or trim do it because it looks better and at least feels cleaner....

I agree about the LE bashing. Until you walk a milr in their shoes . . .
Casual lurker here.

Just wanted to say, you guys might be interested in this -

Of course, even if there's a chance it was the same guy, I'm not sure it helps the investigation much.

I just knew about this case since since it happened where I live. Its a safe area where you don't have to worry about anyone breaking in to your apartment, at least, usually. The door to my place isn't always locked, but then I'm not female and am not worried about stuff like this.
Casual lurker here.

Just wanted to say, you guys might be interested in this -

Of course, even if there's a chance it was the same guy, I'm not sure it helps the investigation much.

I just knew about this case since since it happened where I live. Its a safe area where you don't have to worry about anyone breaking in to your apartment, at least, usually. The door to my place isn't always locked, but then I'm not female and am not worried about stuff like this.

Wow, the description of the rapist sure sounds a lot like this guy....
hummm....around mid month, on a Tuesday around 5 am, victim is college student....does fit MO.
Welcome casual lurker BMG! Now that you are out of lurker mode - join us!

Casual lurker here.

Just wanted to say, you guys might be interested in this -

Of course, even if there's a chance it was the same guy, I'm not sure it helps the investigation much.

I just knew about this case since since it happened where I live. Its a safe area where you don't have to worry about anyone breaking in to your apartment, at least, usually. The door to my place isn't always locked, but then I'm not female and am not worried about stuff like this.
Dontpanic~ You won't get much argument from me on what you wrote. I did say much.

I think unless they have more to link the sketch to the other assaults besides that it happened near the will hurt the case.

LE did not pull out all the stops on the first two rapes or they would have had a more detailed description and would have already linked them before Brianna went missing. It was only after Brianna went missing did they reinterview the second victim and establish a link thru DNA. I don't see how you can honestly feel this is acceptable on the part of LE. They failed the first two women by not following through on their cases and could possibly have put this perp away before he escalated.

I don't doubt that the detectives are working this case 24/7 and will continue to do so until they find this man and Brianna. I know there are dedicated men and women on the force who will work diligently. However, they are limited in resources and face a daunting task. I realize the role of the FBI on these cases and why it takes time to mobilize them.

Bravo that you came out about the personal item you mentioned. I wish more people would speak out so that LE knows because I honestly don't think they do. They DO feel it is unusual and keep hanging their hat on to speak.
Casual lurker here.

Just wanted to say, you guys might be interested in this -

Of course, even if there's a chance it was the same guy, I'm not sure it helps the investigation much.

I just knew about this case since since it happened where I live. Its a safe area where you don't have to worry about anyone breaking in to your apartment, at least, usually. The door to my place isn't always locked, but then I'm not female and am not worried about stuff like this.
Welcome to Websleuths, BMG! It is an excellent first post! There are similarities which should be taken into consideration. The easiest way for LE to rule it in or out is thru comparing DNA in the cases. :)
Lets see Az and Reno. I really doubt it that it is the same guy. That is a long haul driving.
Adding The sketch is not even close
The sketch in the Reno case has in no way been proven to be connected to the disappearance of Brianna. This does prove my point that people are going to go by the sketch and disregard a man that could very well be the perp because of it.

This sketch does show a square jaw and the facial hair on the chin tho. It matches closer than the other sketch to the actual description given by the second victim, imo.

The attack in AZ happened near Sept. 12, 2007. This person could have left town because they had his face and moved to the Reno area to avoid capture.
Again I agree totally! Time, unlike other cases, appears to be an asset in Brianna's case, please don't ask me why! :crazy:

I cannot believe what the city of Reno is up too--mind you again, if that is anything? Asking the public to come forward for money to test. LE has stated that they do have the perps DNA; however, they have nothing with which to compare.

Lastly, yesterday's headline in my Google reader was: FBI want to establish National 'Characteristic' database....Ready: measurements, foot sizes, height, weight, 'the lot' including DNA. I have NOTHING whatsoever to hide, yet, it will take a warrant from the Supreme Court served on me in Australia after LE has talked with 5 or so lawyers to serve me.

Hey SuziQ, good work! Same to the rest of the Gang!

PS Sorry gang....Mark F. just comes off as being very sleazy to me...I don't know if I should admire it or dislike him for it. (lol)

Give me a freakin' break! All the money that Reno pulls in from gambling and they cannot come up with $150,000? They should be ashamed!
Casual lurker here.

Just wanted to say, you guys might be interested in this -

Of course, even if there's a chance it was the same guy, I'm not sure it helps the investigation much.

I just knew about this case since since it happened where I live. Its a safe area where you don't have to worry about anyone breaking in to your apartment, at least, usually. The door to my place isn't always locked, but then I'm not female and am not worried about stuff like this.

The likelihood of this perp being in Arizona is probable. They would have found him by now.

Can we fax this to RPD?
The likelihood of this perp being in Arizona is probable. They would have found him by now.

I don't know if they would have found him (edit - the perp in the AZ case I should clarify, I may have misread your comment). The description given in this case was very weak. In fact - the composite in the link I posted - I could be wrong but I remember seeing a different less defined sketch in the days immediately after the rape. And there was never reason to consider the rapist a serial rapist, and there was no missing person, so its not like it was on the news everyday.

The perp who has or had Brianna, who knows. He could be anywhere, and I'm sure LE in Reno has info that the public doesn't have, and I'm sure the public doesn't have it for a reason.
Prime example of laws being passed without the money to back them up. It looks great on paper...
You know, I see the posters all over town and it breaks my heart.

I have a car that's similar to the one in the surveillance tape. It's a different model and a different color, but it's close enough. If the police wanted to pull me over & talk to me that's fine with me. I know my rights, but I'm also the father of a teenage daughter and I would not deny Brianna's parents any peace of mind they could get from elimination of another possible suspect. If they want me to come downtown and talk to them I'll do it. I'm not required to, I know. But as a parent I would. As someone that wants the vile subhuman scum that hurt her found, I would do it.

But that's just me. Well, and a lot of other parents I know. And a lot of caring, concerned people that are not parents. But I know that nobody has to help if they don't want to.

Of course there is no loss of civil rights if you agree to being interviewed!

I may have a slightly more knowledgable (that's the wrong word, but I can't think of the right one right now!) point of view on this because I lived through the DNA dragnet in Louisiana when police were looking for the serial killer who turned out to be Derrick Todd Lee. Every white man between the ages of 20 and 50 who drove a white truck was asked to give DNA, and it was fine for those who agreed. But those who questioned the need for this action had their names leaked to the press in the most horrible contexts. LE hinted to reporters, neighbors and employers that the ONLY reason to object to giving your DNA was if you were guilty as sin.....peope lost their jobs and reputations because of a concerted effort on the part of LA LE to force people to "voluntarily" submit to the DNA dragnet. These young men had rock solid alibis for the times of the murders, but LE was relying so heavily on the dragnet that they were NOT INVESTIGATING. Meanwhile, not one DNA swab collected through the "dragnet" led to the arrest of the serial killer.

LE in Brianna's area need to use shoe leather, brain cells and every other investigative avenue available to them. If they spot someone....lets say your son......driving a similar vehicle, then it's 2 minutes of investigation to identify your son. Another hour or so to run down his criminal record, question his employer, etc. and totally eliminate him as a suspect. All done without pulling your son over. My fear is that just pulling people over and talking to them will REPLACE investigation. Maybe they've already talked to the perpetrator. In fact, I'm willing to bet big money that they've either talked to him, or at least had his name come up numerous times.

Did you know?
The fiscal year 2007 and 2008 budget for the Washoe County Crime Laboratory is roughly $3.7 million. So far this year, $1.6 million is left.
Of the revenue that is supposed to be collected by offenders mandated by law to pay for DNA testing and drug fees, only about $5,000 has been collected during the fiscal year, or roughly, 10 percent. Offenders are charged $150 to have their DNA taken and submitted into a state and national database. Forcing civil judgments against these offenders to pay the fee takes up too much manpower and further depletes resources.

We know many SO's don't register as required by law. Now they are paying the required fee to process their DNA. Why are they allowed to police themselves? Why is the fee considered civil?
Why is the fee considered civil?

That is one of the most rediculous things I have ever read in my life! I am appalled that they are doing this, and agree, civil is the wrong word for such an awful way of doing things!
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