Brianna Denison 19yo Reno NV #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Correct me please but have RPD mentioned Jason Dorfman before? Not to my knowledge. The only place we have seen Jason mentioned was on the same post as was quoted in the article.

Now this guy sees her at 3:00 AM? According to the post, but it has not been confirmed by anyone as far as I can tell.

Weather: On morning of January 20th did they think to take pictures of the exterior of the crime scene? One would have to assume they did their job.

I'm starting in the morning regardless. They should already know who, what, where bought and received the product. Stop n' Go, 7-11, liquor store wherever, is going to have this perp on video. It is all too easy tracking down this bit with the condoms. I agree! Go for it! If they have not done this, they could be missing a very important clue in this case. While I am sure that many men buy condoms (if they are reasonably intelligent in this day n age), they should be able to narrow down the ones who bought the specific type of condoms found at the crime scene. Were there "batch numbers" on the packages? Any other numbers or markings to tie them to a particular batch the store that sold them could link? I can honestly say I have never looked and I don't keep them onhand to check this information out. Maybe one of our sleuths could buy some to see what is on the individual packets?

They have NOT connected the October incident with DNA of the other 3 crime scenes, to my knowledge. This has been my major complaint of releasing the sketch before this was determined. The only connection they have released is the location so far. The description of the man appears to be different than the second victim gave of her attacker, too.
I hope this helps with your questions. :)
(snipped) They hope that someone will remember this man having this brand of condoms and turn that information over to the police. Police say the condoms are Trojans with an expiration date of 5/2012, lot #TT7135WZ908. They say the condoms might have been put into circulation around October or November of 2007. (end snip)

Also, I have been wondering HOW the November 13th groping attack has been officially linked to the other cases including Brianna's. It was obviously not a semen DNA link. Anyone have any idea's??? I was thinking maybe he kissed/licked/bit the woman and they were able to get a DNA sample from saliva. Could there be enough saliva to do that? Could he have left semen, even though he didn't rape her?
This may or may not been posted already, but here seems to be a good background and summary of the case:
I like how they contrasted Brianna's case with a cold case to show how much technology and search efforts for missing persons has changed. I can't imagine not knowing what happened to your loved one for more than 20 years. But there are cases far colder than that. It's somewhat unbelievable - how can a person just never be found? Such a shame.
(snipped) They hope that someone will remember this man having this brand of condoms and turn that information over to the police. Police say the condoms are Trojans with an expiration date of 5/2012, lot #TT7135WZ908. They say the condoms might have been put into circulation around October or November of 2007. (end snip)

Because everytime someone purchases a box of condoms they're sure to check out the expiration date and LOT NUMBER!! And how many people bought a box of Trojan condoms in October or November?? It's good that they're releasing this info, don't get me wrong, but they can't seriously think that they're going to get any leads because of it. :rolleyes:
StillHoping; S.S., murdershewrote, newshound, et. al.,

Seriously Searching, thanks much for your commentary and answers to my previous questions! For a while there I thought I might either have lost it, or I was getting my cases mixed up! Again thank you!

StillHoping: Here is my best attempt on what little information RPD has provided. With regards to the DNA: During a radio show interview with one of the more up and coming trendy stations in Reno, the radio personality (vj?) asked Cmdr. Ron Holladay what was the source of the DNA. The chief began to answer, and with the host personality stating "I know that information is privileged…" the chief agreed, and continued by stating that certain oils emitted from our bodies contain our DNA. This is the apparent match or, just like everything else in this matter, could just be a hill of beans.

newshould: Thanks for the link! Times indeed have changed as has technology; yet mostly I think people are changing with the 'closeness' we all feel with some of the victims, for whatever reasons.

If anyone cares to here is a link to ABC News' GMA and main news site: If you have the time to read, it becomes very evident to me why there are so many questions based on complete misinformation. Link:
Because everytime someone purchases a box of condoms they're sure to check out the expiration date and LOT NUMBER!! And how many people bought a box of Trojan condoms in October or November?? It's good that they're releasing this info, don't get me wrong, but they can't seriously think that they're going to get any leads because of it. :rolleyes:


For reasons that I don't need to explain, that Lot Number is golden if pursued properly. That's all. CHEERS!

"certain oils emitted from our bodies contain our DNA"

the fact that he said "oils" is kind of interesting, most of our body doesn't get exactly oily, but our face emits oils and hair would, so I'm thinking maybe they got some kind of oily deposit from the guy's hair or that he had oily skin and rubbed his face up against the pillow?
Because everytime someone purchases a box of condoms they're sure to check out the expiration date and LOT NUMBER!! And how many people bought a box of Trojan condoms in October or November?? It's good that they're releasing this info, don't get me wrong, but they can't seriously think that they're going to get any leads because of it. :rolleyes:

I agree with you to a point. I think the reason that LE considers the condoms to be of such importance is that the brand was a rarely purchased brand "Very Sensitive". With the other evidence they have, if they get 20 names of people who use that brand of condom, they can easily rule them out, or in. They are hoping that a girlfriend/wife/friend etc. will recognize that as a brand used by someone, and with the other released details, become suspicious enough to turn him in. There might be only a small chance of this breaking the case, but it is a possibility.
"certain oils emitted from our bodies contain our DNA"

the fact that he said "oils" is kind of interesting, most of our body doesn't get exactly oily, but our face emits oils and hair would, so I'm thinking maybe they got some kind of oily deposit from the guy's hair or that he had oily skin and rubbed his face up against the pillow?

Thanks for the info Leviosa, I do remember reading that now but it had completely slipped my mind.
I found out recently that human hands/fingers do not produce oils on their own. So fingerprints usually come from oils from people touching other things, or their face etc.

The statement is still rather odd, though. I have not ever heard of another case where they got DNA from "Body Oils".

For reasons that I don't need to explain, that Lot Number is golden if pursued properly. That's all. CHEERS!


And I totally agree - but it would be LE doing the pursuing, not the public at large.

I agree with you to a point. I think the reason that LE considers the condoms to be of such importance is that the brand was a rarely purchased brand "Very Sensitive".

It's helpful to know the condoms were "very sensitive" or whatever - I didn't see that tidbit on the initial report. I just don't get the release of the lot number. But whatever. The more info the better.
Seems maybe the manufacturer could track what retailer the condoms were sold (say to a major pharmacy ) and then track to an individual store, or at least an area, by using the lot number. I think they use lot numbers all the time for recalls and can pin it down pretty close. At least it might tell where he shops.
I drove by the house this morning. I didn't see where anyone had posted photos of it, all I had seen is the picture in the paper.

It's pretty exposed on the corner, with some big windows that face a major street.

On College, at the stop sign at Sierra, looking West.

Acter crossing Sierra, still on College, heading West.

After going past the house I turned around on College - this is a shot pointed East on College

I also took a couple of pictures of Mel's Diner at the Sands - the distance from the house is about 1 1/4 miles:

On 4th Street, headed East, at about Ralston street

Still on 4th Street, just about to Arlington.
Thank you for the pictures . I never realized there were so many houses right there - what a risk the abductor took as far as not being fearful anyone from those houses would walk outside or look out a window and see him. Brianna was probably abducted closer to 5 a.m. - that's not too early for any early riser or someone who works a Sunday morning shift to be up and about brewing coffee or something.
Very risky, that's why I'm thinking she was alive when she left the house with him. He could have told her to make it look like they were just a young college couple coming home or leaving the house after a night of partying. Especially since the neighbors probably know that people are coming and going out of that house all the time, all hours. That's why I think she was taken at gun or knifepoint. Course with what she was wearing that might be a little strange, he may have given her his coat to put on to cover up.
Seems maybe the manufacturer could track what retailer the condoms were sold (say to a major pharmacy ) and then track to an individual store, or at least an area, by using the lot number. I think they use lot numbers all the time for recalls and can pin it down pretty close. At least it might tell where he shops.

I agree. If they can track the condoms down to having been sold at a specific store, a clerk may remember selling those condoms to a regular customer. Especially since they are not a popular style. It wouldn't be enough to convict anyone. But with the DNA already on file, all we need at this point is a name.

It would be interesting to know: If the condoms were purchased with a credit/debit card, can they pull that information up??? Would it depend on the individual store???
yes, say, for example if those condoms were defective the manufacturer would notify their customers to pull them off the shelves by lot number. That's what was done with all the pet food, etc. Not sure of LE is willing to go that far, but seems it could (and should) be done. How hard would it be to ask the local area pharmacies, 7-11's, etc. to check their lot numbers to help in this case?

Once they get the stores that have that stock particular lot number, they probably could pull the credit card receipts for a certain period of time. Although I just have a feeling this guy paid cash.
murdershewrote (msw), concernedperson (cp), and , all others…Greetings!

thank you so much for the photos and your time invested into this heinous crime. I have done exactly what you are doing and know how difficult and compromising it can be. Thanks again!

Cp, msw, now you are on precisely what and where my message was about—completely! Kudos! I once worked a case that had items of evidence that were far scarcer that these condoms are. However, once we put together the numbers, it became the focal point of our closing argument which ended in a conviction.

It's Bayesian economic theory--'if this...than that' kind of stuff.


(btw, anyone see Brianna's mom and uncle on Fox News today?)
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